
Tora stopped walking and contemplated which forest path she should take. She wondered who ran by her, but didn't know which way the person went. If she was still in her tiger form, her ears would have perked up at the sound of more footsteps. She looked at her surroundings; in her haste she noticed a tree with branches low enough. She ran over to the tree, climbed up it, and waited; all she could hear was her heartbeat.
Kora watched everyone scatter from high in the tree top. Looking to all of them to see if anyone needed assistance. At the moment they were all a good distance.. Accept for one. One in a tree like herself.. But, this, she didn't recognize this sent. It was strange and animal-like, but the figure was human. Another new one? Her ears twitched when it jumped onto a branch in the tree beside her. Lower then she, but still good height... She climbed silently to the end of her branch. And looked down at the girl. "Hey..." she began in a whisper.
Alaiason continued to run as fast as his legs would carry him, using his fields to gently knock things out of the way and put them back where he found them. But he didn't see the drop until it was too late. He fell into a pit trap, luckily catching himself on a force field before he got skewered. But the fall and catch threw him off balance, and he got him arm shortly after falling. The adrenaline coursing through him didn't allow him to feel the sting as he climbed out and began running again and it wasn't until a branch caught his arm by going through it, that he noticed. "Dangit!" He seethed. "How the heck am I gonna get far without both arms?" He bandaged it as best he could with a tear off his T-shirt and continued going, slower, hoping he would run into someone from the group.
Tora let out a surprised 'Wah' as she temporarily had to re-balance herself. She turned her head to look at Kora. Her eyes flickered from green to yellow. She waited a moment to calm down by closing her eyes and breathing. When she opened her eyes again they were green. "Who are you? You don't look like a hunter."
Getting out of the lab was relatively easy. Dell only came out of the back entrance with a few scratches and a couple bruises on her face. Somehow, a scientist had figured it out that she was one of the missing experiments and had tried to stop her. Whatever happened to that scientist could be anyone's guess.

Running into the near by woods, she quickly shed her skin as fast as she could. She had very little time before the hunters were released.

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