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  1. Emilee jordan

    Supernatural <3

    (whoopsies I didn't get alerts for the thread) Electra woke up dazzed. She must not have been asleep for very long. She thought about going back to sleep until she noticed a shadow casted behind her of the open door. She sat up quickly looking around to see if anything was out of place if...
  2. Emilee jordan

    Supernatural <3

    She opened the door to her apartment. She threw down her duffle bag and grabbed a blanket from it and laid it on the floor. She flopped down on it and felt her eye lids growing heavy-she slowly drifted off to a stressless sleep even though it was still daylight. But she forgot one thing. Ever...
  3. Emilee jordan

    Supernatural <3

    "Those people are in this apartment building too? What the heck!?" Electra thought. She just slowly backed away without anyone noticing.
  4. Emilee jordan

    Supernatural <3

    She walked about a block away from the building to the buildings owners house whos address was listed on the flyer. The owner didn't seem consernded with the fact that she had $50 short of the apartment deposit or that she looked like she just crawled out of a gutter, he just took her money and...
  5. Emilee jordan

    Supernatural <3

    (Oh yeah, duh, there's an edit button *facepalm) Electra was in town when she saw a poster about an apartment that was cheap with vacant rooms. She took one of the flyers kept under the poster in a small box. She followed the directions only to realize that it was the same apartment building...
  6. Emilee jordan

    Supernatural <3

    Electra changed back into her normal clothing and stuffed all her belongings into the duffle bag. She looked into the cracked old dusty mirror in the bathroom and fixed her hair back into a ponytail. While putting her jacket back on her body jolted with pain. She brushed it off only to notice...
  7. Emilee jordan

    Supernatural <3

    Electra, still sprawled on the floor, lifted up her head, only to slam it back down on the hardwood. She sighed and then got up, still feeling week from the long night she had. She grabbed the door frame to help pull herself up and slowly limped to the bathroom to collect her things.
  8. Emilee jordan

    Supernatural <3

    Electra woke up face down on the floor. She was sprawled out on the hardwood of the abandon house. She lifted her head and let out a small groan. Slowly looking around at her surroundings, noticing scratches marking the door frames and walls. She saw the sun peeking in through the window.
  9. Emilee jordan

    Supernatural <3

    "Bye." Electra waved back. "Well...that was weird." She said to herself outloud. She climbed out the door and back out onto the streets and kept walking until the cluster of houses turned into mostly trees. She came across an old building, all worn down and falling apart, and proceeded...
  10. Emilee jordan

    Supernatural <3

    "Heh, okay." She then walked over to the window and started picking up the pieces of glass, accidently cutting herself with one. "Oops."
  11. Emilee jordan

    Amia Academy the school of mystery!(accepting)

    name: Riley Benict age: 15 gender: Female weapon: Ax slung on back with sling appearance:(pictures or great description) personality: Sarcastic and witty but very clumsy and reckless. bio:(optional) nah
  12. Emilee jordan

    Supernatural <3

    "I see." She responded. Not nowing what else she should say. "Well, I should probably help you fix that window now ay?"
  13. Emilee jordan

    Supernatural <3

    "Wow- wait." She said stopping her from turning the page. "I really like this one. So, what do you do? For work, I mean."
  14. Emilee jordan

    Supernatural <3

    She shifted a little un comfortably. She didn't want to impose into Roses personal life. "So do you draw often?"
  15. Emilee jordan

    Unforgettable Train Ride

    Thanks ^-^
  16. Emilee jordan

    Supernatural <3

    She slowly made her way to the couch, sipping her coffee and peering over at what Rose was drawing. "Those are really good, did you draw them yourself?"
  17. Emilee jordan

    Supernatural <3

    "Thanks. Nice to meet you Rose, though, I could think of many better ways we could have met. Like, you know, less shattered glass." she said as she accepted the coffee and slightly laughed at her own joke.
  18. Emilee jordan

    Supernatural <3

    "Oh, um, sure." She answered surprised at this girls friendlyness. You would expect someone who has just gotten their window broken would be at least a little cross. "Oh, my names Electra by the way."
  19. Emilee jordan

    Supernatural <3

    She looked at the window and saw she made a bigger mess than she thought she did. She followed the girl up the stairs into her apartment. "I still feel bad. At least let me help you fix it."
  20. Emilee jordan

    Supernatural <3

    "Um. Okay...Sure." She awkwardly agreed and followed her inside. "I'm, uh, sorry for the, um...broken window and all." she studdred out.