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Fantasy /Simple] The Gilded Vessel


good times™ ahead
[border]Playable Characters[/border]


The Thief

(taken by TwizzArt)

Jailed for thievery. The circumstances of said thievery are completely up to you.

The Arsonist

(taken by PhoenixOfBlood)

Jailed for arson. The circumstances of said arson are completely up to you.

The Fraud

(taken by BigNerdOnCampus)

Jailed for fraud. The circumstances of said fraud are completely up to you.

The Anarchist

(Taken by RambVines)

Jailed for (petty or high) treason. The circumstances of said treason are completely up to you.

The Murderer

(taken by Thanatos)

Jailed for murder. The circumstances of said murder are up to you.​

Other Humans

The Prince

(taken by toontwink)

The Queen's missing son.​


The Captain


Captain of the ship. Their race specifications are left up to you.

The Guard


Guardian of the crew and the goods on the ship. Their race specifications are left up to you.

The Navigator

(taken by Suspendersboy)

Helps the crew navigate through the expanse of space. Their race specifications are left up to you.

The Engineer

(taken by RambVines)

Works on the ship's functions. Also capable of fixing communication technology. Their race specifications are left up to you.

The Chef


Prepares food for the crew. Their race specifications are left up to you.​

Other Aliens

The Stowaway

(taken by twyllvarlais)

An alien seeking refuge on the Gilded Vessel in secret. Their race specifications are left up to you.​

[border]Character Sheet[/border]

[border]Character Full Name[/border]
"Quote or something fancy"
Role in Group:

Appearance: (feel free to write a description or post a picture. I'm not going to be picky about it.)



History/Background: (doesn't have to be lengthy, just help us get an idea of what kind of life this character lives and has lived before.)

Other Details: (something you want to add but didn't have the opportunity to? write it here.)​

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"Nothing comes without a price."





Role in Group:





Gaius is a stoic and calculating individual. He takes into account all risks when putting his life on the line. He doesn't feel need to engage himself in idle conversation if it doesn't pertain to a specific topic at hand. He does like to learn about other species in his galaxy despite his race, Vokens, waging war and expanding their empire. He isn't prone to anger like others of his species, and can be sympathetic. He also believes that if one is to survive not only do they have to be physically capable, but also cunning and intelligent.


Reading holographic indexes on other species and any topic that comes to his mind.







-Unwarranted Violence



-In good physical condition

- Intelligent

- Adaptive

-Slow to anger

- Learner


- Can be too distant from others

- Little in the way of emotional expression


Born on the planet Yanes, Gaius grew up in the imperialistic culture of the Voken Empire. When he came of age, 18, he joined the Imperial Military, and hoped to become a good soldier. He took part in many battles, in space and on planets. Die to his cunning and battle prowess, Gaius was selected for the I.S.C. or Imperial Special Forces. Graduating in the top three of his class, Gaius engaged in numerous secret deployments to other planets. It was on these missions when he learned of the cruel and violent nature of imperialism. Deciding to leave his war torn culture, Gaius stowed away on the OV Andromeda. Due to circumstances, he found himself on an unknown planet and still in hiding.

Other Details:

- Armor


- Weapon


- Tattoo on his back signifying his former place as a I.S.C. soldier


- Theme


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[border]Hugo Caelum Lupis Beaumont III[/border]

”To be a king and wear a crown is a thing more glorious to them that see it than it is pleasant to them that bear it."

Nicknames: His Highness, Prince Beaumont,

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Role in Group: The Prince

Appearance: The Beaumonts are renown within their kingdom to be light in skin and features, and Hugo is no exception. Hugo has similar coloration to his mother, with fair, freckled skin (usually disguised by make-up) and curly flaxen hair. His eyes are characterized by long, white lashes, followed by a silver glint in his blue irises. His height is an average 5’ 9”, and his body is overweight, seeping into the shape of his face and body. Unlike the strong, muscular body of his father, Hugo doesn’t carry the same appearance of strength and intimidation with his own stocky figure.

Personality: Hugo’s a bit of a brat, and when you’ve grown up with everything handed to you on a silver platter, who would blame you? Being an only child, Hugo’s been both spoiled by his mother and given a world full of responsibility from his father, leaving him with a lot of stress from the expectations of his family. Although he’s encouraged to learn military training and to become a skilled strategist, Hugo’s always admired and loved creative pursuits, having a passion for music and writing. He’s easily irritated, and being as privileged as he is, he’s not very cautious of his words, especially to those deemed lower than him. Despite being an adult, one would think Hugo was still a child by the way that he acts.

Hobbies: Piano, Writing, Studying.

Likes: Music, Writing, Food.

Dislikes: Fencing, Horseback, Military training.

Strengths: His curiosity, a quality of an excellent intellectual.

Weaknesses: His endurance is left to be desired. As well as his inability to take control of a situation, which makes him a poor leader.

History/Background: From the day he was able to walk, Hugo was placed in the arms of many different tutors, beginning various different prince studies. Being the only child, it was paramount that he grow up to be a strong leader worthy of the Beaumont name. However, due to his father’s constant absence from his life and his mother’s constant babying of her little boy, he became much more spoiled and entitled than intended. His poor relationship with his father has caused a stress between them, and he feels unvalued and appreciated for the things he cares about. His betrothed; a lady whom the prince knew from childhood, is one of the only people who supports the prince for his artistic endeavours. She often reads his poetry.

Other Details: (n/a)
[border]N'reeya Aukai[/border]
"Oh, it's really quite fascinating! These metal contacts form the electrical connection, which is fundamental to actually getting the communications..."





Role in Group:




N'reeya stands below the average height of a female Skarian, at 4'5", and holds a skinny frame. Similar to most of the rest of her race, her entire body is covered in feathers in varying shades of red. The irises of her eyes are a light shade of gray, while the rest of it, the sclera, is dark in color. Her nose is simply a pair of nostrils that sits above her lips. From her scalp, a full head of white hair extends past her shoulders.



N'reeya can be incredibly talkative and she often rambles on and on about a particular subject, given the chance. She loves the sound of her own voice, and when alone, will talk to herself. She enjoys tinkering with objects and always takes the chance to give a new piece of tech a try, or experiment with existing ones and figure them out. N'reeya can be short-tempered and that might be evident by the shout of frustration and the sound of a crash coming from her workplace.


Working on a piece of technology, reading up on the various cultures of other planets, and such.


Various communication devices, writing (taking down notes, really), books.


Violence, getting her feathers dirty


Curious, intelligent, a quick study, knows her way around with technology


Self-important, short-tempered, talkative


N'reeya has always been interested in dismantling and figuring out how things worked inside, so it was no surprise that she went on to study a topic in the engineering field, a subject regarding technological systems and hardware. Being the only child, she grew accustomed to being showered with attention. After growing interested in the different planets, cultures, and life systems out there, N'reeya found herself working aboard the OV Andromeda.

Other Details:

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[border]Lemick Wervin[/border]

"There is no problem unsolvable by either the mind, or copious amounts of fire."


Nickname: Wick

Age: Fifty Three

Sex: Male

Role in Group: Arsonist

Appearance: Wick's body, save for the palms of his hands, the pads of his feet, and the fringes of his face, are covered in burn scars from the alchemical fire that destroyed his life. His hair, regrown from the fire, now hangs in a long, white, ragged pony tail to the small of his back. His clothes are little more than the burlap rags from his time in prison. The only addition to this is the black scarf wrapped around his neck to hide the extensive damage from the fire.

Personality: Even during his time at the Starwood Academy Wick was anti-social, and his time in prison for a crime he did not commit has not remedied this. Generally unhappy, impatient towards the foolishness of others, and distrustful, Wick is a handful to deal with.

Hobbies: Alchemical Experimentation, Studious Reading, Fencing

Likes: Alchemical Fire, Swordplay, Puzzles

Dislikes: The Nobility, His Peers from The Tower, All other alchemists

Strengths: A Brilliant Alchemist, An average skill with the blade, and a quick thinker

Weaknesses: A superiority complex, ugly burn scars on most of his body, weakened respiratory system

History/Background: Lemick Wervin was the son of Fednir Wervin, a well to do merchant, and when he began to show signs of his scientific genius, his father invested a great deal of wealth into his son's education. It was no surprise to any of his tutors, nor to his family, when Lemick was offered an opportunity to move to Starwood Academy at the age of thirteen. Leaving his home of Silverport behind, Lemick would make his home in The Tower for the next twenty three years.

During his time there, Lemick learned the art of alchemy, and took up fencing as a past time away from his studying. By twenty six, Lemick moved from being a humble student, to a respected alchemist. Over the next seven years, he made several major discoveries, advancing the field of alchemy, and raising the ire of his peers. At the age of thirty three, their jealousy finally boiled over.

Stealing from his laboratory, his peers used his greatest alchemical fire against him, intending to kill him inside the great library of The Tower. Amazingly, he survived, the fire having burnt away much of his flesh, his hair, and practically destroying his lungs from the alchemical fumes. After learning of his survival, his traitorous peers conspired to frame him for the incident, and ultimately, forced him into the darkest of the prisons. Were it not for his father's intervention, he surely would have faced execution. Now, twenty years later, with the disappearance of the prince, he's finally being given a chance at freedom.
[border]Tamara Reid[/border]

"This is the real me! That person... I don't know her at all."

Nickname: Tammy, GoldenRod



Role in Group:Theif



Personality: Tamara was raised to see two kinds of people. The rest of the world and the Reid family. Reids were strong, Reids were elegant, and most of all, Reids were above the common rabble. It was her responsibility as a Reid to keep this image. As the daughter of Alexander Reid, Tamara would have to be emotionally void in the public eye. Absolute perfection was demanded of her. This of course sparked her natural rebellious behavior. Her views of the world and the people she met changed over time but her mannerisms stayed much the same after she became GoldenRod. Tamara often comes off as cold or unfeeling, but there is a thrill seeker inside of her, one who enjoys fun and excitement. Though with her deadpan expressions it's hard to know whether she's serious about something or simply telling a joke.

Hobbies: Reading, Acrobatics, Singing

Likes: Gold, Jewels, Rumors

Dislikes: Jail, Her father, Binding rules and regulations.

Strengths: Knowledge of the city, Strong acrobatic skill, Strategist.

Weaknesses: Demands on being the star of the show, Emotionally distant, Doesn't play well with others, Fear of deep water.


Alexander Reid was a well known man within the city. Of course any inventor would be. The man built himself off the ground, making himself a name in Denshaw by carving it in with each new idea. He earned every penny and ounce of respect that came his way. As Tamara saw it, her father was the face the world had come to know and her and her sister were little more than ornaments. They were invisible behind their father and his big ideas. Tamara herself knew little of her father other than his inventions. Creations he said were given to him by the gods will. As a young girl she cherished attention from her father. hungered for it. The hunger only intensified as she became older and soon her father's attention wasn't enough. Tamara wanted to make a name for herself. A name other than Reid.

She was 12 when she jumped out the window and climbed down the wall of her father's home for the first time. She had had enough of living as a decoration for her father... Of course she had only been missing 2 weeks before the royal guards had brought her back home. Her brief escape was her first real taste of freedom. It was then she made her alter ego, GoldenRod. A thief that separated her from her life as a Reid. In a way, the true her. GoldenRod started off as a small time thief, stealing from other inventors and jewelers. She began learning from other thieves she would meet on the circuit, taking up acrobatics and map reading behind her father's back. As time went on her exploits became grander, even exposing her plans to the royal guards before completing them. GoldenRod became a legend in Denshaw and Tamara soaked up the fame. That was untill she had to put back on her performance as just one of the Reid's.

She was imprisoned when she attempted to steal a large diamond from the queen, her bright clothing and several hints easily allowed the royal guard to capture her. Upon the removal of the mask Alexander Reid disowned his daughter. She would be locked up under the name GoldenRod, and her legal name should be changed as well. There was no way Alexander would allow Tamara to sully his name in such a way.

After a year of rotting in Stonewall prison Tamara was finally given her chance at freedom again as the queen called upon her. She now has the chance to get revenge on the father who disowned her, and perhaps, succeed in her biggest heist to date. I mean it can't be that hard to steal a prince from not only the gods, but a bunch of criminals as well.

Other Details: She has beauty marks under her left shoulder blade and around her lower hip. There is a small dark brown birthmark in her right eye.
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[border]Wesley Cobb[/border]
"I am favored by the Gods and they trust me with their secrets."

Nickname: Wes

Age: Twenty Seven

Sex: Male

Role in Group: The Fraud




Personality: Wesley likes to think of himself as a charmer and charismatic business man, yet he's often described by others as an opportunistic snake. He's the kind of man who will say anything to worm his way into your good books, esspecially if he can get something out of it. Wesley is a shapeshifter of personalities and a man fulled by greed and his gambling addiction. At his most genuine Wesley enjoys solitude and nature and often spends his free time fishing alone.

Hobbies: Fishing, gambling, singing

Likes: Drinking, Women, Wealth

Dislikes: Fighting, Guardsmen, Thievery

Strengths: Mercantile, Charisma, Luck

Weaknesses: Mind, Physically, Illiterate

History/Background: Wesley Cobb witnessed the arrival of the Gilded Vessel when it first descended from the heavens above. Hailing from Southwater, Wesley came to Silverport in search for opportunity. With opportunity, came the allure of gambling and drinking; something that he fell into easily. A greenhorn merchant, he began working under a wealthy distributor who paid him well for his hard work. One day, Wesley's employer came to him with a strange request. An unusual delivery to Faircrest Square. Travelling for days, Wesley thought it a good idea to stop at the edge of Labarge Lake to unwind with a bit of fishing. That's when the ship fell. As the ship began to purge into the lake, pieces of the wreckage fell from the sky. When a hefty piece of the ship fell into the shore nearby, Wesley dove after it, expecting it to be a glimmering piece of gold. Once he retrieved it from the water, soaking, he recognized it as some strange piece of metal. It lunged at his face, burrowed deep into his ear, and from that moment on he could hear the ramblings of the Gods.

In a disoriented haze Wesley managed to drag himself and his cargo to a small tavern a few leagues outside the city walls. He took refuge there for a time, yet as the hours passed the voices became louder and more insistent, and Wesley became restless. In a drunken stupor he took solace with a group of patrons and revealed what was happening to him. The group of men and women quickly believed him, taking the glowing markings on the travelers face as proof. When they asked what the gods wanted he admitted that he couldn't understand the words that they spoke. After hours of deliberation the group came to the conclusion that Wesley, despite appearances, must have been the divines chosen prophet.

"They are not speaking to you, but through you."

The next morning one of the men lead Wesley into the town's market and encouraged that he share his story to the people there. When Wesley tried to dismiss the man, explaining that he had nothing more to tell, the man suggested that it was his duty as a prophet to interpret what the gods were saying. At first no one listened but after a short while Wesley had amassed quite a crowd. People were practically throwing each other out of the way to get a better look at his face and to hear what he had to say. At the end of the day a woman approached him with a sac of coins and told him it was an offering to the gods. Wesley quickly realized the potential of the situation. The next day he returned to the market with an empty chest engraved with the word 'offerings' etched into the front. By half day the chest was already overflowing with money and food, enough to last him months back home. However this momentum was short lived, shattered by the deafening clank of metallic suits marching on cobblestone. A platoon of guards lead by a decorated priest scattered away the eager listeners and placed Wesley in chains.

They called him a false profit, an embarrassment to the faith, a fraud. His imprisonment was eminent and after a brief trial he was sent to Stonewall Prison.

Other Details: N/A



"What do I get in exchange?"

no slide
Personality & Attributes

Outside of her exploits, Alexandrie is extremely straightforward, preferring to be blunt rather than coy. Despite that, she has a lot of connections - friends, even - both in the underground world and the trading business. She is rather sociable, willing to strike up a conversation with anyone at any given time, either for the sake of being friendly or for nefarious purposes. She can be haughty at times, having grown up rather lavishly, but she understands the struggle of having to fend for yourself and will rarely look down on people who had - have - nothing. However, she will not tolerate people who pity themselves too much and simply moan about their unfortunate situation or circumstances.

Alexandrie can be extremely focused when given the right incentive - the protection or survival of her siblings, money, favors. There are only a handful of things she wouldn't do for the right price. She is not the type to just suddenly attack head on, preferring to conduct several reconnaissance patrols - gathering as much information as she can about the objective - before taking action.



  • Adaptability. Having been both wealthy and poor, Alexandrie can adapt to the people she's talking to easily. She can feign pity in one moment and then distaste in the next.
  • Unselective. Alexandrie is not picky when it comes to whatever job you want her to take, as long as you're paying her enough for her effort.
  • Resilience. She can withstand a lot of damage - physical, mental or emotional - without faltering.


  • Not much of a team-player. Despite being sociable, Alexandrie prefers to either work with just a partner or two. Having many people in a job means there are more variables that need to be considered, and the amount of profit for each operating member becomes significantly smaller.
  • Her siblings. Put her sister and brother into the picture, and Alexandrie will play by your rules, no questions asked.
  • Close quarter combat, without weapons.

Born to a wealthy businessman and a noble, Alexandrie grew up rather comfortably in a sizable manor in Denshaw. She often accompanied her father in his travels, resulting in her constantly traveling between Denshaw, Silverport and Faircrest. It was not unusual for one to find her to sharing tales she had heard from her travels with her two younger siblings, Rosalie and Rabastan, whenever she came home.

When her father fell out of favor with the royal family, Alexandrie was 15. The Everard patriarch lost the respect of their peers and soon enough, the business began to fall, leaving the family in debt. Her father became alcoholic and was later found dead from alcohol poisoning in a run down bar during midday. Following her father's death, her mother often fell ill, leaving Alexandrie to fend for herself and her siblings.

In her attempt to make sure she and her siblings would not be sent to an orphanage and separated, she took all sorts of jobs. An assistant to a blacksmith and a physician, a busser in several taverns and restaurants, a postal carrier, and a farmhand. During her time as an assistant to a blacksmith, she learned how to use different weapons, ultimately prefering a bastard sword.

A mercenary took note of her proficiency in weapons and willingness to work with almost anything, and trained her under his wing, eventually initiating her into a group of mercenaries who primarily worked for themselves rather than a noble. With the support of the mercenary group, she began to make a name for herself. Her signature, a golden bow tied around a rose, earned her the name Antheia.

Several years later, she and two other mercenaries were hired to take care of a noble - an important asset to the Faircrest council - during a festival in Silverport. Due to a blunder by one of the her teammates, Alexandrie and her primary partner was forced to take action in the chaos, accidentally killing four civilians in the process and only managing to cripple the target before they got away. Her partner quickly fled the scene, leaving Alexandrie alone to take the fall.

Sentenced to death simply for the attempt on the Lehane patriarch, Alexandrie was sent to Stonewall to await her execution.


  • Coin flipping. It's nearly impossible for her to not have a coin on her person at all times.
  • Traveling. A reminder of her previous life, of her father - the man who used to sneak her sweets before bedtime, not the bastard of a man who drank himself to death.
  • Walking down the streets with no destination in mind. Constantly taking care of her siblings and mother, working part-time in a tavern and working as a mercenary, does not mean she can't find the time for herself to just stroll down the streets, allowing the crowd to take her wherever.


  • Knitting. Alexandrie is not particularly good at it, but she finds the pattern of movement relaxing.
  • Observing people while making up the most outrageous stories about them.
  • Roses. Her sister would always leave her a rose on her bed everyday.


  • Religion. Alexandrie always thought that the gods were just men who thought too highly of themselves and were cunning enough to manipulate hundreds - thousands of people over an extremely long period of time - that is until she heard news of the vessel that landed in Labarge.
  • Cooking. Don't even come near her with the thought of making her cook. She will hurl whatever she's holding at you.
  • Darkness. She's had enough of darkness in the isolation cells, thank you very much.


  • Alexandrie is officially charged with four accounts of murder and one account of attempted murder.
  • She has been on the death row in Stonewall for two years before the Queen sent her off to find the prince with four other convicts.


[border]Arlinda Walls[/border]

"Yeah, you see, this here's one of a kind!"


Arri, Lin





Role in Group:



Arlinda has coal-black hair which is usually tied back loosely or gathered up into something resembling a bun. When left down, her hair is long and the ends reach her mid-back. Her narrow eyes are a deep shade of blue and framed by lashes as dark as her hair. Rather thick brows perch on top of her blue pair of eyes. Her nose can be described as snub-like, with its slight upturn and its short bridge. All this is set upon a face that is round, with high cheekbones and a jutting, stubborn-set chin. She stands above most other women at five feet and eleven inches, while her frame is substantially narrow. Her skin is fair, with a lightly tanned complexion.


Arlinda is deflective when talked about herself. She can be considered sociable, preferring to talk about the other person or possible rumors, which she particularly likes, along with gossip. She tends to lie about even the smallest of things, out of habit. She thinks realistically and does not take risks unless sure it would either be worth it, or such a risk would succeed. She is often seen as composed and calm, able to get a grip on her emotions in most cases. When stressed or nervous, she often pauses while speaking, faltering throughout. Arlinda is highly superstitious and makes it a point to avoid black cats, corpses, or the number 13.


Lettering, cards, knitting, sewing


Tarts, clothing, fashion, coins, gossip


Sharp objects, uniforms, authority figures


Thinks realistically, considers before acting, patient, keeps composed in most cases


Lies often, judgemental, gossips, incompetent in physical situations


Arlinda is the third child in a family of five children. Her father was a banker and her mother a seamstress, and she'd learnt basic counting and sewing early on from her parents, as did the rest of her siblings. Her father had always been an avid reader of books, if he could get his hands on one, and had taught her and her siblings as well, though Arlinda had never been interested in what a book had to say. Rather, she grew interested in how the letters were formed, and it was often that she spent her days attempting to immitate the letters.

As years went by, Arlinda grew and was made to manage her family's clothing stall. Business was slow, so Arlinda made up tales on the materials used for the clothes on sale, and how the plants were raised specially for soft textiles. It didn't go well for a while, but time passed and her sales grew exponentially.

At the time she was around twenty years old, Arlinda had formed a partnership with a man who had called himself Carle Pott and had specialized in forgery. She took to forging papers quickly, given her fascination with letters, and the partnership had been going successfully. When Carle had decided to branch into coin counterfeiting, the imitations had worked well enough with shop owners and the like. Arlinda, sure that the imitations appeared real enough, had attempted to use some on a tax levier, who had recognized them for what they had been. She was then arrested for treason against the crown. With no one being able to decide what to do with her, she was left in the prison for months, nearly a year, before they released her to the queen, who made her proposal. With no other choice, Arlinda accepted.

Other Details:

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[border] Servane Aro Varterine DeVogoghn[/border]

"The preservation of knowledge and sapient life, in the end, is all that matters"


Nickname: 62624

Age: 56 years old, which would be comparableto the age of30 by human standards.

Sex: Incubator

The kundërt have three sexes, the third hold the genetic information of the other two parties to form a child.

Role in Group: Navigator

Appearance: Pictures to come


Servan is an avid listener, very curious and quite charismatic. As a result of her frequent communication with different species, with wildly different cultural and societal constructs, she has become adept at communicating with all manner of sapient life across the galaxy. Despite this, she is quite reserved and tends to speak little of herself or the happenings of her own life.

Despite the majority of her life being spent aboard a refugee ship with others whose homes were brought to ruin amid the chaos and destruction that permeates the galaxy, Servane remains optimistic for the future. She believes wholeheartedly that the spread of knowledge and understanding that she brings to the sapient races of the galaxy will one day coalesce into something more. And yet, even with all of her efforts, she has yet to find a place where she truly feels at home, somewhere she feels like she belongs. Ultimately, that’s all she truly desires.

Hobbies:Astrology, adventuring,studying foreign mythology

Likes: Puzzles, poetry, stories

Dislikes:Stubbornness, arrogance,

Strengths: Attentive, patient, resourceful

Weaknesses:Glutinous, obsessive, passive-aggressive


When Servan was born,her family reluctantly left the chaos of the war torn planet of Gelhar. Leaving everything they knew behind, they spent every bit of their wealth on tickets aboard the S.S.Fervent, a ship filled with other refuges, in the hopes of a new life.

Before she could read, she would listen to the somber stories of other passengers, telling of their lost home worlds.But every now and then, there would be something that would make the tone shift and those stories transformed into happy memories of places lost, but not forgotten.

As she grew, she spent her time between exploring the ship and taking advantage of the massive library of observations about astrology,geology, mythology, botany,wildlife behavior and space travel. By the time she was twenty, she had already read a vast majority of the books and knew the ship like the back of her hand; yet they still hadn't found a place to call home.

Desiring an escape from the routine of the refugee ship,she joined the OV Andromeda in hopes that perhaps a courier vessel might visit more worlds suitable for settling down.Everything had been going well, for the most part, until their emergency detour into Earth's atmosphere forced them to land, and unable to take off again.

Other Details: Servan's species is capable of minor shape shifting, however it takes several hours (depending on the complexity of the shift). This takes lots of energy and cause some physical discomfort.

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