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  1. X

    MOEP - Abyssals

    I don't remember anything canon about Infernal Exalted in what 1e books I've read.  I do remember Akuma being discussed in... the Player' Guide? but I understood them to be a different sort than the Infernal Exalted (i.e. those created with the shards given to the Yozis). I, as always...
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    MOEP - Abyssals

    It took me a while to figure out that was Arianna.  She was drawn so differently than in the other 2e artwork. Why would they have their free will stripped away?  I imagine that the Yozis would keep their Infernal Exalted on a leash not that unlike how their dead brethren (and Deathlord...
  3. X

    Embarassing Ways For Deathlords To Die

    Forgetting to eat breakfast on the day of the big fight against the PCs.
  4. X

    Realm Reactions for Haku's Anathema! game

    I don't believe that a city just vanish.  Removing a city from the setting creates a vacuum of sorts.  You can leave ruins... or do really nasty things with it. Unfortunately, I have no access to the 1e books at all so I have no idea how a shadowland is created.  If it's feasible that a...
  5. X

    Realm Reactions for Haku's Anathema! game

    Hmm.  All thoughts are based on the way I envision the Exalted world and I reserve the right to be, well, flat out wrong. It is definitely in the Realm's best interest (according to the Realm) to regain the face it has lost at Cherak.  On the other hand, making the next move militarily...
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    Embarassing Ways For Deathlords To Die

    Reading this thread, thinking "I could never fall for something silly like this," and then falling for it anyway. Hubris, it's not just for Sidereals...
  7. X

    PbP Site?

    Well, I'm game for trying it.  I just hope I'm still a quick learner. :)
  8. X

    PbP Site?

    My stupid question for this, um, span of five minutes is: What is "PbP"?
  9. X

    Funniest Quotes OOC or IC from Exalted

    "You know what I said about your chest being flat?  I didn't really mean it." (I have a penchant for playing female characters.  I'm not entirely sure why...)  My character in the last Exalted campaign was a Twilight relic hunter and sorceress named Risa Mirabel.  She wasn't a combat...
  10. X

    How Did You Find This Site?

    I've been putting off responding to this for a while. I'm not entirely sure how I found ECR.  I first visited a few months ago trying to find information on artifacts in Exalted 2E and, in particular, an approximate guide for power level given x amount of dots.  I don't remember if I found...
  11. X

    New Version of Anathema

    I believe that's a known issue.  See this thread in the release announcement for 1.2.0.
  12. X

    New Version of Anathema

    This is on my personal list of things to do in the near future unless someone beats me to it first.