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One x One Fractured.


The Sun's Grey Sea
Name: Daniel, Danny, ?????? [DATA EXPUNGED]

Age: MINOR - 13 (12/7/2003)

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Height: 148 Centimeters

Weight: 47 Kilograms

Appearance - CLASSIFIED


DANIEL ?????? [DATA EXPUNGED] is an average height male Caucasian in regards to his current age. He has developed an athletic build in terms of a minor's physique due to playing football at ?????????? [DATA EXPUNGED] Suburbs. Child possesses a large scar running up his left leg from when he traced a knife alongside his calf. When questioned about his action by his assigned mother he stated that 'it wanted him to do it'. When asked about who it was, child cried. Child has relatively high cheekbones, and a defined jaw line.

Child has brown hued eyes from biological mother. Medium length brown hair given from his biological mother and fathers alleles. Child maintained judicious care of their teeth, no missing teeth or scars given in any form of confrontation. Child does not have trauma dedicated to specific events. Psychologists in ?????????? [DATA EXPUNGED] Area have diagnosed Child with extreme case of schizophrenia.

Personality: Child has sadistic personality often experimenting with animal cruelty. Assigned father bribed ?????????? [DATA EXPUNGED] Area court to disavow evidence against Child. Child has had multiple instances of entering fights with older kids, no recorded scars or bruises. Assigned father has stated that "Daniel often looks blank, or empty. He seems to be talking to us but its almost as he sees us as husks - sort of like how an animal might see prey after its been killed." Child has shown consistent evidence of his fathers claims as being distant and blank, treats others without human dignity.

Child has trouble with coping that there are other people in the world named Daniel. He says that he is the only Daniel because 'it says so'. Child has never revealed what 'it' is, or what Child sees 'it' to be. Psychologist 4142 - Daniel Bones was assigned to treat him. When a colleague addressed him as Daniel, Child began to writhe and flail. Child cannot express emotions in words, and cannot seem to cry or laugh.

Recorded Incidences

First Incident happened while playing football. Child could not score goal. Eye-witnesses state that after he missed he turned to his side and started whispering. Post game when shaking hands with other team, gnawed on goalies arm causing tendon damage and permanent muscle scarring. Child was withdrawn from football.

Second Incident occurred during schooling hours. He visited a teachers office after the teacher made a joke directed towards him. Teacher was uninformed about child's mental instability, Teacher was soon after mutilated with sharpened pencil. Graphite lodged into arm was unable to be removed without surgery. Child was withdrawn from school.

Third Incident occurred after Child was moved into home-schooling. Child was taught by religious (Christian Orthodox) teacher. Taught well and forgave bouts of violence and anger. Child was unable to bring himself to harm her. Child attempted suicide, was soon moved to mental institution in current mental ward under intensive care.

Post-script: Child has unnatural liking of blunt weapons, keep any hazardous material out of Child's possession. Child is required to be fed.
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Name/Nicknames: Jimmu

Age: Unknown

Ethnicity: Oni

Height: Seven feet, nine inches

Weight: Unknown.

Depictions of oni vary widely but usually portray them as hideous, gigantic ogre-like creatures with sharp claws, wild hair, and two long horns growing from their heads. They are humanoid for the most part, but occasionally, they are shown with unnatural features such as odd numbers of eyes or extra fingers and toes. Their skin may be any number of colors, but red and blue are particularly common.

They are often depicted wearing tiger-skin loincloths and carrying iron clubs called kanabo (金棒?). This image leads to the expression "oni with an iron club" (鬼に金棒 oni-ni-kanabō?), that is, to be invincible or undefeatable. It can also be used in the sense of "strong beyond strong", or having one's natural quality enhanced or supplemented by the use of some tool. In addition to this, it can mean to go overboard, or be unnecessarily strong or powerful.


Personality: Typically a violent, malevolent, and persuasive, Jimmu speaks to Daniel all day, all night. He tells him to harm those around him by biting, stabbing, or attacking with blunt objects, since Jimmu himself carries a blunt weapon around. Is the most common hallucination for Daniel, besides the little Japanese girl that is always with the Oni.

(Author's note: I'll be creating more, so I'll create a new PM for the hallucinations that will be developing through the story.)

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