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RpN 2.0 -Teaser-

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And, this is what I fear. A system where you can't test and play until you can do cool effects. Why I like to play around with BBCoding in the first place. Taking the ability to discover and pull of sexy effects just takes away the fun. Sure, there are glitches that come with it, but the pay off of a successful formatting that people want to use and what not... it's epic. But, if BBCoding is dead... that i can accept. I can't accept a "unified" system being "flexible and free." It honestly doesn't make sense at all since it just causes so much problems in trying to get what everyone wants in from the older version where it only took manually plugging stuff in to get cool shit to happen.
Ghost said:
Having coding be accessible to everyone is a good thing; people should be able to use site features without having to spend a long time learning how to use them a.
If someone who's not experienced with graphic design wants to make their rp bright yellow that's perfectly acceptable, and users should be able to have fun experimenting. Everyone starts somewhere!
It's perfectly okay for them to do that. I just worry that every tom, dick and harry are going to start using accordions because they look cool. Thus ruining the effect of them
GingerBread said:
It's perfectly okay for them to do that. I just worry that every tom, dick and harry are going to start using accordions because they look cool. Thus ruining the effect of them
I don't think people using accordions more often will make them lose their coolness. Lots of people use them already, they're probably one of our most popular features that isn't basic font size and color changing.
GingerBread said:
I just hope this new update, doesn't mean everyone starts using BBCode everywhere. I think that'd be worse than no one using BBCode; I've seen bad Colour schemes from people who can do BBCode. So if everyone starts using it, it could end up worse. But those are my last thoughts on this
If somebody making an 'ugly' colour scheme is the worst thing to come of this update, so be it. Making things easier for everyone is, in my opinion, a good thing - nobody's going to learn if they don't try a few times first.

Besides, all kinds of roleplays are welcomed on RpN - simple and detailed, 'ugly' or 'pretty', BBCoded or not. :)
Every one can code now...but at least we'll still need to depend on our design sense? You can potentially feel the merit of having at least that? >v>
Ghost said:
I don't think people using accordions more often will make them lose their coolness. Lots of people use them already, they're probably one of our most popular features that isn't basic font size and color changing.
[QUOTE="mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y]And, this is what I fear. A system where you can't test and play until you can do cool effects. Why I like to play around with BBCoding in the first place. Taking the ability to discover and pull of sexy effects just takes away the fun. Sure, there are glitches that come with it, but the pay off of a successful formatting that people want to use and what not... it's epic. But, if BBCoding is dead... that i can accept. I can't accept a "unified" system being "flexible and free." It honestly doesn't make sense at all since it just causes so much problems in trying to get what everyone wants in from the older version where it only took manually plugging stuff in to get cool shit to happen.

You can play around with buttons as much as you ever could with BBCode.

To my understanding - bbcode itself is dead. It is old. After this update, it will no longer exist.

These buttons are going to replicate the effects of BBCode, with new ones being added to replicate effects that were formerly hard to get.

It looks like bbcode and works the same - it just uses buttons, much like the text editor, instead of having the user manually type in code.
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[QUOTE="mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y]And, this is what I fear. A system where you can't test and play until you can do cool effects. Why I like to play around with BBCoding in the first place. Taking the ability to discover and pull of sexy effects just takes away the fun. Sure, there are glitches that come with it, but the pay off of a successful formatting that people want to use and what not... it's epic. But, if BBCoding is dead... that i can accept. I can't accept a "unified" system being "flexible and free." It honestly doesn't make sense at all since it just causes so much problems in trying to get what everyone wants in from the older version where it only took manually plugging stuff in to get cool shit to happen.

I wish I could tell you more cause I feel you would be pleased, but it must remain a surprise! Just trust me that you will still be able to be creative and I know you will see that it is all going to work out. It just doesn't make sense, but seeing is believing so (as said in Hamilton) "Just you wait!" ;)
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]


It just means the site will finally have an app so that users who don't like to use their mobile browsers can have an app an instead. This would come with things like Push Notifications.

[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]This would come with things like Push Notifications.

[/QUOTE][QUOTE="The Dark Wizard] Push Notifications.

I'll be frank with you all.

From what I can tell, many of you are objecting to this because you feel like if everyone can do it, then you can't sit on your mountaintop feeling good about yourself. You are objecting to it because it doesn't allow for circumventing the build of the site and breaking it. You are rejecting it because it doesn't make you feel like you're somehow better than other people. If everyone can use accordions, they won't be cool anymore! Analogue clocks are totally better than digital!

These are not valid objections. These are hipster objections. :P

Worries and objectives that I have found valid are:

But what about macros and copying and pasting?

Will this interface be intuitive and user-friendly?

How will this affect coding I have already written?

You can find the answers to those questions in this thread. Feel free to continue asking valid questions!
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I guess I'm just confused why typing in code can't be made a possibility if the code system is still utilizing some form of code.

I'm not trying to sound ungrateful, because I am well aware of the pains of coding in general, but I'm much more capable of and quicker at typing out code than pressing a series of buttons to get the same desired effect. It's largely why I don't use rich text editor. I code almost every post I make, and I'm in quite a few rps. Forgive me if I'm reading this wrong, but that essentially means I have to input the same buttons every time I post...

Some of my post coding is literally pages long. Recreating any of that feels like a nightmare.

Part of what makes RPN so unique and fun, for me, is the ability to code... losing that? Being relegated to button pressing? I'm not excited... I'm depressed.
[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]I guess I'm just confused why typing in code can't be made a possibility if the code system is still utilizing some form of code.

Because the new editor refuses to include a bbcode parser. Its not something I removed my self. Though I don't disagree with it if the same stuff can be done in a more modern way.
[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]Forgive me if I'm reading this wrong, but that essentially means I have to input the same buttons every time I post...

Within this thread Dwiz has stated that formatted content can still be copied and pasted and macros will probably still work. ^-^ Rejoice!
Ghost said:
I don't think people using accordions more often will make them lose their coolness. Lots of people use them already, they're probably one of our most popular features that isn't basic font size and color changing.
Meredith said:
If somebody making an 'ugly' colour scheme is the worst thing to come of this update, so be it. Making things easier for everyone is, in my opinion, a good thing - nobody's going to learn if they don't try a few times first.
Besides, all kinds of roleplays are welcomed on RpN - simple and detailed, 'ugly' or 'pretty', BBCoded or not. :)
I'm not saying they can't. But I, as a roleplayer (And I'm probably in the minority with this) hate badly formatted Character sheets, you know the ones where you can't really tell where one description ends and another begins. And I feel that adding more assessable code will make it harder to actually read the character sheets and things like that if people just arbitrarily add it in; I agree that everyone should be allowed to Rp, it shouldn't be an elitist thing. But it doesn't mean that bad roleplayers can't detract from the experience of a roleplay.

I've got no problem with people experimenting with/ learning BBCode and Colour schemes, hell I do a lot; I use the private workshop because I don't want people to see my awful BBCode and also it gives me a chance to make sure it looks nice and more importantly works before I just it anywhere. But What would be the point in doing that if The code I choose will work anyway?

The thing I was complaining about here, is that people will start using it everywhere, and I feel like it will end up being too much of a good thing, I'm not saying everyone can't use it, they can't, that'd be great. But I don't like how you're going about it, I like doing the code myself, I enjoy writing it out and I'll even bet I could write out code faster than I could do in those menus.

Anomaly said:
I'll be frank with you all.From what I can tell, many of you are objecting to this because you feel like if everyone can do it, then you can't sit on your mountaintop feeling good about yourself. You are objecting to it because it doesn't allow for circumventing the build of the site and breaking it. You are rejecting it because it doesn't make you feel like you're somehow better than other people. If everyone can use accordions, they won't be cool anymore!

These are not valid objections. These are hipster objections. :P

Worries and objectives that I have found valid are:

But what about macros and copying and pasting?

Will this interface be intuitive and user-friendly?

How will this affect coding I have already written?

You can find the answers to those questions in this thread. Feel free to continue asking valid questions!
I'm all for more people learning BBCode, I love to see people using it more often, because for me it's always been a sign that they put real effort into this whole thing. So Please don't just say that's the only reason I'm complaining, that's generalizing and kind of rude. My main reason for disliking, is that I'd no longer feel proud of the BBCode I do if it's all done for me, Where's the achievement there? Where the satisfaction in doing it? As far as I can see there is none.
And? Can I "space" the stacked buttons? Can I mess with the minute distant of each coding in how they interact with one another? Can I create negative spacing in there by messing with the actual size inputs or creating spaces? These "plug in's" seem to eliminate this as of now. I am not sure what the future holds. I just know from what's being said, I am just going to have to wait and see and that's that. Accept that coding I've made will not work in this new system (because glitches). Accept that I don't have as much control as I have with BBCoding (and, being able to manually type it in to affect details instead of picking a button, plugging in info and "choosing a color or background").

I digress.


I'll just have to wait.
xD But, I am really... really... really worried. Like. No lie. I am on edge of actually continuing my projects or taking on orders after my back recovers.


Um... I'm been more concerned with the very question you mentioned in your post. "Will it affect my coding?" I am alright with changes if it's needed, but serious... it's already clear that some of my shit is affected by this which is annoying as hell. It also means the coding I've made for people has a good chance of not working. And, transcribing PAGES of coding (serious.. pages) from on new system to another without hiccups just means i have to start over on my coding. It's the same for coding I've made for people as well. What I'm worried about is how hand's on I really am. And, I can't say until I see it for myself.

@Elle Joyner

That is my concern as well. I feel like inputting manually is so much faster than picking and choosing. It would be nice if it is possible to have a manual input option. That's what I'm mostly concerned with: the ability to choose to use which format to deliver the new coding the
easiest and most comfortable.
My addition to this conversation: Will we still be able to "stack" coding effects? Because there doesn't seem to be a way to put code inside of code, like a set of tabs in an accordion, etc. If that's the case, we're removing a million layers of creativity for the sake of convenience, and I'm honestly opposed to changing features just to make it easy when you're giving up the ability to truly create more complex works of art. Many a time have I admired and been astounded by the creations of masterful BBcoders such as @Elle Joyner among many others, and I feel we're doing the site a discredit to remove really cool and significant features to make room for basic, bland monotony.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Because the new editor refuses to include a bbcode parser. Its not something I removed my self. Though I don't disagree with it if the same stuff can be done in a more modern way.

Some of us are old and like old things ;__;

As long as I don't have to redo my code every time, I'll give it a shot, but I'm really hoping it's different than what I'm picturing, cause I have trouble using buttons to type in my pin number... forget hundreds of codes xD
GingerBread said:
The thing I was complaining about here, is that people will start using it everywhere, and I feel like it will end up being too much of a good thing, I'm not saying everyone can't use it, they can't, that'd be great. But I don't like how you're going about it, I like doing the code myself, I enjoy writing it out and I'll even bet I could write out code faster than I could do in those menus.
Stickdom said:
My addition to this conversation: Will we still be able to "stack" coding effects? Because there doesn't seem to be a way to put code inside of code, like a set of tabs in an accordion, etc. If that's the case, we're removing a million layers of creativity for the sake of convenience, and I'm honestly opposed to changing features just to make it easy when you're giving up the ability to truly create more complex works of art. Many a time have I admired and been astounded by the creations of masterful BBcoders such as @Elle Joyner among many others, and I feel we're doing the site a discredit to remove really cool and significant features to make room for basic, bland monotony.
If it's being used more often, that's fine - but typing in BBCode is, unfortunately, not an option in the updated site. This is by technical limitation - we're not taking something away just because we feel like it.

And, @Stickdom , it's been said with a fair amount of certainty you'll be able to stack effects.
Doesn't matter, we're finally going to get a proper mobile app with push notifs! And a dark site style - that'll be fun to code for - and everything is just going to be so sleek and sexy. I'm thrilled with the test run I got to participate in!
  • BBCode is a dead langauge that most modern sites and software are dropping. It has been keeping us back from updating the most important writing tool, the editor for years.
  • Everyone will have access to them now with the same level of flexibility
  • BBCode usage on the site is at an all time low, fun fact. It breaks too often and not enough people want to bother. 99 percent of the site won't even notice.
  • I guess the cliques formed around bbcode superiority will collapse now.

I see nothing wrong with this and only positive outcomes for the future of writing on the site.

Here is a screenshot of a report we got via our Report System, the bbcode was so broken that it thread, that it was able to effect our report center for moderators, a completely different section of the site that normally doesn't get effected by formatting.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/_-__720.png.9b1ff47503a9bcf368c2b7b6d96b743a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142812" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/_-__720.png.9b1ff47503a9bcf368c2b7b6d96b743a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

As usual, the site will endure, will be better off because of it and bbcodes will become a thing of the past as more and more effects and functionality is added to the site moving forward.

So can we please change the tune already?



  • _-__720.png
    41.3 KB · Views: 31
Meredith said:
If it's being used more often, that's fine - but typing in BBCode is, unfortunately, not an option in the updated site. This is by technical limitation - we're not taking something away just because we feel like it.
And, @Stickdom , it's been said with a fair amount of certainty you'll be able to stack effects.
Right and that's fine if we cannot stick with the way we have now and Have to change. But so far, all I've been told is that we're changing because it's more Flexible.

I even pointed out that I'm okay (Well more okay) With a switch to this new version, if we don't have a choice in the matter.
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