
(My character was actually on the water)

Alaiason looked at the people on the shore and stood up on the water. "Yeah, why not?" He said with a blank expression on his face. "Sorry for the soaking there, man. I was looking for a good laugh, and boy was that a good one. So, are you all from the lab too? I heard you talking and thought that was what I heard." He looked from one to another, sizing them up. Especially the one he soaked, who seemed really peeved at him. He crossed his arms, waiting for any reply.
Leibas turned around again to face Rayne and Jordan and said, "Hello Rayne and Jordan, my name is Leibas Ofbacca. Strange name, I know." He then pointed briefly at Kora and continued, "Kora and I were discussing a plan to get out of the forest before they start searching for us. They probably have some people in the nearest town, so she suggested that we follow the river. Although we could come up with a more detailed plan if we knew what each of us could do. I can control electronics, so I'm not as useful here."
McKenna smiled at the group of kids. "Well, I Guess its my turn to introduce myself." McKenna announced, stepping forward. "Hey I'm McKenna. My power could be helpful I Guess." She smiles gently. McKenna turned around to the river. She reached into the water and grabbed a smll red pebble. McKenna turned back to the crowd and showed everyone the roxk. McKenna held out her hand and let it fall. As it raced to the ground, it froze within four inches of impact. McKenna smiled as she brought the rock back up to her hand. She turned and threw the pebble into the water. Watching as it swepted awag into the current. McKenna turned and sat on the ground, as she allowed one word to escape from her lips. "Telekinesis." She smiled broadly.
Alaiason listened as the two explained what their plan was and told about their powers. He then figured he would speak. "My name is Alaiason. I can't actually float like you saw, but I can use force fields in many ways. He then looked at the river and generated a dam to stop the flow with a field. The water built up some and seemed to flow over a ridge in the water itself, of which you could see a slight outline. He then released the flow to continue as normal. "That's one of them." He looked back to the others and waited to see what they were able to do.
Jordan sighed and decided to let it go. "Don't worry about it. And yeah, I guess we are." Taking a glance at the others, he knew that he should probably try to get along with them. He turned to face them and hear what they all were saying.

"That's a good idea. So, you can hack computers and stuff?" Rayne asked Leibas. When McKenna and the guy from earlier used their powers, Rayne and Jordan were awestruck.

"Damn," Jordan muttered under his breath. Their powers were really cool.

"I guess it's our turn," Rayne said. "I don't know how useful this is going to be, though."

"I doubt being freaky bird kids is going to help." Jordan said. Rolling her eyes at him, Rayne looked at everyone else.

The two unfurled their wings, almost at the same time. Resembling those of a hawk, their wings stretched out to nearly 6 feet.
Kora looked at the others in admiration to their powers "How intriguing.I'm glad I get to work with you all, and your amazing skill sets."She smiled politely and continued. "Kora, is my name as most of you have come to know. And.. well.. you know the five senses that the normal human have? Mine are evolved. Let me demonstrate." She took in a breath and ran toward a tree. She jumped and grabbed a branch much out of reach, even for someone with skilled acrobatics, she extended claws onto the branch so her grip was better, and swung her body up, and landed on a branch next to it, retracting her claws. There on the branch, high above the others, she ran, jumped and soared over the river, landing on the other side. She landed gracefully, her red hair flowing around her shining in the sunlight. She stood, and hopped from rock to rock over the river. "I'm also skilled at sneak, and shadows. My noes is sharp, and I can sense the weather. Like the ability of all animals, or, more correctly, my ability's seem to excel in that of witch a fox might have. Like their ability to hear. So, if you have anything to say about me, say it to my face not under your breath. It's easier for all of us." she said. And looked to the others appreciation each of there ability's, and waiting to hear more.
An impressed look came over Alaiason's face after witnessing the other three people's powers. "Now how can we each use our gifts to help each other escape those dogs is the question. I know I've never tried before, but I could probably envelope a few people in my fields if the need arises. I've only ever done one thing at a time though. And my powers are also strong enough to support one person of my size across it." He gestured at the river. "That's how I made my entrance."
"Gotta hate those nerfs..." Leibas said to Alaiason before turning to Kora. "Also, I'd like to say one thing: OBJECTION! What you did didn't involve sight, scent, sound, touch, and taste as much as it involved agility and dexterity!" He then turned to Rayne, Jordan, and McKenna. "That's cool. How much can you carry?" Every time he talked to someone else, his disposition changed instantly. He liked messing with people.
McKenna smiled at the pairs who stared in amazement. She liked having some attention, it made her feel important. McKenna crossed her leg's as she sat diligantly. McKenna flinched as Leibas cried out. She didn't like to be yelled out. She glanced up at him innocently. "I don't know how much I can carry. I have only tried on simple things. Like Pebbles, Small animals, you know the basics. I've never tried anything heavier than Five pounds." McKenna shrugged gently, smiling slightly. She glanced back at the ground to see a small twig. She let her hair fall over her eye's as she slowly levitated the twig. McKenna made it tap her nose before letting it collapse back onto the ground.
Kora smiled and replied "It's not as easy to show them all, for one, and I mentioned them, is that not enough? I can see well, at night too. I mentioned my noes, sound I talked about, and touch, I can feel vibrations more easily. Like to say, if someone was to be running toward us, I could feel the movement in the ground, from a cretin distance. I can't really demonstrate that." She looked at him. But didn't say more than she needed to. She felt that should be accepted. "This is really amazing, all of your powers. I'm interested if they have a limit, or if that can be trained... Extended, and surpassing what you all can do now." She looked to the others. Then started in large slow circles (she moves around when thinking) "Either way, we should start planing. Anyone have any further ideas, before nighttime approaches along with the hunters?" She looked to her feet and began again, to play with the string oh her hoodie.
"I think we should travel by night and keep them off our tails. It'll be harder for them to follow us at night and if we all use our powers we can get rally far ahead of them. But that's just the way I see it. I'm open to anyone else's opinion, if you're willing to share." He looked at the other people around him. We may be able to survive in this group if we start actually getting along better. He desperately wanted to travel as a group, so as to have more protection.
"What she did there was still pretty impressive. Anyways, I can carry quite a bit," Rayne said. "Maybe around forty or fifty pounds." After all of the tests and exercises that she had to endure in the Lab, she became stronger than a lot of girls she knew.

"Same," Jordan said. He didn't really feel like talking much, so he was glad that Rayne was doing most of it for him. "I don't know how our 'gift' would help, though."

"Yeah, that's a good idea. I wish we could move out sooner." Rayne was scared that the hunters would come at any moment and capture them all. How long had they been in the clearing, anyway? She wished that the sun would just set already.

Seeing Rayne's unease, Jordan pulled her close to him and put his hand on her shoulder.
Leibas pondered for a bit, considering each of their powers. "Well it looks like my plan to have him make a force field for us to ride down the river on won't work. But I agree with Rayne, Even though going at night would make us harder to follow, we shouldn't just wait for nightfall. This isn't a case of 'The closer we are from danger, the farther we are from harm'." He then turned around to look at the river for a few seconds. Then he turned his head and said, "Do any of you happen to have a musical instrument on you? Preferably a stringed one."
Maddie kept her eye's low as they bickered, She concintrated on a pebbled that was floating midair. She had grown bored of everything. As hse sat, a spider had crawled onto her lap. Maddie smiled devishly as the pebble fell. She levitated the spider, and giggled as it squirmed. Maddie glanced up as it soared above them. She gently placed it on atree branch with her mind.

"Yeah, it would be safer at night." She agreed, but shook her head. "Nightfall is heading our way. But I remembr when one escaped a while ago. They caught him ten minutes after. Do you think this is a trap? Or a Test?" She asked, exaiminig each face as she sat crossed legged. Maddie caught each glance, they were all tensed and she could fee it as well.
"Ten minutes? Well crap, we've been standing here for probably that long." He looked back the way they had all come, into the woods. "We'll probably hear the dogs soon if we just stand here. Let's make a decision fast." He wondered how much longer they really had before they got caught themselves.
"I hope it isn't. But this freedom seems too good to be true," Rayne said to McKenna. She was really nervous now, and wanted to book it out of there.

"Are we really going to stand here and think about this?! If you don't want to be the Lab's b!tch, then we've got to move!" Jordan exclaimed in frustration. "In fact, we should have left a long time ago."

All of a sudden, Rayne heard the sound of dogs, then people. Her blood ran cold when she heard them getting closer.

"Come on, they've got to be here somewhere!" "Don't worry, we're gonna find those little twerps soon."

"Shit," Jordan muttered. "Come on!" Grabbing Rayne's hand, he ran towards safety, hoping that everyone else followed.
Kora had already been walking ahead. Wondering if any of them would notice her.. She was soon passed by a gust of wind. "And... There they goo..." She muttered and watched some of them start to already run. She started into a jog, then into a quick run, and jump into a deeper cover of woods. Running from tree to tree, zigzagging around, Hoping to get the sent everywhere and confuse the dogs. She jumped into a tree. And looked back to see if the others needed help.. She couldn't let them get caught, not like this. That's no fun.
Leibas froze for a second. Dogs... could it be possible that the guy who threw the knife at him intentionally missed and hit his cape? What if they used the part that was torn off to track his scent? If that was the case, he was a beacon that was leading them to the others. "Fly, you fools!" Leibas said before going across the river and leaving the group to buy them some time. (They're going down the river, right?)

(oh, and by the way, going into water doesn't cause tracking dogs to lose their scent. Myth busted.)
Alaiason threw up a temporary forcefield at the treeline behind them, hoping that their pursuers would hit it and be delayed. "Leibas! Where are you going?!?" He didn't know why the Guy was leaving the group, they agreed to stay together. "They'll catch you faster!" He then mumbled to himself "Forget it man, he might have his own plan of action." He ran into the forest in front of him, hoping the field he put up stayed there to delay the dogs.
Tora was laying amongst the shadows of plant life; totally engulfed in the darkness only her yellow eyes were visible. Her heart pounded. "Calm down, calm down," she thought to herself. She closed her eyes and breathed. Her growls began to get quieter. She thought she was beginning the change back to normal. Her tiger ears swiveled toward the sound of foot steps and her eyes shot open. "Please don't notice me, please don't notice me," she thought as she began to feel her heart pound again.
McKenna closed her eye's as everyone talked around her. "I Agree, they're most likly on our tails as we speak." McKenna announced as she heard something. Animal like. A Dog! "Oh no..." She mumbled, as everyone fleed. McKenna stood to her feet and dashed off. Knowing about the myth that water doesn'tescape from dog's she ran desperatly, in a direction. McKenna didn't recognized anything, let alone anyone. She must have dashed the wrong way. McKenna ran until she was snugged, a brach swatted her face, cutting her cheeks slightly. "Dammit!" She mumbled under her breath as she ran to the wind, pushing away branches as they came.
Tora noticed someone had ran by where she was. "Probably wasn't a threat...still...," she began to mull over fallowing whoever it was. Her heart rate began to slow again, but her cat-like curiosity took over as she came out of her hiding spot. As she walked in the direction McKenna went, her features began to go from her tiger humanoid form to her regular self; her hair changed from white to black, her fangs and tiger ears disappeared, and her eyes changed from yellow to green.
((Haha, sorry. I've been a little busy.))

Rayne and Jordan ran as fast as they could without losing each other. They ignored Leibas when he said to fly, knowing that if they really did fly, they would only be seen easier. The hunters could shoot at them easily if the two of them were up in the air. Rayne was scared out of her mind as dread threatened to slow her down. Jordan led the both of them through the forest, looking for safety. Hopefully, they would find it soon and not get caught.

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