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  1. BigNerdOnCampus

    do u like art. i like art. free art

    @helblindi Oh sorry, I thought you hadn't saw it so I posted it again, sorry to be annoying. Psyched to see it though :)
  2. BigNerdOnCampus

    Fantasy /Simple] The Gilded Vessel

    @RambVines Welcome to the rp. I like your character :) @toontwink So should I go ahead and make my first post?
  3. BigNerdOnCampus

    do u like art. i like art. free art

    @Entarriance oh thanks (o'v'o)
  4. BigNerdOnCampus

    do u like art. i like art. free art

    @helblindi Are you still taking these? Your art is really beautiful, if you're not too busy I would really love to have one done for my friend.
  5. BigNerdOnCampus

    Fantasy /Casual] The Gilded Vessel

  6. BigNerdOnCampus

    Fantasy /Simple] The Gilded Vessel

    Does anyone have friends on here they could invite, I'm to new to the site to bring people in. Also, should we @ the people who reserved but we haven't heard from in a while...?
  7. BigNerdOnCampus

    Fantasy /Simple] The Gilded Vessel

    Idk about you guys but I'm really excited (music)
  8. BigNerdOnCampus

    Fantasy /Simple] The Gilded Vessel

    Wesley Cobb "I am favored by the Gods and they trust me with their secrets." Nickname: Wes Age: Twenty Seven Sex: Male Role in Group: The Fraud Appearance: Hobbies: Fishing, gambling, singing Likes: Drinking, Women, Wealth Dislikes: Fighting...
  9. BigNerdOnCampus

    Fantasy From Once There Was. [Accepting]

    Name/Alias: Nauxus Arillia Age: Twenty seven Race: Human Appearance: In a bygone time Nauxus had once been handsome and youthful. He'd stood tall and confident next to his fellow Meagus, his dark features and charismatic nature making him quite popular among his peers. However, after years...
  10. BigNerdOnCampus

    Fantasy /Simple] The Gilded Vessel

    @Twyllvarlais Thanks for advertising! I think we'll start when all the roles are filled up, but maybe just when we have all the criminals since we're closer to that.
  11. BigNerdOnCampus

    Fantasy /Simple] The Gilded Vessel

    That's awesome I can't wait to see it!
  12. BigNerdOnCampus

    Fantasy /Simple] The Gilded Vessel

    I'm almost done my bio, sorry it's taking so long. How is everyone else doing?
  13. BigNerdOnCampus

    Fantasy [Small Group] The Band of Adventurers!

    It's a cool idea, I think with the treasure hunting you could really have some cool world building with an old ruin or enchant temple. I know you're full, I was just throwing in my opinion.
  14. BigNerdOnCampus

    Fantasy /Simple] The Gilded Vessel

    @toontwink I would like to reserve the Fraud character. I was thinking a traveling merchant who gets a piece of the alien tech attached to him, it would be a translator or some kind of Bluetooth like phone that would allow him to hear the ships A.I. He would insist that the gods are talking to...
  15. BigNerdOnCampus

    Fantasy /Simple] The Gilded Vessel

    So hype
  16. BigNerdOnCampus

    Fantasy From Once There Was. [Accepting]

    This is a really beautiful role play and if there's room I would really like to submit a character profile. I have some ideas I'm not sure will work, should I pm it to @RyuShura before submitting it to the character tab?
  17. BigNerdOnCampus

    Fantasy Fantasy World Summation

    I'm interested if it's still happening
  18. BigNerdOnCampus

    Fantasy /Casual] The Gilded Vessel

    I can't wait to work on this with you
  19. BigNerdOnCampus

    New to RpN

    If you do please hit me up, it sounds pretty cool!
  20. BigNerdOnCampus

    New to RpN

    I'm pretty much the same. I usually write in fantasy ones but lately I've been into modern and cyberpunk. Fantasy/Sci-fi fusions are also really fun.