The Human Element [M&M]

Lady Jane

Senior Member
I've been tossing around the idea of running a Mutants & Masterminds game set in the not-too-distant future in my own original setting. Though super-powered 'heroes' and 'villains' have been around for some time, they've been mostly a clandestine force. The Delta Division has been responsible for the training and deployment of these 'metahumans' since about the 1980s. Recently, though, Delta's gone public, ushering in what some call 'Delta's Golden Age'. Metas pop out of the woodwork and are assigned names and identities within the Division.

That 'Golden Age' is short lived. A series of attacks cripple the leadership of the Delta Division, and it's up to the PCs to figure out who is behind it all.
2e, I think, unless there's a huge public outcry saying they want 3e. Saves me the rant about how terrible 3e was :P About the only good thing I saw out of 3e was the two mandatory complications, and that's an easy tweak to give 2e.
I didn't get a good look at 3e, but I'd heard mostly good things up to now. Still, 2e is fine.

I shall play a mild-mannered masseuse by day, gloved crimefighter by night.

I'm interested. I've no experience with M&M, but I do with other Green Ronin stuff (SIFRP). Would the 2nd Ed PDF cover what I need to get started, or would I need to pick up a couple of the supplements? Also, would this be PbP or PbC?
The beauty of M&M is that all you really need to play is the core book. The supplements give some cool twists on a few of the powers and abilities, but that's not super necessary to get started. I've never run a PbC game before so I'll probably gravitate to PbP, though I'm certainly willing to go PbC if that ends up being better for everyone.
Also, I have no problem walking people through learning the system. It's fairly simple, especially seeing as you only need the d20 to make your rolls.
Cool. I think I'll go ahead and download the 2nd Ed .pdf, if I was going to get one of the supplements, is there one you would recommend? Is the 'Ultimate Power' one pretty useful?

Also, Grey would you want to run a duo with shared b/g elements? or just have solo characters who meet?
Ultimate Power is a good one. I'll throw in a submission for the game, put a little more detail into the setting so you guys have a better idea of what you're getting yourselves into :P
Hmm. I am interested, being a huge superhero fan. The only thing is that I don't know the system, so I might need help learning it.
I have no problem walking people through creating a character and gameplay. As for Power Level, you'd be starting at PL 10.
I was thinking of either a martial artist with some chi or some sort of combination of hellfire and darkness control with a bit of pocket dimension...
Oooh, you and Grey doing a whole Luke Cage/Iron Fist thing? That might be fun. Or the hellfire/darkness control. You have no idea how many EVIL plots I can run around that xD
Well, I between the archetypes in the book and a website that statted out a ton of Marvel/DC characters in the 2ed system, the martial artist is fairly 'done'. Even the other is to some extent if I use 'Cloak' as a starting template. But, the creation process is kind of confusing to me I wouldn't mind walking through it at some point.

Also, Grey...I was re-thinking the idea of a shared background. I could go either way with it. It might also be fun to have them (and any others) encounter each other and work from there. Plus, GMLJ might have some thoughts.
It's completely up to you guys. You'll be part of an agency, so it's quite possible you could be partners of sorts.

As for your concepts, a Martial Artist is very 'feat' heavy, as you might have noticed--lots of those abilities that let you take numbers away from your attck, add them to your damage/defence and vice versa. That's fine, and don't let the numbers scare you if that's the concept you like. I've just seen that build type being played well below their potential with a player that...well, quite frankly was too lazy to figure out how all the feats worked together. But you can do it! I believe in you! :D

The other one can be really gimmick-y, and I'm warning you now, I tend to take full advantage of that. :P If your character is capable of solving problems in clever ways, I'll see to it you get that opportunity to think outside the box.
Well...the idea for the darkness one came from a character I really liked when I played City of Heroes. If you're familiar with the MMO, she was a dark/dark controller by the name of Netherwild. In that game, she was from an unknown dimension, and had been trapped in the game world and fought generally for 'good'. I thought that it might be a good fit with the agency, if they a)want to use her powers and b) want to keep an eye on her due to her unknown nature and origins. For her look, I was thinking of something along the lines of the Morrigan (if you've read, A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore) which were basically ink black creatures covered in what almost seemed to be like small, downy feathers, or something similarly smooth, with a tattered hooded cloak or some such thing, all white eyes, with her features fairly obscured. I was also thinking of having her basically be mono-syllabic (especially at first), as she's not really from these parts....unless you think that would get old. I figured that roleplay doesn't always have to involve lengthy dialogue. I picture her as sort of feral and defensive at first due to her displacement.

Anyway, just spitballing. Let me know what you think.

The martial artist would also be fun to play, but I haven't pursued his background ideas as much yet.
I think my book is 2e, are you still taking players here? I might carve out time for this one... I miss my old M&M campaign very much.
@gatherer818: The campaign is currently in the submission stage, so we haven't even really gotten started yet. Right now, the more, the merrier.

@Articus: I tend toward the Luddite side when it comes to my books, so I haven't much opportunity to browse the best site to find it. Perhaps nicholscs can be enlightening as to where he found the PDF?

@nicholscs: The Delta Division is definitely aware of the possibility of alternate dimensions, and yes, that is exactly the way they'd react to your presence. It is a government agency, after all. When things get started, I'll post my rather lengthy list of established NPCs, two of which are twin siblings from one of the already-known alternate worlds. While you're unlikely to be from the same world they are, you might find yourself with things in common with my setting's 'Superman'. He's not a particularly loquacious fellow either, due to the language barrier. I've never read anything by Christopher Moore, but it sounds as if it should be something to add to the list that will make me trot out to the library.

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