MOEP - Abyssals

cyl said:
Nope, I think it would just... be flushed into Lethe and reincarnated as a human who will be a chosen of the sun... again.
That would really depend on if their new lives proved to have the potential destiny worthy of attracting a Solar shard.  The Deathlords, despite their ability to use Solar Charms and Adamant Sorcery (sorta), don't carry their shards anymore; those Exaltations have already found their way back into the cycle.  Deathlords are just very very powerful ghosts, amped up by their pacts with the Neverborn and granted incredible power because of it.
This whole "Deathlord Reincarnation" thing is somewhat serendipitous, as one of my characters recently discovered that she is the reincarnation of the Solar who ultimately became the Dowager.

Now I crave the Abyssals book even more, dammit!
Don't know if this is the right place to do this, but since this thread is talking about the new Abyssal book, I'll throw it on here. The book says:

[QUOTE="Manual of Exalted Power: The Abyssals]If the Abyssal’s soul meets the Neverborn’s standards for those criteria, the Neverborn accept him and release him to their Deathlords’ management and care. The Exalt’s free will doesn’t enter into the equation because the Neverborn can’t tamper with an Exalt’s will. Independence is such a fundamental, intrinsic part of an empowering Exaltation that to remove that aspect would unravel the Exaltation into nothingness.

Emphasis is mine. The reason I bring this up is in reference to the Infernal Exalts. Don't they have their free will totally stripped from them? Aren't they abject slaves to the Yozis? Would this passage apply to the Infernals? I just find it interesting that free will isn't supposed to be tampered with in the Exaltation process, and yet the Infernal Exalts have that very thing done to them. Or is it only the Akuma who have their will taken away?

Now, I realize information on the Infernal Exalts is sparse, but I do find it interesting. Thought I'd see what everyone else thinks....
Vanman said:
Thought I'd see what everyone else thinks....
I think that those of us that don't have the MOEP: Abyssals, and won't have it for some time, should curse you mightily!

:cry: walks off crying as Cap's list of Exalted books he can't buy grows longer.......
Either it's only Akuma, or their will isn't so much stripped away as freely and utterly given over.
Vanman said:
Don't know if this is the right place to do this, but since this thread is talking about the new Abyssal book, I'll throw it on here. The book says:
[QUOTE="Manual of Exalted Power: The Abyssals]If the Abyssal’s soul meets the Neverborn’s standards for those criteria, the Neverborn accept him and release him to their Deathlords’ management and care. The Exalt’s free will doesn’t enter into the equation because the Neverborn can’t tamper with an Exalt’s will. Independence is such a fundamental, intrinsic part of an empowering Exaltation that to remove that aspect would unravel the Exaltation into nothingness.
Emphasis is mine. The reason I bring this up is in reference to the Infernal Exalts. Don't they have their free will totally stripped from them? Aren't they abject slaves to the Yozis? Would this passage apply to the Infernals? I just find it interesting that free will isn't supposed to be tampered with in the Exaltation process, and yet the Infernal Exalts have that very thing done to them. Or is it only the Akuma who have their will taken away?

Now, I realize information on the Infernal Exalts is sparse, but I do find it interesting. Thought I'd see what everyone else thinks....

[/QUOTE]It may have something to do with the difference between Abyssal and Infernal Exaltation, Abyssal being entropic in nature, perhaps free will is the only thing that stops it from rotting away into nothingness?
Or, just poor writers at WW again, :P
The Infernals gave their free will to the Yozis by their own choice. I think this is what matters here.
Nope, I think that the main difference is the process.

A Deathknight must be on the edge of the dead, and a deathlord has to find him to propose him his dark pact. The first stain of death comes here, when he rises again, then he's trained, then he's presented before the Neverborn.

An Akuma deals directly with the Yozis.

I think the problem is not the choice, but the being you are dealing with.

The Yozis would never have given up the secret of crushing the exaltation's independence to the Neverborn (they requested only 50 exaltation remember), because they would have known this independence would mess with the plans of the Deathlords.
An Akuma essentially becomes a demon, so they do still have free will. It's just that it's the Yozi's free will, not theirs. :P
So i really ended up digging this book

the Deathlords actually seem pretty evil

the lover is bad ass

the Neverborn are really crazy but its fun that they give you "guidelines" to take them on which is fun

though no lie

the sig characters in the caste drawup's look terrible

the end comic with Arianna though..what a stone fox
I'm still struggling to find a way to make Eye and Seven Despairs dangerous to anyone but himself and his Deathknights.
I love the fact they gave form to ever single zombie plot device ever in the form of that stuff Eye made. It made me laugh. :D
By the by, is anyone else feeling an evil grin when reading about First's massive airship? It gets bigger with every mention in the books. The damn thing is a quarter-mile wide.
the end comic with Arianna though..what a stone fox
It took me a while to figure out that was Arianna.  She was drawn so differently than in the other 2e artwork.

Vanman said:
The reason I bring this up is in reference to the Infernal Exalts. Don't they have their free will totally stripped from them? Aren't they abject slaves to the Yozis?
Why would they have their free will stripped away?  I imagine that the Yozis would keep their Infernal Exalted on a leash not that unlike how their dead brethren (and Deathlord servants) keep the Abyssals.  The Infernal Exalted would be much better tools with free will -- or at least enough free will to get the job done.

DugCoffin said:
I'm still struggling to find a way to make Eye and Seven Despairs dangerous to anyone but himself and his Deathknights.
I think that's one of my greater disappointments with the new book.  While the goal of Eye and Seven Despairs is determined, he's rendered... extremely ineffective except by means of happenstance.

Edit: Assuming the woman from the first comic in the Storyteller Companion and whichever one it is in CCD: The Wyld is an Infernal Exalted, she certainly seems to have some amount of free will, or at least as much free will as most of the Abyssals we encounter in the comics.

Oh.  And another disappointment: We still don't know any real background information about the five signature Abyssals (Maiden of the Mirthless Smile, Falling Tears Poet, etc.).
Why would they have their free will stripped away?
Because the 1E material explicitly says so.

What I want to know is, what's with all of the drawings of Abyssals with gems embedded where their castemarks should be? Did someone get the art notes mixed up with Alchemicals?
There are people in this day and age who embed metals and gems in their skin, or wear them on their skin as marks of cultural and/or spiritual significance.  I see no reason that couldn't apply to the world of Exalted as well. Maybe it's a Hearthstone he really wanted to be sure he didn't lose.
Flagg said:
Why would they have their free will stripped away?
Because the 1E material explicitly says so.
I don't remember anything canon about Infernal Exalted in what 1e books I've read.  I do remember Akuma being discussed in... the Player' Guide? but I understood them to be a different sort than the Infernal Exalted (i.e. those created with the shards given to the Yozis).

I, as always, reserve the right to be wrong. :)

Flagg said:
What I want to know is, what's with all of the drawings of Abyssals with gems embedded where their castemarks should be? Did someone get the art notes mixed up with Alchemicals?
I want to say I've seen an artifact crown/tiara/circlet/something that had a hearthstone socket over the wearer's caste mark.  Perhaps this is the necrotech version?  Or maybe they just like surgically implanting hearthstones there?
Flagg said:
What I want to know is, what's with all of the drawings of Abyssals with gems embedded where their castemarks should be? Did someone get the art notes mixed up with Alchemicals?
I want to say I've seen an artifact crown/tiara/circlet/something that had a hearthstone socket over the wearer's caste mark.  Perhaps this is the necrotech version?  Or maybe they just like surgically implanting hearthstones there?
Or the artist just didn't know how to draw typical Abyssals?  :roll:

BTW... After reading through briefly, I think art on most pages is really bad, I don't like this style, especially the Caste descriptions...
No, I think the worst shot in the book is the Solar killing what I assume is a Primordial. One of the ones explaining the Neverborn in the beginning. Jesus Christ is it a bad piece of art.
I reread something strange about Sygia and the dead society.

In p.45 of MoEP: Abyssals, it seems that it is the solars who built the stairs to go down to the tombs of the Neverborn.

Therefore, they may be at the origins of the founding of Stygia too, creating a society that would allow them to access the tombs to study Necromancy at its source.
No' date=' I think the worst shot in the book is the Solar killing what I assume is a Primordial. One of the ones explaining the Neverborn in the beginning. Jesus Christ is it a bad piece of art.[/quote']
If you mean p. 20, I still agree with Gawaine... Did they just copy and paste the same lips on every character? :evil:

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