An Exalted video game

Mareritt said:
I sense some sarcasm from your post Joseph, seems highly uncalled for considering we’ve never even crossed paths.
We crossed paths as soon as you posted on this forum.

Mareritt said:
But however I would have to disagree with you on people not understanding charms, of course the charms are easy but as soon as someone else’s will is forced upon another player, they would rather log off or pull the cable from their computer to stop such an action, and then if you get into the character still staying around and being forced to do things that they didn’t want without the player actually being online, then people would start throwing a fit about it and stop playing the game unless they had it nerfed.
How is this not understanding Charms?  Being pissed off because you're affected by a given Charm, and even wanting to reset the game because you're affected by a given Charm, is not failing to understand them.  The vast majority of Charms also do not compel others to do things; you're thinking of the Exalted Social System, not Charms.  

You could have an Exalted video game that ONLY included physical Charms, and it wouldn't be that bad of a video game, and even be fairly true to much of Exalted.
Yep, still the Joe I remember.  8) And Maer, you'll eiter have to learn to adapt, get used to it, or leave as Joe and TSJ are notorious for the attitude. Well, Joe mainly.

I agree with Joe about Exalted easily being put into game format. Much of it has an anime/action feel to it, not unlike many other games which are strongly hack and slash. Charms could be rep'd as powers. Hell, all of the other abilities unique to each type of Exalted could be played out as well.
Exalted RPG?

Any linkage?

As for Jade Empire I cannot agree. I put the thing down after only an hour, and never looked back. I wanted to like it. I wanted to be wowed by it. I wasn't. All the coolness that Bioware had went when the KOTOR crew shipped out, at least were RPG's were concerned.  The game just didn't impress me, it didn't suck me in, and the gameplay was only marginal for me.

Mark of Kri and Rise of the Kasai on the other hand, have lots to commend them for Exalted-ness, without actually carrying that baggage.

That's the danger right there.  That any game with the name will have to bear the burden of hordes of fan boys waiting, expecting, and eventually being disappointed because they've a vision of what it ought to be in their minds, and the actual product isn't going to deliver what they've built up in their heads.

Much like Jade Empire. The game itself is fine. It just wan't what I was expecting, and it was those expectations that led to my disappointement with the game.

KOTOR surprised everyone, because of the d20 baggage, and surprise! it burst through the bubble that folks had created at what folks who had played D&D based RPG's before and delivered a different experience that was more cinematic and easier.

An Exalted RPG is going to have to do the same thing.

Expectation is going to be the bug bear for the sucker.

The good news is, is that WW based video games have sucked donkey butt, so it might not be hard to overcome prejudice, but it doesn't instill me with much hope still.

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