[Exalted] Heroes of Whitewall

Indeed, the Whitewall section is the most important.

I'll invite you to the conversation then, if you can do Sunday at 6pm CST.
Beacuse sunday is the day that the most people so far are free, that's the day we'll do this.

I hope we don't get four Zeniths though :P
I've pretty much resigned myself to being the dawn bruiser. Although a full zenith circle would be interesting.
I might be able to work with that idea, but being from the Realm will not necessarily work out favorably for your character (as noted, the immaculate order and the realm in general are increasingly unpopular throughout Creation).

Are you available on Sundays, at 6PM CST?
Also, if anyone is willing to ST this campaign, I'd still be willing to step down to be a player after handing you my notes to do with as you wish. But if BarnabasBailey can make it, it looks like we have a full group.
I might occasionally run into problems coming in at exactly 6, since I get off of work usually a few minutes before that, but I'm pretty sure I can make that time.

Also, I'm totally fine with being unpopular. In fact, I had already planned to contend with the fact the Realm might not like me either. Solars and Dragon Bloods tend not to mix all that well, savvy?
Very well. I'll invite you to the conversation. This will be the last person to join unless we get an alternate ST, or someone drops.
I don't mind be the Twilight, their anima power is just shy of worthless (at the very least it has never come up), but that was more or less the role I planned on anyway.

Any chance we can start with the central manse? Or will we have to fight over it?
You might get rewarded it eventually for good deeds... but I doubt you'd be capable of defeating the Syndics and their Guardians in a stand-up fight as chargen characters.
So I just got offered more hours at work, which means my schedule has changed. I will be available Mon Tues and the rest of the week probably not til 10pm. I may have to bow out.
Bromsy's schedule changed and he had to drop. As such, we have one slot open again.

And I'm still opening to passing the StoryTeller torch to someone else.
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Good luck with this game! I don't have a character concept that works with the premise or I'd volunteer, but I hope you get the player and the ST :D
Sunday 6pm cst... I might be able to make that work... hrm. Let me do some checking. Would def be only as a player or NPC help if you wanted though, not having the free time for planning.
Melissia said:
Can you recommend any other books regarding the North in general and Whtiewall in specific?
I totally missed this. >.< Sorry. Other books you might check out:

Dreams of the First Age: Lands of Creation - lots of good info for what was up there and might be buried or broken, etc (Ondar Shambal on pg 143)

Each of the solaroid antagonist splats has sections for what those guys are up to in each area and what their master's interests are.
Okay. I'll add you to the conversation tonight. And thanks for the help.

Hopefully this guy on WW has time (he said he had to check his schedule, I'll hopefully get a response in the next few days) to be the ST instead of me. I can be the ST, but I'm not looking forward to it :P

Additions are temporarily closed.
I can make 6pm CST (I'm on PST) and I'd be available to GM if you want. I've had plenty of experience as a GM both in Exalted and other games.
Very well! I'll add you to the conversation, and prepare a brief since the conversation has gone on for several pages now.
Don't worry about condensing things down I can just read the whole thing if it's necessary. However, a couple of questions. What chat program are you planning on using and where I can go to find this conversation or is it being done through PMs?
We're doing RPDom's Teamspeak channel, and will be roleplaying through text chat since I don't have a mic (but the voice chat can still wor kfor discusisons at least!). I have a diceroller plug-in for it that works splendidly for Exalted. Do you need help with setting anything up?
I might need help getting set up with a few things, but I'll get things resolved as the week goes on. As for TeamSpeak I could get a headset or mic at some point if that's what works, but text is also fine. Also, if you want me to ST that's cool, I'd just appreciate a pre-game chat with everyone as our first session just so I can figure out what everyone wants and how to mesh everything together. However, I would absolutely defer to you on things because you've basically done everything to get this going. Even if I'm running this will still be 'your' game (as much as a thing like that can be said).
Right, I already have this coming sunday scheduled as a pre-game chat everyone needs to show up to. So that works perfectly!

I'll pass along my notes on what I had planned to do thus far, at least. The least I can do :)
CST is one hour earlier than east coast. The game would have started three hours ago if today was Sunday.

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