Search results for query: *

  1. Esoteric Truth

    1920's Mafia

    WIP René Caretti That's "Boss" to you. 48 Years Old Don of the Caretti family Straight Appearance: René is a slightly heavyset man, no doubt due to the fact that his mother was French and his father was Italian; a love for food was bred into him. He is an frightening man...
  2. Esoteric Truth

    Fantasy Arcane Fashion

    The heavy wooden door creaked open and a body strode through the empty space it left behind. The man was tall, that much was certain, with dark circles around his eyes, the irises of which were a dark color, almost black, giving him a pebbly gaze. The man rested a bag near the door and stared at...
  3. Esoteric Truth

    Fantasy Arcane Fashion

    Jasper hadn't grown up in poverty, but these facilities were easily the nicest he'd ever been in, let alone seen. Intimidating though, to be sure. Such a massive house was necessary to hold the vast amount of people that riddled its interior and squirmed between its walls. And one of those...
  4. Esoteric Truth

    Arcane Fashion

    Alright I changed it to electric sparks, so basically little bits of lightning in or around his hand. Hopefully that's less of a wimpy power, hahaha.
  5. Esoteric Truth

    Arcane Fashion

    Name: Jasper Harbourne Age (16+): 19 Gender: Male Height: 5'7" Occupation before Arfa (If any): None Any other personal information: None Personality & Background (200+ words): A destiny of mediocrity was what lay before Jasper. The third child of five children, Jasper wasn't ever...
  6. Esoteric Truth

    Fantasy The Dark Country

    Reuben paused as she asked him to divulge his own tale, the reason why he was here. His gaunt cheeks puffed outward, rounding out his otherwise angular face in a deep sigh of humid air. He couldn't tell this woman, especially not as pretty as she was. He couldn't get attached, and couldn't let...
  7. Esoteric Truth

    Realistic or Modern Family Matters

    Esau looked steadily towards Stafforde with a smile, noting the other man's reluctance- no, it wasn't just mere reluctance, it was refusal- to meet his gaze. Still, at least he was being addressed, now. That was better than nothing, and besides, the wariness that Stafforde expressed towards him...
  8. Esoteric Truth

    Realistic or Modern Family Matters

    Cyrus was a wise man, Esau decided. It wasn't a recent discovery of the man's character; he'd known the Welshman was wise since the first time he saw the man, and that had been when he was just a young boy. It was just that these brief conversations reminded him of that fact repeatedly. He...
  9. Esoteric Truth

    Realistic or Modern Family Matters

    "Good morning, Mrs. Blackhart. You look splendid," Esau responded warmly, turning around to see the bustling figure of a small woman with large round hair. He opened his mouth again to try and offer to carry in some of the groceries for her, but she moved too quickly and went past him, bags...
  10. Esoteric Truth

    Fantasy Kamirotha: End of an Age

    "I hail from Axefell, but I am here on business," Merek replied with a nod, and smiled as he saw the elf's interest in the bear. Slowly his eyes rested on the small foal that was beside the elf- a small foal with a horn as the elf mentioned it, calling it Seere. Was it really a unicorn? Merek...
  11. Esoteric Truth

    Realistic or Modern Family Matters

    It was 11 AM promptly and Esau Michel was walking smoothly down the wooden stairs of his house, one hand brushing over his dark, slicked back hair to make sure it was orderly. He had woken up at six o'clock, showered, gotten dressed, gone into the basement for roughly two hours, returned to his...
  12. Esoteric Truth

    Fantasy Kamirotha: End of an Age

    The guard in front of Merek raised his brows at the short few words, surprise evident on his face. After a moment he regained his composure and flattened his expression to the same dull stare he had possessed before and ran off rather suddenly. It was as if the man had been trained for this very...
  13. Esoteric Truth

    Fandom Welcome to Night Vale

    Lydia turned around as she heard her name called, suddenly snapped out of the day dreaming she had found herself in. The mouth it came from was one Vernon Journot. He was a tall thin man, with a few sparse hairs on his long face and a mass of brown hair that was most often barely seen underneath...
  14. Esoteric Truth

    I Left My Heart In Paris [Inactive]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  15. Esoteric Truth

    Fandom Welcome to Night Vale

    Two hours just sitting here cross-legged on the dry desert sand. Two hours waiting patiently, camera hung around the neck like a noose, scarcely making any movement. Two hours Lydia had watched for any sign of her precious lizard with no luck. She was just getting up to leave when her radio...
  16. Esoteric Truth

    Family Matters

    Age: 23 Gender: Male Personality: Esau is usually just interested in his own amusement. He is never loud, though he can be angry, but his voice is almost never heard raised. He is often seen as mildly arrogant and mysterious. It's not hard to get him to chuckle, though whether he's laughing...
  17. Esoteric Truth

    Degenerates [Inactive]

    Gunnar smiled to Lyre, his tense shoulders seeming to relax a little as he rested his back once more against the hard edge of the counter. A kind man indeed. It worries me, however. How does a sane man remain kind after all this? I'm not sure he does. A smart man would not accept us already. His...
  18. Esoteric Truth

    Fantasy The Dark Country

    Reuben tiredly looked over at the girl who addressed him. It was the girl whom had arrived late, the one that had been in Delson's office when he had asked where the stables were. She was pretty, with slightly tanned skin and dark hair. Her eyes were a warm brown, almost slightly orange, and...
  19. Esoteric Truth

    I Left My Heart In Paris [Inactive]

    ...suis désolé. Je voulais juste ... tant pis. Je suis désolé. Pensez-vous que vous avez besoin d'un médecin? Une infirmière attrayant, peut-être?" *Come back over here, my brother. I'm sorry. I just wanted to.... never mind. I'm sorry. Do you think you need a doctor? An attractive nurse...
  20. Esoteric Truth

    Fantasy Kamirotha: End of an Age

    ᎠᎬsᏆᎥᏆuᏆᎬ ᏆᎾ ᎠᎬsᏆᎥᏁᎽ It was a cold bitter day in Axefell. The howling wind scratched at the reddened faces of those hardy folk that inhabited the city, sending along with it frozen gusts of snow and ice. People here were tough. They had grown up in the frosted villages of these lands and...