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  1. Dead Eye

    Family Counts [Inactive]

    Scott smiled. "That's right, let's thank we're all together and enjoy the present." He had refrained about talking about his past, because even if it wasn't as bad as any of his new siblings, there had been plenty of sad moments.
  2. Dead Eye

    Family Counts [Inactive]

    Scott chuckled relieved "Ok, you got me good there."
  3. Dead Eye

    Family Counts [Inactive]

    "I think that depends on what kinds of things she stole, coming all the way over here for worthless stuff would probably be a waste. But if they care about whatever it is you stole, then maybe we should all worry." Scott looked seriously at Alli, meeting someone who has stolen from the italian...
  4. Dead Eye

    Family Counts [Inactive]

    Scott smiled at Alli. "It's ok, nothing wrong in being good at something." "It is bad, it was all his fault and you got all the punishment, but that was last year so maybe you should move on and forget about it, it's no good to be embarrased about something for so long."
  5. Dead Eye

    Family Counts [Inactive]

    "We'll make sure it never happens again, and maybe you would like to tell us what exactly what happened." Scott looked at Alli "Now you're just bragging aren't you?" he chuckled.
  6. Dead Eye

    Family Counts [Inactive]

    "Well don't let anyone who criticizes you or us get you down, they don't know how good it is to have a family like we do, and I just arrived today." Scott said and put his hand on her shoulder for a moment. "Not at all Alli, I would probably break a leg if I tried." he chuckled.
  7. Dead Eye

    Family Counts [Inactive]

    "Huh, that's weird. It's like he makes fun of the fact that our mom is so good she gives a home and a family to teenagers like us." Scott smiled at Cassie and then looked at Alli. "Well now you have to show me more of yor skills Alli, I bet it's awesome."
  8. Dead Eye

    Family Counts [Inactive]

    "Oh you know... the tree climbing thing." Scott smiled. "Pretty cool." "What did he mean by 'there's more'?" he looked at Cassie as Dylan walked away.
  9. Dead Eye

    Family Counts [Inactive]

    "Woah Alli." Scott chuckled and looked at the people Cassie waved at. "Hey, my name's Scott, yours?"
  10. Dead Eye

    Family Counts [Inactive]

    Scott put his headphones on his backpack and left it in a corner of the living room, he followed after Cassie. "Let's go." and smiled.
  11. Dead Eye

    Family Counts [Inactive]

    "Oh, can I join? I'd like to get to know around here. I think we can intoroduce ourselves to mom later when everyone else is here."
  12. Dead Eye

    Family Counts [Inactive]

    Scott sat upright as requested by his new mom, he was happy to finally meet her.
  13. Dead Eye

    Family Counts [Inactive]

    Scott smiles and nods. "Of course, our mom. Now I'm getting really excited to meet her."
  14. Dead Eye

    Family Counts [Inactive]

    "Hmm... you're probably right, I think most families prefer to raise a child at the earliest possible age so not many teens get adopted." The thought of someone who would adopt teens just to give them a family brought a big smile to Scott's face. "Your mom must be an angel."
  15. Dead Eye

    Family Counts [Inactive]

    Scott thought about that for a moment. "Well growing up in the orphanage was like slowly coming to accept everyone there as a big family, being here it's as if all of you were officially my family, and now I have a mother which I'm really happy about."
  16. Dead Eye

    Family Counts [Inactive]

    "I'm from right here actually, I've never left Florida but I like it here. What about you?" ((To answer that it would be good to know where in Florida they are :P ))
  17. Dead Eye

    Family Counts [Inactive]

    "Oh don't worry you won't, I like Metal and Punk but I'm open to listening to anything." Scott smiled.
  18. Dead Eye

    Family Counts [Inactive]

    "I am a little picky, I don't really dislike any genre but there are some that I like more than others."
  19. Dead Eye

    Family Counts [Inactive]

    "Well as long as he doesn't mind my music which can sometimes be loud, I don't think there will be any problems." Scott relaxed on the couch and dropped his backpack next to it. "What kind of music do you like Cassie?"
  20. Dead Eye

    Family Counts [Inactive]

    "Not me, I've been here since I arrived. By the way, I had a question, is there a room for each one of us or do we share? I don't mind sharing, I'm just curious."