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  1. Black Crane

    Realistic or Modern The Room

    Waiting for the others to respond as well.
  2. Black Crane

    Realistic or Modern The Room

    Raley's eyes darkened when she saw the gun. It was a weapon, and she was scared of it- No, she was scared of what would happen if either of the three got to it. She couldn't trust herself, but she knew that with the way Kurt was now, she couldn't trust him with it either. As for Lynn... Lynn was...
  3. Black Crane

    Realistic or Modern The Room

    "It's not stupid." She didn't say why, just stating her opinion. Raley sat in place, watching the events unfold with her own eyes. She was a little taken aback by what the Doc had said, but refused to show it, only furrowing her eyebrows, "I trust him not to attack us for what he sees, anyway."
  4. Black Crane

    Realistic or Modern The Room

    Raley knew that she shouldn't have held such low expectations, but she did. She was also genuinely surprised. The girl didn't really care for staying in the Room. As long as she was alive, she was satisfied. She interjected, "False hope isn't such a bad thing. It gets you going for a little."
  5. Black Crane

    Realistic or Modern The Room

    "For fuck's sake." Raley let out a slightly annoyed drawl. Would she have to take all the risks? She decided to give it another ten seconds before she made her move. Truthfully, she couldn't help but feel a little scared. Okay, not just a little, but the fear was overshadowed by curiosity. She...
  6. Black Crane

    Realistic or Modern The Room

    Raley stuck her tongue out in disgust when she realized that it had not been water lapping away at her toes, but rather sweat. She remained quiet as the two interacted, finding no particular interest in the discussion's topic. She raised an eyebrow when the question had been asked, "You don't...
  7. Black Crane

    Fantasy For the Night

    Wait, we started the RP already?
  8. Black Crane

    Realistic or Modern The Room

    Her eyes hadn't quite yet adjusted to the darkness, so she couldn't see her reflection, unaware of them until she had heard the sound of smashing glass. They were trying to get a reaction out of her, that much she could tell. Goosebumps rose on her pale skin when she felt the cold tickle of...
  9. Black Crane

    Realistic or Modern The Room

    She resisted the urge to wriggle her arm free when Kurt got a hold of it due to her hatred of physical contact, only turning her head towards him and muttering in her usual hushed tone, "It's okay." When the walls had pressed together, she wiped all expression off her face. "Everything will be...
  10. Black Crane

    Realistic or Modern The Room

    "Are you going to squish us until we're begging for our lives or something?" Raley furrowed her eyebrows as the walls closed in. It was a little unsettling, with the way the space was closing little by little, but she could stand it. She muttered a quick apology for doubting her fellow test...
  11. Black Crane

    Realistic or Modern The Room

    "Ok, ok... I won't push them." Raley lowered the controller, looking at Kurt quizzically. She figured that the government wouldn't kill them... Right? When the Doc explained that only themselves could kill each other, the woman took a step away from Kurt, giving a wild glance at him. The idea...
  12. Black Crane

    Realistic or Modern The Room

    I won't be able to respond for a good two hours or so since I have something to attend to irl.
  13. Black Crane

    Realistic or Modern The Room

    When nothing happened, Raley's widened eyes settled back into their usual half-lidded look, narrowing into a glare soon after. "Nothing happened," she stated. It was almost as though she sounded disappointed. Her gaze slipped back down towards the remote. Were the other four just the same...
  14. Black Crane

    Realistic or Modern The Room

    Curiosity bit at her decision to leave the controller alone. If she didn't press anything now, she might never know what it did. So, with slight reluctance, her thumb hovered over one of the buttons, and pressed down. Seeing the way the boy was acting so open made her flinch and think. Was she...
  15. Black Crane

    Realistic or Modern The Room

    The nineteen-year old crawled over to the controller, grasping it. She examined it, turning it over in her long spindly fingers to get an idea of what it did. Still not quite understanding the purpose of the contraption, Raley craned her neck so that her head was facing where she heard the...
  16. Black Crane

    Realistic or Modern The Room

    Ah sorry, I was doing something.
  17. Black Crane

    Realistic or Modern The Room

    Raley quietly sits in one of the corners of the room. Her dark brown eyes widen at Kurt's outburst, and she lowers her head. "So loud..." She remarks to herself in her thoughts. The girl knew that something was going to happen, but she wasn't expecting anything this profound or... Wild. She...
  18. Black Crane

    Realistic or Modern The Room

    Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-19_16-31-7.jpeg.649a5627f02932e75de9b6f742d2221e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119359"...
  19. Black Crane

    Fantasy For the Night

  20. Black Crane


    Yeah because people have to message you first but neither of us can start messages so.