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  1. Arcadian Phoenix

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    Aimar's crackling laugh echoed around him. "You think you have won, Archpriest? Look around you, your people have fallen, your Emperor is dead." Then the Archpriest of Kindroth would feel a pulse of power from Aimar's staff, and a voice emerged within his mind. "Even more, you are poised to lose...
  2. Arcadian Phoenix

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    Kindroth formed a shield of light before himself and Alderon's Avatar, blunting some of the blast, yet still he was staggered by the shockwave. Luckily Peter Redcastle's mercenaries had joined the fray to aid the Archpriest. Aimar began preparing his next attack immediately after he had sent...
  3. Arcadian Phoenix

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    Aimar gradually came to the realization that the battle was lost, his undead would not be able to carry the fight any longer. Every further moment spent within this battle was now a moment wasted. Every further modicum of power utilized to maintain this battle was wasted. Theradas had been a...
  4. Arcadian Phoenix

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    Aimar had Kindroth pinned down, the intense heat of his attack gradually melting the stone beneath the God of Justice. He prepared for one final enhancement to his attack, one that could finally break Kindroth's shield. Then he sensed several things at once. The Emperor dead? The Archpriest...
  5. Arcadian Phoenix

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    Aimar spoke loudly, and with great confidence, his voice echoing across the city. "You truly are pathetic, shall the Gods fight all of your battles for you?" Aimar raised his right arm, and prepared to send the Emperor to a slow and agonizing death by flame. Then beside the God of...
  6. Arcadian Phoenix

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    Aimar surges with flame, and the fire roars upwards from his elemental form. He lets out a crackling laugh, his voice hard as the stone that made up most of his form. "So this, is the great Emperor! Do you not yet understand? You all, are doomed." With a wave of his large stone hand, he sends...
  7. Arcadian Phoenix

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    The skies darkened around the isle of Theradas, the storm that had enveloped the isle had long since dissipated; yet once more magic filled the skies, as a presence once physically present on the isle centuries before, finally prepared to return. Then suddenly the world began to darken, as a...
  8. Arcadian Phoenix

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    Alaric scanned the field, observing all the locations marked by the Emperor. "A sound strategy your majesty, I will get riders out to those forts at once." He did a short bow, and walked away, heading towards his trusted commanders. "You heard the Emperor! Today we move on Theradas! Get the army...
  9. Arcadian Phoenix

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    Alaric Sendarion rides to his lieutenants, the Emperor's commands fresh within his mind. "Bring forward two battalions of our heavy archers, and two more of our militia crossbowmen. Get them in just range of the wall, and prepare them to fire at the battlements. Coordinate their firing signal...
  10. Arcadian Phoenix

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    "As you command, your majesty." Alaric Sendarion spoke with confidence, and bowed, before heading off to ensure his Emperor's orders were carried out. He spoke to a lieutenant and had him take the Emperor's command to Dante Verren and his Justicars. Meanwhile another was sent to signal the fleet...
  11. Arcadian Phoenix

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    Alaric was standing near the edge of the treeline, looking at the lines of fortifications that stood before the city. "Assaulting the walls will be a very difficult task, even with the walls destroyed we'd have a hard time climbing the rubble. In the meantime we need to get our cannons, and the...
  12. Arcadian Phoenix

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    Alaric saw the majestic Imperial Fleet approaching from the southeast, with the Emperor's flagship at the head. "Thank the gods! Reinforcements have arrived! Get the next wave of transports ready, storm the shore!" He would then turn to one of his captains. "Make sure commands are coordinated...
  13. Arcadian Phoenix

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    Alaric was still recovering from the foul magic that swept over him and his men, a despicable vision of destruction and suffering. He turned around, and looked to the men and sailors on his ship. "Fear not! He has granted us a vision of what shall fall upon Atria should we fail here! Thus I for...
  14. Arcadian Phoenix

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    Alaric followed the Emperor out of the tent, and rushed with his personal bodyguards to one of the waiting Thordanian ships. There they began raising anchor in answer to the Emperor's order, and began mobilizing for their voyage to Theradas. Waiting just off shore for the rest of the fleet to...
  15. Arcadian Phoenix

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    Alaric looks at the Emperor. "Indeed, I have nothing more to add. We are prepared to mobilize at once, should you wish it." His words are confident and clear, with an underlying hint of eagerness. @Darrius of Ursikra @Antarctican @Lord Rale @Doublez @Perghi @Dante Verren 
  16. Arcadian Phoenix

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    "We must act swiftly, I would suggest we focus on the coastal wall with all artillery while we are landing our forces.That way it will be very hard for them to harass our forces from afar. Every hour we lose weakens the momentum of this invasion, I am certain our foes have been studying us just...
  17. Arcadian Phoenix

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    "Perhaps studying one of these fiends could provide some interesting knowledge, perhaps some insight into how Aimar's magic works; if nothing else. That may be a good idea. As for the city, yes we will need to have our artillery pave a path through the city. Taking down their towers and...
  18. Arcadian Phoenix

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    "I would have to agree with the Archpriest here, the Justicars will be our strongest force against the undead. While thus we must ensure they take as few casualties as possible, we cannot keep them away from the fray. To do so would gravely weaken our offensive strength, and give our foe some...
  19. Arcadian Phoenix

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    "The Justicars may be of more use somewhere else, actively fighting the undead. Rather than on what could largely be a defensive position."
  20. Arcadian Phoenix

    Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

    "Perhaps the forts should not be bombarded, if the enemy is within the city, we should utilize the forts as forward bases for our forces. Or fall back locations if our army is beaten back by a counter-attack. The defenses on the isle will be useful either way. Then your deployments seem fine so...