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RpN 2.0 -Teaser-

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As I said, a system of "stacking options" doesn't sell the idea at this point. I'm going to take Demon's words and just have to see. Because, @Ghost I know Ginger and I aren't the only ones that actually come here just to RP. I literally came over here just for the BBcoding.
Guess there will be little to toy with when waiting for posts. Goodbye fun exploration, you will be missed. So what all codes are we losing? For [user=30698]Example: (Seems like a simple code that would be cut away in such a change)[/user]

As well, for those RP that require a layout, will you still be able to copy paste it?
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I'm really looking forward to Firefox not crashing and pitching a fit when opening the site because of some bullshit Flash plugin script not responding.
Nano said:
If you can copy and paste accordions and effects...why are we unable to copy and paste the code in its entirety?
The code doesn't do anything.

There is no more coding, the editor handles a lot of the coding in the backend for you. You can copy the end result though just like any other content in the editor.
welian said:
I'm really looking forward to Firefox not crashing and pitching a fit when opening the site because of some bullshit Flash plugin script not responding.
[QUOTE="Kel Vas]Guess there will be little to toy with when waiting for posts. Goodbye fun exploration, you will be missed. So what all codes are we losing? For [user=30698]Example: (Seems like a simple code that would be cut away in such a change)[/user]
As well, for those RP that require a layout, will you still be able to copy paste it?

Shouldn't lose any. Wiz has made sure to grab everything and transfer it over.
[QUOTE="Kel Vas]Guess there will be little to toy with when waiting for posts. Goodbye fun exploration, you will be missed. So what all codes are we losing? For [user=30698]Example: (Seems like a simple code that would be cut away in such a change)[/user]
As well, for those RP that require a layout, will you still be able to copy paste it?

We aren't losing a single code; actually, we're gaining a lot of new ones.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]The code doesn't do anything.
There is no more coding, the editor handles a lot of the coding in the backend for you. You can copy the end result though just like any other content in the editor.

So, you're removing the code itself and just adding the effect and we can copy and paste that? Okay, I get it.

But a few things I'm confused in are the fonts and colors. There are MANY different Google Fonts, and MANY different HTML colors. Will they all be in a list or...?
[QUOTE="Kel Vas]Guess there will be little to toy with when waiting for posts. Goodbye fun exploration, you will be missed. So what all codes are we losing? For Example: (Seems like a simple code that would be cut away in such a change)

We are not losing any. We are getting new ones.

[QUOTE="Kel Vas]As well, for those RP that require a layout, will you still be able to copy paste it?

@Ghost[/URL] I know Ginger and I aren't the only ones that actually come here just to RP. I literally came over here just for the BBcoding.
[QUOTE="Kel Vas]Guess there will be little to toy with when waiting for posts. Goodbye fun exploration, you will be missed. So what all codes are we losing? For [user=30698]Example: (Seems like a simple code that would be cut away in such a change)[/user]
As well, for those RP that require a layout, will you still be able to copy paste it?

I think one way to put the new editor is that it's going to be very similar to what we have now, except the input is different. I don't think we'll lose many customization options, if at all. (And by customization I don't mean the options we have like tabs and accordions, I mean how you can alter them.) It'll still be easy to create the effects we have now, probably even easier. Users who aren't used to bbcode won't have to worry about closing everything and keeping track of the order of tabs, etc.

And like I said, the focus of the site is really rping, not coding.
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Technic said:
But a few things I'm confused in are the fonts and colors. There are MANY different Google Fonts, and MANY different HTML colors. Will they all be in a list or...?
Can't spoil everything can I?
@Ghost[/URL] I know Ginger and I aren't the only ones that actually come here just to RP. I literally came over here just for the BBcoding.
That is all I think anyone can do. I know that coding was one of the reasons I loved using neopets so much as a roleplay site and one of the reasons I chose this site over others (that and the threads). I can't promise you because I can't really say what you will like or dislike, but I feel pretty good about the fact that you might actually get into it since we will have new toys to mess with and find new combinations with! Like there are some neat little features that change the game when it comes to making your roleplay look amazing! I hope you grow to love the idea and get excited like I did.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]You can copy the end result though just like any other content in the editor.

Ah, yes. This is what I meant.

I hope this is my last question in regards to code. Will we still be able to do that thing where we do the [HEIGHTRESTRICT=0][h][/FONT] [FONT=Alegreya][/h][/HEIGHTRESTRICT] where we get that cool little effect where the text or even an accordion appears over the image? If this counts as breaking a code and won't be available...I guess I'll miss it?

I seriously hope that this is a positive change. It is going to get a lot of work to get the wanted coding over. At the same time, it seems like the majority of my coding that I like to do (I.E. Play with negative space) is going to disappear all together. I have recommended this site to many just because they're in the same boat as I am: BBCoding and RPing going hand in hand.
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I'm just looking forward to coding that doesn't break the site by putting the logo at the bottom or making entire pages bolded and italicized.
mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15110-demonkitten/ said:
I seriously hope that this is a positive change. It is going to get a lot of work to get the wanted coding over. At the same time, it seems like the majority of my coding that I like to do (I.E. Play with negative space) is going to disappear all together. I have recommended this thread to many just because they're in the same boat as I am: BBCoding and RPing going hand in hand.
We'll just have to get used to it, I guess. The BBCoding is staying the same with a few new additions, just we won't be able to put it in the right way. We'll have to wait and seeeee.
Anomaly said:
We aren't losing a single code; actually, we're gaining a lot of new ones.
Will the post /layout/ itself stay the same or change? Also will the "codes" themselves look any different? (tabs, accordions, tables, etc) Will there be more "complex" options like padding and margins within a post or drop down boxes or slides? What about Google Fonts, will we still be able to use them? (I forget what the editor looks like so if that's an option on there my bad) What about columns, will we be able to have three even columns?
mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15110-demonkitten/ said:
I seriously hope that this is a positive change. It is going to get a lot of work to get the wanted coding over. At the same time, it seems like the majority of my coding that I like to do (I.E. Play with negative space) is going to disappear all together. I have recommended this thread to many just because they're in the same boat as I am: BBCoding and RPing going hand in hand.
What ever is missing when the site comes up you should bring up so that we can find ways to add it all. I know that Wiz has said he has worked on moving everything, but just keep track of everything and bring it up when you start playing with the new stuff.
I just hope this new update, doesn't mean everyone starts using BBCode everywhere. I think that'd be worse than no one using BBCode; I've seen bad Colour schemes from people who can do BBCode. So if everyone starts using it, it could end up worse. But those are my last thoughts on this
Layout will be exactly the same, and the vast majority of codes will look the same. The rest of your questions are best answered by the professional here. ^-^
Background images were a glitch. Anything that is a glitch potentially destabilizes the site. An unstable site means a hampered user experience. A glitch to make an image background that only works on some platforms and that the vast majority of users don't have the design sense or taste to use properly is NOT and NEVER will be worth site stability.
Having coding be accessible to everyone is a good thing; people should be able to use site features without having to spend a long time learning how to use them.

If someone who's not experienced with graphic design wants to make their rp bright yellow that's perfectly acceptable, and users should be able to have fun experimenting. Everyone starts somewhere!
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I've seen a lot of XenForo sites but this is the first time I've experienced something like this happen. It sounds pretty exciting, I'd kind of like to see this play through. And that mobile app just sounds incredibly delicious- I can't wait for it to come out! Definitely beats having to use the mobile website version.

Can't imagine how much all this would cost you...
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