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  1. nicholscs

    [The Human Element] Radio Chatter

    I'm going to drop out all, the style just isn't working for me. Good gaming all and thanks for the spot LJ!
  2. nicholscs

    [The Human Element] Radio Chatter

    Why am I seeing nothing but Freddy Mercury for all the profile pics....? I know I've had a few...but...
  3. nicholscs

    [The Human Element] Radio Chatter

  4. nicholscs

    [The Human Element] Radio Chatter

    Wait, he's not like a teenage Dracula or something...? :P
  5. nicholscs

    [The Human Element] Delta Division HQ

    Her face, unreadable in the shadows of her cloak and with the impassive gaze that she cast about those that had been assembled, Netherwild continued to stand silently, content to observe. She understood some of what was said, but much of it escaped her grasp. She would need to confer with the...
  6. nicholscs

    [The Human Element] Delta Division HQ

    As the conversation ebbed and flowed, the lights in the rooms flickered, if for an instant. The shadows in the corners of the room and under the tables seemed to stretch and grow for a moment, but these things might go unnoticed unless a person was paying attention. Quietly and simply...
  7. nicholscs

    [The Human Element] Radio Chatter

    Hey all, sorry for the lateness to the party - work has been a bitch. I'll post up an entry tonight (hopefully).
  8. nicholscs

    [The Human Element] Subject 241-3 aka Netherwild

    Delta Division Meta-Profile #3102: Level Two Clearance [summary] Not much is known of Subject 241-3. She is a female humanoid of unknown origin and species who may or may not be from our dimension. She has picked up some rudimentary English, but her native tongue is not known to us at this...
  9. nicholscs

    The Human Element [M&M]

    Imagine more a Nightcrawler look, humanoid, but more sinister looking than Raven.
  10. nicholscs

    The Human Element [M&M]

    Here's the link to Green Ronin's site with the 2nd Ed. stuff - the rule book is $20
  11. nicholscs

    The Human Element [M&M]

    A Dirty Job is an awesome book. Hands down.
  12. nicholscs

    The Human Element [M&M]

    Well...the idea for the darkness one came from a character I really liked when I played City of Heroes. If you're familiar with the MMO, she was a dark/dark controller by the name of Netherwild. In that game, she was from an unknown dimension, and had been trapped in the game world and fought...
  13. nicholscs

    The Human Element [M&M]

    Well, I between the archetypes in the book and a website that statted out a ton of Marvel/DC characters in the 2ed system, the martial artist is fairly 'done'. Even the other is to some extent if I use 'Cloak' as a starting template. But, the creation process is kind of confusing to me
  14. nicholscs

    The Human Element [M&M]

    I was thinking of either a martial artist with some chi or some sort of combination of hellfire and darkness control with a bit of pocket dimension...
  15. nicholscs

    The Human Element [M&M]

    Cool. I think I'll go ahead and download the 2nd Ed .pdf, if I was going to get one of the supplements, is there one you would recommend? Is the 'Ultimate Power' one pretty useful? Also, Grey would you want to run a duo with shared b/g elements? or just have solo characters who meet?
  16. nicholscs

    The Human Element [M&M]

    I'm interested. I've no experience with M&M, but I do with other Green Ronin stuff (SIFRP). Would the 2nd Ed PDF cover what I need to get started, or would I need to pick up a couple of the supplements? Also, would this be PbP or PbC?
  17. nicholscs

    [SIFRP] House Llayne of Riverstone Hall

    Chapter 2 Several days pass, while the castle is bustling with activity - servants hurrying about to prepare the castle, carpenters and masons brought from the town to make minor repairs, and the influx of food and supplies. Finally, one of the scouts Lord Brodrik sent out to look for Edmure's...
  18. nicholscs

    [SIFRP] House Llayne of Riverstone Hall

    Chapter One It is a cool summer day at Riverstone Hall. Maester Bramley, the junior maester of the house finds key members of the Llayne household to a meeting in Lord Brodrik's hall. One by one, along with most of the major servants of the house, they slowly filter in. Elmar, heir to House...
  19. nicholscs

    A Song of Ice and Fire

    I've got a couple errands to run, so I'll be on around noon CST
  20. nicholscs

    A Song of Ice and Fire

    I've always liked the name Fremont, but I was really just suggesting the location as a possibility.