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  1. Ketchup

    Thief of Hearts ♡

    “Oh my,” Ana began, a teasing smile tugging at the corner of her lips. “That is disappointing.” The light and amused tone of her voice nullified the words she'd spoken. She paused in her steps as she watched him hop up on top of what she could only guess was the cave's mouth. It was remarkable...
  2. Ketchup

    Thief of Hearts ♡

    A quiet titter sounded from Ana's lips at Adrian's correction of her sentence. “My sincere apologies,” She murmured, mildly amused. She quickly fell into step with him, not wanting to trail behind if she didn't have to. The scenery was pleasant to the eye, to say the least. “A cave,” She...
  3. Ketchup

    Thief of Hearts ♡

    A small, firm nod was the single indication that the princess had understood his warning – stealth was crucial at a time like this. Though she had but not a clue as to where she was allowing a rather recent ally to lead her to, there mere satisfaction of going through the motions her father...
  4. Ketchup

    Thief of Hearts ♡

    Upon having heard Adrian's comforting words, Ana was able to roll her shoulders back in relief. Better guided, she turned her head in direction of where his voice derived. If she stared hard enough, she could make out a much darker silhouette than the already dark shadow cast over the cloth. Was...
  5. Ketchup

    Thief of Hearts ♡

    Unfortunately, despite earlier claims regarding the seemingly comfortable cot, the princess certainly was failing to obtain her beauty sleep. Her back, much more used to silk and feather bedding, wasn't accustomed to the uncomfortable inflexibility of the makeshift bed. As a result, Ana was...
  6. Ketchup

    Thief of Hearts ♡

    Whether he'd chosen to decline because she was the princess or if he was genuinely wanting to be left alone with the equines, Ana respected his choice. Her fingers curled a little more tightly around her brush, her other hand resting on her stallion's warm neck. “I suppose we do,” She agreed...
  7. Ketchup

    Thief of Hearts ♡

    Seeing the larger tent, Ana was once again reminded that this was only temporary; the entertaining tittle-tattles, the good humour, the abundance of time spent out in the open. Once they'd arrive at the neighbouring kingdom, all of it would be gone and her days would consist of reading letters...
  8. Ketchup


    Yeah, of course -- I'll PM you.
  9. Ketchup


    Heeeyyy! Guess who? it's baa Welcome to RpN!! :D
  10. Ketchup

    Thief of Hearts ♡

    Relief flooded through Ana's small frame as Adrian seemed to forgive, although a newly found guilt settled in, lesser in strength; one she could live with. Despite herself, despite him, she couldn't bring herself to believe that he wasn't feeling obliged in the least to befriend her; it simply...
  11. Ketchup

    Thief of Hearts ♡

    Friend? He had been attempting to befriend her? Had this discussion been held anywhere else, the subject of having a possible ally was almost laughable. “Friends only exist when a war is dawning, Anatëruiel” Her father's words echoed inside of her head as she watched him speak. Note watched...
  12. Ketchup

    Thief of Hearts ♡

    Ana had been expecting for Adrian to simply nod and begin telling her of his own childhood life. It was safe to say that she hadn't been expecting the warm fingers tilting her chin upwards, her cerulean orbs meeting a gaze no one had given her prior to this exact instant. At his words, she was...
  13. Ketchup

    Thief of Hearts ♡

    Ana hadn't noticed that her laughter had grown a little louder until one of the knights riding front turned his head back to look at her. Her titters died down gradually as she made a mental note that she was too easily letting herself go; there was a reputation to keep, after all. Even amongst...
  14. Ketchup

    Thief of Hearts ♡

    A small, genuine, smile painted itself across Ana's lips at the sight of Adrian offering Bandit an apple of his own. Her curve grew slightly wider as the stallion accepted the fruit greedily, snatching it from the palm of his hand rather gracefully. She glanced sideways at the knight riding...
  15. Ketchup

    Bonjour, peasants!

    Aha, in all honesty, it's my go-to name for pretty much anything when my favorite name is taken; it's an almost guarantee available name. xP
  16. Ketchup

    Thief of Hearts ♡

    Come to think of it, this was Ana's second time out of castle walls since she had been born. Her first time was merely assorted memories of her child years wandering off with her father on his horse; though she could not even recall why they had voyaged off in the first place. All to say that...
  17. Ketchup

    Thief of Hearts ♡

    “Pleased to meet you, Sir Adrian of Lightsburrow.” Ana watched as Adrian kissed the back of her hand, still rather impressed by the simple fact that he had been able to pronounce her entire name. A foolish thing to be affected about but it wasn't just anyone who could do such thing...
  18. Ketchup

    Thief of Hearts ♡

    While bowing was required, there were times Nalleth wished some wouldn't do it. Not because she didn't wish to be a princess but rather because she didn't think herself superior to these men. Magic aside, there was nothing she could do at a higher level than them. Perhaps sewing or playing the...
  19. Ketchup

    Thief of Hearts ♡

    Don't fret, princess Those simple three words adorned with that boyish grin had embedded themselves inside her head. He had been the first and only knight to have ever met her gaze and not submit and for some reason, it had struck her in way she had yet to even comprehend. She could recall...
  20. Ketchup

    Thief of Hearts ♡

    Unbeknownst to anyone but herself, Ana's palms had become a tad damp out of both anger and nervousness upon hearing Nikolai's declaration; the mere thought of rallying a troop with the the intention of escorting her to some unknown man simply because her father wished to fortify the bond between...