Search results for query: *

  1. Kora Wren Alder


    Kora watched everyone scatter from high in the tree top. Looking to all of them to see if anyone needed assistance. At the moment they were all a good distance.. Accept for one. One in a tree like herself.. But, this, she didn't recognize this sent. It was strange and animal-like, but the figure...
  2. Kora Wren Alder

    Armstrong Rehabilitation Center [RP]

    She smiled at her comment. Then looked up to watch all the family members leave. Some had tears.. Others looked bored... How strange. she thought to herself. Her wonder was halted by the woman talking. Saying that she is to treat us as her own.. To this she couldn't resits she had to comment...
  3. Kora Wren Alder

    Armstrong Rehabilitation Center [RP]

    "Fate indeed." She rose her fist and shook it to the sky and smiled.. Then looked back to her. Only to have to look away again due to some commotion at the other side of the room. It seemed like parents were starting to finally leave. And all the people had their packets. Oh, good.. Announcement...
  4. Kora Wren Alder

    Armstrong Rehabilitation Center [RP]

    She smiled. This girl was interesting. "Indeed it is their loss. You seem to be a very amusing person. I would of loved to know you outside of here... And Outcast's we are no longer! For now, we are.. Inside a building." She joked as she extended her arms to show for the whole room. Maybe this...
  5. Kora Wren Alder


    Kora had already been walking ahead. Wondering if any of them would notice her.. She was soon passed by a gust of wind. "And... There they goo..." She muttered and watched some of them start to already run. She started into a jog, then into a quick run, and jump into a deeper cover of woods...
  6. Kora Wren Alder

    Armstrong Rehabilitation Center [RP]

    Kora sighed. "Well, I have a tendency to do drugs. And drink. And inflict pain, on just about everything... Witch is not accepted in our local community, pity." she smiled. She didn't really care what people knew about her, or thought about her. All she cared about.. was.. Oh wait.. Nothing...
  7. Kora Wren Alder

    Armstrong Rehabilitation Center [RP]

    Kora looked up and saw a thin pretty girl, who looked a little awkward.. "Oh, hello. I'm Kora.. Nice to meat you... What are you in for?" She joked, trying to make it less tense between the people. As her eyes looked from the girl around the room she noticed there weren't a whole lot of people...
  8. Kora Wren Alder


    Kora smiled and replied "It's not as easy to show them all, for one, and I mentioned them, is that not enough? I can see well, at night too. I mentioned my noes, sound I talked about, and touch, I can feel vibrations more easily. Like to say, if someone was to be running toward us, I could feel...
  9. Kora Wren Alder

    Armstrong Rehabilitation Center [RP]

    Kora looked around, she had already received her packet, and was uninterested by what was going on at the moment. She stood in the far corner of a room. And watched the others with an interest and wonder. She had no one. No one to say goodbye to. No one to hug, to hold in her arms and apologize...
  10. Kora Wren Alder


    Kora looked at the others in admiration to their powers "How intriguing.I'm glad I get to work with you all, and your amazing skill sets."She smiled politely and continued. "Kora, is my name as most of you have come to know. And.. well.. you know the five senses that the normal human have? Mine...
  11. Kora Wren Alder


    "Lab buddies huh...? And yes another one. I apologize I just thought you would like to be informed of our new guest. However, I'm not sure of the name of him. " She said this, with no mocking, or anger. Just casually. However, when she went to speak again, her words stopped in her mouth, water...
  12. Kora Wren Alder


    "Heh, I wouldn't really call them that.. But why not? And uh, your real name is..?" She said this, and started walking towards the others, motioning for him to fallow. When they finally noticed her she smiled "I found another one! We're like a big family!" She said in a jokingly excited tone...
  13. Kora Wren Alder


    "Huh.. Luck you I suppose. And uh, matches you well, sexy" She said in a joking tone and looked his cape up and down.. She'd never seen much like it. "Catch up with us huh..?" She pondered the question. He was a smart one. They had people on there way to three towns around them. "Well, there...
  14. Kora Wren Alder


    "Huh.. Well, good thing I'm awesome, not an enemy." She said, and giggled to herself at his expression. "What a lovely way to murder...How did you get a knife anyway..? They have it locked up pretty tightly." She was still playing with her sting. Then leaned her head back looking to the sky.. It...
  15. Kora Wren Alder


    She smiled amused. This guy had a brain. Finally. "I didn't notice. I wasn't the one watching other people here, was I? Inigo." She said. And turned away from him, then started to pace.. seeming stumped. Eventually she sighed. "What is that from?" She looked to him and leaned back on a tree, and...
  16. Kora Wren Alder


    She smiled at the knife. And then up at him. "Psh, I could take you, even if you had a chainsaw." She tried to make a muscle.. But failed pretty miserly. " I'm Kora Wren Alder." She said proudly and bowed. "Now, Inigo, might I ask why you chose to observe from behind a tree? Instead of joining...
  17. Kora Wren Alder


    Kora heard someone coming, one pair of footsteps. But when she made the effort to look, there were two people.. Huh.. But wait.. She heard them coming from the way she had just ran. There was only one thing in the direction... The lab.. That means they were experiments! Before jumping to any...
  18. Kora Wren Alder


    Kora ran.. And ran.. jumping over stumps and roots sticking up from the ground, quickly dodging trees, vines, and brush.Her red hair flowing gracefully behind her. The area where she exited the lab went straight into forest, upon forest, upon forest. She had to move fast though.. This was her...
  19. Kora Wren Alder

    Armstrong Rehabilitation Center [Accepting]

    @melaniebaby ​I say we start, and then, in a bit if no one joins. I will make a male character who is like the newb there? c:
  20. Kora Wren Alder


    Name: Kora Wren Alder Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: Rusty red straight hair that travels down her back to the ends of her shoulder blades where they form into neat curls that rest just above her tale bone. Her bangs hang just above, and sometimes fall into her icy blue eyes, bright...