Arcane Fashion

Trevor B Harper

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Here's the Character Sheet that's required to fill up for submission to play.


Age (16+):



Occupation before Arfa (If any):

Any other personal information:

Personality & Background (200+ words):

First Power:

Weapons/Tools (If any):

Other important information:

Appearance (You can include it with imagefloat also):

Explanation for some fields:

Name - Be original about this and use proper names that fit the time.

Height - Use human height, nothing abnormal.

Personality & Background - This field is required to have information on your character and also to test your creativity. This field should include: Any family members deceased or alive, birthplace, childhood, teenage years, any dramatic or tragic events, character's personality and likes/dislikes, reason for joining Arfa, story on how they got the glove and their first power, where they got their weapons, and so on...

First Power - This should be the power your Arcane Link has before the beginning of your roleplay. It cannot be anything overpowered, should be something really weak, for example a small ball of fire atop your palm, or freezing an apple size object, and so on... But be creative!

Weapons/Tools - Anything else your character will use during their battles.

Appearance - An image of your character. Any type will do (Anime, realistic, fantasy and stuff).

  • Elizabeth "Hart" Reinhart (justpeachy)

    Jonothan 'Jono' Young (Braxnond)

    Ayya Sho (The One Eyed Bandit)

    Frank Harper (Trevor B Harper)

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Elizabeth "Hart" Reinhart







Occupation before Arfa

She collected the materials needed to create/inscribe Arcane Links and brought them to Arfa, for a price.

Any other personal information

She's an insomniac - leaving more time for collecting and training than the average teen.


Elizabeth hates her name, so she often goes by "Hart". She's not the least bit preppy, and loves to get her hands dirty. She loathes ordinary life and work of the norm, so she often throws herself in harm's way to collect the materials needed to create Arcane Links, receiving money for her dangerous work. Because of her link to Arfa, she feels rather comfortable being there. She's quite the cold little demon, and leaves no sympathy for those who fall behind her. She has no friends, and her family despises her, due to her cold demeanor. She's extremely rebellious, and never has time to sit down and relax. Except for sleep, which is a rare happening.


Hart was born on a Leap Year, February 30. Because of this, she was the odd child out, and her siblings and the members of her village ignored her. Had she not the ability to count, she would often forget her age. When she turned five, her eldest sister, Margerate, was killed by a beast that attacked the village. Margerate tripped over her dress, fell, and became the beast's feast. Because of this event, Hart is never seen wearing a dress. When she was ten, she convinced her eldest brother, Joseph, to teach her what he learned about fighting against the beasts. So, for the next five years, he taught her whatever he learned that day. When she turned fifteen, she began to take matters into her own hands, and began to fought the weaker beasts. By sixteen, she was fighting the average-powered beasts. Now, she fights the strongest of them, despite her power not being as strong as one such as Miranda Ebonheart.

First Power

Hart's first power was to produce Shadows. Her first shadow was about as tall as the hilt of a sword, and as wide as the leg of a stool. It was a humanoid figure Hart quickly became attached to, so she never be rid of it, never changed it. It travels on her shoulder most of the time, and changes shape, now, to help her in battle.


Hart fights with a scythe, and her Arcane Link. She uses her weapons to provide food for herself.

Other important information

She left her village this past year to travel to Arfa in order to increase her skills using her Arcane Link. She still collects the materials needed to create/inscribe Arcane Links when she can.



justpeachy said:
She loathes ordinary life and work of the norm, so she often throws herself in harm's way to collect the materials needed to create Arcane Links, receiving money for her dangerous work.
This was the only part that bugged me, Peachy. I believe you meant to say that she creates Links, not Arcane Links. Because an Arcane Link is the glove itself, however, a Link is the tablet that gives power to the Arli (Arcane Link for short). Other than that, you're in! The RP will commence once I give the command, and that will probably happen once at least three people have applied so they'd all have room mates. (I'm the fourth one). :) Welcome. :)
[QUOTE="Trevor B Harper]This was the only part that bugged me, Peachy. I believe you meant to say that she creates Links, not Arcane Links. Because an Arcane Link is the glove itself, however, a Link is the tablet that gives power to the Arli (Arcane Link for short). Other than that, you're in! The RP will commence once I give the command, and that will probably happen once at least three people have applied so they'd all have room mates. (I'm the fourth one). :) Welcome. :)

I'm sorry for the mistake! My bad!


Jonothan 'Jono' Young

Age (16+):






Occupation before Arfa (If any):


Personality & Background (200+ words):

Born to a loving mother and a father of noble status, Jonothan was instilled in a military lifestyle from a young age. The middle child of five boys, each were taught to protect themselves from the youngest age possible. Eventually, all five boys would go on to extensively continue practicing martial arts, but with the incorporation of weapon use as well. Jono began with using a sword much larger than he was supposed to, due to the fact that he didn't know any better. He was never told to ever switch it, for he was able to function using it quite as well as his brothers had with a regular sword. When Jono turned twelve, he received his first real sword. It was light, much lighter than what he was accustomed to - and he excelled using it as a result.

By fourteen, his mother had died giving birth to a girl. Simultaneously, within the same year, his two older brothers were killed in war. The oldest of four, Jono and what little immediately family he had left would continue to grieve on for quite some time. The pain his father had felt for his lost boys and wife would never subside, though he never punished his daughter for his wife's loss. Jono continued his education as he grew older, because he intimately believed that knowledge and physicality were equally important. At the age of eighteen, he bid his farewell to his family and enlisted in the king's army. The young man went on to fight three wars in four years, at a time when the king's army was considered fierce and unbeatable. Country morale was at an all-time high, and for good reason. Jono, himself, had outlived many friends and seen more die. He had been capable of killing, something he had originally doubted going into his first war. By his third, Jono had received full honors as an officer - in specific, he had led a troop of only forty men out of an ambush without loosing one. It was his greatest achievement, something which he could call fulfilling given the long line of his ancestors which had in some way, shape or form, done the same.

Along the way, Jono learned how to become adept at performing blacksmith duties. He further excelled in his sword skills, especially now that they were battle-tested. However, the positives would remain far outweighed by the negatives. His personality became more hardened as a result of losing so many friends he had grown to love. Nightmares became an often occurrence, as well as slight paranoia. By 21, Jono was excused by the King from the military due to his post traumatic stress disorder. Eventually, Jono would return home and open up his own blacksmith stand in the marketplace. Business is not exactly booming, but his father helps a large amount with the business, given the trade happened to be familiar to him as well.

Jono is a collection of positive attributes with negative habits. Proud in nature due to the fact that he comes from a long line of war heroes, Jono is anything but introverted. The young man is personable, adaptable and action-oriented. He is focused on immediate results, known for living only in the 'here and now'. The pace of his lifestyle is fast; just as vast is his intelligence and awareness in battle. Jono is extremely loyal to everybody, and can be a great ally when crunch time occurs. He simply gets things done, without asking questions. Rules and laws are not held to his highest standard by they get in the way of his goals. Jono suffers from PTSD. He is an avid tobacco smoker and alcohol drinker.

First Power:

Wind Thrust - A small gust of wind which exits the palm to push away enemies who are close within range, or projectiles.

Weapons/Tools (If any):

A one-handed sword and an Arcane link.

Ayya Sho

Age (16+): 18

Gender: Female

Height: 5'5"

Occupation before Arfa: None

Background and Personality:

Ayya was born to a pair of foreigners, they weren't too well off, but certainly not poor either, the true embodiment of the upper-middle class citizen, her father an ex-solider and mother a former teach. They made their keep by running a small training camp, teaching both children and men sword techniques from the land they hailed from, easily making enough to get by due to the surplus of people who believed they could get a one-up on the competition by fighting with such a foreign fighting style. The business never really took off enough for the family to live the high-life, but always kept trundling along.

Naturally, Ayya picked up the classes too, and surprisingly showed a knack for the whole thing, with her father, who was a rather strict man, seeing her talent and having her spend all her time investing into honing it. She ended up picking up her father's dedication for the fighting form, spending most of her free time practicing her form, and honing her skills. By thirteen she was already a skilled fighter, though lacking in the strength of some of the other students she was still one of the top students in her fathers class. During this time though, she developed bad habit, often blowing off friends just to spend her time practicing, and just tuning out any concerns or complaints anyone had about the near-obsessive level of training she undertook. As a result, by the age of 17, she was practically considered a prodigy in the form of swordplay her father taught, even inheriting the family sword, an honor normally reserved for the men of the family.

Ayya isn't exactly the talkative sort, being used to a stricter upbringing she only speaks when she feels like it's necessary and prefers not to engage in idle conversation. She doesn't show much of an interest in making friends, or for the matter, much of an interest to avoid making friends either, and the only things she seems to be willing to actively put her time to is her training, study and work. She does, contrary to the belief of most who know her, have a softer side, she just seems to be very good at hiding it.

First Power: Foresight - Ayya's first power allows her to see into the near-future, letting her predict her opponents attacks and movements in battle. Currently, she can only see up to five seconds into the future.

Weapons/Tools: Katana and an Arcane Link

Other important information:

-Despite her talent, Ayya has little real fighting experience. With the closest thing being duels with other students and her father.

-On top of this all her fighting has been done against humans. Leaving her with zero practice against the monsters Arfa hunts.

(Sorry for shitty background and personality I wanted to finish it before I went to bed ._.)
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Both of you, good applications, I like them a lot. However, what I missed in your backstories was how your characters got the Arli (Arcane Link). However, that is a minor thing. You're accepted! Due to gender reasons, Ayya will be pairing with Elizabeth, and Jonothan will be pairing up with me. My own CS will come up shortly. :)  
@The One Eyed Bandit and @justpeachy , you guys can already start getting settled in. ;)  
Name: Frank Harper

Age (16+): 17

Gender: Male

Height: 6"1

Occupation before Arfa (If any): Orphan Thief

Any other personal information:

Personality & Background (200+ words):
Frank was born on the streets of Kogram as a result of a failed marriage and an accidental pregnancy. His mother, facing life consuming challenges of her own was also left by her husband the day she was impregnated. A scared man he was no doubt. She lived for nine months on her own trying to provide enough for herself to grow a healthy baby inside of her. Eating what people gifted to her and what she could buy from making money at the lumberjack she lived through those nine months in both physical and mental agony. When she was already in labor, she couldn't tell reality from her imagination anymore and when Frank was born, she carried him to one place she knew he would be taken care of - the Kogram City Orphanage.

The orphanage was established as a result of the city's economy rapidly growing. Those who couldn't provide for their children, among them being Ms. Harper, carried their babies to the king with requests to take care of them, and when the king finally had enough of that nonsense he ordered to build a facility for children like this. Over the course of three years an orphanage was built in Kogram and it immediately filled with children from all around the city. Thirty of them roamed the yard freely, ate at the same dinner table and shared a huge bedroom with bunk beds.

Among these kids was Frank. He was given to the orphanage right after birth and hoped that they'd take good care of her newborn. His childhood in the orphanage was not one anyone'd hope for. Although he was around the same age as most of the kids there when he grew a little older, they always picked on him, they always bullied him when the caretaker wouldn't see. Education provided to these children, as well as Frank, was very minor. The only thing they were taught was how to read and write. No combat skills, no science knowledge, not even religion.

The teenage years were when it became interesting. Sick of the bullying and the picking, Frank started exercising by secret. Running around the orphanage several times every day, doing various body building exercises, and the most important one of them all - combat. He'd take a stick he himself turned into a dagger and would practice combat. Even if against air, it was still better than just sitting around all day within the orphanage and either reading or listening to the bullies laugh at him.

He literally got kicked out of the orphanage in his butt for doing something he wasn't supposed to do. Fed up with the "elite" of the orphanage, he stabbed one of them with the wooden dagger he had made himself. It wasn't much, however, he did need some medical care instantly. Kicked out with nothing in his pockets he was lost, didn't know what to do. Frank wandered around aimlessly for months, stealing from the rich and trying to find something that would help him. Some day during that wandering period, his birth mother came to the orphanage looking for her child with a present for his upcoming birthday, however, he was already kicked out. With the help of the caretaker's description and what she knew about Frank from talks, she set off to town looking for him. And luckily, it wasn't more than a month's time before she found him. Emotions overwhelmed Ms. Harper as Frank yelled at her, mad for leaving him, however, he didn't stay like that for long. He accepted the gift and then his mother disappeared again, walked away as if nothing had ever happened.

What he found within a bag was none other than an Arcane Link with it's arrows pointing at zero. It meant that either it was full or empty, however, with the sight of a tablet within the same bag he knew it was empty. Everyone knew what the Arlis were, even the orphanage kids. He put on the Arli and absorbed the tablet instantly after. Another month passed and he turned seventeen before he found out what power the Link granted him, and with that, he joined Arfa in hopes to have a decent place to stay and a proper life, even if it meant danger. At least he wasn't homeless anymore.

The years at the orphanage and in the streets made Frank an asshole. A weary person with a very much negative attitude against everyone and anyone. There isn't a single person who had ever talked to him who wouldn't have been offended by some innovative curses. Also, the jacket he wears was a gift from a girl at the orphanage when he got kicked out. He treasures it with his life and doesn't let anyone touch it.

First Power: Puff of smoke - The first power of Frank's Arli let's him transform into a medium amount of smoke for up to five seconds and travel at his will. It can go through any size cracks in walls and ceilings.

Weapons/Tools (If any): A slim, shiny steel dagger provided by Arfa and the Arcane Link.

Other important information: His eyes were yellow ever since he was born and no one knows why. 
You guys can start roleplaying whenever you like. :)
It happens to the best of us. :) Just take your time. :P
Name: Isaac Smith

Gender: Male

Height: 5'9

Age: 18

Personality+Background(200+words): Isaac was an outcast since birth, no one would dare come close to him let alone talk to him. His mother had been been accused of witch craft and demonic things popped out of his house or so he heard, but he didn't care his mom was his only friend. Until his mom got killed by his drunken farther who never wanted him. His farther walked in drunk as usually, his mother packing something, but he didn't care. Although he was ten at the time he knew that their relationship with their farther was not good, but he was never home he was at the pub all the time and could care less about his family.

When he came home this time though it was not good. He walked right up to his mother and said "Im tired of all the joke people make about you and me like "The real reason you don't want to go home is because of your wife you lug, why did you marry her anyway." then he punched Isaac's mother, while Isaac hid under the the table his mother was now being choked but the last thing she did was to throw the thing she packed at him. Isaac felt it was heavy and knocked out his dad with it and ran to the orphanage, then he saw it was an Arcane link empty with a note saying "I love you" and he cried, and put it on and has never taken it of since. In his teen years he looked for a power source and arfa.

Personality: Is quiet an shy due to not knowing how to make friends. Has a hot headed temper and is a loose cannon, and he doubts himself alot which lead to him being very careful. he likes reading, quiet places and can't control himself around food. He never likes doing the same old same old and can't stay still for along time. He never talks much but he wants to talk all the time but no one will listen.

Appearance: Has white hair, and is kinda pale, is very strong but his build doesn't show it. usually wear's long black coats, and doesn't like wearing bright colors.

First power: Is able to summon 1 weapon of two types, Swords, daggers. and can hold it for about ten mins.

Weapons: A sword and small dagger.

Reason to join: find out more about his mother at all.

Other important information: His eyes are red. ((Won't be able to type for two hours going to football game sry)) @Trevor B Harper
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Name: Jonathan Soigner

Age (16+): 27



Occupation before Arfa:
A Village Doctor known for his light heart and his attention to life-saving detail.

Any other personal information:
Comes from a family known for being observant, housing many great professions like Architect, Artist,

Engineer, and even Royal Archers. However, the family is also known for being overly passionate about their personal careers.

Coming from a homely, yet very orderly, family, Jonathan, referred to as Jon, was always one of the biggest crybabies among his three siblings. Many things in the world made him tear up, and he had no such thing that even resembled a filter when it came to controlling his sadness. Very empathetic to others in need, Jon cares deeply for anyone who has landed in his care, and even those who have done him wrong. When asked about his success, a question usually asked by patients, his common answer is how his family has always been good with their hands, and fixing things, but others have a different opinion. They believe that the reason he is so successful, is that he cares, he cares if some has a concussion, he cares if someone comes down with a disease, it doesn't have to do with money or any type of gain. He simply puts all of his drive into a pure motive.

However, Jon does possess a darker side to his genuine warmth. Like many of his family, Jon will go to the extremes to heal somebody, at the cost of his own and the persons life. If he has to perform an unorthodox method of healing somebody, or using an experimental drug to heal somebody, he will be right as rain with using it, in the hopes of healing the person. This obsession has caused Jon to sometimes drift into the darker side of the medical arts, where things like Body Sewing and Heart Tempering Thrives.

Born alongside his two siblings, his younger sister, Melinda, and brother, Henry, Jon spent much of his childhood playing animals and people, quickly developing a overly soft side for anyone in pain, mental or physical. An attribute his dad's side of the family quickly capitalized on. Whereas his sister became interested in the workings of her toys, and his brother was amazed by the awesome buildings he saw during trips, Jon spent a lot of his time making sure his siblings and friends were healthy. His family encouraged the passion by slipping him low level books that centered around the Medical Arts. Alongside his quickly growing knowledge of Medicine, Jon and his siblings were also given a personal tutor that helped with other studies that would help them in life and give them diversity, like Philosophy and Writing. Alongside his sister, Jon trudged through these boring lessons, teasing his brother at how excited he got during the lessons, and became more experienced into connecting with people on an emotional scale.

As the age of 13, the Soigner siblings were placed into apprenticeships based on their passions by their family, Melinda going to a clock maker, Henry to a house designer, and Jon being placed under the care of the city's doctor. With these new jobs, Jon's medical expertise grew and grew, until his 16 birthday where he was officially employed an assistant doctor. However, like all of his family, Jon's obsessive nature revealed itself in the form of taking trips to the poor parts of town, where he operated on families that had no money for free. This was all well and good, however, his trips often included his own experimentation i

First Power:


Other important information:

Appearance (You can include it with imagefloat also):

Name: Jonathan Besatthet

Age: 27


Height: 6"0'

Occupation before Arfa:
A Traveling Doctor, that is considered a madman on some levels.

Any other personal information:
Comes from a family known for being observant, housing many great professions like Architect, Artist,

Engineer, and even Royal Archers. However, the family is also known for being overly passionate about their personal careers.

Coming from a homely, yet very orderly, family, Jonathan, referred to as Jon, was always one of the biggest crybabies among his three siblings. Many things in the world made him tear up, and he had no such thing that even resembled a filter when it came to controlling his sadness. Very empathetic to others in need, Jon cares deeply for anyone who has landed in his care, and even those who have done him wrong. Jon has a problem with hurting people, however, sometimes his methods of helping people were deemed for more ravage than any normal sense of vengeance.

As was mentioned, Jon does possess a darker side to his genuine warmth. Like many of his family, Jon will go to the extremes to heal somebody, at the cost of his own and the persons life. If he has to perform an unorthodox method of healing somebody, or using an experimental drug to heal somebody, he will be right as rain with using it, in the hopes of healing the person. This obsession has caused Jon to sometimes drift into the darker side of the medical arts, where things like Body Sewing and Heart Tempering Thrives. He also has a combination of naivete and sociopathy, his love of the medical arts sometimes overcoming his love for other people

Jon has an intense hate of Alcohol and Smoking and real try his hardest in his attempts to cut addicts off from their source, even by force if he has too. Jon also loves his siblings, a love that is returned by them, and they are very loyal to each other, never selling each other out and often times helping out with projects when asked. Jon also dislikes unwilling patients, and in turn, adores willing ones, especially ones who lack any rude tendencies.

Born alongside his two siblings, his younger sister, Melinda, and brother, Henry, Jon spent much of his childhood playing animals and people, quickly developing a overly soft side for anyone in pain, mental or physical. An attribute his dad's side of the family quickly capitalized on. Whereas his sister became interested in the workings of her toys, and his brother was amazed by the awesome buildings he saw during trips, Jon spent a lot of his time making sure his siblings and friends were healthy. His family encouraged the passion by slipping him low level books that centered around the Medical Arts. Alongside his quickly growing knowledge of Medicine, Jon and his siblings were also given a personal tutor that helped with other studies that would help them in life and give them diversity, like Philosophy and Writing. Alongside his sister, Jon trudged through these boring lessons, teasing his brother at how excited he got during the lessons, and became more experienced into connecting with people on an emotional scale.

As the age of 13, the Besatthet siblings were placed into apprenticeships based on their passions by their family, Melinda going to a clock maker, Henry to a house designer, and Jon being placed under the care of the city's doctor. With these new jobs, Jon's medical expertise grew and grew, until his 16 birthday where he was officially employed an assistant doctor. However, like all of his family, Jon's obsessive nature revealed itself in the form of taking trips to the poor parts of town, where he operated on families that had no money for free. This was all well and good, however, his trips often included his own experimentation in the bloodier, disliked portions of medicine, which gave him experience in regular medicine. Whereas his siblings could get away with their obsessions quite easily, Melinda turning corpses into clockwork mechanisms, and Henry making plans on blowing up buildings he disliked so that he could remake them, he could not so easily hide his quirk, and strived to protect his anonymity. At the age of 23, and having become the main doctor, Jon packed his bags and fled the city with the excuse of wanting to go see the world and new medical practices.

It was at the age of 26 when he found his Arcane Link, a byproduct of rather complex events that began with a person requesting surgery to alleviate some pain in their lower intestinal regions. With the Arcane Link as payment, and a rather awkward conversation starter, Jon was unhappy that it was empty and sought out many different stores, before finding one in the shady midsts of a corrupt town. The payment of the tablet had been free, of course he had to do some special free surgery on the store owner's wife, but he had rather perturbed by why the man would want to have her lobotomized. Jon, now with the tablet, energized his glove, and began working wholeheartedly into finding out he power it grant him. After a month of researching, Jon finally found the answer and set off to the Arlis, his urge to help people bringing him into the frontlines.

First Power:
Jon is able to form a transparent, blue-tinted cube that has two effects when coming into contact with skin, based on how Jon uses it. When in constant contact that has a decreased amount of pressure, the cubes possess a healing quality that boosts healing rates quite substantially. However, when in high velocity, the cubes will burst on impact and erupt in a small surge of energy, harming the target. As of now, Jon can only possess three cubes at any one point in time.

Has a large suitcase full of medical supplies, some from different cultures, and a stylized syringe he ordered from his sister, who happily did as her older brother asked of her.


Other important information:


Regular wear:
Minus the hat and add a long black trenchcoat and a large suitcase in his hand.






Name: Basel Unathi

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Height: 6'2

Occupation before Arfa : Solider

Any other personal information:

Personality & Background: Basel is a calm man who chooses to stay to himself. The friends he does makes he shows loyalty and love for them. He is proud and a honest man who treats other people well and with kindness to make up for his pass crimes against humanity. He does hate senseless violence for it lacks reason. He has followed enough orders that made no sense to ever start doing it again.

Basel was born in a war ruled place were killing other sects of the same ideology happened. He remembered the day his father started his training to be a warrior at seven years old. He had a dagger place in his hand was told to come at his father. Basel didn't want to but the lashing forced him to. He remember failing to harm him each time, Having it knocked out his hands each time. Once he managed to harm his dad he was made to do it again but his father was even tougher on him. Week of train just to be a warrior, A solider fighting in the name of righteousness!

Basel was a solider at 13, He became a seasoned one at 17. He has slashed, stab and beat many people to death or closed. He had killed families and defenseless people and he felt proud doing so for he believe it was what God wanted. One day his life changed as he saw the truth. His father invited him into his hunt and when he walked in he saw the truth. His father had many woman with him and gold laid about. He also had his friend with him also enjoying the woman. He was cheating on his mother, Holding money, food and drink.. Basel was told that he was chosen to learn the truth and that all he knew a lie used by the top men in his village to get away with all they did. They made up laws saying god told them and the wars they fought was over the fact they wanted more land, money and other things such a slaves for work and the defeated men wives. Basel was offered a woman for himself to have his fun with but he was so shocked that he ran away.

Basel ran and ran till he was so far away from camp he couldn't find his way home. He would have died in the mercy of a group of hermits didn't save him. They feed him and helped him forgive him self for all the murders. He traveled with the hermits for 4 years learning from them. They taught him how to read, write and more. They even showed him what a Arcane Linker was. He even was given one before he left to boarded a boat and went to Shinwa to join a Afra. He has been with Afra for 2 years but he still misses the hermits and his village. He is still a solider but know fight for what he knows to be evil. He wants to do good so he may compensate for his crimes.

First Power: Gravity fall - Creates 5 foot field around his that X gravity by 5 for 5 seconds, immobilizing everyone in his area. He can control the level but 5x is his max. He can also focus it in one spot making his power deadlier.

Weapons/Tools (If any): A slim

Other important information

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Name: Jasper Harbourne

Age (16+): 19

Gender: Male

Height: 5'7"

Occupation before Arfa (If any): None

Any other personal information: None

Personality & Background (200+ words):

A destiny of mediocrity was what lay before Jasper. The third child of five children, Jasper wasn't ever old enough to be respected or young enough to be adored. His parents were middle class with a modest dwelling and enough money to have some pleasantries, though with a seven-member household there were times when money was tight, as to be expected. Perhaps had he been the only boy he would have been noticed. Or if his parents had waited longer than a year to have another child. As it was, though, Jasper was sentenced to the punishment of living a painfully mundane life, and he knew it. Perhaps it was his astounding fear of being a wallflower that made his uncle take interest in him.

Jasper's uncle, William Crowning, was the brother of Jasper's mother. He was a short man who was slight of stature with a thick brown beard and greased mousy hair. His nose was prominent and his eyebrows wild, but his eyes had a kind look to them, likely furthered by the gentle crow's feet by their ends. He was the kind of man who smiled frequently, but it was hard to tell if he was smiling with you or at you. William had grown up the second child of three, with Jasper's mother being the youngest, and had been regarded, in his youth, to be a lunatic. With bouts of hallucinations weaving their way into his life, he was locked up, avoided, and finally just ignored. Sometime in his late twenties he was released after being declared sound of mind. Using his visions as inspiration, he became an architect and designed strange and grand buildings that had an oddly ethereal quality. At first business was slow, but then it started to pick up. William was comfortable in his earnings and nearly into his forties when he first got a letter from one Jasper Harbourne.

To understand why Jasper sent a letter to his uncle, one must understand the mystery his uncle was to him. Growing up, he old heard his uncle's name mentioned in short snippets late at night when his parents thought he was asleep, or in hushed angry blurbs during large family gatherings. None of it was fondly worded. What he had gathered, by the age of nine, was that his uncle was crazy, wealthy and most importantly, free. Free from the family, free from their thoughts of his inadequacy, free from judgement. And Jasper, who felt like a goldfish stuck in a small teacup with ten other goldfish that did the exact same goldfish-y things he did, wanted that.

"Dear Uncle,

I'm Jasper, Clarencia's son. I don't think you know me, and I don't know you, but I would like to. Know you, I mean. How did you become you?"

The crudely formed question had made William stop and think a moment. In its crudeness the question had an innocence, the feel of youth. And with that warm simplicity of childhood, there was a sadness to it, a bleakness as if Jasper simply could not imagine leaving and becoming his own person. That was why his uncle wrote back, and that was how their friendship started.

It was Jasper's eighteenth birthday, and thus far he had received: his older brother's cracked watch, a new shirt with leather shoulder pads, a second watch because his sister had not checked to see what his brother was getting him, a new hat, a small wind-up mechanical toy from his youngest sister, and a strange package from WC. When opened, it revealed a rune, an arcane link, and a note reading:

"To Jasper. Though I find mediocrity a preferable alternative to abnormality, I understand being normal is not what all desire. This gift does not just promise an escape, but an opportunity. With this, if you so desire, you may join Arfa and become truly extraordinary. I wish you luck on any path down which you may travel, and I hope along your journey to escape your fate you find yourself happiness.

Best wishes, Uncle William"

Jasper's mother, understandably, was shocked on many counts. Firstly, that her brother had contacted anyone in the family. Secondly, he had contacted someone in the family and become close enough with them that he gave a gift to them. Thirdly, her brother had contacted someone in the family, given them a gift, took interest in that person, and that person happened to be Jasper. If any of the children, she had though Laura would have befriended Will. After all, Laura was all over the place just like William. But quiet, brooding Jasper?

Quiet brooding Jasper left his home for Arfa with his Arcane Link, some clothes, a small sword, a moderate sum of money, and his letter from his uncle. If there was one thing Jasper was sure of, it was that he wasn't going to be quiet and ignored anymore.

First Power: Jasper has the ability to create small electric sparks in the palm of his hand which can ignite into a flame if put near a flammable object. It can also temporarily put a small area (specifically about three feet around the Archaic Link) into dielectric breakdown, turning the air in the area into a conductor for electricity. When this is preformed it's much harder to control where the sparks touch, though they never end up touching him.

When he cups his hand the sparks are contained in that area, but when he opens his hand the sparks are free to find a place to touch down (within three feet, of course).

Weapons/Tools (If any): A short sword

Other important information: None

Appearance (You can include it with imagefloat also):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/upload_2014-10-24_11-44-22.png.dbec91c1b451b13ffb0c72bc207ba2b1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32575" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/upload_2014-10-24_11-44-22.png.dbec91c1b451b13ffb0c72bc207ba2b1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • upload_2014-10-24_11-44-22.png
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Holy crud that's a wide range of new people! I'm so happy right now. ^^

Alright, let me start.

[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]Name: Isaac Smith
Gender: Male

Height: 5'9

Age: 18...

Right... The application looks okay, but you need to replace the picture because it's broken. Or find a new one entirely.

DamagedGlasses said:
Name: Jonathan Soigner
Age (16+): 27



Your application seems fine, welcome!

[QUOTE="Kyd Jhesus]Name: Basel Unathi
Age: 23

Gender: Male

Height: 6'2

Occupation before Arfa : Solider

You know, for a first power, I'd say ten feet area is a little bit too much. I'd say around five feet, if not less, because the tablet you'd have gotten your first power from had to be a really weak one. :) Other than that, welcome.

[QUOTE="Esoteric Truth]
Name: Jasper Harbourne
Age (16+): 19

Gender: Male

Height: 5'7"

Occupation before Arfa (If any): None

Any other personal information: None

Also a problem with the power, however, a different one. I don't think it's fair that others have powers they can fight with, and yours just creates sparks. Of course, if you want it that way, then it's fine I guess, but you CAN upgrade it a bit into like a flame or something. :) Other than that, welcome. :)

The information about who pairs with who will be found in the main roleplay post shortly!
[QUOTE="Trevor B Harper]Holy crud that's a wide range of new people! I'm so happy right now. ^^
Alright, let me start.

Right... The application looks okay, but you need to replace the picture because it's broken. Or find a new one entirely.

Your application seems fine, welcome!

You know, for a first power, I'd say ten feet area is a little bit too much. I'd say around five feet, if not less, because the tablet you'd have gotten your first power from had to be a really weak one. :) Other than that, welcome.

Also a problem with the power, however, a different one. I don't think it's fair that others have powers they can fight with, and yours just creates sparks. Of course, if you want it that way, then it's fine I guess, but you CAN upgrade it a bit into like a flame or something. :) Other than that, welcome. :)

The information about who pairs with who will be found in the main roleplay post shortly!

I no longer have a mouse and I can't copy paste please help im using my laptop.
Alright I changed it to electric sparks, so basically little bits of lightning in or around his hand. Hopefully that's less of a wimpy power, hahaha.
[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]I no longer have a mouse and I can't copy paste please help im using my laptop.

Well then you can always write a description. :)
Those who signed up - I'd suggest to get a few posts up soon to get a start of the roleplay as it is strict. Further on you can slow down with your posts according to the rules (At least one post per two days or so). Getting settled in is a big deal now, because it's at a strict point of time. From then on you can do it however you wish. :) Thank you.

Oh, and this concerns EVERYONE - if you talk to an NPC, please make sure to contact me first so I could control the NPC. ;)

Alright Cadin, I guess you're good. :)
[QUOTE="Trevor B Harper]Those who signed up - I'd suggest to get a few posts up soon to get a start of the roleplay as it is strict. Further on you can slow down with your posts according to the rules (At least one post per two days or so). Getting settled in is a big deal now, because it's at a strict point of time. From then on you can do it however you wish. :) Thank you.
Oh, and this concerns EVERYONE - if you talk to an NPC, please make sure to contact me first so I could control the NPC. ;)

Alright Cadin, I guess you're good. :)

May I start rping?
Yes. :) Read the first post of the roleplaying tab and then go on roleplaying yourself. Have fun. :)
Name: Ariolle Lovelace

Age (16+): 17

Gender: Female

Height: 5'4"

Occupation before Arfa (If any): Worker in an antique shop

Any other personal information: Insomniac as she often had dreams of a mysterious person coming to kill her

Personality & Background (200+ words): Once a very loved girl that never had to get her hands dirty, Ariolle Lovelace was the pretty princess of the family. Her older brothers and her parents had always protected her from the outer harsh world.

That was until her family was killed in a brutal massacre and she is determined until this day to find the person who had that motive. The feeling of revenge is her power and that was what has kept her alive. She had learnt that the social status of her parents had been the only reason of people smiling at her and being kind. After her parents' death, nobody looked at her in the same way as before. She was ignored.

She had run away, feeling overwhelmed. That was when she had found the antique shop. It seemed to blend in with the other shops on the streets but yet, there was something unique about it. The owner was a kind man who agreed with her offer to work there, without asking her personal details and who she was. 176 She learnt about the links from there. The owner, recognizing her passionate personailty, had given her the arcane link which led her into the Arfa. She had spent multiple days before figuring out her power.

She is a quiet and anti-social person, who has never known the meaning love and friendship, but the one person she would do anything for is the shop owner. She comes off as a rude person as she had forced her heart to not feel anything but revenge.

First Power: Able to transport

Weapons/Tools (If any): A personalized metal scythe, a gift from the shop owner when she departed

Other important information:

Appearance (You can include it with imagefloat also):

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