
Kora ran.. And ran.. jumping over stumps and roots sticking up from the ground, quickly dodging trees, vines, and brush.Her red hair flowing gracefully behind her. The area where she exited the lab went straight into forest, upon forest, upon forest. She had to move fast though.. This was her only chance. The chance she got to see outside. The sky.. That's when she realized. The sky! When was the last time she'd see in? There, in the middle of the woods, she stopped, and looked up, to the beautiful sky.. soft blue dotted with fluffy white clouds.. By now, with her speed she was a good distance away from the lab. She could rest for a bit, finally. She wandered around until she found a small river. She sat upon a rock, and let out a sigh of relief... She closed her eye's and leaned her head back.. How she missed the outside..

She wore jeans, full of rips and tares. Warn, tight jeans, She had a black tank top on. And a baggy grey and black striped hoodie. On her feet were warn walking boots.
Rayne was starting to get a little tired from all of the running, but she knew that she couldn't stop. It was so unfair, finally getting some freedom and having to run from a bunch of psychopaths afterward. She looked over to Jordan, who seemed like he could keep running forever. Dang, if only I had that much endurance, Rayne thought. She would have shifted into her avian form already, but if she did, the scientists from the Lab would more than likely see her.

Jordan saw that Rayne was starting to get tired. He wanted to keep going, but knew that Rayne wouldn't be able to keep up. It wasn't her fault. Unlike her, he had grown up on the run, constantly running away from cops and his gang's enemies. Well, that was before the Lab decided to kidnap them. A pang of sympathy hit Jordan, so he stopped and picked up Rayne, bridal style.

"Hey! What are you doing?" she protested. She nearly fell off, so she wrapped her arms around Jordan's neck.

"Just hold on," Jordan replied. He went into a jog, trying not to jostle Rayne too much.

A while later, they reached a small river. At that point, Jordan was too tired to go on. Setting Rayne down, he decided to take a little rest. "Hey, do you want to stop here? I'm so tired."

"Sure. I feel really bad for making you carry me like that," Rayne said. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a girl lying on a rock. "Crap! Jordan, there's someone here!"

"But I don't want to get up..." He had already laid down on the ground, waiting for Rayne to join him. "It's probably just a bypasser. Come here."

Rayne sighed and said, "Fine, but I still feel like something's up." She lied down next to him and used his chest as a headrest. His arm went around her, as they both rested for the long journey ahead of them.
Kora heard someone coming, one pair of footsteps. But when she made the effort to look, there were two people.. Huh.. But wait.. She heard them coming from the way she had just ran. There was only one thing in the direction... The lab.. That means they were experiments! Before jumping to any conclusions she stood, and walked over to them, but so quietly, she wasn't detected until she was close, a little to close. She knelled down, and poked the female in the cheek. "Hey." She said, " Did you guys come from that way? " She pointed in the direction the lab was. She wasn't intimidating, she looked as if she was seriously confused, and looking for an answer. When deep in her mind she knew.. They were like her. She could just, feel it.
McKenna ran, she didn't know where she was heading, or how long until they find her. All she knew was that she had escaped that mental place and she had a delicate taste of freedom. McKenna's black jean's were torn in fragments of place's. Her blonde hair was pushed behind her shoulders. McKenna dashed on, every few minutes she would glance backwards. McKennaran until her brown tank top had gotten snug on a branch. Damn, She thought to herself. McKenna pulled away, tearing the bottom piece of her T. McKenna ran until she saw a clearing, she slowed to a walk as soon as she heard voices. They've found me, she thought, on edge. McKenna slowly proceeded to a nearby tree. The voices increased. McKenna stepped forward in time to hear a loud snap. She glanced down to see a twig broken under her feet. McKenna's eye's widen slightly, she ducked behind a tree.
Rayne was sound asleep, until she felt something poking her cheek. "Jordan, stop it," she said sleepily. She was too tired for his cheekiness at the moment.

"That wasn't me," Jordan said. They both looked up to see a girl kneeling by them. Rayne nearly jumped from being startled, but calmed down a little when she saw the confused look on her face. If she were from the Lab, wouldn't she have turned them in?

Jordan didn't like being in such a vulnerable position, but stayed where he was for Rayne's sake. She looked like she trusted the girl, so Jordan didn't object.

When the girl asked about which direction they had come from, Rayne knew that she had probably been one of the kids held captive in the Lab. "Yeah, we did. Did you?"

Without warning, Jordan heard a twig break by some trees. Upon turning toward the source of the sound, he saw someone hide. He immediately got up, took out the pocket knife he had and approached the trees. "Who's there?! If you don't come out, I won't hesitate in killing you."
McKenna peered from the side at the kid who had jumped up in alert. " I'm Sorry! I'm No threat, I Promise." McKenna stepped out from behind the tree, glumply. The three looked as bad as she did."Don't kill me." She replied, holding her hands in the air. McKenna gave a small smile. She didn't trust people, not yet anyways. Maybe there normal, she thought to herself. Or Maybe, there just like me, she thought. McKenna observed each detail of the three. The two looked alike, Siblings maybe. McKenna stepped backwards, placin her hands down. "Who are you?" She asked, a form of curiousity creeping into her voice.
Leibas was walking through the woods, obviously in no hurry at the time. His movement was silent, making sure not to step on any dead branches or dry leaves. The silence also made it easier to hear everything around him. He determined that there were some people running ahead of him, probably other escapees. He decided that he could see where they were going and maybe get back to civilization. He eventually got to a river and saw a bunch of people there. He stayed behind a tree and looked to the distance to see if anyone else was coming.
Jordan stayed in the same alert position when a girl came out from the trees. He narrowed his eyes at her, not knowing whether she was telling the truth or not. Still, her clothes were ripped in a lot of places and she looked like she had been running from something. Maybe this girl is one of us, he thought. "I should be asking you the same thing," he said to her.

"Come on, Jordan. Don't be so mean to her." Rayne said to him. She was about to move forward, but Jordan blocked her way. "What the hell are you doing?"

"She could be lying to us!" Jordan said quietly, so only Rayne could hear. Rolling her eyes, Rayne pushed him aside.

"I'm Rayne, and this is my friend, Jordan. Sorry for his rudeness." Jordan was about to protest, but Rayne shot him a look. "Where'd you come from, anyway?" She figured that the girl was from the Lab, considering her condition, but she wanted to make sure. Quite honestly, Rayne was glad that there was going to be a few people with them. She felt that if there were more people, they would be able to get more distance covered.

Jordan still felt uneasy, but relaxed a little. I might as well deal with this, he thought. Besides, if anyone caused any trouble to him or Rayne, he would be able to handle them properly. He looked around him to see if there were more people, but saw no one else.
Leibas literally jumped in the air and turned around quickly, drawing his knife and pointing it at Kora. "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya..." After realizing that the person who snuck up on him was one of the escapees, his expression changed instantly and he withdrew his knife. "Oh hi, I didn't see you there. You really shouldn't go sneaking up on random people in the woods." He said, "For all you knew, I could have been a chainsaw massacre... Wait, I don't have a chainsaw. Nevermind."
She smiled at the knife. And then up at him. "Psh, I could take you, even if you had a chainsaw." She tried to make a muscle.. But failed pretty miserly. " I'm Kora Wren Alder." She said proudly and bowed. "Now, Inigo, might I ask why you chose to observe from behind a tree? Instead of joining our hectic, rambling, confused group over yonder?" She looked over to the three that still seemed to not of noticed her absents.. And back to him, with a curious smile.
Leibas was amused at the fact that she called him Inigo. Either she was making a joke, or she never heard of The Princess Bride. She couldn't seriously think that his name was Inigo Montoya... could she? "If you didn't notice, I wasn't observing you. I was looking away to see if anyone else was around. Also, I don't like hectic, rambling, confusing debates. They're just about as productive as internet arguments; the only people who win are the ones who watch with a bag of popcorn."
She smiled amused. This guy had a brain. Finally. "I didn't notice. I wasn't the one watching other people here, was I? Inigo." She said. And turned away from him, then started to pace.. seeming stumped. Eventually she sighed. "What is that from?" She looked to him and leaned back on a tree, and started to play with the string of her hoodie. Still thinking. I wonder what he intends to do once he leaves the forest.. if they even get that far.. The hunters probably have the dogs out by now.
"Neither was I." Leibas said. "If you mean 'Inigo Montoya,' it's a quote. If you had been an enemy, I would have finished the quote. The quote is, 'Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.' " He then tilted his head sideways slightly, closed his eyes, and smiled like one of those anime expressions and cheerfully said, "Then I would have put my knife through your heart." His expression then went back to normal instantly. He liked messing with people like that.
"Huh.. Well, good thing I'm awesome, not an enemy." She said, and giggled to herself at his expression. "What a lovely way to murder...How did you get a knife anyway..? They have it locked up pretty tightly." She was still playing with her sting. Then leaned her head back looking to the sky.. It was getting later.. She would just keep stalling, maybe they would catch up to them before nightfall. Before her secret was reviled. Or maybe they would all join forces and go on an adventure. Either way, she just wanted something to do.
"A guard threw it at me as I was escaping. Ripped my cape." Leibas said as he pointed at a tear in his cape. "Although it does go well with my look..." He pondered a bit and then leaned against the tree. "When do you think they're going to catch up with us? It's obvious that they aren't just going to let us go. They could even be waiting for us in the nearest city."
"Huh.. Luck you I suppose. And uh, matches you well, sexy" She said in a joking tone and looked his cape up and down.. She'd never seen much like it. "Catch up with us huh..?" She pondered the question. He was a smart one. They had people on there way to three towns around them. "Well, there more maned then we are, by far.. So they've probably split up and and are searching in different areas. Witch means it's only a matter of time if we stay put.. I say fallow the river.. It has to let out somewhere.. And it stretches a distance if I remember correctly. And then we have water... I don't know though."
Leibas pondered her idea. "I suppose that following the river would be smart in comparison to walking into town." He said, "Although if we knew what we each could do, we could come up with a more detailed plan. Why don't you introduce me to the rest of your group?" He was curious to see what kind of things they did to the other escapees and what their powers were. Being able to control technology is cool and all, but he would need more than that to survive.
"Heh, I wouldn't really call them that.. But why not? And uh, your real name is..?" She said this, and started walking towards the others, motioning for him to fallow. When they finally noticed her she smiled "I found another one! We're like a big family!" She said in a jokingly excited tone. And looked to them all.
After a little while, Rayne realized that the energetic girl from before had gone missing. "Huh. Where'd she go?" she asked. Maybe she had decided to go off on her own after seeing Jordan's attitude towards the other blonde girl. Dammit, why does he always have to be so rude? She knew that he was nice deep down, but he could be a little nicer to people sometimes.

Upon hearing Rayne's question Jordan said, "She probably went back to her Lab buddies." Sometimes, he wished that he could be more trusting, but after what happened before he couldn't. Back when he had been in a gang, before he even knew what the Lab existed, he had treated the guys there like his brothers. Everything had changed when another gang had decided to pick a fight with them, resulting in him being shot and left to die. People from the Lab had taken him in and fixed him up, then turning him into one of their lab rats.

Out of the corner of his eye, Jordan saw the girl from earlier come back, followed by another guy. "Oh joy. Yet another one." he muttered under his breath.

Rayne smacked him to get him to shut up. "Be nice," she told him. To the newcomers, she said, "Hey, you came back! Who'd you bring with you?"

Jordan let out an exasperated sigh. "Where are you all coming from? Let's make this into a freakin' gathering." Rayne nudged him with her elbow while smiling at the other three.
Alaiason floated down the river on a small force field he conjured up not too long ago. He knew that downstream was south, and he thought he'd have a better chance of surviving if he made it to the ocean.

Rivers always flow to the ocean.He remembered this quote from a class back in high school.

As he floated a little farther, he heard several voices speaking around a bend. Now was time to have some fun. Guards or not, he really didn't care. After spreading his field around him completely, he waited until they were in his view. He then placed a field around some water and hurled it toward the most unpleasant looking one, who had just been smacked by a girl and lied down on his back.
"Lab buddies huh...? And yes another one. I apologize I just thought you would like to be informed of our new guest. However, I'm not sure of the name of him. " She said this, with no mocking, or anger. Just casually. However, when she went to speak again, her words stopped in her mouth, water had suddenly hit the guy! She tried to keep a straight face, and stay calm.. but.. This was perfect! She turned away from them. To let out a smile, and find the source of the water. Her eyes rested upon another male.. floating.. Looking pretty oblivious to what was going on. "Found another one.. and uh, to answer your question" She looked back to the guy who was just hit with water, "We're coming from the same place you did."
Leibas looked over the group. Most of them seemed to be around his age. Then, changing his quotes from The Princess Bride to Lord of the Rings, he said, "Give me your name, horse-master, and I shall give you mine." He then saw water hit the guy who was on the ground earlier and turned around to see where it came from. He was disappointed that it was from a kid floating on the water instead of a water balloon. He liked good old water balloon fights.
McKenna returned her hands by her side as they all questioned each other. McKenna hadn't really noticed anything odd about the two, until they began arguing. Oh wow, she thought. "For your information, I Am from the same place you all are." She smiled slightly, crossing her hands. As though of nothing, a ball of water sprung out of knowhere and slammed into The boy who was being rude. "Karma." She muttered, blocking her mouth with her hand. McKenna slightly giggled, ignoring the fact that he pants were slightly wet. McKenna stepped back, she glanced down the river to see a kid hovering in mid air. Neat, she thought.
((Just a side note here: my character wasn't lying on the ground when he got hit by the water. :) ))

"Thank god. I can't even imagine what would have happened if you were with the scientists at the Lab," Rayne said to the blonde girl. Jordan only grunted in response.

To the newcomer, she said "Oh my gosh, I love that movie! Anyways, I'm Rayne and this is my friend Jordan." Jordan gave a curt nod.

He was about to respond to the other girl when all of a sudden, he got hit by a ton of water!

"What the fu*k?!" he exclaimed. He got his soaked hair out of his eyes and looked to see who was responsible for this. Jordan saw a boy floating by the river, and glared daggers at him. His hand instinctively went to his knife, but realized that the guy wouldn't be affected by the weapon. "Who the hell are you?" he snapped. Scowling, he shook off some of the water. Unfortunately for him, he was still soaking wet.

Rayne had to suppress her laughter, much to Jordan's expense. She just knew that something like this would happen to him. She saw a boy floating above the river, and wondered how he was doing it. Maybe it was an illusion or something. "Hey, do you wanna come down?" she asked him.

Rayne was starting to wonder how she hadn't seen all these kids before at the Lab. Hopefully, they would all be able to get along, if Jordan would stop being so sulky and rude.

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