Search results for query: *

  1. ZeroHunter

    The Eternal Mansion [Inactive]

    You smell it too...Smells like someone just light the answer to my problem. I need some. Smells like an angel just passed by.Someone has the good stuff.....maybe I still have a little of mine? Gale took his hand and checked a secret compartment on his hookah. Hah looks like I still got some. As...
  2. ZeroHunter

    The Eternal Mansion [Inactive]

    I think everyone is abso-friggen-lutely oblivious to the situation that we all died! And yet everyone's so happy dandy about it. I just......Fuck I don't know. Gale looks at the shot glass and throws it at the wall and then takes a another large swig of the whiskey. I'm sorry..... I'm...
  3. ZeroHunter

    The Eternal Mansion [Inactive]

    Gale wakes up and realized he dozed off in his room while others were roaming around. Gale whispered to himself "Guess getting killed really takes it out of ya" He got up and pulled his favorite Electronic hookah out of his pocket and took a long drag.He got up and walked down the hallway to the...
  4. ZeroHunter

    The Eternal Mansion [Inactive]

    Gale walks back to his room silently see as if no conversation of his interest was going on. He lays on his bed with his door open inviting guests
  5. ZeroHunter

    The Eternal Mansion [Inactive]

    Gale walks up to the group of people to listen to what they are talking about trying not to involve himself in it. He was weirded out by the situation but not enough to stop his intrests from peaking in other people and new places.
  6. ZeroHunter

    The Eternal Mansion [Inactive]

    Gale decides to check his wardrobe and it seems to have everything he wears inside of it. Strange. He put on a pair of tight but not too tight jeans a t-shirt with a Pentagram on it and a Striped hoodie and a black beanie. Feels just like home now Gale exclaimed to himself. He then took the key...
  7. ZeroHunter

    The Eternal Mansion [Inactive]

    Gale walked into his "claimed" room and Closed the door with a Old key and then tied it around his neck. He then turned on a stereo and found a disc and started listening. He then finds a bar close to the door frame from witch he starts doing chin ups hoping to regain some muscle strength.
  8. ZeroHunter

    The Eternal Mansion [Inactive]

    Yeah Gale replies to Baby He followes her to the room and smile at her enjoyment. Its nice to see people happy in times like these. She seems like a very unique person just like all of my friends I have made. Gale's mouth transforms into a slight smirk.
  9. ZeroHunter

    The Eternal Mansion [Inactive]

    Oh umm....Hi im Gale but most people call me Red. I got lost in the moment I apologize. I just like seeing new places and people and I just got kind of lost but Hi Baby nice to meet your acquaintance it always nice to meet new energetic people like you.
  10. ZeroHunter

    The Eternal Mansion [Inactive]

    Gale looked around the mansions foyer with a glowing expression on his face. He was in sheer awe of the size and and complexity of it all. He thought about how this all looked in the video games and in books and thought THIS was better. There were corridors everywhere but one seemed to pull his...
  11. ZeroHunter

    The Eternal Mansion [Inactive]

    Gale brought the strength from within himself and picked himself up off the ground and power walked up to the big wooden doors and pushed as hard as he could they opened quite easily but creaked as the slowly opened. Inside it was beautiful and very modern despite the look and sound of the...
  12. ZeroHunter

    The Eternal Mansion [Inactive]

    Gale's curiosity now got the best of him seeing the big Wooden doors of the mansion he had to see what was inside. He tiptoed past the others trying not to make them stir. But his leg gave up on him and he fell flat on his face with a loud thump on the ground. His body was not trained like it...
  13. ZeroHunter

    The Eternal Mansion [Inactive]

    Gale opens his eyes very gently and calmly. The sunlight beaming on his pale face, he felt a slight breeze. Looking up at the treetops surrounding him he wondered how did he get here. He thought for a moment and remembered riding his skateboard down central Manhattan and then fire,screaming, and...
  14. ZeroHunter

    Darkness and Light, Love and Hate [Inactive]

    It's okay Ike I learned some new magic not very strong but it will conceal our prescence in the meantime but we are in a highly populated area it's probably time for us to make a home base somewhere?
  15. ZeroHunter

    The Eternal M ansion

    The anticipation of this roleplay is killing me xD
  16. ZeroHunter

    Camp Walla Walla

    Name:Hunter Ashford Nickname:Ash Age(13-18):17 Gender:M Cabin (Refer to Map(s)):C Trade Mark (What makes you unique?): Any Animal in the world can come up to Hunter and love him and he loves them back except for spiders.he has a thing for the unique pink elephant...
  17. ZeroHunter

    Darkness and Light, Love and Hate [Inactive]

    Now that ive scared him off. Vex swings his sword exsposing everyone engulfed in the dust.
  18. ZeroHunter

    Taming The Flame (Characters) [Taming The Flame]

    Race: Sharian Gender: M Hometown: Hjaltland Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Werewolf-Pictures-Black-and-White.jpg.36b6b135734631efc2929390050f4cfd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20013"...
  19. ZeroHunter

    Darkness and Light, Love and Hate [Inactive]

    Falling through darkness Vex is out of breath, he cant breath and starts to flail aimlessly in a futile attempt to stop him self from suffocating. Just as his eyes start to fade to black all of Vex's emotions flow through him, Anger, Agony, Hate, Sorrow, Humility, Happiness. A bright light...
  20. ZeroHunter

    Darkness and Light, Love and Hate [Inactive]

    Vex blinks around him holding his blade against his back directly where his heart is. Stop this meaningless fight or I will have no choice but to kill you. Vex"s wing wrapped itself over is his right arm as a arm guard. Don't mess with my friends you self indulged piece of trashVex"s eyes...