[Exalted] Heroes of Whitewall


August Personage of Jade
ST's notice: This roleplay is closed to new entrants until further notice.

Since every potential storyteller appears to be waiting for 3rd edition, and thus isn't interested in starting a game for me to join, or has slots for me to join an already-running game; and since I'd like to actually get a chance to play Exalted before third edition starts... I guess I'll try to GM myself. Keep in mind, I've never played Exalted before save for a couple of attempts at Terrestrial games that never got past the second or third session, so while I've tried to immerse myself in the lore and rules, well, I'd still be learning the system and the lore even as I'm STing. Of course, a more experienced ST could always volunteer-- and I hope one does-- but I'm making this thread assuming I'll be STing.

That said... here's the premise:

  • As the Realm begins its civil war, the Threshold feels a freedom it hasn't had in ages, and they move to increase and consolidate their power. The Guild becomes bolder in its business deals, and some nations openly flout the Immaculate Order for their own religions... rumors even say that Halta hires Anathema to help it in its war against the Linowan nations! Other such stories have reached Whitewall about the other three directions, such as the Lintha of the western direction being braver than ever.
  • In the North, the Bull of the North takes full advantage of the situation, starting his march on Whitewall. And yet several people exalt within Whitewall itself, as if chosen to defend the holy city against all forms of desecration, and restore it to its former glory... just in time for the popularity of the Immaculate Order to reach all-time lows (not that it was ever much-beloved within Whitewall). More and more symbols of the Unconquered Sun have been revealed as time goes on, and the cheap white concrete proves it cannot last like the titular white wall that surrounds the city formerly known as Ondar Shambal.
  • Within the Shadowlands near Whitewall, the walking dead learn of these exaltations,and fear that it will lead to the activation of the beacons on The Traveler's Road, pushing back the Shadowlands and creating a route safe from the undead to Wallport-- an idea that pleases certain Gold Faction Sidereals, as it would help restore faith in the Solars as well as push back the Shadowlands, restoring the area more and more to Fate. That it would strengthen the region against the Bull of the North would certainly be a bonus, since he represents a Solar the Sidereals can't yet control.

This is intended to be a Solar Circle game, though it doesn't have to be a Perfect Circle. Players aren't necessarily natives of Whitewall, but it would help to be native of the North at least. I'll try to balance based on what kind of solars everyone makes and what charms/abilities they pick (I've seen Zeniths which were martial artists, for example), and include both social and physical combat, as well as opportunities for other kinds of accomplishments such as crafting and the like. If there are Infernals or Deathknights, they will be NPCs, not player characters-- I just don't think I'm ready to handle them (that, and I don't particularly like Infernals to begin with). And I'm not yet sure that Rune exists still-- that likely depends on if we get a Zenith to replace him.

While I'm not that familiar enough to figure out what are the most popular houserules, I do know that crafting is an abomination for anyone who doesn't want to invest every single ability point in crafting, so I'm willing to talk about a combined crafting ability for the five basic kinds of crafting (the elemental crafting abilities). I'm open for other ideas for house-rules as well, if the people who join want to nominate something, I'll consider it.

I'm trying to go with something simpler than the previous ideas I had, so that I don't get overwhelmed while STing even as I'm learning the game, especially since I have IRL things to worry about in the mean time. This game will be a chat game, not play-by-post. As such, we need an agreed upon weekly time. I'm available all day on weekends and on Wednesday and Thursday during the weeks (I have prior obligations on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday evenings). On these days, I'm available to roleplay from 6 PM to 11 PM, central standard time (GMT-6), though I imagine we'll not be roleplaying that long per session-- it's just a general range of times. Could be 6-10, 7-11, or even a three-hour period if the players would prefer it that way.

Suggested reading, for those interested:

  • Compass of Terrestrial Directions: The North (in its entirety)
  • Compass of Celestial Directions: Yu-Shan (re: The Syndics)
  • Compass of Celestial Directions: The Underworld (re: Marama's Fell)

I can set up a dropbox for character sheets and other information, so having an account would be good (it's free anyway, and you don't really need to download the program to use it if you don't want to). I'd really prefer to be a player for my first real foray in to Exalted. If this goes through, I'll see about arranging to use RPDom's Teamspeak for it. Finally... if someone else wants to run this as the ST, they're free to offer, and I'd be willing to talk about it.


  • Ithle


  • Playing an Twilight


  • Playing a Dawn


  • Playing a Night


  • Playing a Zenith


  • Playing an Eclipse
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I have run a north game in the past, but I fear my IRL time commitments would not work well with a chat game or STing in general at present. I'd be happy to help you out in whatever way you might need though if such a thing were useful.
Can you recommend any other books regarding the North in general and Whtiewall in specific?
Saturday and Sunday around 7 central, and Thursday from 6-8 central (or earlier). Thursday is the most preferable, but I could swing it for the others if you don't mind my response times being a tad spotty.
heh, my RL game right now is rather Whitewall-centric, it should be fun. I'm so sad I can't play in it, but my RL commitments only leave me time for forum games atm.

So that means, thus far:

Melissia: Wed (6pm), Thu (6pm), Sat (Any), Sun (Any)

-- Storyteller.

-- Desires to be a player.

Exthalion: Thu (6pm), Sat (7pm), Sun (7pm)

-- Desires a Twilight or Zenith.

This list will be put in to the bottom of the first post, updated to contain the following for those that have applied:

Username: Days available (time they'd like the game to start in CST)

-- What they'd like to play as.
This sounds fun! I am, however, limited in my availability. I'm on call, you see, so I cannot say with any certainly when I will be available EXCEPT Sunday, which is the only day I know I'll have off. So I'm going to tentatively sign up for this. I'm willing to give just about any Caste a try, so I'll wait a bit to see what other people want to do before I commit to anything.
Added you to the list anyway. I know how much it sucks to have an unsteady schedule... I worked for Wal-Mart for a while and my schedule changed from week to week. I remember one time I worked two eight hour shifts with only six hours between them, which I'm fairly certain is illegal without them paying overtime...
I can play all day Thursday and most other days after 6pm CST.

I'll play whatever, general preference is for Dawn or Zenith.

- oh, are we using all the erratas and stuff?
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There should be a single pdf with the errata all in it somewhere. When I get home I'll find it for you.
Yeah, I've got the scroll of errata on my external - I'm just lazy so I'm skimming it on the wiki.
I went through the trouble of actually plugging in my external, I couldn't find the revised character creation rules on the wiki at all.
Playing around with characters - any restricted backgrounds? Followers, that sort of thing?
Those will be handled on a case by case basis. Backgrounds will need to be explained by the way, how your character got them. I probably won't be overly strict, but each of them needs an explanation.

I'll figure out how to make a dropbox group nad invite you guys to it.
Okay, anyone who's still interested, as well as posting in here you should PM me your email addresses associated with dropbox. I created a shared folder for this group, which we will put our charsheets and other important files in.
Hey, I'd be willing to sign up. I'm free any day other then Monday, Wednesday, and and Sunday morning. I usually play Night, but I'm willing to flex if somebody else wants it. Thinking about Zenith for change, actually. Maybe Twilight.

Might take me a little while to read the North book, though. Haven't yet.
You can probably concentrate on the Whitewall section for now, doubt we'll have to deal with the intricacies of Hastlanti and Gethamane lifestyles in the first few games - unless you are interested in basing a character out of those areas. The history section would be useful, but probably as mostly out of character context unless you are playing some sort of savant.

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