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  1. F

    You're so cuuute... ARGH MY FACE

    Beastman can Exalt, as has been said, I believe that one was mentioned in one of the entries in the 1E Castebook: Night.
  2. F

    Attempt at preparing for an episodic game

    I have a thought that came up about Supernal Black Rose. From a metagame standpoint, it's obvious that she's an Abyssal. I don't know if any of my potential players are going to decide their characters have any knowledge or experience with Deathknights, but I don't want to write off the...
  3. F

    Attempt at preparing for an episodic game

    Occasionally in past efforts at STing, I have occasionally railroaded my players slightly more than I'd like to. However, one of the best sessions I ever had involved one of my players coming up with a solution I hadn't even thought of as a possibility, and then the rest of the players got...
  4. F

    Game Finder

    I've actually trying to get people to use Skype instead of chat rooms for online games, so yeah, I could most certainly give that a go if you could stand another person. Send me a message here or get me on AIM @ FlowersBlackwing.
  5. F

    A well rounded Circle

    I GMed a perfect circle for a few games, it was interesting, to say the least... We started with a Zenith philosopher/scholar with...unusual backgrounds. First off, he took the Familiar background AND the Spirit-Tied Pet Charm, despite my mentioning they were redundant. Still, his pet tiger...
  6. F

    Distinction between "Dynast" and "Patrician&q

    This may just be me being dense, but reading through the 1E Dragon-Blooded book, the distinction between Patrician families and Dynastic families was nevery clear to me, beyond that Dynasts are higher up in the sociological food chain than Patricians, and that Dynasts are more likely to produce...
  7. F

    Shadow Lunars

    Hrmmmm...add the additional effects. With the expendature of four motes, whoever fastened the collar can release the muzzle with a simple gesture and vocal activation. (For example, snapping and saying "sic 'em." The collar remains on, but the chains and muzzle itself release. When released...
  8. F

    Shadow Lunars

    I've been thinking about this...give me your feedback. The Raiton circled overhead, its cry as chilling as ice. Eliad dashed through the trees, attempting to shake off the raptor's gaze. The young Solar had fought his way through dozens of hungry ghosts, barely escaping the wrath of an angry...
  9. F

    Shadow Lunars

    I figured there had to be...I mean, there are cannon examples of Solars, Sidereals, and Spirits that serve the Deathlords, so why not everything else in Creation? But if a Deathlord wanted to go out of his way to get a Lunar under his tumb, I think finding a way of locking their caste and/or...
  10. F

    Shadow Lunars

    Damn, now I need to make a Raiton Totem Lunar that serves one of the Deathlords. Rather than corrupting shards, I think it'd be more interesting for the Deathlords to just have an alternate way of or locking their caste or somesuch. Soulsteel alloyed muzzles anyone? The act of actually...
  11. F

    Funniest Quotes OOC or IC from Exalted

    The Circle just finished a test of battle against a group of Panther-Men to prove themselves to Devastina, a Lunar barbarian leader. Only one of the Circle, Veritas, a Twilight Caste Inquisitor, was left standing at the end. To be fair, they were new players, and they were out against superior...
  12. F

    Problem Characters

    I'd say that there's not much to do about a player that doesn't want to roleplay. It is questionable why the circle tolerates his continued presence, so encourage them to deal with this odd Lunar that won't seem to leave the Abyssal's bosom.
  13. F

    Hearthstones and Underworld Manse

    Do elemental manses and the accompanying Hearthstones exist in the Underworld? Or would non-Celestial manses in the Underworld instead reflect the corresponding corpse-element (Water to Blood, Fire to Pyreflame, etc)? I ask because it seems inappropriate to have a manse aspected to an element...
  14. F

    How do you put your series together?

    Could you clarify what you mean  by retcon? I usually thought it meant altering continuity retroactively, a la the soap opera's "I didn't die, that was my twin brother" plot twist.
  15. F

    How do you put your series together?

    In general I avoid having too much of a pre-determined plot, since I'm deathly afraid of railroading. Instead I normally set up the antagonists and their goals, a generalized setting, and a few adventure ideas, rather than piece together a large group of plot points. This tends to make my games...
  16. F

    1E vs. 2E

    I've noted the "race to initiative 0" problem, but I've never run into that problem with any games I've run or participated in--maybe because even if players want to metagame that badly, storytellers won't. Waiting to see what your opponent does before acting is one thing, having an entire...
  17. F

    1E: Rough Charm Tree sketch--Forbidding Manse of Ivy Style

    Taking that in mind, I'm going to try to refocus and refine the style while keeping it a Celestial Style.The style now incorperates two key strategies: For defense, perfect recall of a methodical study of combat put into practice. For offense, nerve strikes and disorienting blows to confuse and...
  18. F

    1E: Rough Charm Tree sketch--Forbidding Manse of Ivy Style

    I'm trying to put together a Celestial Martial Arts style with a House of Secrets flavor. So far I have just a rough sketch of what I want all the charms to do. I've taken some inspiration from Violet Bier of Sorrows style as to the construction of it. The basic flavor is protecting secrets, so...
  19. F

    1E vs. 2E

    I was wondering what everybody's opinions on which version they preferred. Call me crazy, but I prefer 1E. The 2E books are beautifully put together, but I think some of the rules got too complicated for their own good. The tick system looks great on paper, but in practice I prefer simpler, more...