Armstrong Rehabilitation Center [RP]


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It was like the first day of school. You walk down the halls, you see familiar faces, and some new ones. This was just like that, but the faces were all new. Most of them looked scared, just like me, some looked as if they didn't want to be here. Anabel walked towards the line were people were waiting, in front of her there was a girl, her height with red orange hair. Behind the table was a lady that looked in her late forties early fifties, she was handing out packets as the people got name tags and walked over to their parents to say bye and grab their suit cases.

She walks up to the table and the lady smiles up at her, "Hello, you name is?"

"Anabel. Anabel Anthony," she said fiddling with her fingers and pulling down her sleeves that covered her scars.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl," she said as she wrote it down on a name tag. Ms. Rae was putting on the nice act for everyone there. The first week of the month was always the same, a coupe new faces looking for a way out of their miserable lives. Little that they now, it was going to get worse.

"I'm Ms. Rae, and I am the head of everything here," she said.

"Well here is your packet, and your room number is on the back. Hope you enjoy your stay."
Kora looked around, she had already received her packet, and was uninterested by what was going on at the moment. She stood in the far corner of a room. And watched the others with an interest and wonder. She had no one. No one to say goodbye to. No one to hug, to hold in her arms and apologize. If there was no one who cared of her bettering, why should she be better? Why should she be here? This is a worthless waist of time. All of it. I want to get out already, this is going to be boring. She thought this to herself, and sighed. Her eyes drooped to the ground, and she stared at her feet, and she smiled. I suppose I deserve this, it's my fault. It's my fault they were arguing, it's my fault I got caught.. it's my fault I'm like this. Her smile grew into a devious grin. And she looked up. Maybe this would be.. interesting.
Anabel turned around to saw goodbye to her mom, but she was gone. She sighed, she didn't think here mom would stay and say bye, she had a feeling they just wanted to be free of her horrible self. Anabel looked around, there were only four or five people, out of them the girl who was in front of her in line was standing alone with her head down. She started walking over as she thought to herself, "Why not make friends? These next couple months are going to be tough," she got to the redish, orange haired girl, she tapped her on her shoulder and said, "Hi, I'm Anabel," awkwardly.
Kora looked up and saw a thin pretty girl, who looked a little awkward.. "Oh, hello. I'm Kora.. Nice to meat you... What are you in for?" She joked, trying to make it less tense between the people. As her eyes looked from the girl around the room she noticed there weren't a whole lot of people. is it a new area? or do not many people have problems like me. Or, well, I guess us now.
Tyler flipped his ca backwards as he exited his mom's car. He turned back to her, "See ya Mom." He proclaimed. His mothers eye's were red and puffy from tears. Tyler smiled at her, "I Love you boo." She announced as she drived away. Tyler shrugged, as he walked towards the building. He shoved his hands into his pocket. Tyler walked inside the building that buzzed to life. Many Cute chicks roamed throughout the area. Some guys too. Tyler thought he'd give it a week before everybody knew his name. Tyler walked to the front desk and smiled at the Lady. "Hello Madam." He mused, "I'm Tyler, New here." He smiled his charming smile as he leaned up against the table. Tyler noticed a few girls, for example, one in the corner spying on everybody. Tyler shot her a wuick smile before turning back to the lady.
Anabel smiled, See this isn't going to be that bad, she thought to herself before answering," I'm in here for uh Smoking and a girl named Ana took over my life," she said looking down pulling on her sleeves. She had never talked about her cutting, her Anorexia and Smoking problems yes, but never the cutting, the only person that knew was herself, and she was going to keep it that was for a while. If someone noticed her scars, she didn't know what she would do, if she would stay calm and tell them, or just run off and lock herself some where and blame herself for not being careful. "What about you?"

Ms. Rae smiled at the boy coming up to her, he had a nice smlie and seemed a bit too cocky for her liking. That was one thing that was going to change, she thought to herself. "Welcome Tyler, you have a beautiful smile," she complimented him, being nice the first week, that's all it took to gain their trust. These young teens who are broken, damaged someway, looking for a way out, his was their only hope, too bad it wasn't the worst. Ms. Rae scribbles his name on a packet and hands it to him, "This is all you will need to know to get around these halls. I hope you enjoy your stay," she says with a smirk.
Kora sighed. "Well, I have a tendency to do drugs. And drink. And inflict pain, on just about everything... Witch is not accepted in our local community, pity." she smiled. She didn't really care what people knew about her, or thought about her. All she cared about.. was.. Oh wait.. Nothing really. "Sorry about your capture." She said in a sorry, yet uplifting tone.

When she looked up again she found that there was a boy who had just entered, who smiled at her.. upon further inspection, he smiled at everyone.. is he walking in to a rehabilitation center.. on drugs? she thought to herself and giggled.. Fool, good luck to you in here. She wished him the best in her mind, and looked back at the girl for the reply.
Anabel nodded. I bet I'm the only one of my kind, she thought. she didn't think other people would be like her. She didn't even know why she tried. "Well it's there loss then. I know how it feels to be the outcast too. It's hard to cope with everyone looking down at you." she said as she looked over to the line there were only two boys left in line. One of them looked very stoned, the other was sad. Anabel shook her head, the nerve of some people, she thought.
She smiled. This girl was interesting. "Indeed it is their loss. You seem to be a very amusing person. I would of loved to know you outside of here... And Outcast's we are no longer! For now, we are.. Inside a building." She joked as she extended her arms to show for the whole room. Maybe this wont be terrible.. At least it's something to do to pass the time.. I just wish I could get a punching bag.. or a knife... She thought to herself.
Anabel laughed, "Indeed we are. Two outcasts found each other. It was fate I tell you." She looked around, there weren't many people there. Her mind was racing, yes she had made a new friend, but she wasn't good at keeping them. She usually ends up pushing them away or they leave her, but she didn't need to worry about that these next couple months. All of a sudden her forearms started to itch a little bit. That was never a good sign.
"Fate indeed." She rose her fist and shook it to the sky and smiled.. Then looked back to her. Only to have to look away again due to some commotion at the other side of the room. It seemed like parents were starting to finally leave. And all the people had their packets. Oh, good.. Announcement time. I always love the intros to these things...
Anabel pulled her sleeves down, "Let the fun begin," she said sarcastically as the parents started leaving. She looked around, there was only four of them. This isn't going to be that bad.. she thought to herself. She had already made a friend, now lets see how she survives the rest.

"Alright, thank you parents for joining us. I promise you that I will treat your children as my own, and help them get threw this," Ms. Rae said nicely as she stood up, and motion the parents to leave.
She smiled at her comment. Then looked up to watch all the family members leave. Some had tears.. Others looked bored... How strange. she thought to herself.

Her wonder was halted by the woman talking. Saying that she is to treat us as her own.. To this she couldn't resits she had to comment. She leaned closer to Anabel

"Treat us as her own? Frighting, we don't know how she treated her children. That comment could be comforting or scary all at the same time." She said only loud enough for her to hear. So the woman could continue belting out with that.. grin on her face.. something about it.. Just wasn't right. Or, real.. Is more appropriate there.
(So the boys that are supposed to be on this RP, never respond, so we each make a boy to even it out?)

"With that smile of hers, I take it was meant to scare us," she whispered back to Kora. Anabel looked over, the last of the parent's were just about to leave. She looked around, now there were far much less people than she had anticipated. At least she doesn't have to worry about having to talk to all of them. Anabel was a girl who didn't like having many friends, because then that involved them all knowing what's going on in your life. She liked to keep about two or three closest friends.

Ms. Rae had and ear piece in, she spoke into it, "All the parents are gone, I repeat all the parents are gone." She looked around there wasn't many new comers this year. She sighed and clapped her hands together, "Welcome my dear children. Now, if you all could, in your packets there is a map of this whole building, we are about to take a tour," she grabbed one of the packets that laid on her desk and turned to the map, "We are in the common room, find that and we will be well on our way to see what Armstrong Rehabilitation Center has to offer," she said with a smile, a wicked one at that.
( Sorry I haven't told you, but I went to Germany. That's why I couldn't RP. But now I'm back! :) )

Patch is new here too. But he wasn't happy. He was just sad and really quiet. He wanted to talk to someone, but he didn't have the courage. Well, I'm not gonna make some friends in a while, he thought. While they were walking around patch didn't say a word or anything. He didn't really listened either. He just wanted to go to his room. Just look out the window, just like every other night. And maybe write to Mark. He sometimes write a letter to mark, and put it in a box. It makes him feel better, makes him not feel lonely.

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