[The Human Element] Radio Chatter

yay ^_^ I was starting to worry. I've only ever had one game on this site go further than the second scene, and I was worried my curse was back now that I seem to no longer be running a game.
No, no, haven't gone anywhere. Work's just looking at me for a possible supervisor position, and evidently this means that they must make every effort to burn me out -.- I've been working a job that I haven't done in months, so I get home and my body's all like "for teh why you hate meh!"
I'm going to drop out all, the style just isn't working for me.

Good gaming all and thanks for the spot LJ!
Just something I thought I should mention: Desmond has a tendency to exaggerate. So don't take everything he says as gospel.
Mondays are usually quite busy for me. I shall try to make an effort to post and move us on tomorrow.
@gatherer818, I don't particularly care what dice you use, as long as it's a d20 and I can see what you rolled. So long as I get to laugh at you a little bit for not giving the scout drone the notice skill :P I thought about being nice and letting you ret-con it, but.... I decided that it works for comedy's sake as one of those running gags xD

And if any of you guys aren't sure what numbers are supposed to add to, I can figure it out from your character sheet. I can do basic math, I think <_< And by that I mean, I'm on my computer by default, so I have a calculator, lol.

I'm just waiting to see what Vlad sees, then I'll post something. I'm probably going to not be online tomorrow much at all, though. I shall try to post something Tuesday.
We wouldn't dream of giving you grief over going to visit your grandma, but are we allowed to make fun of you for rolling a d6 instead of a d20 for your Will save? <3

Belial threw 6-sided die for: Willpower Total: 1 1
Yes, indeed family must always come first. And then the poking of the fun. Also, way to burn a 1 on the wrong dice. The dice gods are furious, and guaranteed that's going to come back and haunt you later xD
I am not sure, but I don't think Girl Prodigy will even be aware of Vlad's mental communication, if it was intended to be a mental communication. So therefore, I am not sure that she will be able to let him see through her eyes.

I think the mental immunity, being innate, can't be turned off. She is simply immune to mental effects. She doesn't sense them unless they have another visible effect attribute. I think that is partly why it is a detriment to have innate on a power, you don't get the choice. It would be like someone being immune to fire and trying to cauterize their wounds, it just wouldn't work.

Then again, Vlad might not know that, but is about to find out. Grace might not even know. "Huh? What? You were trying to do something inside my head? I had no idea."
Easiest way to tell that is if the power is listed as 'permanent'. If it is, it can't be turned off without being nullified. If it's not, the permanent is another flaw that can be built into the power. Not sure what Immunity is off the top of my head. I think it's permanent, but I'm not 100% sure. I'll check when I get home in about three hours if need be.
Immunity is normally permanent by default, but could be made Sustained. Pretty sure GP's, however, is both Permanent and Innate - it's part of her and can't be turned off, countered, nullified, or overcome by anything short of GM Fiat.
It's also worth mentioning that I'm pretty sure they were all supplied with comms. So maybe using them would be your best bet--you know, according to Occam's Razor and all.
yea Didn't realize she had immunity mind so that last bit probably wouldn't work. Ill alter the post if youll allow me to asking the group to try and get eyes on it so that I can see what they are seeing assuming no one else has any immunity's.

And he doesn't use his com link because it would cause his Obfuscate or invisibility to drop when he speaks and he would prefer that no one realizes he's there if he can help it. So he will just have to reach out to the rest of the group.

actually can I use My telepathy to try and pick these guys out of the crowed basically trying to eliminate the thoughts of the rest of the people and focus on theirs assuming they are out of the ordinary.
also like how people dont even know what these guys are, or who they are, or even where they are and we are already trying to kill them.... GO PC PARTY YEA!
Hey guys. I'm very much curious about joining, but I'm a little confused with the whole profile/stats thing. Could someone explain either here or via PM?
At least Girl Prodigy didn't call for them to attack, just to be on alert. Other people decided to pull the trigger. Now, I just wonder if GP would be able to figure out what these things are, or if they come from an unknown dimension or something.
Hey I tried to figure out what the guys were, every one else like WES ADVENTURERS WES ATTACK NO ASK QUESTIONS!

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