Hi there!

Nut Job

New Member
Hey all, I'm new to this site and RPs in general. Looking to change that. I've had a fair amount of exposure to Exalted but haven't played a single game yet. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Welcome, welcome, welcome.

I'm sure the staff will be along to provide even greater help soon, but for starters...

Over in the Roleplay Discussion Forum you may want to add yourself to the Players Seeking Games thread, and possibly look at the Roll of Storytellers.

And if you browse Our Roleplays you'll see the all the games currently live, plus a few dead ones. If you click the little coloured prefixes, you can assemble all of those games to check - Recruiting are brand new and looking for players, Joinable might have been going a while, but have space, Waitlist can't add new players right now, but if you talk to the ST they may fit you in future, and Closed is just that.
How do?

The Glorious and Benevolent Mods TM are always around should you have any difficulty on the site.

The Interest Check sub-forum houses potential ideas, where GMs can sound out the players; feel free to post in a supportive fashion if you'd like to see the game materialise. The Roleplay Submission sub-forum houses proposals for games, and if enough people show interest they usually get their own section in the forum and take off.

To help make suggestions, what kind of genres do you like? The site often has a selection of fantasy, horror, Exalted, modern, wuxia, sci-fi, high-action, historical, world-builders, or mixtures of the above.
Right now, I only have eyes for Exalted. I've spent the last week going over the various works related to it and I've already made a character. Thank you for the replies, I'll check out the threads!
Those are the best places to find Exalted games you could join right now - I'd recommend some, but I'm out of the loop there when it comes to which ones are open.
By the way, regarding playing the role of storyteller... Well I've never done anything like that before. Where do I start?
Hello and welcome to RPdom, Nut Job!

My, my, a new kind of pony, are you? Luna forever <3 :D *bark*

I'm Wolf, by the way. Be not fooled by my shibe appeareance :P

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