MOEP - Abyssals

Priorities abound

Random question has anyone got scroll of the kings or Yu shan and would state which one i should get first
Well, it really depends what you need in your chronicle: Scroll of the Kings details fairly good material on various ways to implement a good war setting. Yu Shan is an interesting book for understanding the internal discussion of the Celestial Courts.

So: first decide what you need, then choose which one is most useful.
Various opinions on Deathlord, weakness, Redemption, etc

Random opinions on the topic:

1. I think the main difference between Infernals and Abyssals is not their masters (if I am correct Yozis and Neverborn are the same bunch: defeated Primordials), but the fact that the first ones deal with their master and surrender their will to become an Infernal (model: Faust), while the second ones do not (reasons already explained in the topic; model: the utmost Villain :)

2. I think everything in Exalted MUST have a weakness, otherwise there's no need to play anymore: the perfect villain or the perfect hero wins. Full stop. Deathlord have a single weakness and finding it can be a great series, who cares for the others DL. In our series (ongoing from 7 years so the character tend to be fairly powerful Solars by now) our circle actually defeated a DL and he's now reforming and growing his revenge, while we try to deal with a bunch of other shit. DL have no loyalty so the fact that someone destroys one does not imply that all the other would go on and avenge him, come on!

3. I think as well that a series on "how to clean up the Great Curse mess" is another really good hint in the Abyssal book, with so many hooks as to keep a group of players busy till the end of time. So as long as I am concerned the MoEP: the Abyssals is up to the word SOURCEbook :)

Well, please, understand me, I just decided to begin posting after a long time of lurking, so I am jumping into long gone discussions. :)
I liked it.  Some of the artwork sucks.  Wasn't too fond of the Lover's picture under her section.  And it was good to see the Abyssal character creation brought in under a more manageable level.  Abyssals are still my favorite style of Exalted.  But I definitely think the old 'extra-backrgound' setup, along with the sheer broken-ness of Liege and Necromancy had to go.  It's good to see that fixed.  Now I don't have to feel like a cheater every time I make an Abyssal...  well, not so much as usual.   :twisted:

On the topic of 'redemption' plot.  I still like underlining the major point that players have to:

1)  Find out about the Great Curse.  Not an easy task, and I'd never just give a player such a freebie of "Look, Phil freaked out and killed a bunch of people who were harming innocent people, there's something called the Great Curse!"

2)  Finding out there's actually a way to reverse it indirectly through the Abyssal curse.

And one of my personal favorites...

3) Figuring out there's 12 Deathlords.  To the Realm, there's only really the Mask of Winters.  Lookshy and the rest of the Scavenger Lands might (while Great Forks WILL) know about Princess Magnificent.  To the North, the Lover is usually referred to as the Red Witch.  First and Forsaken Lion has yet to make an appearance (officially) in Creation, but is feared in the Underworld.  Silver Prince is well known in the West.  Ultimately, I'd wager that the vast majority of creation might know of ONE Deathlord, possibly two.  With the vast majority of Creation being utterly unaware of the possibility of 'more'.  And those that do know of more, probably only know of about 3 or 4, due mostly to Ancestor Worship (which the Realm is very much against and as such has squandered it's biggest warning).

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