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  1. Nut Job

    Howdy folks!

    No! It's only very similar!
  2. Nut Job

    Howdy folks!

    Nice avatar! You seem like a cool guy. Want to be best buddies until the end of time and go on epic adventures together?
  3. Nut Job

    Exalted Tutorial

    This is perfect for someone like me. Many thanks!
  4. Nut Job

    What are your thoughts on Dragon-Blooded?

    Haven't actually played a game of Exalted yet, but the changes seem cool, from an outside perspective. A lot of it went over my head but yeah. Coming in this close to the release of a new edition leaves me in a weird spot.
  5. Nut Job

    Hi there!

    Pinkie Pie is Best Pony, and shall remain so until the end of time. Thanks for the welcome!
  6. Nut Job

    [Exalted] Heroes of Whitewall

    This sounds fun! I am, however, limited in my availability. I'm on call, you see, so I cannot say with any certainly when I will be available EXCEPT Sunday, which is the only day I know I'll have off. So I'm going to tentatively sign up for this. I'm willing to give just about any Caste a try...
  7. Nut Job

    Hi there!

    I see, thank you very much for the information and links :D
  8. Nut Job

    Hi there!

    By the way, regarding playing the role of storyteller... Well I've never done anything like that before. Where do I start?
  9. Nut Job

    Hi there!

    Right now, I only have eyes for Exalted. I've spent the last week going over the various works related to it and I've already made a character. Thank you for the replies, I'll check out the threads!
  10. Nut Job

    Hi there!

    Hey all, I'm new to this site and RPs in general. Looking to change that. I've had a fair amount of exposure to Exalted but haven't played a single game yet. Can someone point me in the right direction?