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  1. M

    What's your favorite Exalt type (and why)?

    Hmmm this would be a tough one for me, I love Sidereals and Abyssals a lot but I would have to go with Abyssals just for all the evil stuff they can get away with.  :twisted:
  2. M

    Chronicles of Riddick and Abyssals

    Wow I’m glad someone else saw this besides myself.  My unit was on our way out of Iraq when the “hadjiâ€
  3. M

    TSJ's Tactics Thread

    Actually they are both Latin abbreviations “e.g.â€
  4. M

    An Exalted video game

    I sense some sarcasm from your post Joseph, seems highly uncalled for considering we’ve never even crossed paths. Anywho you’re correct about stunts, unless GMs are watching every battle that takes place, you’ll never be rewarded for them, but besides that, it would also...
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    TSJ's Tactics Thread

    AH the old MC problem.  Gotcha thanks.  My old ST figured how out he would do and it and seemed relatively easy and fluid, but not only did I stay far away from MC, but I completely forgot his ramblings of how it worked…maybe I’ll give him a call and have him post it on the boards.
  6. M

    I need a name for this artifact o' mine.

    Yeah it definitely would help to have an idea as to what type of character they are for and how the character is usually play out.
  7. M

    An Exalted video game

    My ST and I talked about if Exalted were to be PROPERLY made into a video game.  We first started discussing it as an MMO but then realized that there would be WAY too many complications due to regular ignorant humans that wouldn’t understand fate, charms and what not (then trying to get...
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    TSJ's Tactics Thread

    Pardon my ignorance on the subject but what exactly is this TSJ tactics?  Is it kind of like you control a few people and tell/suggest (given you have a high enough performance + manipulation or whatever roll) on what they should do?
  9. M


    Ah, for a second there Stillborn I thought you were the one that got blasted for the SS idea. I've never seen so many people grab pitchforks, shovels and other various farm tools for such a brutal verbal beating.
  10. M

    Sidereal exaltation and souls

    Yup, right on the money.
  11. M


    I’ll add my two jade here. 1) Ok, obviously beauty is in the eye of the beholder, that being said a deathlord would probably find utter disgust with some one with a high appearance, so I usually play appearance as is what the general public thinks is beautiful but yes it is kind of an...
  12. M

    Sidereal exaltation and souls

    Here’s a question for your Sidereal buffs out there.  I’m trying to do a background story on my character (which will play a significant roll later on in his current life[so my ST says]), and the question came up: lets say two Sidereals died at the same time one being a Chosen of...