An Exalted video game

That´s exactly what I thought myself when I heard the news. But things seem a little vague. That´s why I´m asking for every bit of information people might have.
The last I heard, it's never coming as the company doing it died... horribly.

No, I'm not joking.
The closest game i've come to that reminds me of Exalted is Jade Empire on the Xbox.  Such a cool game.

Lurker didn't mean an Exalted-Like game... he meant Exalted the video game, which WAS in the works before the company hat was doing it collapsed.
Haku said:
Lurker didn't mean an Exalted-Like game... he meant Exalted the video game, which WAS in the works before the company hat was doing it collapsed.
Yeah, I know, just couldn't help myself.  It is such a pretty game though.

Haku said:
The last I heard, it's never coming as the company doing it died... horribly.
No, I'm not joking.
Let´s hope our dear WW sells the rights to yet another company, then.

BTW, which company was it? I heard somewhere it was Black Isle (which would be nice), but I´m not quite sure...
I have never been a huge fan of WW video games ever since Vamprie Masquerade came out for PC and the flubbed that so badly it hurt and scared me for life.
psychoph said:
I have never been a huge fan of WW video games ever since Vamprie Masquerade came out for PC and the flubbed that so badly it hurt and scared me for life.
I thought it was a pretty good game. The boss at the end was almost impossible to beat without being cheesy, though.

psychoph said:
I have never been a huge fan of WW video games ever since Vamprie Masquerade came out for PC and the flubbed that so badly it hurt and scared me for life.

Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines is a nice game, though.
Stillborn said:
I thought it was a pretty good game. The boss at the end was almost impossible to beat without being cheesy, though.

I shoudl probably preface that with I never beat the game, nor really got all that far.  I looked at it more form a potential storytelling aspect and how close tot eh rules it actually was and then again froma  programming aspect.  The idea of that game had so much potential it was scary, it was a precursor to Never Winter Nights imo, but the company that made it branched so far from White Wolf 2nd ed rules at the time that it was practically impossibel to run a Story.

Not only that but the development of your own maps was imensly silly.  I haerd so many stories of people haveing to place statues in front of doors in order to stop players from going through them that it was just rediculous.
psychoph said:
Not only that but the development of your own maps was imensly silly.  I haerd so many stories of people haveing to place statues in front of doors in order to stop players from going through them that it was just rediculous.
I think we might be talking about 2 different games. I'm talking about the RPG where you start off as a Brujah in medieval Prague.

Stillborn said:
I think we might be talking about 2 different games. I'm talking about the RPG where you start off as a Brujah in medieval Prague.

yep we are talkign aobut the same game.

That game also allows you to run games and develop your own stories within the game and play multiplayer.  It was like I said a percursour to the Never Winter nights sytem of allowing you to run your own stories through the game over the internet with friends.

You could script the dialog for NPCs and create your own effects through Java.  In fact there was a whole project to add all White Wolf games to the game, liek there is a Werewolf module for it, a Changeling Module, Wraith, Mage and so on.  If you didn't play multiplayer then you may not have noticed this.
I have to agree with Stillborn on this... I played VtM: Redemption and beat it a few times.  Although my 2nd time through I was running around killing random humans with the sword that casts theft of vitae, so when I beat the last boss I ended up triggering the "evil" ending.  

It wasn't the best game I've ever played, and it was a bit restrictive in what you could and could not do game-wise, but it was still an alright game.   The multiplayer side of it has much more benefits to it than the SP, although I never ended up playing multiplayer.  Still, though, was a nice game.

I haven't bought bloodlines yet, and I'm a bit leary of it from my experiences with Redemption.  That and I already bought Guild Wars, so I'm fairly tapped out as far as buying play-things go... at least until I get my car fixed and get a job.  (the Job market in the greater portland area here in Maine sucks and will only get worse if they close the bases in maine)
VtM: Bloodlines good. :)

I loved the newer game. A lot more freedome in my selection of characters as well as graphics and storyline this time. Mind you, I wish they would've kept with the passage through history, as well as a multiplayer set-up.
Re: VtM: Bloodlines good. :)

Coyotekin said:
Mind you, I wish they would've kept with the passage through history, as well as a multiplayer set-up.
Yeah, me too. But it´s supposed to be about Gehenna and stuff, so it actually does make sense only being able to play through WoD, and not Dark Ages.
Agreed. It was just personal preference I suppose. I was kind of annoyed at how slow and awkward combat was with some using Protean. I know you are using claws, but even barehanded was a hell of a lot faster.
Coyotekin said:
Agreed. It was just personal preference I suppose. I was kind of annoyed at how slow and awkward combat was with some using Protean. I know you are using claws, but even barehanded was a hell of a lot faster.
Hadn't noticed that... Hmmmm... I'll check it later tonight.
It was a way to cheat in a sense. There was a sight with all of the computer passwords.... So no xp expenditures there. And then no need for Melee with kick ass Brawl in Protean. Just hated how sloppy it was.
My ST and I talked about if Exalted were to be PROPERLY made into a video game.  We first started discussing it as an MMO but then realized that there would be WAY too many complications due to regular ignorant humans that wouldn’t understand fate, charms and what not (then trying to get every damned thing about it the game nerfed)…let alone let their character be controlled or even for that matter be turned into a dragon just for a sidereal charm or similar ones.

Now Bethesda Softworks did a damn good job cramming a whole bunch of stuff into their Elder Scrolls games but, if you think about it, the game was VERY small in comparison to Exalted, and lets not forget the Wyld and Yu-Shan and all the bureaucracies held within.

Honestly before I wind up going on a rant I’ll just say, seeing how people seem to severely screw up turning something into a video game that someone else created (however minus Riddick: EFBB), especially when it seems to come from a table top game.  So I hold out no hopes on anyone properly making an Exalted video game w/o screwing a whole bunch of stuff up.
Mareritt said:
My ST and I talked about if Exalted were to be PROPERLY made into a video game.
Good thing top minds like you and your St are on the job.

Mareritt said:
We first started discussing it as an MMO but then realized that there would be WAY too many complications due to regular ignorant humans that wouldn’t understand fate, charms and what not (then trying to get every damned thing about it the game nerfed)…let alone let their character be controlled or even for that matter be turned into a dragon just for a sidereal charm or similar ones.
It would be incredibly easy to exclude things like Fate and sidereal Charms in a properly made Exalted game, and NO ONE who plays video games could fail to understand Charms.  They are so ridiculously simple that it's just impossible, they're just like powers in almost any video game ever.

Mareritt said:
Honestly before I wind up going on a rant I’ll just say, seeing how people seem to severely screw up turning something into a video game that someone else created (however minus Riddick: EFBB), especially when it seems to come from a table top game.  So I hold out no hopes on anyone properly making an Exalted video game w/o screwing a whole bunch of stuff up.
The real reason an Exalted video game could never be true to real Exalted is one thing and one thing only: Stunts.  Stunts are all about exceeding and/or breaking the rules in creative and unique ways.  Video games can't handle that.

Every other facet of Exalted could easily be handled in a game not entirely unlike Neverwinter Nights.
I sense some sarcasm from your post Joseph, seems highly uncalled for considering we’ve never even crossed paths.

Anywho you’re correct about stunts, unless GMs are watching every battle that takes place, you’ll never be rewarded for them, but besides that, it would also mean that the makers would have to put in every single movement that man could ever do and that’s just the tip if the iceberg.  That would mean a button or some sort of command for each, and seeing a keyboard that could contain them would be extremely unreal.

But however I would have to disagree with you on people not understanding charms, of course the charms are easy but as soon as someone else’s will is forced upon another player, they would rather log off or pull the cable from their computer to stop such an action, and then if you get into the character still staying around and being forced to do things that they didn’t want without the player actually being online, then people would start throwing a fit about it and stop playing the game unless they had it nerfed.

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