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Fantasy Kamirotha: End of an Age


Night Vale Secret Police Volunteer
Kamirotha: End of an Age

History is written by the victor.

Were it but only irony that we vanquished evil with madness. Instead, it comes back to haunt us, starting from the minute Kamirotha was founded- its foundation built on the bones of those it destroyed.
Eldar Valen Thorn



In this RP you will be playing a group of adventurers who end up in the heart of a nation fighting to form its identity. When the nation of Kamirotha was formed, each race signed a treaty known as The Unity Concordant, that was a compromise in order to end the ongoing invasion by the human King Shamseya. The dwarves, knowing the value of labor, asked the humans to outlaw slavery. The humans, with their short life spans and fear of death, asked the elves to quit studying necromancy. The elves, who feared the power of blood magic after they witnessed its power during the war, asked the dwarves to abolish its practice.

The event that followed The Unity Concordant came to be known as The Slaughter, and is a dark stain on the new nation. In response to The Unity Concordant, each race went to abolish the practices laid out in the document. But those parties listed fought back. Slavers, necromancers, and the dwarven mages (already extremely rare, and scared that without blood magic they would hold no power in the arcane circles.) formed a resistance movement. Instead of taking them prisoner however, the newly formed Imperial Army destroyed each member of the resistance and sought to burn even their existence from the history books. It was a brutal response, but effective- and nearly succeeded in wiping these practices out.

But something still lurks in the shadows.



The races came together to form Kamirotha less than a decade ago, but the war that bonded them together started a decade before that. Small racial skirmishes were common as the societies grew and began bumping into one another. This changed however, when the human King Shamseya took the throne. Shamseya was a violent man, and took the throne by force during a civil war.

He sought to expand Humanities borders, and began a rapid militarization of human life. Within a few years, the humans had the largest army in Arkon, and Shamseya began to invade the elven lands of Grove.

His methods were brutal, and under his command the Incursion burned many villages to the ground. Within a decade, the Incursion had sliced a path through Grove and began to invade Dro'fyr, the dwarven lands.

In order to fund the Incursion, Shamseya had taxed the humans to near ruin. Finally, they became fed up, and many human nobles began to meet with elven and dwarven leadership in secret. The three races bonded together and created the Council, a 6 member governing body that was comprised of two members of each race.

The Council formed a rebellion against Shamseya, and the Unity War began. It took almost another decade to completely route the Incursion, but when the Council's forces reclaimed Axefell, the capitol city of the humans and seat of Shamseya's throne, they dealt the killing blow to their enemies. Shamseya was publicly executed, and The Council rose up to unite the races under one banner with the signing of The Unity Concordant.

  • images

    Nothing tops dwarven ingenuity; Our enterprises will do more than armies ever could! I ask you what is better to overtake another nation...an army, or a reliance on dwarven goods?
    Lord Deepstone

    Kamirotha has existed for less than a decade. Before the new nation was formed, the races had lived in fear of each-other. While they kept their own borders, it became harder as each society developed to avoid the others. War was inevitable.

    The Dwarves were primarily to the East in the lands of Dro'fyr, in their mountain strongholds and strange surface outposts. They endured the hottest and harshest desert climate.

    The Elves were born into the middle of the continent Arkon, in an area known as Grove, it has a mild climate that suited their outside lifestyles.

    The Humans were on the western coast of Arkon, the land called Iceburrow, in cold temperatures that made them fight for survival.

    The world has a vertical equator, meaning the the temperature gets colder the further west from the Eastern coast. The new nation of Kamirotha, comprised of all 3 races, takes up the entire continent of Arkon. Ships have not sailed far enough to find other continents as large as Arkon, but other islands have been found.

  1. 1 line sentences can drive me insane, please don't do it. You can actually do more than just say something in a post.
  2. Speling does wonderrs and so does punctuatin
  3. Please don't challenge the story.
  4. Mary Sues, Gary Oaks, and Gary Stues will not be accepted.
  5. Any race or gender character is accepted within this roleplay, if you make a half-race (i.e. Half elf, or Half Dwarf) be prepared for the worlds reaction to you, the races only just started to get along.
  6. Sometimes you'll need to wait before you can continue, this is natural, but if someone takes too long to post just continue on.
  7. To verify you read the rules put an iconic quote from your character at the end of your Character Sign-Up sheet. (please place it in quote blocks) and Put what the current date in Kamirotha is (hint its in the section about history)
  8. Upon the death of a character, their items may be taken for personal usage. Dead player's inventory is fair game as long as you are able to access the items physically.
  9. Remember player knowledge, characters don't know everything going on so if you're not anywhere nearby you can't possibly know what happened.
  10. No controlling other characters. (you don't decide if something hits, they do)
  11. You can't dodge everything.
  12. Keep it within the rating!
  13. There is a lot of cool history in Kamirotha! Ask NPC's about it if your character doesn't know. If it is something your character should know, PM me and I'll add it to the "Lore Book" under here.
  14. If you need help with formatting your posts (spoilers, block quotes, headers, etc.) use this: http://www.rpnation.com/threads/rpnation-bbcode-guide.34813/

Enemies within, enemies without

Behold! For I show you know what fire brings you when brought against fire! I show you what hate brings you when clashed against hate! I show you what blades brings you when thrust against blades! Here you witness the eternal folly of my mortal creation, the unlearn-able lesson that I fear you may never overcome; war is the work of the Void, and you will never attain the world you seek by cleansing it in blood.
3rd canticle of Uneron, the Divine Vessel, and One God of Men


Kamirotha is sick, but doesn't know it. Were you to somehow peel back the layers of her government, citizens, and wildlife... you would find no evidence of this. Her sickness is a tumor, somewhere just out of sight- somewhere no longer checked by anyone.

Somewhere forgotten.

She is a beautiful nation, one full of hope and wonder, for the dark times are said to be behind her. It is 37:Unity, a time of rebuilding after a long war for the heart and soul of this dear nation. Its people were thrust together, offered no other choice than to fight side by side or die under the Incursion. Some accept this new unity as a gift, the ever marching steps of progress. Others fear it, worrying about the long term sanctity of their culture while holding on to deep rooted fears from ages past.

But this day dawns the way many do in Kamirotha, the sun crests over the horizon with a radiant exuberance, as though it had much to say, and needed to get it all out before it passed out of sight again.

Wherever you are, adventurers, today is the day you will begin to shape the face of Kamirotha. For you have received a letter, however great the impossibility of you receiving this letter may be, it somehow found its way to you. It is a piece of thick, expensive parchment, stamped with an unfamiliar seal and bound with the finest twine. When it unrolls, the smell of lavender and honey are clear from the parchment- the seal on the gilded letterhead the same from the wax that bound its delicate form closed.

Your letter says this;

Were I a younger man, I could probably explain this better, but as the grey in my hair takes its rightful place I find myself unable to fully understand this message myself.

I am writing to you on behalf of Councillor Valen Thorn, who requests your presence in Haven regarding a manner of grave import. Why you were chosen, and the manner of the meeting are secrets unknown to me. I do trust Councillor Thorn however, and he is very adamant about your arrival in Haven.

Should it be an issue, the Council will pay for your accommodation during your stay.

If I am being honest, I can personally attest to the Councillors sudden change in demeanor. He claims that through visions, he has caught a fleeting glimpse of a storm just beyond the horizon. A storm he says, "that could blacken the lands of Arkon for eternity, damning them to ruin and despair."

I know not what he is referring to, nor your role in any of this...but I do know that the Councillor has never led me wrong before. So, despite my hesitance at accepting his prophetic visions, and my thoughts on your dubious existence, I have written to you.

Please, come to Haven...we will be waiting for you. When you arrive, please tell a member of the city guard, "Silence is Golden."

This will notify them of your invitation, and you will be brought to the Councillor post haste.

May Uneron guide your way, and may the shadows part with your step,

-- Ser Alaric Wulf, 37:Unity; Haven, Grand Council Hall


Solace Town / Somewhere in Arkon

As fast as his feet could carry him, Ars rushed past through the crowd of humans, elves and his own kind.

" 'cuse me, Pardon me, 'n a rush!" He yelled as a warning to the crowd as his hand clutched even more tightly on the thick, expensive parchment. 'This letter, d'esnt have a specific address. 'ight as well give it ter Pyr.'

Heading to the training grounds, which where the fire elf usually was found at, Ars bumped into one of the most corrupted people of Solacin University. Ars tried to pass by her but a quick swipe of her hand and the letter from his grasp was gone.

" 'ey! Give th't back! It's import'nt!" Ars snapped as he tried to steal the letter back.

"Speak properly, dumb dwarf." Roshika sneered as her red-tipped fingers caressed the parchment and laid still on the seal. Her purple irises narrowed in interest as she pressed the envelope to her nose.

" I'll talk properly, 'lright? Just gimme th't letter!"

"Lavender. The inside of this thing smells of Lavender"

"Like I care! C'mon Roshika, it's for Pyrder."

Roshika let the letter flutter down onto the ground and the dwarf quickly caught it, sighing in relief. Before letting Ars go, the tall elf woman eyed him in suspicion. "That seal isn't recognisable here. The letter could mean some trouble." Roshika warned him before continuing on her way. Ars frowned and shook his head. 'D'luded woman...'

Just as he had thought, Pyrder was in the training grounds, resting underneath a burnt tree. The fire elf looked drained, his eyes fluttering to a close and his ginger hair, a mess. Ars jogged towards him and knelt down, waving the parchment above his face. Pyrder lazily opened an eyelid and turned his head to face Ars.

"Why're you waving that in my face? I'll burn it, ya know." Pyrder murmured as his pupils followed the swaying motion of the parchment. Ars gave him a toothy grin.

"Tis' for ye. Well, it actually 'sn't cus' it doesn't say, but 'ere ye go 'nyway." Ars said as he thrusted the letter to him, hoping it wouldn't actually burn as Pyrder had said so. Pyrder caught it and sat up straighter so he could open it's content. As he untied the twine, the strong smell of lavender and honey wafted into the air and the two males sighed pleasantly.

Pyrder started scanning the letter and Ars continually prodded him on telling whatever he was reading. The fire elf's eyes stayed narrowed as he finished the letter with, "--Ser Alaric Wulf, 37:Unity, Haven, Grand Council Hall..."

His dwarf friend's eyes were wide with excitement.

"So yer goin' to Haven, are ye!? And 'pparently ye got accepted to somethin'!"

"Yeah, seems like it. We're in Grove so Haven could be near us. Thinkin' of asking directions before leaving"

" 'old on a minute! Ye ain't takin' me?"

"Sorry Ars. Not this time. I always took you somewhere, this could be a solo mission"

"Damn it..."

Pyrder smiled apologetically before slowly standing up and arcing his back. He started braiding his long hair as he ignored Ars' pleas. "You're not coming with, alright? Tell the Head Master about my leave too, so he wouldn't freak out." After saying this, Pyrder headed off to the exit of Solacin University, letter in hand and his scimitars afixed to his back.

To Haven.

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Haven: Receiving the Parchment

Ishconor approached the gates of Haven, he brushed off the dust and leaves that had found a home on his coat. Ishconor looked around, he studied the area and it's inhabitants, keeping track of faces. He quickly checked his trusty blade was still at his side, 'Stay with me, Angel of Blood' he thought to himself.

An Elf wearing rather fancy clothes, around six feet tall approached him, the Elf held a letter in his hand, "Excuse me, sir" Ishconor looked up at the Elf with a stunned expression, "What is it?" Ishconor asked him, he could tell the Elf was male by his voice. "I have a letter here, I don't know who it's addressed to but, I thought you should have it, it just feels right" The strange Elf handed Ishconor the parchment, he took it cautiously. Ishconor looked over the parchment and saw the seal, the Elf had vanished moments after, without a trace.

Ishconor broke the seal and began to read the parchment, he slowly nodded taking in the information. He smiled to himself, 'Silence is Golden' He thought. He walked a bit further into the City, carefully putting away the parchment.
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Gwendolyn Dewitt - Travelling to Haven


"Gwen, a mysterious man asked me to give you this letter. And here I thought, you were keeping incognito." Her favorite barkeeper had told her this one night. She had been staying for 2 months in Axefell, enjoying the big city and how easy it was to blend in. Her eyebrows rose as she had read the letter and she let out a scoff at the formality. She sat for a while, wondering if this was some kind of joke. The seal was proper though, the barkeeper had told her. Gwen had merely grinned at him. "I guess I'll be on my way then... I have been bothering you for far too long anyway."

Packing her scarce belongings quickly, she was on her way. In her bag was a big pack of dried meat for the trip. A present, he had said, and she had smiled. Her grandfather's polearm was tightly tied to her backpack. Reaching another city after days of travelling by foot, the first thing she noticed, was the weather. It was getting warmer the closer, she got to Grove and it irked her greatly. She had been near the border of Iceburrow and Grove before, but had never stayed too long, always venturing back west

It had taken her longer than she thought to pass the border. Cities were farspread, and it had been long since she had refilled her supplies. Luckily hunting came naturally to her and it was easy to feed herself in the forests. Chewing on a crisp rabbit-leg, she let out a huge sigh as she looked into the horizon. She really wanted to reach a city, so she could wash the grime off her body. A jug of mead could do wonders right now.

Finally reaching a small village by the Great Lake in Grove, Gwen charmed her way to lodging and food for a small amount of work. The elven villagers were nice and welcomed her despite her human size. Maybe it was the hair. She let out a pleasant sigh as she patted her belly, having just finished a huge meal and two large jugs of mead. By nightfall, she would be gone from this village. It had been one of her favorites and the thought of leaving saddened her. She had already been staying for 5 moons and it was time to get going. Haven would only be a days travel away.
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Red Barrens Wilderlands

Elendynn Glace

The wind is strong today.

Dunes fall past in a cascade of colour, reflecting the pinks and oranges from the new rising sun. Elendynn loved morning patrols, the desert slept still, waiting for the midday warmth to fully awaken. The temperature was still well above most of the rest of Arkon's climates, even with the sun barely risen, but this was nothing to the sweltering that would come in several hours. The nights could be freezing, comparative to the noon heat, but the fine grains were always cool underneath the top layer. This coolness, it reminded of home, which caused a mixed emotion of repulsion and longing to rise up in her heart.

She steadied herself, her heavy cloak catching the swift breeze almost as much as the sail on her Rider. She would prefer to go without it, but this was a necessary encumbrance. It not only held off the biting winds and the whipping sands, but also held in sweat, precious moisture that long travels over harsh deserts could not afford to be wasted. She would later wring her cloak's porous lining of every last drop to store it in a canteen for that purpose, at least, until she could reach a place to purify the liquid and reintroduce it to her body.

Elen's thoughts turned to that letter she had received, it was mysterious, coming from nowhere. She was not sure how to respond, surely it was not her father's doing. Could he have gone so far as to report her absence to the Council? Especially after all of these years, she had been away from home for at least seven. And for a man in his position, noble though it was in the local community, surely he didn't have access to the Council. Had he been petitioning for this for years, then, only now to be seen? Shaking her head, Elendynn cleared these clinging cobwebs of thought from her mind. Perhaps she would discuss this with Cadwy over a pint later, he tended to have good advice. When he was sober. Which was rare.

She continued her patrol, scouring the sector of barren, empty desert under her watch for any signs of disturbances. But neither thieves not monsters could be seen, the former having no reason to come out of hiding, the latter still rousing from their nightly hibernations. Elen turned her Rider towards River Town again, she had done her rounds, no sense in remaining here longer than she had to. She maneuvered her way over the dunes, riding the roiling sand as if it was water, sometimes crawling up a hill only to plunge down the other side of the wave.

The wind is strong today.
Arterus Altorian, A Place Beyond Roads

The cool breeze blew gently across the terrain carrying with it the scent of dirt and mud, of grass and dew, of rain and soil and the salty tingling taste of the sea. A South wind, not a very strong one despite the rich smells mixed within itself. From far, far beyond the mountains it came, through grasslands, through hills and valleys, through rivers and jungles and cities. It blew into palaces, ruffled kings' clothes, chased away the heat on the skin of a farmer after a day of hard-work, touching a thousand, a million lives unnoticed, for it was the wind and so free to roam the land unchallenged, for it was eternal and mortals were not.

High, high into the sky, riding the current of that very wind, there was a merlin. A small brown, tired and fragile merlin, its wings burning with exhaustion, its belly devoid of food or water, its tiny body quivering madly under the strain of staying aloft, seemingly so fragile as to fall out of the sky at any moment. Yet the stubborn creature flew on, daring its own life against time, for it had been given a task, a very important task that must not be failed. It was not a particularly bright animal, but even its limited mind understood the expectation set upon its wings. "Fly, Burginton, fly like the wind." Its master had said. "Bring him back to me, for without him, without any of them, this land's fate is in peril." And so it flew, as hard as it had ever flown, the destination glowed like a distant beacon in its mind, engraved there by magic. It rode the South wind across the land, over cities and grasslands, over human and elves and dwarfs, unnoticed like the breeze itself.

At last it reached the end of its journey. Over the last rise, hidden from the world, a valley of green tucked away between great mountains. The merlin dove a tired dive, its wings fluttering with the last of its strength to slow the momentum, its small black eyes focused on the clearing in front of a small cottage. And as it had done so many times, Burginton swoop low and gracefully landed, its talons gripping around the gloved finger of the man. Finally it was able to get some rest. A gloved hand reached out and stroked its back, making it quiver in pleasure. That hand undid the lit of the small leather pouch tied to its leg, pulling out a small parchment and broke the seal, The smell of lavender filled the air.

Burginton watched the figure intently. A dark cloak covered his torso to his knees, billowing softly on the gentle breeze. His long hair fell behind his shoulder, one the color of chestnut and autumn leaves. The pointy tips of his ear were partially covered by the hair, his dark shadowy eyes focused on the words on the letter in front of him. A chilly aura surrounded his person, making the merlin shuddered despite the hot air blowing all around.

The corner of his mouth quirked up in a half-smile. A storm indeed.
Seawind Port: A New Adventure(?)

The cool sea breeze stirred rose hued locks and caught up the faint scent of lavender and vanilla. Standing on the dock, the elf stared at the parchment she held in hand. For what felt like the fifteenth time in the past 3 days she reread the letter. She still had so many questions the most important of them being exactly what this letter was supposed to mean. Of course she knew she would find out eventually, once she reached Haven. Rolling the parchment back up she tucked it into the small pouch on her right leg. Her gaze slid over the sheer amount of people filling the busy port, a number that seemed to only increase the further one went into the city. She had never been around this many people, it was strange and new. But that seemed to pretty much describe her entire life, or at least the year of it she was capable of recalling, and most definitely was the appropriate term for these past three days. Sighing softly she began to move through the crowd, intent on finding her way to Haven which, by instinct she knew was going to be a rather long journey in and of itself. As she made her way through the city she pondered the events that led her to this point.

[COLOR=#ff4dff]Three Days Earlier[/COLOR]

The night was still and quiet the heat of the day long since dissipated and replaced by the deep cool of the desert nights. The sands of Dro'fyr stretched out over the endless miles, still and quite, the granules that had shone like the most brilliant of gold in the sun now as silvery blue as a still sea. One always marveled of how the simple shift between day and night could cast such dramatic change over a landscape, or at least those deeply involved in philosophy. But some, much like the slender elven girl standing guard, simply appreciated it for what it was, a natural and beautiful occurrence that needed no explanation.

The creature scampering across the endless sands however could care less for such things as beauty. The golden scaled lizard-like creature was a native of these lands. Webbed toes and small yet curved claws found purchase on the slippery dunes. The sleek body and long tail leaving little trails in its wake. Even in the night the large reptilian eyes saw as clearly as in the daytime. The little creature had been travelling for days, dispatched on this particular mission by unknown means and unknown persons. All it knew was the instructions it had been given. It was smart for a creature, a trait it was quite proud of and a testament to it's heritage from creatures far larger in size than itself. Just the thought of such pride was what had kept the creature going for countless hours across the vast lands of Dro'fyr, drawing ever closer to it's destination.

Finally it spotted it's goal, standing atop the stone and steel wall that bordered the large facility. Scampering closer it began the laborious climb upwards, making use of its hooked claws to find purchase in the stones of the wall. With one last effort it made it to the top swiftly climbing up the railing, uttering a soft hiss to get the attention of the woman. Grey eyes turned its way, as the form, with it's glowing and almost ethereal appearance, drew closer. When the female crouched to its level the lizard turned sideways on its perch making the tube strapped to its back visible.

Tessa was confused but also pleased, marveling at the strange lizard that had demanded her attention. She had been standing guard for hours, though she wasn't sure why. Nothing ever happened at the facility but it was her duty to guard and she could not deny her duties. She supposed it was because she didn't need to sleep and for once she was glad she hadn't. Reaching out she unclasped the tube attached to the lizards back, smiling as the creature uttered an appreciative noise and climbed up to rest on her shoulder. Opening the tube she removed the rolled parchment. The seal was strange and the paper obviously expensive. Untying the twine and opening the parchment she read it, her head tilting to the side. She was confused but she had no doubts; this letter was meant for her and it would be unwise not to answer it.
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It was a cold bitter day in Axefell. The howling wind scratched at the reddened faces of those hardy folk that inhabited the city, sending along with it frozen gusts of snow and ice. People here were tough. They had grown up in the frosted villages of these lands and had gotten used to the weather. They'd learned that just because it was cold outside didn't give you reason to slack off, otherwise nothing would get done. You could always tell a visitor from the natives. They cowered inside bars nearby the fireplaces, muttering to themselves questions about why anyone would ever want to live there. The thing was, most of the population was human, and most humans lived in the bitter cold anyway. Why anyone who wasn't from Axefell would try to come here was indeed a mystery, though. Of the cities this far west, it had arguably the largest problem with the destitute, not to mention it was still under heavy repairs. Still, it was home to many, one such person being Merek Cartwright.

Merek Cartwright was poor. He hadn't always been, but in the more recent days he'd found it harder and harder to pay rent for the small shack he lived in until eventually he lost it altogether. The only things he'd refused to part with were his sword, shield, and a few pieces of armor. Aside from that, he had nothing. Granted, all of these things he could have sold for a pretty penny, perhaps enough to keep in the shack for a bit longer, but he needed all of those things to be able to do his job. His job didn't usually earn him enough to pay rent. There were too many poor folk, often veterans, that were willing to put themselves at risk for a few dollars. It drove down the cost of hiring them, which in turn meant that it earned the destitute very little. Of course, being an experienced and yet young man, Merek was good at what he did, undoubtedly one of the better freelance guards. But if he dared bring up that he wanted more money, it was all too common that he would be fired and replaced with another.

One might wonder why, given his skills and his age, he didn't join the fighter's guild. He at least had a fairly good chance in the arena, and if he was good enough it would pay far more than he currently earned with his on and off jobs here and there for a few rich folk. But the fact was, as a guard, he wasn't faced with too much combat, and there wasn't a guarantee that he would have to face any at all. It wasn't that he feared the combat directly so much as he feared what he had seen it do him. Merek feared turning into that heartless young man he had once been, and he felt that the act of fighting was perhaps the source of that. The prize of more money wasn't worth it to him anymore, and in those dank dark alleyways which he made his home, he convinced himself that this choice was honorable.

It was in one such dark alleyway that Merek was sleeping in when he received the letter. His gear was shoved tightly underneath him, his arms wrapped around it so that if anyone attempted to steal something from him he would know. He'd learned to be a light sleeper over the past few months, and as such he woke up when he heard thudding footsteps coming towards him at a fast speed. When Merek's blue eyes finally cleared and rested on the figure, he was surprised to see a young boy clutching a roll of parchment tightly in his right hand. The boy skidded to a stop, breathing heavily, and handed the parchment over.

"Sih, I've been hired t' delivuh this lettah to yah. Looks real impo'tent ifs yah asks me," the boy said, and looked down at the sack that lay underneath the red haired man, waiting expectantly for some coin. Merek lifted himself so he was standing and took the letter, looking hard at the mousey-haired boy that smiled before him.

"I give you my thanks. I can't spare coin, however. You did say that you were hired, after all. Now run along and receive the reward for your troubles from he whom hired you," Merek responded, waving a strong hand in dismissal. The boy hesitated a moment, his mouth in a frown, before running off. The redhead unfurled the thick parchment, noting the official-looking seal and the fine twine as he did so. It was beautiful compared to his grimy surroundings, smelling of honey and lavender and inscribed with lovely lettering. The meaning concealed within it was mysterious and strange to him, however. It did not do much in the ways of describing what he would be wanted for, only that he was wanted. Still, it said that accommodations would be paid for, and that was more than he had right now. What was the harm in making the journey, if only to get someplace to stay for a little while? Honestly, he would have thought it was all a trick if nor for the expensive paper and seal. That was something that was hard to fake. Besides, the only people he could think of who would want to do something like that were all far too poor and far too illiterate to be able to do so.

A few hours later and all of the savings that Merek did have were spent on a steed. The animal was bear-like, with large paws that prevented it from sinking into the snow and thick back claws for traction on ice. Its fur was thick and white, and it had a large gaping maw that contained too many teeth for the redhead's comfort. Still, it was something, so he uncomfortably sat astride the creature's back in an old worn saddle and set off. The ride was awful, for the beast had a way of moving that made its back roll, and it didn't go very fast for very long.

Many days passed before Merek reached Haven. His steed had begun to start shedding the past few days, and it was clear that the warm temperatures here were not what it was used to. Merek himself had been forced to remove a multitude of clothing, all of which he had wrapped around his waist. When the immense city came into view, his breath caught in his throat. It was wondrous. A pale grand city nestled into the vibrant green mountains. While Axefell was built of thick buildings that almost seemed stacked on top of one another, Haven was built of delicate spires and towers that reached towards the sky. Several roads led into the city, all of which were guarded by gates and more towers. When he reached said gates, still astride the white lumbering beast, he was greeted by stares by more than a few people. Merek pushed himself off of his beast, his furs hanging round his waist like a primitive skirt. Turning to a guard, of which there were quite a few, he smiled and uttered a single phrase:

"Silence is golden."
A small city in the Grove: A Rough Farewell

Isenrah arrived at her small home, soaked in sweat from a particularly intense training session. She opened the door, and walked in, only to see a piece of parchment on her floor. "What's this?" She said softly to herself. She picked it up. It was addressed to her. She almost never got letters, and never like this... It was probably a prank of some sort by some of the young elves. She opened it, and her eyes widened as she realized that this was no prank. Why would the Councillor want her, of all people? She would have thought they'd need diplomats in a time like this, not warriors. And she was only sixteen summers old! Whatever the reason, she was going to go. If not to help the unification of the races- Which honestly, she couldn't care less about- then she'd do it to get away from all these utaas here. She resolved to tell her parents in the morning. She did not wish to disrupt them from their slumber. She walked to her door, opened it, then walked inside her room. She laid down in her bed, and quickly fell asleep, dreams of adventure and excitement going through her mind.

The next morning, she found that her parents were still asleep. She sighed, then hastily wrote out a note for them. She didn't want to waste any time getting to Haven. She went out her door, and began to walk out of her town to where the carriage driver was when he was waiting for more passengers. Almost immediately, she was stopped by a group of elves, who were her age in elven years.

"Hello Castien," She said in Elvish to the one in front, a tall slender boy, with blue eyes and long white hair, and a smashed nose. He would have been attractive, if not for his ruined nose, and the fact that his personality was worse than that of a wild boar.

"We decided to come to say goodbye," Castien said, speaking in the human tongue. He always did that when he was mocking her, so pretty much every time he spoke to her. They were all fluent in the languages of each race, all in the town having at least moderately wealthy parents who could afford tutors.

"How do you know I'm leaving?" She asked, still speaking in Elvish.

"Oh, I have my sources," He replied, a sly grin on his face. "You didn't think we'd let you leave, did you? After what you did the other day?" He said, referring to when Isenrah had broken his nose after a particularly fierce round of teasing from him.

"Who's to say I'm not going to do that again?" She asked.

"They do." Castien replied, gesturing to the group of other elves behind him. Out of nowhere, a punch was flying toward Isenrah's head. She ducked beneath it, then drew one of her katanas.

"You don't want to do this," She said, trying to sound threatening, and succeeding. She could see a slight wariness in his eyes as he drew his own blade, a scimitar. He took a swing toward her neck, and she parried, slashing him across the torso, leaving a thin red scratch across his chest, tearing his fine silk shirt.

"You xhan!" He cried out in pain. "Get her!" He said to the other elves. Isenrah made a quick estimate in her head. There were five of them, each with a dagger now in hand. They stood nervously, obviously scared of her. One gathered his courage and charged forward with a clumsy swing toward her head. She parried easily, knocking the dagger out of his shaky grasp, and kicked him, sending him onto his back.

"Anyone else want to have a go?" She said to the lot of them. They all shook their heads nervously, then ran off. Castien was left standing alone, holding his scimitar in front of him in an offensive stance. He ran towards her, and she sidestepped him, putting out her leg. He tripped and fell onto his face. Isenrah walked away, not looking back at the unconscious elf. She made it to the carriage driver with no further interruptions.

"I need to go to Haven as soon as possible," She said to him, holding out a bag of gold.

He nodded, and took the bag of gold. She got in the back of the carriage, and the carriage driver readied the horses, then took off on the road towards Haven.
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The Border Of Iceburrow and Grove

She'd been riding since dawn, the palomino mare she had 'aquired' just before dawn had proven to be a good choice. She was a quiet horse who had been keeping a good pace all morning, they'd been trotting for a while now and the elf nudged the horse into a canter. The border was coming up and once she was over it, she'd take a rest to have something to eat and let the mare rest for a while. The breeze was pleasant and there was just enough cloud cover for the sun to not sting her pale skin. That was the downside of being a redhead, the pale skin that sizzled like bacon in a pan on hot days.

"What do you think, time for a rest now?" She asked the mare as she stroked the mare's shoulder. "I know I'm getting a sore butt and you could probably do with a rest."

They cantered over the border and continued on until Arawen found a suitable place off the side of the road to rest, she dismounted the palomino and took her tack off. After laying it against a tree, she took a short loop of rope from her rucksack and slipped it over one of the mare's forelegs, twisted it several times and slipped the other end around her other leg. Just in case the mare wanted to wander, the basic hobble would stop her from going very far at all. She used the saddle as a back rest and sat down on the grass as the mare lowered her head to graze nearby.

The elf closed her eyes and opened them again as the distant sound of hoofbeats in the distance got her almost-paranoia twitching. A human male, younger than her was riding a chestnut horse towards her, he'd left the road and the redhead was on edge, watching him.

"You're Arawen, right?" He asked as he dismounted. "I've got a letter for you."

Warily, she nodded as he pulled a sealed letter from the saddlebag and approached her, holding the letter out for her to take, which she did. Without another word, he turned, mounted his horse and continued on the road. The redhead stared at the sealed letter for a few moments before breaking the wax seal and reading the writing contained within.


Well, she had been looking for something new to do and this seemed the thing to do. Good thing she was already heading towards Grove. Although right now, it was time to resume her rest and have something to eat before she'd continue her journey.
Near River Hold, Dro'fyr

Cadwy Jetcoal
The dark green coat on Cadwy's tough back waved from the wind blowing right to his face. Fields of grass were trampled with his hard leather shoes. His beard, being as magnificent as it was, waved to the sides as Cadwy ran away from River Hold. Three other dwarves ran along side with him, all as magnificent and old-looking as Cadwy was. They were chasing someone. Someone, who had just stolen a bag of gold. Pure gold. It was a dwarf. His face was of familiar kind to Cadwy. He saw it somewhere else once before, however, that did not matter now.

"Oy men! Catch de thief n' rip his head off!" Cadwy yelled pointing his wooden crossbow at the running thief. His crossbow immediately materialized an icy bolt and as Cadwy pressed the trigger it shot right at the running dwarf's leg. "Gotcha' ye bag o' shit." He said to himself giggling as the thief fell down in pain. "Get 'im, boys!"


Bad Encounters

As the fire elf made his way out of Solace Town, his ears picked up three voices. Intrigued, the elf walked closer to the voices, but not close enough for them to spot him. Well, he thought they couldn't see him, anyway.

A female of his race was feebly holding onto her supplies while having a distressed expression on her face and a mouth moving in a fast motion. Two human men, he guessed from their muscular build, were surrounding her, one voice spitting out threats and one smirking. Their armour looked like it was half-way through it's durability but can still take a beating. Narrowing his eyes, Pryder scanned their weaponry. One of them was equipped with a claymore, which was swung over his shoulder and the other had a shield at his feet and a sword hanging loosely from his grasp.

'...Harrassing my fellow kin, disgusting humans.' Pryder thought, sparks igniting on his hands as he strode towards the trio.

"Oi!" The fire elf yelled in human tongue, catching one of the men's attention, the one with the claymore.

"Bothering a elven woman, are you? Both of you, leave her alone or you'll get burned." Right on cue as Pryder said burned, his palms lit up and flames were on his palms. Barbecued human.

The fire elf must've underestimated the claymore-wielding human, since he found himself on the floor with a huge bruise on his ginger head. The man with the shield stopped paying attention to the elven woman who took this chance to flee. 'Bloody knew it...' Pryder thought numbly, his hand rubbing against the huge bruise.

The two men were laughing and kicking at him. The fire elf was silently glad that they weren't prodding him with their swords, at least.

He took deep breaths, slowly regaining his composure and finally feeling the pain of being kicked. After a few kicks to the legs, they moved onto a part that made him go crazy. By crazy, it mean't him igniting his entire body in flames with the Fire of God that HURTS. One of the men's foot caught on fire and he started hopping around, trying to douse the flame. The shield that was on the floor, remained on the floor as it's owner rushed to help his ally.

Before they could douse the fire engulfing the boot and themselves being awfully hot due to the heat plus their armour, Pryder blasted them two enraged fireballs and their bodies also ignited in flames, but their human bodies couldn't handle it like he could. The fire elf watched them scream and run around in circles, occasionally bumping into him and burning faster.

Barbecued human, accompanied with a splitting headache. Pryder watched them collapse to the ground, their ragged screaming turning into whimpers and grunts before eventually, becoming silent. Had he killed them? Well, they're burnt to a crisp, so maybe he did.

The fire elf rolled his shoulders and moved his head to side-to-side to lessen the sore feeling of his body. When he felt that his body was ready to move on with only pangs of agony, he knelt down to the burning flesh of the men. The elf wasn't one to actually pick-pocket corpses but they could've stolen something from the woman. Turning the claymore-wielding man's body to face him, Pryder scrunched his face in disgust. Maybe he went a bit too far.

Nevertheless, he searched through his body and found a bag of gold. '...Don't think this was the woman's' He thought, shoving it into his pocket. Moving onto the shield-bearer, he found a bottle that had a odd-looking liquid stored inside it. Raising a brow, Pryder turned it around to see a label saying 'Warriors Will.'

"Sounds like one of 'em human energy drinks...best to keep it." He mumbled, pocketing another item that he would like to use later on.
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Red Barrens Wilderlands, River Hold Outskirts

Elendynn Glace

The air rushed past Elen's head as she headed towards home. She took her cowl off, the day was not warm enough yet for her to justify nearly suffocating in the clinging fabric. The wind whipped the sand about, but she was generally able to avoid the large clouds of debris from hitting her in the face or the eyes. She had exited a canyon, almost within sight of River Hold, when a loud roar made her turn her head. A larger arc-tech skiff came barreling over a dune, three dwarves clearly pursuing her. Two of them had aimed crossbows at her, dwarvish engineering, they were repeaters, while the captain, obvious by his raised saber and barking orders, stood to the rear of the boat, piloting it directly towards her.

She barely had time to pull her hood over her face and replace her goggles before the shots were fired. A torrent of bolts came after her, each crossbow automatically reloading itself through a series of gears and levers, and the Captain had apparently set the vehicle to a Follow order, as it continued on even as he joined his companions at the fore. Several bolts hit the base of her Rider, while many embedded themselves in her sail, throwing her off balance. The Rider slipped out from under her feet and she tumbled onto the sand below, with less cushion than would be expected. A jolt of fire ran up her side as she clambered up from the sand, something must have broken. She hoped it wasn't anything important, because she would need all her strength for this fight.

The skiff bore down on her and she readied herself for the jump. A quick leap and she had grabbed the railing on the deck, pulling herself up, though painfully, due to her side injury. The dwarven thugs, out of ammunition and apparently not expecting this, took a few steps back. She used these few slim moments to throw herself over the railing and onto the deck, drawing her hammer. Her opponents charged, wielding their crossbows like pick-weapons, the arms of the bow bladed and sharp. She countered with a blow to one's helm, send his body crumpling to the deck, and the other with a kick to his weapon, sending it out of his hands. The disarmed dwarf scurried to retrieve his weapon, and the captain stepped forward, saber drawn. The crest on his helmet showed the symbol of The Eastern Stone Company, a flourishing business venture that sometimes employed pirates, as these must be.

"I give you this chance to back down," Elen said defiantly to the captain, taking note of the mook creeping up behind her as she prepared to be attacked again. The captain's answer came in a roar of manic laughter as he charged her, wildly swinging his saber. Elen whirled, not to attack him, but to dodge his blow. He ran past her, almost impaling his underling, who jumped out of the way and fell to the floor. She kicked him to the deck, then slid the saber out of his reach with her foot. "You are trespassing on River Hold sand space, the Eastern Stone Comapny is not welcome here. As an upholder of the law, you are under arrest." She pointed the head of her hammer down, and dropped all of her weight into a blow to his back, using the top of her hammer as the bludgeon. He cried out in pain then fell silent, unconscious from the blow to his internal organs. She turned to the other dwarf, who had risen again, shaking and stammering. "You are also under arrest, though I doubt you'll give me much trouble."

A few moments later, she had frisked and restrained all of the dwarves, two unconscious and tied securely to separate sides of the railing, the other bound into a chair, securely, but not cruelly. They would stand trial as the River Hold court saw fit, which tended to be imprisonment with hard labor as recompense, until the Eastern Stone heard of it and plied for bail. Still, she searched the entirety of the ship, looking for any illegal goods or stolen property, as well as anything useful. A rule among the Sand Rats: "Theft is illegal. Plundering is fair game."
Deaths and Injuries.

Isenrah heard a sudden gasp of pain from in front of her, and the horses slowed down to almost a stop. She got out of the carriage, heard the twang of a bow, and suddenly there was an arrow in her right shoulder.

"Jukkete!" She cursed in the Elven tongue. She looked to where she thought the arrow had come from. She saw three people, one with rusted old armor and a sword, one with a bow and a quiver of arrows on his back, and a woman with nothing but some ragged clothes. She assumed that the one with no weapons or armor was a mage of some sort. Another arrow flew threw the air, this time missing her. She drew her katana with her left hand. She didn't know how bad her injury was, but she knew she couldn't fight with that arm right now. It hurt like hell. She charged forward, her katana held in front of her. A vine grew right in front of her feet, and she tripped and fell, but caught herself.
At least she's not a fire mage. She thought to herself.

The man with the sword charged at her as she got back to her feet, and took a strong swing at her neck. She knew she couldn't block it, not with one hand, so she dodged it, jumping back a couple feet. She lunged forward with her sword, piercing his chest, and the brigand fell to the ground, dead. The mage wasn't too far behind him. Isenrah charged at her, and slashed at her neck. There was a spray of blood, then the woman fell to the ground, not moving. The man with the bow turned and began running in the opposite direction.

"Oh no you don't." Isenrah said, then dropped her sword. She pulled a throwing knife from her belt, and threw it towards the retreating bandit, catching him in the right shoulder, making him stumble and trip. Isenrah almost laughed at the irony. She ran towards him, intending to interrogate him as to who he was and why he and is friends had attacked her. That was, until she saw the puddle of blood that was slowly forming around him. The poor fool had cracked his head open on a rock. She then searched the bodies for anything worth looting from them.
BarkWolfBacon updated Kamirotha: End of an Age with a new update entry:

An expansion is coming!

The first large expansion pack-The Coming Storm-is drifting into Kamirotha within the next week (assuming the posts progress at current rate, you will be in proper place to trigger new content). It will be coming in the form of an event you will all experience, and it is totally your vote as to what it contains; some options/ideas are-

The Coming Storm Expansion Content

-New races (Orcs, Undead, Gnomes, Halflings, etc.) throw some more ideas in if you choose....
Read the rest of this update entry...
Seaport: Redhanded(?)

T.E.S.S.A sighed tapping the curved tech that was fitted over her ears a few times to turn up the volume of the white noise. The sound had little effect on her sense other than to force her mind to stop picking up on the thoughts of others. After a year she had expected to be somewhat better at controling that power on her own, but there were somethings she still wasn't used to yet. Being the semi-absent minded individual that she was she was only faintly aware of the fact that many people on the street were quite openly staring at her. Did she have something on her face. She frowned a bit seeming puzzled and then she realized it was probably her face itself. After all she did look rather strange. Besides being clad head to toe in what was obviously a blend or armor and ArcTech, her skin was covered with luminescent, albeit faint, pink markings. The covered her arms, chest, hand, and face. Almost any exposed area of her skin bore the luminescent mark of the same hue as her hair, where the Tech was visibly merged with her body. She sighed feeling out of place, this had never happened to her at the lab in Dro'fyr. But everyone there had worked to well...create her. As she reached up to rub the back of her head she was aware of a slight brush at her side.

Are all the people here so rude...

She was uttering another soft sigh as a elfish looking young man, presumably the person who bumped her moved swiftly away. Dropping her hand back to her side she was aware of something missing. Glancing down her eyes widened in surprise. The coin purse she wore on her hip was missing. Her eyes narrowed, her Battlesight sharpening as she spotted the elf who had bumped into her weaving swiftly through the crowd. There was a soft mechanical sound and a faint flare of pink through her suit as she took off running. She moved nimbly through the crowd, following the glimpses of the escaping male. Finally as he turned into an alley she was able to get a clear sight on him. Her right hand glowed purple, the lines on her skin changing to that hue as well. She reached out relying on her Raw Magic and focusing it into a telekinetic force. The crackle of purple sparks emitted from her hand as she wrapped the energy around the males throat practical yanking him off his feet mid-stride. Her hand partially closed she raised it slightly lifting him off the ground. She crossed the space between them moving around to his front so she could look at him more clearly. He looked rather disheveled and was swiping at his throat feebly with the hand that didn't hold her coin purse. Holding her other hand out she spoke her voice cold and even.

"Drop it and then I'll drop you..."

Her tone, when combined with the stoic look on her face and the purpleish pink glow of the ring around her iris invited no argument. The elf dropped the coin purse which T.E.S.S.A caught in her hand. The glow around her other hand faded and the male dropped quite unceremoniously to the ground spluttering as he rubbed his throat. T.E.S.S.A had not moved and was simply staring at the male, her expression now inquisitive rather that the blank one she had before. Having caught his breath the elf stood hand raised defensively as he began to ramble profusely, backing in to the wall.

"Please forgive me miss. I meant no harm, I just needed the money. My parents they died you see. Our village was burned during the incursion and I have siblings, younger brothers and sisters to raise. But I can't find a job and we really need the money. I sorry really. Please don't kill me."

The last part came out as a whimper. T.E.S.S.A tilted her head to the side for a moment, her face blank. She seemed to be pondering something for a moment. She didn't exactly understand half of the rambling. But something about the fact that he was taking care of his siblings all on his own struck a chord with her. She smiled opening her coin purse. She removed a few coins, enough for food and possibly a carraige to Haven. Tucking it in a pocket of her armor she pulled the string of the bag shut. Stepping closer to the trembling elf she grabbed his hand and placed the bag of coins in it. She tilted her head a grin on her face. As she stepped back.

"There ya go... You can have it... But you shouldn't steal Anii and Raf say that stealing is bad and can get you in serious trouble... It wouldn't be good for you sibling if you got hurt or arrested, yea...? You should join the guard here... That way you can make money honestly and protect those you care about..."

T.E.S.S.A nodded at her own advice, grinning slightly. Waving at the stunned elf she turned and headed out of the alley humming to herself. She barely heard the softly whispered "Thank you" as she made her way back into the crowded main street.
The Lurker Within The Ruins

"Hold still..."

The palomino was apparently anxious to get going on the road again and the mare kept pawing at the ground, snuffing softly. Arawen placed the saddle upon her back and inched it forward so it sat correctly, she tugged the saddle blanket so it was laying flat and reached underneath the horse to grab the girdle. The mare started to move forward a little in anticipation and the redhead sighed, glad she left the hobbles on. Once the girth was tightened, she knelt down and slipped the rope hobble off and stashed it in the saddlebag. She slipped her foot into the stirrup and swiftly mounted the mare, who started to walk forward even before the elf was seated. Taking the reins, she turned the horse in the right direction and nudged her forward into a canter.

An old ruin in the distance got her attention, as she drew closer Arawen realised it was some kind of old temple. The smooth black obelisks of the temple were overgrown by plantlife and she decided to have a look inside, even if it was already ransacked, there might be something of value left inside. Tying the mare to a nearby tree, Arawen steps inside the temple a feeling of dread filling her almost instantly.

Strange script covers the walls and the inside of the temple is empty, she can't read it, it's not anything she's ever seen before. Whatever used to be in here, was surely evil. A cold shudder twisted up her spine and she decided that she'd been in here long enough. Turning to leave, she found her path blocked by a hooded figure holding both a wrought iron staff and a longsword. His eyes begin to glow red and Arawen draws her swords, looks like this guy wants to fight. He uses the longsword to slice into his own flesh, casting magics at her.

"Looks like I've found a blood mage, time to die, scum." Arawen scowls in the darkness, twisting away as one of the spells glances off of her.

Using her speed, she charges the mage, zigzagging to avoid his spells. As she closes on him, she leaps into the air to bring the swords down ont his head. His sudden speed surprises her, he's quick for a pale guy. Her blades miss their mark, but manage to slice into the flesh of his right arm. He scuttles away and flings blood magic at her in retaliation, the spells slam into her blades and dissipate, knocking her back slightly across the dusty floor.

"You'll have to try harder than that." She sneered a laugh and slid her left sword back into it's scabbard.

As the mage snarled from beneath his hood and flung more magic at the elf, she dashed to the side and flung three kunai at him. They sped through the air, two finding their mark. One lodged in his chest, the other in his right shoulder. The mage grunted in pain and dropped his staff, which clattered loudly to the floor. Even through his pain, he threw another spell at her, this one flying madly towards her. Apparently she'd injured his spell arm. The spell whizzed past her and slammed into the wall behind her, knocking some of it loose.

As he tried to pull the kunai from his body, Arawen took the open opportunity and she rushed him, drawing her other sword again. Being light on her feet, she closed on him quickly. The black blades penetrated his body quickly and with a loud cry, he knocked the elf backward with a large explosion of blood magic. Arawen tumbled across the room, slamming into a wall which knocked the breath from her lungs. Dazed, she tried to catch her breath as the mage crumpled to the ground, the swords still inside his body. A tendril of wild magic sparked from his kneeling form and sped towards the dazed assassin, a large rock was lifted into the air. It was hurled toward Arawen's head, but lost trajectory as the mage finally died. It fell heavily and landed on the elf's forearm, snapping the bone.

That was all it took to snap her from her dazed state and she cried out in pain, pushing the rock from her arm. The pain shot up her arm as she cradled it against herself, looking over at the blood mage. Slowly, she got to her feet, gritting her teeth from the pain and made her way outside, she needed a splint and fast. Once she found an acceptable stick, she went back inside. The blood mage's robe would come in handy. She knelt beside the corpse and awkwardly tore off some of the material, using it to bind the splint to her broken arm. Using her teeth and free hand, she knotted it firmly in place and cut off a large section to make into a sling.

Good thing this wasn't the first time she'd had to do this. If only she had a healer, or healing magic or something... With her arm secured and the pain just bearable, she pulled her swords from the cooling corpse and started to search him for loot.
On his way to River Hold to find Elendynn, Dro'fyr

Cadwy Jetcoal
Three heavyweight River Hold dwarf guards jumped the thief pinning him down. They knew their orders well. Each and every chase ended the same exact way - bolt to the leg, pin down, interrogate, and then either rip the culprit's head off or bring him to the Leader of River Hold. However, Cadwy was the general of the military in River Hold, so bringing anyone to the leader was not necessary. He only did it if it was of great importance. If not for the vast fields around him, he wouldn't have shot that bolt. Violence within the River Hold walls was considered breaking the law.

"Aight' ye piece o' garbage, why'd ye steal de gold from yer own men?" Cadwy kicked him in the shin asking the fella. He had a wrinkly face and a beard as white as winter snow. He was old and wise, however, stupid for stealing that gold. Leather clothing covered his whole body. Even though he was a dwarf, Cadwy had not seen him before around his own parts.

"I stole de gold t'get yer attention, Cadwy. I have somethin' for ye." The thief said as he pulled out a small scroll from his pockets. It was a piece of old paper with a seal. Cadwy picked up the paper and unrolled it to read what was written.


"Well, well, well, someone's in need o' me assistance? I can't just leave me gang 'ere without a general." He said after he read the letter. He was really surprised, however, he believed what had been written. He had the urge to go look for whoever wrote the letter.

"Howeva', Temley, yer de new general, got it? Treat me men well." Cadwy said as he gave a handshake to Temley, a dwarf who was next in line to take the general position. It was actually about time Cadwy retired. Without further hesitation Cadwy started marching towards River Hold.

"Oh, Cadwy!" He yelled, "Yer de new general, do what ye will with de culprit." Walking away he yelled. River hold was in sight after a few minutes of walking. "I need to find Elendynn." He thought to himself. Elendynn was the only one who he knew that had a vehicle, and Cadwy wasn't going to buy one himself with the amount of money he had.


Red Barrens, Within Sight of River Hold

Elendynn Glace

She was already on her way, the Rider's tracks sliding over the sand between her and home. She had left the pirates and their stores on the ship, she could not have carried it all on her small craft anyway. Among the spoils she had found two large crates of pure, crystalline Dark Matter, stolen from the Grand Desert Company by the symbols on the box. She helped herself to a handful of crystals, a small price for her "rescue" of the crates. She had heard of their power to enhance magical abilities, this was am opportunity she could not miss, and she was sure the Grand Desert Company would not miss them either. There were a few other crates, mostly cheap ores, meant to hide the fact that the pirates had stolen goods, they were of no interest to her, along with some cartons of items, obviously caravan materials, foodstuffs and tools, and she had browsed through this briefly, but found nothing of interest. On the pirates themselves, she had found two flasks of healing ointment, one she had immediately used on her bruised and cracked rib, just to stave off the pain and keep it from worsening, as well as some gold pieces and an interesting letter:

Maybe this was unclear in our previous messages, that dark matter WILL get here...or I will bring wrath down on your entire namesake, and you will believe the Void is falling on you every waking moment.

But in the interest of pleasant business, I do believe you will find a way for it to get here. I desire no more of your complaints regarding the difficulty (or the quantity) of the order.

May fortune favor you,


Rolled inside of the letter was a map, which she discovered to her horror held key locations of many slaving routes and dens. "The bastards, they must be transporting all kinds of innocents to these places." She left the pirate craft, keeping the map, the accompanying letter and the remaining jar of healing salve, as well as taking the crossbows and the saber. She may or may not use them herself, but they would sell for a good price, though the saber had a good mark about it, it might be handy to keep around. She stowed all of the larger items in a crate on the back of her Rider, donning her hood and goggles again, raced off into the desert towards River Hold.

As she drew near, she saw a figure running out to greet her, a dwarf by the size of him. She recognized him as Cadwy, her friend and drinking partner, and sent him hand-signals from a distance, motioning for him to take her arm as she flew by. He did so, and she hauled him up onto the Rider behind her, without losing a moment's sped. There was enough room for the both of them, but not by much. He may have been talking to her, but on with the wind whipping past her ears, she couldn't hear a word and hoped that he could explain just as well back in River Hold as out here. The sun was starting to get higher, she didn't want to be out here when the larger creatures stirred in the roiling heat.

@Trevor B Harper
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