[The Human Element] Radio Chatter

Yeah, that's it. Gestalt (rank 1 to 5, depending on how powerful the strongest of the critters needs to be), with each of the components taking Shapeshift (not Morph) limited to animals only, with their base forms being body parts. Make sure to add the Progression power feat to Gestalt to get it up to as many parts as you want (2 Progressions will give you 10, 3 will give you 25 max). This way you can turn them into pretty much any animal you like, instead of having only set animals, and can imbue the weaker forms with some extra abilities if you like (like a rat swarm that all have Communication with each other or something). Even assuming you spend the most points you can on Gestalt, rank 5 with 3 Progression feats, that's still only 8 PP. Where it's going to cost you is time, since you have to build the component forms, but if you make them all basically identical that won't be tough either.

By the way, Gestalt 5 will give each component creature up to 75 PP to spend, so... you have the points to spare to turn into a horde of elephants if you like. Limiting their Shapeshifts to only creatures of around the same size might be appropriate... or not, since I don't really know much about your character except that you can turn into animals :D
I'm pinning down a last few bits of Stefan's personality and mechanical stuff and will post in the Mission thread... assuming work isn't crazy this weekend, probably Monday at the latest, hopefully sooner. If work decides to keep me especially busy, maybe Tuesday...
Cool. I'll probably do some more posting tomorrow. My brain's a little fried right now from some intense discussions I've been having with Wordpress to try to make my webcomic look like I want it to. There might have been profanity involved. BUT... http://creationsgambit.rpdom.com/ It's good to go now :D I'll work on figuring it into the link in my sig tomorrow.

EDIT: Oh, look at that, I figured it out. :D Not as hard as I thought. For once -.-
yeah, just nest the tags and it should work like a charm :D congrats on your comic, I'll read whatever you have up.. Soon. Got characters to make first :D
Hey all, sorry for the lateness to the party - work has been a bitch. I'll post up an entry tonight (hopefully).
Yeah, work does that. I'll post something tomorrow. In the morning, maybe, if I can string together a paragraph that makes sense to more than just me. Of course, that's a hard judge before I've had my coffee...
Eh I work like 10 hours a day 7 days a week starting at 7 am in the mourning, and I dont drink coffee... It'll be that kind of way for the next month or 2.
I've got one more player in the que, and then we can move on with actual plot, and not just more of Drake's dickery :D It sounds like we've got a good group forming, I'm quite looking forward to this.
I've got my character posted. I would love comments/questions about the build and the background to see how he'd fit into the team being built. I've never played M&M before, so this should be interesting. I've played a number of d20 games, so the actual in-play mechanics should be easy enough, but getting the character build just so....that's an art. :)
He reads like Ralph Dibny to me. Should be awesome with Dracula, Raven, the token Wiz Kid, a rock star, and...honestly, the best parallel I can think of for Stefan is Captain America. The irony is not lost on me.
bwah hahaha that's awesome. Valentine's quickly approaches, and I have relevant imagery, enjoy.

View attachment 2015<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_02/hDE706EEA.jpg.0cac8f2dbc368189f16e9ad9128737c4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23923" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_02/hDE706EEA.jpg.0cac8f2dbc368189f16e9ad9128737c4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Lady Jane]He reads like Ralph Dibny to me. Should be awesome with Dracula, Raven, the token Wiz Kid, a rock star, and...honestly, the best parallel I can think of for Stefan is Captain America. The irony is not lost on me.

HEY HE ISNT DRACULA! he is dracul!
Netherwild and Girl Prodigy are going to the school dance next Thursday night. Grace will have to get her a date. There is a freckly boy that she knows that people don't talk to because he draws pictures of aliens shooting people with lasers.
Madam GM, what does the kid we'll be protecting look like? It's, um, kind of important to my character, ya know? Also adorable kids totally make my day, and after my most stressful evening at work ever, I could use it :P I've done 16-hour shifts on my feet, I couldn't imagine that a 5-and-a-half hour shift where I get to sit and do nothing more than half the time could ever feel longer than that....

I got to work at a new site (I'd trained there for one 5 1/2 hour shift, it was my first time solo though) and went to check in for what seemed to be the most boring shift I was ever going to work, and the guy behind the counter said "oh hey, you're the guy filling in for security, right? I got something to show you, come here." So I walked around the counter and he pulled up an email on his computer, clicked on an attachment, and showed me two pictures of a this tattooed guy with messy hair and really big friends. The pictures were taken on a shooting range, and one of them was of the guy and his freaking assault rifle. So the guy I'm talking to tells me that this guy is ex-military and was suspended from the college yesterday "after the incident" (he didn't go into details, but I figured it was either a physical altercation or a very serious threat) and wasn't welcome on campus. If I saw him, I was to inform the front desk immediately... unless he was carrying a bag or something big enough to carry that rifle in, in which case I needed to tell him to leave right there at the door, rather than giving him the chance to get inside with the students. I should note here that my security position is unarmed and my only CQC training was taking Tae Kwon Do when I was in elementary school.

Fortunately, the guy never showed up, so it ended up being no big deal, but my nerves are so shot from being on high alert the entire time, just about freaking out every time someone approached the front door. And, you know, there were eleven classes and a new faculty orientation in the building that evening, so a LOT of people approached the front door.
Haha, aw man. I won't complain about the stress of my job, then (last week was nonetheless a nightmare that I never want to revisit). Unfortunately, I don't see much of the kid's section of the thrift store I work at, so I can't smuggle you pictures of the adorably tiny baby clothes. The Halloween one with the phrase "I love my Mummy" was a favorite for a while. I can tell you that (shameless self-promotion alert) my Valentine's special for my comic has a cute kid on it. I'm excited to write the precocious things that come out of his mouth.

As for the kid you're protecting, I always pictured him looking something like Kid Anakin Skywalker on The Phantom Menace. I should post something in the Mission Logs soon, I've just got a late arrival character that we're figuring things out with, and I don't want him to be too lost.
hehe, Anakin was certainly adorable. I was having a little trouble deciding how likely Stefan would be to get along with Vlad at this point (obviously, by mission's end, we should be getting along well enough to be a "team", but the bumpy road to get there is more fun ^_^ ), and the thought of

an impure freak of nature devouring an prime example of Aryan superiority

---- I mean, he said he eats kids, what the kid looks like doesn't matter at all, of course. Whoops. Just ignore that :D

(Of course, he didn't say he was going to eat the kid we're supposed to be protecting, I just figured the one Stefan was looking at when he said it would be the one he imagined. If it was some little mousy dark-haired street rat Stefan wouldn't be as offended by the image. Getting along with mutants is taking all of his tolerance at the moment.... I am having trouble believing that I'm THIS excited about playing a character that has this outlook. I mean.... now I see why debate teams occasionally practice arguing the side they don't agree with. It's quite a change of pace. I don't play characters who think just like me, of course, but usually we're at least generally on the same page morals-wise. This character is a "hero", but from a world where slightly different things are considered heroic...)
Good lord, you should have seen these guys when they first started. Jay and Drake's issues came to blows at one point (ignore the crazy person talking as if these people are real. I've been living with them since they were teenagers). Now, granted there was some mind control going on from an outside source, but they really didn't get along at first. Now...well, I'm not sure one could say they get along, but neither does any other family.

See, I have to think from a different point of view to be able to write a good villain. The first villain I wrote was a bat-crap crazy s.o.b, and of course I find the depths of depravity he sunk to absolutely repulsive...but I understand why he did it, at least as far as it made sense in his head. Also, I find being able to argue the devil's advocate strengthens your own position. Seeing from someone else's point of view makes it all the easier to poke holes in their argument.
you realise making a bat shit crazy vilian as an antagonist to fight this particular group will more likely end with Vlad trying to recruit him as his minion then actually trying to kill him right?

I mean unfortunately I have this tendency to play these villain characters in hero games who seem to only be working with the group out of entertainment more then any actual need to be a hero, unfortunately this also tends to lead me to play these pseudo heros in villain games bent on seeking redemption for the evil they did, or they are these utterly twisted fucks who see themselves as doing the right thing by beeing the monster of the story....
Oh, that villain's long since dead. Actually... I'm dying (see what I did there?) to have you meet his sister.

That's all I'm going to say on that matter ;)
Ooh Id love to meet her as well, Make a nice meal im sure... Or at least an entertaining night one way or another.
From an email from a friend:

I didn't realize that I had signed up for my grocery shoppers club card under a fake name. That was, until the cashier replied, "Thank you for shopping with us, Mr. Von Doom. You save $7.53 today."

I replied, "That is Doctor."

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