Search results for query: *

  1. Count Damian

    Blackwood Manor

    Marius looked the girl she looked lost in her thoughts he did went a little to far. He walked towards her and put a robe on her he sighed and gently picked her up "...shhhh relax Ill get you to your room since you cant calm down here " he whispered gently and start walking with her in the...
  2. Count Damian

    Blackwood Manor

    Marius cleaned and treated her wounds he looked her the girl was broken perhaps he overdid it he gently touched her hands they were almost bloodied from how hard she was gripping her knees "...calm down you were amazing" he said and caressed her hand gently to calm her. He got up and poured...
  3. Count Damian

    Blackwood Manor

    Marius smiled he loved her new pose better he start painting her "...thats good you look lovely" he said and smiled from the excitement it took him almost two hours to finish it. "...its done" he said and threw his pallet and brushes down in the painting theres was Isabelle holding the whip...
  4. Count Damian

    yeah he would be in bad state

    yeah he would be in bad state
  5. Count Damian

    lucky him then ^^

    lucky him then ^^
  6. Count Damian

    good luck getting him work XD

    good luck getting him work XD
  7. Count Damian

    Of course :)

    Of course :)
  8. Count Damian

    Blackwood Manor

    Marius frowned when she hesitated and hit her with the whip ripping her clothes and making a big red mark on her chest " you question my orders?..." he asked coldly and hit her two more times he had no intention of hittting her but her lack of obedience made him lose it "...or you deny...
  9. Count Damian

    Searchin' for a Romance RP

    I never done the GhostxHuman before so Id love to try it :)
  10. Count Damian

    Blackwood Manor

    Marius saw the young girl walking in his room she was trembling from fear he noticed her trembling she was about to shatter. He hit the ground with his whip and walked towards her slowly "...took you sweet time I see" he said loudly hitting the air with his whip again this was really close to...
  11. Count Damian

    Blackwood Manor

    Marius returned to his room avoiding everyone. He walked in and waited for his favorite toy to arive when he heard the door he smiled and licked his lips " are late" he said with dark voice he was feeding from her fear he took his whip and hit it to the ground knowing that the poor girl...
  12. Count Damian

    Blackwood Manor

    MArius frowned and grabbed her head forcing her to see him "...I am serious next time she will suck your souldo Not trust Valerie" he scold her and brought his face close to hers "...nobody is allowed to touch you am I clear?" he whispered and narrowed his eyes " bruise easily...thats...
  13. Count Damian

    Blackwood Manor

    Marius looked the portrait at least that was something he walked downstairs where he could hear music "...great more noise " he complained he stood in a corner and start looking for Isabelle. Valerie sighed and rubbed Isabelle's cheek "My brother can be a little rough sometimes...unlike me I...
  14. Count Damian

    Blackwood Manor

    Marius opened the door and hanged the new portrait it was a girl with brown hair chained in a bathtub filled with blood and rose petals around her. Valerie sighed and got up "...yeah your bruises scream kindness" she said and walked towards her " about we try again only this time lets...
  15. Count Damian

    Blackwood Manor

    Marius stayed in his room for hours he looked the painting when he was done he looked his new painting and smiled he stood in front of it and drank some wine smiling. Valerie looked Isabelle and gave her a small smile she gently raised her head and sniffed her she almost touched her lips...
  16. Count Damian

    Android/Cyborg RP? 1x1

    Id like to try your idea if you still want to Although Id prefer if I played the Cyborg and you the girl who found him
  17. Count Damian

    Blackwood Manor

    Marius's blood was burning that little worthless slave tested his patience and on the top of that Valerie was back "...this is getting out of hand" he yelle and kicked the table he looked the empty canvas and his eyes turned red "...yessss" he said to himself and sat on his chair he start...
  18. Count Damian

    Blackwood Manor

    Marius walked towards her if he hated something was his slave doing whatever she wanted. His eyes turned red and when he was close to her he slapped her hard "...did I said you were dismissed?" he growled and slapped her again "...are you and idiot or you test my patience ?" he yelled and...
  19. Count Damian

    Blackwood Manor

    Marius turned in his sleep and opened his eyes when henoticed the blanket around him he sat on the couch and looked around Isabelle was gone " have to be kidding me" he growled he got up and walked out of his room "ISABELLE" he yelled clearly mad at her. Valerie hold him close hugging...
  20. Count Damian

    hahaha sure think ^^

    hahaha sure think ^^