Thief of Hearts ♡


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? a purebred royal, ana's abilities are quite strong as well as advanced. although, she doesn't practice them in public. her powers have much to do with both poison and healing. tying in with her main abilities, ana has the capability to manipulate the wildlife around, however, only the greens. she can't control animals nor can she create plants out of nowhere. she can manipulate existing ones to her will. it's not unheard her to spot her in the royal gardens.

The King stepped forth on the high podium, his eyes skimming the heads of many ready knights willing to risk their lives for honor and loyalty. However, 'twas not what the King was looking for primarily. He was in dire need of the utmost skilled and powerful men to protect his delicate flower through the treacherous lands which would undoubtedly await whomever stepped up to the task; though the King would be making the final choice, he had a few of his advisers at the ready as well, all of which had overseen these knights at work and had a fair bit amount of knowledge regarding most of these men.

Beside him stood his delicate flower, his prized possession. He would be lying if he claimed to be saddened by the thought of sending her off for marriage in another kingdom in preparation for the oncoming war against the South. In fact, the sooner she was on her way, the better, for she would be sent back with a reinforced army. And if luck dappled on his side, she would return with child.

Turning his attention to the silenced crowd of men, he finally spoke up. "Gentlemen, do I have any volunteers?" Seeing as he had already explained what they all had been summoned here for prior to this gathering, it was only a question of acquiring willing volunteers. "I remind you that this escort expedition are for the strong and loyal." Despite his lack of emotional association with his young daughter, he wished to have her delivered to his ally unscathed, as a princess should be, especially his own kin.

Ana, remaining silent, wished she didn't have so many eyes on her. She kept her cerulean orbs focused on her feet which were covered beneath her silk dress. The thought of trekking week upon week to a destination she'd never heard of until it was announced that she would be betrothed to the prince.

"I volunteer!" One particular man stepped up, a man who shortly claimed himself to be named Nikolai.

Being a personal favourite of the King's there came absolutely no hesitation on his behalf. "Very well, Nikolai of Cleon. I ask that you prepare for the journey beginning at the break of dawn." He turned to the crowd once more because one lone knight was not going to suffice into protecting his daughter. A solid core of six men seemed to be most logical seeing as bandits usually traveled in herds of three as to not attract too much attention on them. Moreover, there would be many stops at friendly barracks in order to restock on provisions as well as recoop on rest and medical evaluations.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/reto_by_omupied-d48y9q6.jpg.ea1500048c0f1680d76c1f0977afcb68.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15753" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/reto_by_omupied-d48y9q6.jpg.ea1500048c0f1680d76c1f0977afcb68.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Not a lot is known about this knight. He simply appeared one day, in full armor with his shield, and announced himself at the kings court. Despite the mystery surrounding his origins, Adrian soon became a focal point of many of the goings on in even the elite circles. Charming, would be a way to describe him. A tongue of silver made to talk the birds off of their perches in the trees, he has a knack for uncovering the secrets of many important lords and ladies; but will always solemnly swear to take those secrets to his grave. Beyond his intuition and natural adeptness within social circles of the courts, Adrian does not lack any amount of skill on the field.

To see Adrian on the field, some have said, is to see a man truly in his element. His muscles move in perfect unison with his sword- as if the slender piece of metal and his flesh were one and the same. Graceful, fluent, the man has a blade that seems to have a language all it's own. Adrian was blessed with the sight. An ability akin to magic that heightens his senses, allowing him to see to the core of truth-whether it be poison or lie, all with a nature of deceit is revealed to his vision.

Adrian watched the princess intently. Blue irises burning with the intensity of his stare. He had been waiting for an opportunity like this for a long time. A quick glance to either side showed his 'fellow' knights, all eyes on the king. It was understandable of course, the king demanded attention. He had an aura of majesty that simply drew the eye, an imposing stance that gave birth to the rumors of the impenetrable royal line. Adrian, however, only had eyes for the princess.

She stood, half hidden by the presence of her father, eyes demurely set upon her feet. Far from being shy however, Adrian could see the fire inside of her. His lips twitched into a small smile, tugging on the scars set across his face. She was beautiful as well, golden hair falling over slight shoulders; framing a face with features more delicate then flowers. She truly lived up to her name.

"I volunteer!" Adrian dragged his eyes away from Ana, lighting upon the knight Nikolai of Cleon. He didn't even have to listen to know that he would immediately be chosen. A favorite of the king, sir Nikolai, and damn good with a sword. Of course, Not quite as good as me. It wasn't conceitedness that made the words run through his mind, he had sparred with the man before. Adrian came out the winner, though it took more work then he would have ever admitted to anyone else.

One calloused hand lifted to rub his face, fingers tracing one of the scars that marred his features. This would be one of the last chances he had to finally worm his way into the good graces of the king, and finally ferret out some of the royal secrets. This charade of knighthood was beginning to wear on him. Adrian straightened, letting his hand drop back to his side. It would be a long trip, but he had a feeling it would be well worth the risks. His feelings were almost always right.

Steel flashed, reflecting the light of the sun as he stepped forwards. A little internal nudge turned on his inherent charm, an ability he harnessed as well as the king did his royalty. Eyes turned towards him, and much of the whispering hushed, the solid clunk of his armor echoing with every movement. He could feel the weight of their gazes, and inside he preened at the attention; the only outward sign of his feelings being the ghost of a smile, one that disappeared as he knelt in front of the king. He lowered his head, blonde strands of hair flashing gold with the sun.

"I volunteer. It would bring me great joy, to be given the honor of bringing peace to this realms king. I offer my blade, and my life should it be needed to keep the princess safe." His voice was warm and deep, it carried throughout the area and caused another stir of whispers. No one had expected this man from another country to risk his life for the realm, and yet here he was openly pledging loyalty.



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Unbeknownst to anyone but herself, Ana's palms had become a tad damp out of both anger and nervousness upon hearing Nikolai's declaration; the mere thought of rallying a troop with the the intention of escorting her to some unknown man simply because her father wished to fortify the bond between the neighbouring kingdom had her insides coiling with heated anger. At the other end of the spectrum, the mere thought of rallying a troop with the intention of escorting her to some unknown man frightened the princess more than she would ever let on. Would he treat her respectively? Had he been given the choice or was he suffering the same fate as she?

The journey itself was something the elf was not looking forward to as well. What with being sentenced to horseback all day and improper bedding upon nightfall, it was going to be difficult to keep up royal appearances with such uncompromising conditions.

Catching a vague movement in the corner of her peripheral vision, Nalleth's gaze broke from her feet to an unfamiliar man making a formal declaration. She regarded the man through intense, unwaring eyes. Who was he? His marred countenance was the princess' current interest. The curious thought regarding just how he'd managed to accumulate so many cicatrices despite his rather young appearance. Hearing the hushed whispers, her eyes darted to a certain area of the crowd, quickly making eye contact with one of the men. In an instant, his lips were hinged shut and his head tilted downwards in a bowing manner. A silent apology for something she would never know the reason why. There were times when she forgot her own influence of power.

Regardless, appearances wasn't the King's interest. His eyes, much alike his daughter's, were unfaltering and cold. He turned his head to look at his trio of advisers, all who had looks of approval on their otherwise emotionless faces. His own judgement was proving positive, which meant but one thing. “One hundred and twenty ears have witnessed your pledge, knight,” The King began calmly. “There is but one sentence to those who choose to betray their kingdom; death.” Although the knight was most likely already aware, it had become routine for the King. However, there did lie an unspoken threat within the words. A threat that made Nalleth want to find interest in her feet once more, but she resisted. The simple thought of possibly being the cause of someone else's death was bone chilling. How could one man be so powerful as to decide the fate of another soul's life.

“Go and prepare for your journey, sir, be ready at dawn's first light.” The King dismissed the brave man just as another spoke up, and then another and another until the force had been formed, all given the same orders. The gathering was adjourned shortly afterwards.
As Adrian stood he caught the princess' eye, there was something there in his gaze. A promise, though of what it was hard to tell through the intensity of his fixation. He could see the way fear and anger brought heat to her cheeks, giving them the natural glow that others saw as humble beauty. She was fascinating, the fire he could see inside of her smothered by her sense of propriety. He couldn't wait to get started.

He walked by slowly, peoples attention now on the other knight's volunteering for the long journey. It was strange, how he could go from being the focus of so much attention to shrugging it off- as though the eyes of others were simply water that sluiced off of his body. So no one saw him speak to the princess, his voice low so only she could hear him.

"Don't fret, princess" A friendly smile caressed his lips, his eyes crinkling at the corners. He would take care of her, that was what he was trying to portray with his gaze. He quickly moved on, lest anyone become suspicious. Tomorrow, once they were on the road, he would have more time to work on her. Throughout the remainder of the small ceremony, Adrian's eyes stayed on the princess. A promise indeed...


Come morning, Adrian was already prepared for the journey. Two horses were picketed nearby his position at the gate, grazing at the grass shortened by the trampling of many hooves. Unlike the other knights there, he wore a simple leather jerkin and trousers. He would not bake under the sun in full plate armor, when bandits would only take advantage of his exhaustion to do more damage then if he had that extra protective layer. He almost snickered at the looks the others knights were giving him, he could feel their accusations against his back. 'how dare you show such a countenance to the royal family!' they seemed to say, though none of them would say a word.

Adrian certainly didn't envy them. They could be proper all they liked, he could already see the sweat beading at the temples of one of the other knights (He could hardly be bothered to remember all of their names) and they hadn't even started riding yet. Adrian rested his palm against the pommel of his worn sword, taking a deep breath- the smell of a busy city meeting his nose for what would be the last time for a while. Armor shifting drew his attention, the other knights had spotted the princess riding towards them and straightened in their saddles. Adrian clucked to his horses affectionately, giving his sand colored mare one last pat on the neck before swinging himself onto the horse. He settled comfortably onto the hard leather seat, grateful to be riding once again. It had been far too long.

As the princess approached, Adrian took in the city one last time. He doubted he would be welcome here for much longer after what he planned, but he would surely miss the city. By the time the princess reached the gate, there was a lazy grin on his face; his eyes were half closed with lethargy. He hardly seemed the most alert- but there was something in the set of his shoulders and the aura of attentiveness about him. He would not easily be taken by surprise. He wondered, vaguely, if she had heard his words last night- or if she had even cared.
Don't fret, princess

Those simple three words adorned with that boyish grin had embedded themselves inside her head. He had been the first and only knight to have ever met her gaze and not submit and for some reason, it had struck her in way she had yet to even comprehend. She could recall having looked at her father, wondering if he had heard him as well, but his eyes had been preoccupied with next volunteer. No matter, the important notion was that she hadn't been able to keep that single memory out of her mind.

Even now, being aided up onto her white stallion, Azure, better known as Bandit due to his habit of snatching food from unknowing hands, they were present in her thoughts. “I wish you a merry marriage, princess,” Murmured the stable boy, bowing his head. Despite herself Nalleth couldn't help the warm smile she now sported. He was so young and yet wise beyond his years. She'd seen him tend to the horses, heard him speak to them and had a knack for archery. All in all, she knew he would grow to become a good man and if she dared to think that all adolescent boys within kingdom walls were like him, she could dare hope for a mighty and proud generation as Queen.

“Take good care of my equines, hm?” She countered softly, slender fingers tossing a small lock of his dark hair out from his left eye. To this, the boy nodded, probably a little more profusely than he should have, but it brought him a gentle laughter from yours truly. Deciding not waste another minute, she clucked quietly and soon her big boy was on the move.

When the men finally came into view, she made point to adjust her posture and loosen the reins on Azure. She spotted him first, seeing as he seemed to stick out like a sore thumb. Where was his armour? A momentary expression of confusion featured over her countenance but it fell just as quick, disregarding the odd fact. Probably a man with a death wish. “Good morning, gentlemen,” Had she not arrived a tad behind schedule, she would have refrained from speaking, but now she felt obligated to do so.

With the initial greeting out of the way, she simply wished to begin the long journey. She already missed her home and the adorable stable boy. “Shall we?” She looked over at the leather armoured man, allowing a vague questioning look on her face once again.

There was something about him.
Adrian couldn't help the spark of mischief in his eyes, nor the grin that spread even wider at the elven maidens puzzled look. She would understand eventually, Armor was nice-in a battle against other knights. Bandits were unlikely to be hampered by the restricting plates. Reigning in his mare, Adrian trotted towards the princess- his horse picking up her hooves prettily. Small pebbles scattered as she pranced. Bending low in the saddle, Adrian bowed to the princess. His leather jerkin revealing the scars that traveled around his shoulder and disappeared into the padding of the back of his vest.

"A lovely morning, princess Anatëruiel-Nalleth Felraidal." He pronounced her name impeccably, the letters dripping off his tongue fluidly.

"I figured I might as well formally introduce myself, seeing as we will be traveling together for the next fortnight or so." Straightening, he revealed a wicked smile. He held out his hand, in the way of a traditional greeting between a lord and a lady waiting for her to place her hand in his.

Perhaps it was the light, but Adrian's eyes seemed peculiarly blue in the morning sun. He was charming, for sure, in a roguish kind of way. It was easy to see why the court ladies would titter over his flirtations whenever he lavished them with his attentions. He was also handsome, the scars marring his features only adding to the rugged appeal. Even his hands were scarred- the small nicks and marks that were proof of long hours with a blade speckling his hands and arms. Despite that, he held himself with a kind of grace. It was infuriatingly contradictory, and something he knew how to wield like a weapon. Just as he was sure the princess would use her beauty.
While bowing was required, there were times Nalleth wished some wouldn't do it. Not because she didn't wish to be a princess but rather because she didn't think herself superior to these men. Magic aside, there was nothing she could do at a higher level than them. Perhaps sewing or playing the harp, but any noblewoman could easily outplay high and while her fingers were slim, they weren't as agile as some of the mothers out in the village, always sewing their childrens' clothing. Point being, it didn't seem fair that she was considered of higher authority simply because of her name and blood heritage.

In spite of this, the elf was rather impressed with the human's speech in her common tongue but her there was no physical reaction expressing this. It was a second nature to keep an overall calm and collected nature in all situations, she hardly needed to think about it. Even before she slid her hand into his, she was painfully aware of they would contrast. What with her small, delicate hands and his calloused, very masculine ones. Smiling politely, she obliged and placed her hand in his gently.

“This is very charming of you,” She said. “But you have yet to tell me your name.” Had there been a slight, nearly nonexistent, teasing undertone in her voice? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Nalleth was accustomed to this; men presenting themselves to her in such manner, but never had she been so aware of it. Although none of these thoughts mattered for in an estimated fourteen moons, she would be doing this exact procedure but with a prince. That's all she could allow herself to think. Perchance there would be a beautiful garden in which she could lose time and simply be with herself.

“M'lady.” An unfortunately familiar voice materialized next to Nalleth. Nikolai. It seemed as if being a respected man in the King's favour had given him right to interject. “I do not wish to interrupt, but we must be departing, time is of the essence.”

Nikolai's plain brown eyes hardened upon landing on Adrian's. Ever since that one spar, the first one he'd ever lost, Nikolai had held a grudge against the man. An unspoken rivalry (possibly one-sided) had sparked that day and the man wasn't going to live it down. One day, he would get his well-deserved victory. Until then, he wouldn't sit quietly.
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Adrian's eyes flickered over to Nikolai, vibrant blue catching the knights brown. He could see the man's irritation at his bold introduction to Ana. Nikolai would get over his loss eventually. Or maybe not, Adrian reconsidered seeing the heat in his eyes. Far from letting it cow him, Adrian bent low in his saddle once more. His eyes drooped half closed, and his fingers tightened the barest bit on the princess' hand. Her skin was warm, and lily-soft against his own rough digits. He pressed his lips against the back of Nalleth's hand, warm breath brushing against her skin.

"Sir Adrian of Lightsburrow, If it pleases her highness." he smirked against her hand, letting go as he straightened in his saddle once more. His eyes shone with mirth, irises holding Nalleth's gaze. He reluctantly pulled his eyes from Nalleth at Nikolai's intake of breath, adopting a grim countenance a bit too quickly to be completely sincere.

"I apologize for holding us up, Sir Nikolai. Let us be off."

Leather snapped against his horses neck with a flick of his wrist. In near instant response his mare jumped forwards, hoofs bouncing on the street like a colt out for his first run. It seemed Adrian's horse had as much of a sense of humor as he did. As he trotted away, ignoring the group of knights scathing looks, he imagined the look on Nikolai's face. Oh, this will be more fun then I had thought. A smile flitted across his face, the princess had smelled of flowers and earth. He knew exactly what his next move would be, but in the meanwhile he might as well pretend to be a 'proper' knight.
“Pleased to meet you, Sir Adrian of Lightsburrow.” Ana watched as Adrian kissed the back of her hand, still rather impressed by the simple fact that he had been able to pronounce her entire name. A foolish thing to be affected about but it wasn't just anyone who could do such thing. Nevertheless, upon Nikolai's appearance and gentle push, the fleeting thought was soon forgotten. They all had a long journey ahead of them an he was right to head on sooner rather than later. Nalleth was positive there was a set date in which she should arrive within the ally's lands.

As Adrian took off, thus officially commencing their expedition, the rest soon followed suit, Nikolai and another knight in the rear. In front was none other than the princess and in front the rest of the guard, including Adrian for the time being. Once more, thoughts of her unknown fiance plagued her mind. What would he look like? Light hair? Dark hair? In her mind, she portrayed him as a devilishly handsome man; tall and lean paired with smouldering dark eyes; though such delineation was more than likely a direct reflection of her feelings regarding this entire procedure.

Behind her, she could heard both knights quietly discussing a vague topic she couldn't piece together. Battle. Phillip's death. Sick horse. Drinking games. Hot armour. Not to mention the spontaneous chuckles rising out of them at various times. Due to this, Ana felt a little more at ease; it reassured her that her presence wasn't as pressuring out of the castle as it was within the four walls. Perhaps the road ahead wasn't going to be as horrible as she had imagined it to be.
Adrian reveled in the sun. As much as he had enjoyed the twisted games of court intrigue, Shadows and secrets, he knew this was where he belonged. The road. Wind blowing the hair off of the back of his heated neck, his horse moving steadily below him, and the scent of adventure in the air. Not that adventure really has a scent, mind you. It’s more like a feeling, a quickening of heart beats and a pulse of adrenaline.

He simply could not sit still. He wandered to and fro on his horse, the mare picking up on his nervous energies and giving the occasional whicker. His restlessness could be seen as fear by some, or perhaps just simple nerves. It was a huge responsibility to escort a princess after all. However his eyes were bright with excitement as he glanced around. He joked with the knights around him (one of the fellows had quite the sense of humor), though he generally avoided the back of the procession where Sir Nikolai and his comrade were. As a whole, the group had a good feeling about it, laughing joking- except Ana. Ana seemed perturbed, her thoughts somewhere in the distance and certainly not on the road in front of her.

An image of Ana flashed through his mind, her staring at her feet; too nervous to lift her head and meet the eyes of the knights come out to vow their protection. She had been scared, her small form lonely next to that of her father the king. Perhaps the princess isn't feeling quite as amicable about these arrangements as she would like us to believe. Adrian slowed, letting himself fall back from the front group until he was riding side by side with Princess Nalleth.

“You seem glum, princess. I thought I told you not to fret.” His voiced was laced by amusement, a smile in his eyes as he looked over at her. He waited until he had caught her attention before he grinned, one hand reaching into his saddle bags to pull out an apple and hold it up in an offer.
Come to think of it, this was Ana's second time out of castle walls since she had been born. Her first time was merely assorted memories of her child years wandering off with her father on his horse; though she could not even recall why they had voyaged off in the first place. All to say that this right here was entirely new to her; yet another factor to her current uneasiness. Having heard some of the knights speak about the horrors outside of the walls, well, part of her expected an ambush within the next minute or so.

Guiding her out of her thoughts was an already familiar voice; Adrian. Blinking, she turned her head in his direction, blue orbs meeting blue as he spoke. Again with those words. For a brief moment, her gaze flickered down to his horse's mane in thought before looking back up at him. Her lips parted slightly, ready to assure him that she was merely a little fatigued from the early awakening, but the words died on her tongue as he offered her the apple.

Gently, she picked the fruit from his hand. She smiled a little, grateful. “Thank you, Sir Adrian,” She murmured softly. In an attempt to divert attention away from herself and her obvious inner discontentment, she smiled and gestured to the two nights in front of them. “Did you know them before this?” Seeing as they had seemed to get along quite well, she wondered if they'd ever fought side by side. She wondered what kind of adventures the lot of them had journeyed, however, she preferred not to think of the violence and horror they had experienced in order to find the road leading to victory.

Ana brought the scrumptious looking apple to her lips and took a small bite just as Bandit snorted, as if he knew the princess was currently feasting on a good not within his grasp.
Adrian covered a smile with one hand, eyes caught by the princess' horse. He dug in his saddlebags for another apple- he knew there were orchards not too far outside the cities limits where he could...procure more. Offering the treat to Ana's horse with a flat palm, he thought on how to respond to her question. Were he and the other knights close? They might say as much. Not that anyone truly knew him here however.

"To be honest, I haven't done much with the other knights outside of the training fields." Adrian stroked the horses nose once before returning his hand to the reigns. It was always a good idea to get on a horses good side.

"They must be jealous of my ravishing good looks." One blue iris disappeared behind his eyelid in a small wink. The other danced with laughter. He wanted to make the princess laugh, so far he had only seen her looking sad or stately distanced. She had to have a laugh in her somewhere.

It was something he had learned from the past. Laughter was the key to a girls heart. Chivalry was all well and nice, and of course rugged charm always helped. Laughter, though, laughter made things more exciting. Everything could be turned into an adventure if you just looked at it the right way.
A small, genuine, smile painted itself across Ana's lips at the sight of Adrian offering Bandit an apple of his own. Her curve grew slightly wider as the stallion accepted the fruit greedily, snatching it from the palm of his hand rather gracefully. She glanced sideways at the knight riding along side of her, admittedly becoming a little more curious about this character.

Princess Nalleth nodded slowly as she was given an answer, subconsciously staring at the backs of both men riding up front. “I see,” She murmured under her breath, not exactly concerned as to whether or not Adrian had heard her. Having not expected his remark, Ana shot him a look, wondering if he was being speaking soberly. However, catching his wink and and the glint in his eyes, a soft bubble of laughter escaped her. She turned her head to theside, her cheeks pink with embarrassment for not having been able to catch on to his jest sooner.

As a royal, especially being her father's daughter, Nalleth hadn't been exposed to much humour, always counting on the small bits she caught riding in the village. Otherwise, laughter was scarce in the castle. “Is that so?” She turned her gaze back to him, able to easily push her negative thoughts to the back of her head.

“I'm afraid I can not see their reason for being jealous,” She teased in good heart, her smile transforming into an amused grin. In the mean time, she brought the apple to her lips once more, wishing there was something she could offer him in return.
Adrian held his hand to his chest dramatically, feigning injury. Still, he couldn't wipe the growing grin off of his face. He couldn't help but think about how beautiful she looked when she smiled. He was glad, she seemed to be cheering up.

"Ah princess, you wound me!" His false lamentations dissolved into a chuckle of his own, his grin devolving into more of a sincere smile. He was staring, unabashedly so, at the elven princess. "I hope you don't mind if I ask, what was it like growing up in the castle?" I was something that had baffled him. He had grown up on the streets, every morsel of food he had to procure for himself through stealing or other perhaps less then notable with the city watch means. It was a hard life, but he wasn't sure if he would give it up.

Living in a gilded cage, unable to do the things you truly wanted. Doesn't seem like much of a life to me. He had always been mildly contemptuous of nobility, so content to sit there in their pretty cages. Not that he would ever let that show- but he was curious. How did the princess see it? She who probably had the most restrictions upon her movements- only topped by the king and queen themselves. Did she harbor any resentment for her life?
Ana hadn't noticed that her laughter had grown a little louder until one of the knights riding front turned his head back to look at her. Her titters died down gradually as she made a mental note that she was too easily letting herself go; there was a reputation to keep, after all. Even amongst these seemingly nice men sworn to protect her with their lives.

Life in the castle? At such enquiry, she seemed to sober a little, her smile faltering ever so slightly. “Growing up in the kingdom? Hm, let's see,” She mused, staring down at Bandit's neck, buying herself a few precious seconds as she tossed a few strands of his mane over to the right side. “Well, there was never a dull moment, I can assure you that much.” A brief smile materialized on her countenance, counting this as the first lie of the adventure. “There was always somebody around with whom I could play with.” Second falsity; most of her days had been spent up in her chambers, somewhere with one of her many teachers or in the court room, obliged to stand and curtsy to every new visitor His Majesty had invited.

“Overall, I don't think I have any right to complain, I couldn't have been luckier.” Finally, she looked back up at Adrian, smiling faintly. “And yourself, if I may ask? What was life growing up for you?”
She was lying. That was a fact that was irrefutable. He had the sight, his eyes always told him when he was told falsehoods- A useful skill to have in his line of work. Not many people knew he had this ability however; for all that it was one commonly known if not commonly held. He knew nobles lied, in fact he had been expecting it. What Adrian had not been expecting was that her lie wasn't really to make herself seem better in his eyes. It wasn't to make him pity her, or have sympathy. She was lying so he wouldn't pity or feel sorry for her. Like she simply wanted him to see her as having had a normal life.


Adrian's own expression sobered, his hands tightening on his reigns and causing his horse to fidget. He patted the mares neck comfortingly, though whether he was trying to comfort himself or the horse he wasn't quite sure. He was beginning to feel something akin to respect for the princess. Ignoring the more logical part of his mind, Adrian reached across the space between them. His fingers tucked under her chin, gently making her keep her eyes on him as he spoke.

"Lying does not become a princess." The warmth in his eyes softened the admonishment, and he quickly released the Princess' chin. His own attentions wandering somewhere over the neck of his horse. He spent a few moments silent, collecting his thoughts and berating himself in his own mind. Stupid, he thought, you should have just let her have the lie.

"Was it truly so stifling in the palace for you? Did you have any respite- a sanctuary for yourself?" If he was going to call her out, he might as well try and ferret more information out of her. At least, that was what he told himself after he had asked the questions. It also gave him a good opportunity to avoid Ana's own question about his upbringing.

He couldn't exactly scold her for lying, then turn and lie himself. He would have to start getting creative.
Ana had been expecting for Adrian to simply nod and begin telling her of his own childhood life. It was safe to say that she hadn't been expecting the warm fingers tilting her chin upwards, her cerulean orbs meeting a gaze no one had given her prior to this exact instant. At his words, she was left short of breath, unable to fully comprehend what exactly he'd just told her. Until . . .

“And I suppose you know what makes a princess, Sir Adrian.” An immediate rebuttal, stated more than questioned. Ice coated her tongue and Ana reeled herself in mentally, feeling a tad threatened by how easily he'd seen past her silver tongue. No matter where she was, there would always be somebody telling her what and what not to do, she realized, clutching the reins she held with one hand a little more tightly.

“I do have a sanctuary,” She said, careful to keep a neutral tone. “The gardens.” There was a small sting in her heart at the mere mention of the place she'd spent the better part of her free hours in. She'd grown most of the plants there, having used her ability. For now, the forest would do just fine; once they camped for the night. “It is not my place to complain about my life in the palace, Sir Adrian,” She repeated. “Many would kill to be in my place right now.” Realizing she'd long since lost her appetite for the apple, she simply kept it in her hand, pondering whether to hold onto it for its seeds or offer it to one of the horses.

“Speaking ill of her own kingdom doesn't make a princess, now does it?”
Damnit, Damnit, Damnit. Adrian chanted in his head. If you keep fumbling like this boy, you won't get anywhere. Taking in a sharp breath, his mind went over a dozen possible things he could say in a second. He could apologize- but that would almost be like admitting defeat. He certainly couldn't treat her coldly, nobility never could get over themselves that way. No, he would have to find something else to do for the princess. That or swallow his own pride.

Adrian let out the breath he was holding, lifting one hand to tousle his sun blonde locks. Watching the princess from the corner of his eyes. His lips drew into a thin line at Ana's cold tone, her careful neutrality telling him more then anger would have. She was either furious with him- or she was scared. Adrian was willing to bet on the former, simply because he couldn't see the princess being scared of anything.

"I apologize, if I offended you, your highness." Adrian said carefully, thinking over each of his words as he spoke. "I only thought that perhaps, you might want a friend. If you are to be married, and you have never been outside of the castle, then this seems the only opportunity to be yourself- but I overstep myself." Adrian gave Ana a deep bow, the perfect depth for bowing to royalty. He would have to think of some way to make it up to her, show his sincerity as she thought on his proposition.

"I was presumptuous. I'll return to my post." Coming out of his bow, Adrian kicked his heels into his horses side to move the mare along. At least she had confirmed his earlier guess, that it would be wise to bring her to that one spot in the forest. Carefully of course, and hopefully he earned enough of her trust before then so she would sneak off with him. Imagine how much of a damper it would be if Nikolai- or any one of the other knights decided to tag along. Almost as an after thought, Adrian turned in his saddle. He kept his voice soft enough so she could hear, but not carry beyond her to the knights in the back of the train.

"If your kingdom loves you even half so much as you love them, they would want your happiness. Even if it is only fleeting." With that he turned, trotting up to the very front of the train. Taking the lead so he would not have to deal with any questions from the other members of their party.
Friend? He had been attempting to befriend her? Had this discussion been held anywhere else, the subject of having a possible ally was almost laughable. “Friends only exist when a war is dawning, Anatëruiel” Her father's words echoed inside of her head as she watched him speak. Note watched rather than listened because she was still attempting to comprehend the reason why he would even try to befriend her. Her face remained an icy mirror, reflecting any and all things thrown her way. Friendship was merely an easy gateway to betrayal; acquaintances, on the other side, left open ends to forming temporary alliances just as quick as as severing them when the deadline rolled in.

However, this wedlock . . . Ana was slightly concerned as to what this meant for both herself and her kingdom. Evidently, his apology was accepted but Ana couldn't find the words to assure him of this. Instead, she watched him trot off with his mare, her eyes lingering on his back. However, he soon was detouring and her gaze quickly flickered elsewhere just as he spoke. She stared at Bandit's front left hoof pacing rhythmically. That's the thing, Ana thought to herself, I don't know if my people love me. Perhaps a foolish thought, but she'd never personally felt as if she'd had the opportunity to prove herself worthy of one day becoming Queen of her home.

She watched him distance himself for real, and Ana felt an unexpected wave of guilt crash into her. If his words had been sincere, that he'd only been wanting to . . . befriend her, shouldn't she have been a little more grateful?

Unfortunately, Nalleth was not given the time to catch up to Adrian, for another horse materialized at her side, accompanied by none other than Nikolai. His brows were knit tightly together, his stare burning his rival's back before softening as they landed upon the blonde damsel. “Princess, if I may, I do not think it would be wise if you get comfortable with Sir Adrian.”

“And what might be the reasoning behind your words, Sir Nikolai?” Ana looked over at the brown-eyed man, rather unimpressed. Her stomach clenched with turmoil at once again being told what she should and shouldn't do.

“Candidly, m'lady, nobody knows much about him. He was not born within the kingdom.”

“No offence, Sir Nikolai, but it is not your place to tell me the people I choose to speak with.” Before he could utter another word, she urged Bandit forward, swiftly passing in between the two men, quickly falling into stride with the cream-coloured mare. Whether she'd done this out of defiance of Nikolai's words or if she felt the need to settle something with Adrian, here she was. She remained quiet for quite some time, simply staring ahead. “You need not feel obliged to befriend me, Sir Adrian,” She began softly, throwing a swift glance in his direction. “Your thoughtfulness is heartwarming, however, isn't needed.” She pushed a few locks of her hair out of her eye, barely nibbling on her lower lip. “Don't fret, fair knight,” She claimed, hoping to lift away a bit of her own guilt by lightening the mood.
Adrian felt like his world had just been turned upside down. He had all of these preconceived ideas about nobles, ones that he had never seen broken before. Lying was one of them, though her case was rather different, and here she was still trying to reassure him she was fine. Fine with being married off to a stranger she knew nothing about, fine with traveling with six unknown knights- who could just as easily be against her as with her. Fine with apologizing first. Kind of.

Fighting to keep the surprise off of his face, Adrian turned to face the princess. He briefly caught Nikolai's rather perturbed expression, bringing a little bit of extra sincerity to his smile. It wasn't that he didn't like the knight- he simply enjoyed seeing his nose tweaked. That the princess was the once who had tweaked it just made the situation that much more enjoyable. Careful boy, she's just a mark. Like he hadn't heard that one before. His fathers words steadied him though, reminding him why exactly he was being friendly. Even if he figured she would be the kind of person he would enjoy talking to at length- Nobility and all.

Adrian chuckled deep in his chest, his hands loosening on the reigns now that his peace of mind had returned. "I thought that was my line. Still, you need never fear princess. I have never felt obliged to befriend you." It was strange, because he really did not feel obligated to befriend the princess. He had seen some of that inner fire, and he was curious to see just how bold she was beneath that calm icy exterior.

"You asked about my childhood earlier? Well, I suppose that's part of the reason I could see your hesitation. I didn't have of childhoods myself. That doesn't mean that I hated it though- there are always good parts to every story." Adrian scratched his cheek, he could see the curiosity in the princess' eyes. Her lips remained shut though, perhaps catching onto his earlier reluctance to divulge anything about his past. With an overly dramatic sigh Adrian began.

"Well, I suppose I can share a little. It all started in this little village outside of the capitol-not in this country. It's the one over the mountain range to our east. I lived there with my father and my brothers. Last born of the three of us- Do you have any brothers? Don't. Ever. I have never been quite as tormented as I was when I lived in that tiny little village..."

As Adrian spoke, he detailed the lives of three young men and their father. While on the outside their life may have seemed harsh, they lived in poverty after all, the family was a happy one. His father had doted on all three of them, teaching them everything he knew. "He was the one who first taught me how to wield a sword you know." Also how to pick a lock, and climb a brick wall- not that Adrian included those little facts. He recalled fondly memories of his brothers, and though he complained about how they tormented him, frequently tossing him out of windows, tying him to trees, and embarrassing him in front of girls. His eyes were always warm when he spoke of them.

Him and his brothers would frequently sneak into the capitol city, they had managed to find a small hole in the retaining wall so they could stand in the streets- watching all the people with their colorful clothes, the merchants as they hawked their wares. Sometimes they even had the good fortune to spot one of the cities knights as he journeyed out of the castle. That was when he and his brothers had decided they wanted to be knights. They had even taken to following some of the knights, grabbing branches and mock sword fighting with each other as they carried along behind.

"That was how I got this scar here, oh and this one." His fingers trailed over the long scar across the bridge of his nose, and one on his arm that matched up to the trail the scar would have left had he been holding his arm in front of his face. As he spoke he only grew more animated, as though the memories were taking him back to that time. A happy time despite not always having food to eat, or wood enough to keep up a fire. Often in the winter they would end up huddling together in one big heap, sharing body heat to keep warm.

Eventually the sun began to set, the orange light setting the princess' blonde hair on fire. It brought warmth to her face, highlighting the flush in her cheeks from a long days riding- and he hoped from his conversation with her. If he were honest with himself, he had completely forgotten about the other knights, completely absorbed in the princess until they had started stirring around him and the princess talking about finding a spot to camp for the night. He pulled himself out of his memories with a rueful smile, finally taking the time to look around.

They had long passed the orchard and traveled into the forest, it was probably a good idea to halt for the night- they couldn't risk their horses turning a shoe because they couldn't see the ground in front of them. As a group they stopped, meandering off of the main road to a small clearing. A small fire pit already resided in the center- a tribute to the number of travelers who had stayed in this particular spot before. Dismounting easily, Adrian offered his hand to the princess with a warm smile. He himself was used to such long rides-and even he felt a little stiff, but the princess would probably be a little worse from so long in the saddle.

"I apologize princess, I did not mean to monopolize all of your time."
Relief flooded through Ana's small frame as Adrian seemed to forgive, although a newly found guilt settled in, lesser in strength; one she could live with. Despite herself, despite him, she couldn't bring herself to believe that he wasn't feeling obliged in the least to befriend her; it simply seemed much too far-fetched for it to be a reality. No one had dared attempt to genuinely befriend her, either too afraid of speaking the wrong thing or simply uninterested in becoming friends with a supposedly self-centred royal. Moreover, there simply had never been a child her age to play with inside the castle. Always the busy maids and servants who often paid minimal attention to her; just enough to keep her from telling the King that they'd been the one to upset the single heir to the throne.

As Adrian began, it was as if Nalleth had been taken on an adventure. She grew engrossed by the nearly palpable emotion deriving from none other than the story-teller. Each and every word had her wanting more. She found herself laughing when he spoke of being bound to trees or abashed in front of the ladies. Somehow, despite how awful his kin seemed to be toward him, Ana knew that they all adored one another. Such thought brought back childhood memories of her own, back when she'd sneak out of her bedroom and lie in the gardens, staring up at the moonlight sky. She'd gaze at the shining stars and wish upon them, hoping one day a playmate would appear out of one of the bushes and urge the – back then – young princess to play with them until morning's first light.

He spoke so fondly of his cicatrices, and it dawned on Nalleth that each and everyone of them held stories, unique memories.

She wished she had such markings. The princess's skin was remotely flawless in its complexion, excluding the nearly nonexistent blemish peppering the small bridge of her nose; freckles. Freckles that only appeared below the spotlight of the sun's powerful rays. Otherwise, they were unnoticeable to the naked eye unless one were to stand directly in front of her, a hair's breath away. Not that the imperfection mattered; it didn't contain a story of its own.

Another memory surfaced to mind as the hours rolled by. The day she stopped asking others to join her in one of her many games. She'd been amusing herself twirling around in a newer dress of hers; she remembered how the ends of the dress flew up with grace and seemed to orbit around her, as if she were to lift off the ground and float away into the land of clouds (a makeshift country one of the house servants had told her about one night as she'd been preparing for bed). She had stopped spinning around at the sound of her father's voice speaking with another man, the both of them staring down at her, the stranger's eyes dripping with an emotion Nalleth, now grown up, could only identify as scorn and hatred. He'd brought her aside and told her that a six year old girl was not a child's age anymore, that it was time to learn to become a proper lady; twirling like a madman was considered piteous and a nuisance to her father's honour. From that day forth, the princess spent hours on end inside her chamber, twirling her thumbs, unwilling to step outside in fear of shaming her parents more than she'd already had.

Point being, as the day was nearing its end, Ana grew to respect Adrian as more than just a knight sworn to protect her, but rather a person, brought up by a loving family that was surely missing him terribly right at this moment. She was positive her father was currently in the middle of a banquet, celebrating her departure, a symbol of his soon-to be more powerful army.

Jealous. The princess was terribly jealous of the life Adrian had led up until now. Evidently, she showed none of it, only keeping her wide smile and bright, slightly bleary eyes. Would it be considered rude if she were to comment on her legs aching more than they'd ever had before? She glanced around, observing the other knights, all seeming more than ready to ride the entire night if need be. Yet another new found respect for the day; she wondered how well these men were rewarded for their hard work and dedication.

“You have no reason to apologize for anything, Sir Adrian. I hope you know you have a knack for story-telling.” As noble as it might have been for her to do so, Ana was expecting Adrian to offer his hand, something she was exceedingly appreciative of. She placed her hand in his and unwilling groaned softly at the feel of her legs hurting. On top of that, Bandit decided to be startled by a spontaneous rustle of the leaves, causing Ana – not yet completely off her horse – to stumble into Adrian. Instinctively, her fingers clutched to his leather armour in an attempt to keep herself from falling.

Even so, having done it in order to prevent further injury, her cheeks grew a bright red, something of a breathless laugh escaping her as she straightened herself. “My apologies,” She whispered, watching two knights beginning to set the tents, the other starting the fire as Nikolai tied the horses to the trees. Was she going to be sharing a tent with some of these men? Ana figured it would be best to simply let things happen as they did, not wishing to imply anything on anyone. “If I may ask, Sir Adrian,” She spoke quietly, remaining close to him. “But what now? Is there anything I can do to . . . make anything easier?” If they were to be escorting her, she felt the need to at least make it known that she was willing to lend a helping hand despite her legs begging to rest, especially her knees and thighs.
When Ana had stumbled, Adrian had almost been expecting it. Almost. He was prepared for perhaps a bit of difficulty getting off her horse- but not for her horses sudden movement. As she fell against his chest, he lifted one hand unconsciously to steady her. His palm rested for the barest of seconds against her waist, but that was enough. He could feel the heat coming from her skin through her riding gown, her waist was so tiny- delicate even, and fit nicely in his hand. Her flushed cheeks and breathless laugh brought warmth to his own face, and he could only pray that the red tinted light from the sun and his own tanned skin would hide any color that might be there. It was hard to think with her this close.

Adrian cleared his throat, looking over their impromptu camp for work that needed to be done to distract himself. Already the tents were almost up, and the horses picketed near the trees where they could graze. Even the fire had been successfully started whilst he had been making eyes at the princess. There was really not much left to do beyond begin the evening meal and curry the horses. Chores he decided would help cool his thoughts.

"It looks like the camp is in good order, the large tent there in the middle of the circle is to be yours. I believe there is a river nearby as well if you wanted to freshen up, just north beyond that copse of trees." He motioned towards a cluster of trees just beyond the tents in front of them, then stepped back, bowing over her hand as an excuse to distance himself from her. Some of his earlier exuberance returned to his expression, his eyes infinitely blue against the backdrop of the rapidly darkening sky.

"I enjoyed our conversation princess- and I'm looking forward to other such shared words." There was no doubting the sincerity in his voice, even to himself. He would have to do some thinking, find some way to separate the part of his mind that wanted to respect her. Wanted to like her. He let go of her hand gently, ambling off to the horses whistling a cheery tune without looking to see if the princess had indeed started towards the tents and the enticing- even to him- prospect of washing up after a long days ride. It would have to wait though, he wanted to tend to tend to his horse- and that of the other knights seeing as he had left all the other chores to them. Even the princess' horse could use a good rub-down, and he determined to do hers next, after his own Moonlight.

After that all he had left to do was plan his next move. And find a way to keep from letting his emotions get the better of him- after all rule number three was quite clear on matters like these.
Seeing the larger tent, Ana was once again reminded that this was only temporary; the entertaining tittle-tattles, the good humour, the abundance of time spent out in the open. Once they'd arrive at the neighbouring kingdom, all of it would be gone and her days would consist of reading letters and sitting on a throne. Some grandiose destiny she was to lead as a future Queen.

Blinking out of her thoughts, his words brought a smile on her features. “As do I,” She said. “I look forward to hearing of your other tales.” Just as his words had been, hers were sincere. This sudden understanding brought a strange emotion to Ana's heart. It was warm, pleasant feeling. Her eyes lingered on Adrian's back as he walked off, a faint smile ghosting her lips. That was until a quiet laugh sounded in the distance. Out of curiosity, she turned her gaze to find Nikolai and another man whose name she was fairly certain was Gregory (she wasn't quite sure whether he was Gregory or the red-headed man).

Nonetheless, it was getting too dark too quickly for Ana to feel comfortable enough to head out to the riverside. Unknown to most (because it was most likely the single most humiliating fear a princess could possess), she was afraid of the darkness. Tomorrow morning. She promised herself, glancing around before opening the flap of her tent and stepping inside. Her eyes immediately fell on the cot that was to be her bed and the princess considered calling it a night right then and there. Her appetite wasn't calling out to her and her legs were threatening to cave in on her

Her hair. Right. She slid her fingers through a few strands of hair, frowning when she came across a small cluster. Decidedly, she turned around and stepped out of the tent, making her way over to Bandit. She caught sight of Adrian tending to his mare and she smiled, bowing her head just a little. She stroked the stallions nose affectionately for a few seconds before she moved to his side and unbuttoned the flap to one of the pockets on his saddle. She reached inside and retrieved her brush. Though looking back over at Adrian grooming his horse, she felt the need to say something. “Do you . . . are you alright taking care of the horses or would you like a hand?” Whether he declined or accepted her offer, Ana was willing to do either or.
Only half of Adrians face was visible over the horses back, still the creases forming at the corners of his eyes betrayed his smile. It was sweet of her to offer, but Adrian treasured his time with the horses. It was one of the chores he had always enjoyed, the solitude gave him time to think and fall back into himself. It was difficult keeping himself shielded like this- but horses didn't care whether you were rich or poor. Thieves and knights were just words to horses, as long as you treat them right they would follow you to the ends of the world.

"You should get some rest, Princess. Don't fret," His words danced with laughter as he spoke "I enjoy taking care of the horses. We have another long ride tomorrow, and plenty of things to see yet." Adrian ran the brush over Bandits hide a few last times, smoothing out a few rough spots he must have missed in his initial grooming. He laughed as bandit turned to lip at his sleeve, as if sensing that he had a treat hidden in his pockets.

Chuckling, Adrian gave up the sugar cube he had smuggled out of the castle and stroked the horses neck gently.

He watched the princess' gentle hand with her horse, and it was something that warmed his heart. Too often the creatures were treated as simple tools, even to knights and common folk. That she cared for her mount was something in and of itself, that it mattered to him was something else entirely. A thought occurred to him, something he could show the princess that night. It would take a little finesse, after all he couldn't leave on his watch and he would have to sneak the Princess past the other knights. Would the princess even come with him? He would have to take the first watch in that case. It would be worth it though, to see her face. He would have to work on his approach.
Whether he'd chosen to decline because she was the princess or if he was genuinely wanting to be left alone with the equines, Ana respected his choice. Her fingers curled a little more tightly around her brush, her other hand resting on her stallion's warm neck. “I suppose we do,” She agreed, taking a small step back. “I suppose there is nothing left for me to say other than to wish you a goodnight, Sir Adrian. Sweet dreams.” With that, she turned her back and sauntered quietly back into her tent. In there, she allowed herself a deep breath. Her posture seemed to slump ever so slightly as she moseyed her way to her cot.

Carefully sitting down, Ana began brushing her locks. One hundred strokes on the right side, one hundred on the left. Once that was taken cared of, she pulled the aureate strands back into an elegant braid as to prevent knotting during her slumber. Slowly, she set her brush down and laid upon the cot, finding it strangely comforting. Of course, it was nothing in comparison to her actual bed back in the kingdom, but Nalleth was not going to take this comfort for granted; to think that someone, somewhere was laying in a bed of leaves pulled at a few of the strings bound to her heart.

However, despite how much she wished to reflect on the setting day, Ana's lids grew heavy and once she shifted onto her side, all thoughts had floated away, leaving her with nothing but a blackened quiescence.

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