Search results for query: *

  1. Alyssya Magnolia

    Has been on for an hour, just now decided to get back on for the sake of RP.

    Has been on for an hour, just now decided to get back on for the sake of RP.
  2. Alyssya Magnolia

    World Building. Need Artist to do Race/Species Sketches

    <p> Hey! I'm building a world, and I have the bare bones worked/in the works. If you'd like to have your art promoted/put out there, please PM me! </p>
  3. Alyssya Magnolia

    With how my mental health is doing right now, I think it's safe to say I will be on hiatus for a...

    With how my mental health is doing right now, I think it's safe to say I will be on hiatus for a while, or until my schizo is taken care of.
  4. Alyssya Magnolia

    Other Blog for RP Updates!

    <p> Hey y'all, I'm doing a blogger for RP updates, character sheets, and plot ideas. If you'd like to go check it out, leave a like! </p>
  5. Alyssya Magnolia

    It's Just a Game (Closed)

    "Top is green, but I'm sure the bottom has a new friend," Julian chuckled before the melodic bubbling noise played through his headset, notifying him of a Skype call coming through. "Hold on, I have to go on mute for a few," the male informed before the small mic icon went red. The person who...
  6. Alyssya Magnolia

    Lots and Lots and Lots of pairings~! (Includes Fandom)

    Hey! I'm interested in discussing plots with your! THIS SHIT IS BANANAS, B.A.N.A.N.A.S.
  7. Alyssya Magnolia

    I can't think of any new ideas. :c MUSE, HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT.

    I can't think of any new ideas. :c MUSE, HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT.
  8. Alyssya Magnolia

    RpN 2.0 -Teaser-

    *explodes into cloud of cat.*
  9. Alyssya Magnolia

    It's Just a Game (Closed)

    "Oh, okay. You're a smart one, Kry. One never gives out their secret of a build," Julian laughed, a sly smirk forming on his lips. He made a mental checklist when he meandered towards the 'shop'. 'Okay... I have to get the Skirmisher's Sabre, Blade of the Ruined King, Statikk Shiv, and Trinity...
  10. Alyssya Magnolia

    It's Just a Game (Closed)

    Julian was sitting at his complex set up of his Alienware Area-51 PC with three UltraSharp 24 monitors. Upon the center monitor was his League lobby, the champion Sion locked in. The music of the game itself was muted and to replace it was his favorite genre; trap. His head was bobbing subtly to...
  11. Alyssya Magnolia

    One x One It's Just a Game (Closed)

    (I know this is a female picture, but it'll be male for this roleplay because I majorly fucked up.) Name Julian McKinley Username TrapnessMonsterVR Age 26 Lanes Tank Champs Sion, Galio, Cho'Gath Preferred Queue Draft Pick, Unranked Personality For his YouTube channel, he's a...
  12. Alyssya Magnolia

    One x One Fractured.

    Name/Nicknames: Jimmu Age: Unknown Ethnicity: Oni Height: Seven feet, nine inches Weight: Unknown. {slide=Information}Depictions of oni vary widely but usually portray them as hideous, gigantic ogre-like creatures with sharp claws, wild hair, and two long horns growing from their...
  13. Alyssya Magnolia

    "And that's the day I learned that human skulls can bounce on pavement." - Me in 2013.

    "And that's the day I learned that human skulls can bounce on pavement." - Me in 2013.
  14. Alyssya Magnolia

    You're givin' me a fright, puppers.

    You're givin' me a fright, puppers.
  15. Alyssya Magnolia

    Romance {MxF} Partner Scouting

    I'm interested in the gamer x gamer pairing. :)
  16. Alyssya Magnolia

    Romance//Realistic//Modern - MxM, FxF, MxF {Always Open}

    Hey! I'm interested in doing the College Student x Drop Out pairing!
  17. Alyssya Magnolia

    Summer is here and so is boredom

    :$ I would like to discuss Pathetic with you in PM. :)
  18. Alyssya Magnolia

    New Era (PJ RP) (Crysie Cuddles x Alyssya Magnolia)

    Upon her request, Owen allowed his eyes to glide over to the boy named 'Turk'. Speaking his native tongue, the male kept the Hermes teen in check. Every so often, he'd let out a grunt before speaking, "Away!" "Nokoshimasu gaichu." Were among his favorites. During this, he had to put his palm...
  19. Alyssya Magnolia

    Big Dumb Sketchpile [requests closed]

    I'll PM you the details, since it's easier for me to keep track that way.
  20. Alyssya Magnolia

    Making friends, Voice acting, Chilling and Skype?

    I'm always up for this.