I need a name for this artifact o' mine.


I need a good name, otherwize I'd probably submit it as "Meat and Potatoes" Like my friend said I should.

They're a pair of daggers (possibly short diklaves) one is made of black jade, the other is made of white, and attached to their handles are yard long lengths of braided silk. I have a (really crappy)picture of them:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v280/ ... rscopy.jpg

Any how they would be fairly low powered atrifacts, probably one or two dot, their powers only being slightly boosted stats for accuracy and rate.
Are the artifacts having any extra powers with them? If not, then i'd say they were basically short daiklaves, but with varied stats.  

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The look like a  Serpent Striking to me.

Are the rropes used int eh foghting style with them, i.e. I could toss them at someone like a ball and chain and then bring them back to me?

If so I could see something along the lines of Serpants Kiss the idea being that you use them to strike and retreat like a serpant attackign or kissing you lightly sinc eyou probably wouldnt' want to imbred them in someone because you would lose the weapon until you coudl yank it out of the person.  So the ideal attack would be slight glancing blows slowly cutting your opponent to death with liek razor sharp nicks.
Maryuoh said:
I'm reminded visually of needles. How about Bone Needles? Or Dragon Needles?
That is a cool idea then you might want to extend a power for the artifacts to suck essence forom someone for each health level of damage.

Of course that would be more like Leech Needles than Bone needs.
Have you considered putting them in a context of a character who owns them or the person that made them?

A laid back rogue type might just call them Salt 'n' Pepper whereas a more serious type with a theme going for him might call them something more fangy, bony, or needly like others have suggested.

Depending on what kind of background you have in mind for these weapons there's a chance you have a good source of inspiration right there. And as others asked, what about the significance of the silk? Would it contribute to the name?
i could see the braided ropes being used to disarm or perhaps entangle someone... although they'd probably need a weight at the bottoms (perhaps that could be a power given through the attunement?)

one name that (for no apparent reason) comes to me is "Silence and Snowfall" mostly because they look kind of like assassain weapons to me and perhaps the dark one is harder to detect or deflect and the other causes some kind of freeze effect which gives the victim a penalty to their dex or movement.

Of course... those ideas require revamping some of the artifact abilities.
Yeah it definitely would help to have an idea as to what type of character they are for and how the character is usually play out.

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