Supernatural <3

Zero went out into the hallway, he needed to ask one of the workers about the nearest supermarket. He bumped into a girl by accident. "Oh, sorry." He apologized then took a step back.
-she looked at him but instead of being mad she smiled as she kept her umbrella gripped in her hand.- Oh It's alright. I'm very clumsy anyways -she laughs a little and walks to her apartment right next to his-
"Hm. What's with the umbrella? I don't know...there's been alot of strange people in this place so far." Zero thought aloud and began walking again.

(Is it an all "monsters/creature" sort of hotel place? Or is there just alot of them staying there? It'd be interesting if he was the only human staying there.)
nichole stayed there then got up walking around. she hummed to herswlf singing to her self and turned up her ipod. SCREECH! Her eyes widened and she jumped over the car. the car screeched to a halt.
Zero went back up to his level after thanking the worker for the directions. He returned to his room with a suspicious face, peeking in the door to see if the banshee girl was still in his apartmemt.
-Rose walks into her apartment and sighs as she sets her belongings down on her side table next to the door. She walks over to the couch slowly while rubbing her neck and looks over at the kitchen with her brown eyes. Rose's stomach grumbles a little as she sighs and walks over to the kitchen to get something from her refrigerator-
Satisfied from seeing a trace of the girl there, Zero closed thhe door slowly. Maybe he had imagined the whole from hallucinations or something. The ride here did make him feel all sick and dizzy. He shrugged it off.

(Should he introduce himself to his neighbors?)
(sure) -She remembers she had the door just swung open and runs over and shuts it. Then Rose went back to the kitchen and made some red cookies in the shape of hearts and smiled. She ate one of them, she smiled as she still remembered her mother's old recipe. She starts to eat one of the red cookies, and she drank the red color of it, then ate the rest of the cookie.
Zero lightly knocked on the apartment door next to his. As he crossed his arms across his chest, he reminded himself to try and be friendly since this was a new building; Perhaps he could make some possible friends. He hated talking to others but it was better than ignoring them forever, I guess.
-She heard knocking on her door and jumps a little but finishes another cookie by first drinking the red color with her fangs then eating the cookie. She retracted her fangs so it wouldn't make it seem that she was a vampire and she controlled the color of her eyes to look dark brown. She opened the door and smiled to be nice to the guest who was knocking on her door- Hello.
"Hey um, I'm Zero. I'm living in the apartment next door now; just moved here. I came to introduce myself since I'll be staying for a while." Zero held a hand out politely for her to shake. "Your name?"
"Nice to meet you. Hey, um, I know this is kinda random but do you know where the nearest supermarket is? I need to buy some food and nobody'll give me directions." Zero asked, crossing his arms yet again.
-Rose's face lights up.- Yeah! There is a Wallgreens on 3rd Dr. and then there is Walmart and K-Mart close by to each other on SeaRidge Rd. To get to Wallgreens just turn left and then turn right at the stop light and you'll see the sign for it. If you want to go to Walmart or K-mart then you have to turn right and then go straight at Cornerside Rd. then turn another right at SeaRidge and you will see both of them close by -She smiles- If you need any more directions just ask me okay? people who work here aren't very helpful with directions so yeah.

-She laughed a little then stayed in the doorway waiting for the guy's response.-
(whoopsies I didn't get alerts for the thread)

Electra woke up dazzed. She must not have been asleep for very long. She thought about going back to sleep until she noticed a shadow casted behind her of the open door.

She sat up quickly looking around to see if anything was out of place if she sleep walked.

She didn't see anything out of the ordinary so she just grabbed her duffle bag and left her appartment remembering to lock it behind her before she left into town to buy some food and maybe some furniture or something to fill in her new home.

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