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  1. Damian Prince

    Love, Life, &... Promotions?

    Theo walked authoritatively through the cubical area, which was filled with bright-eyed new interns who'd clearly primped and prepped for their work hours in advance. Of course, there were the associates, who were a bit more experienced, and if their demeanor was anything to go by, they'd...
  2. Damian Prince

    My apology for my lack of activity today, but I was inundated with an unexpected amount of work...

    My apology for my lack of activity today, but I was inundated with an unexpected amount of work. I will return to regular posting tomorrow.
  3. Damian Prince

    Love, Life, &... Promotions?

    Theodore woke up with a start, a flash of lighting having woken him up. His partner, at least for the night, remained asleep, her endless legs dutifully wrapped around Theo. Ordinarily, he would have resumed his slumber, but his clock read 8:30 AM, which mean he would most definitely be skipping...
  4. Damian Prince

    Love, Life, &... Promotions?

    We can use this for any purpose we see fit. Since we've got a PM conversation for any plot ideas, perhaps this would serve us best as a summary of what happens in the RP, a chronicle of sorts.
  5. Damian Prince

    Love, Life, &... Promotions?

    Name: Theodore Driscol Pierson Age: 24 Sexuality: Straight ~XXX~ Name: Mira La'Mar Age: 27 Sexuality: Bisexual
  6. Damian Prince

    Love, Life, &... Promotions?

    The path to success in life is a capricious one. Some struggle to attain their goals, while others coast by without a care in the world. Incidentally, love is not much different. Some try so hard to hold on to what will never be, and others... well, they enjoy what will never be. So, what...
  7. Damian Prince

    Wanted: RP Partners

    Oh, I didn't think you'd meant it in that sense. My family, on my mother's side, originates in Scotland and England. However, I digress. The notion is intriguing. Care to continue the conversation in a... conversation?
  8. Damian Prince

    Wanted: RP Partners

    Could you define a "Highlander Lass"? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the term.
  9. Damian Prince

    Wanted: RP Partners

    Both excellent choices. I shall PM you for further conversation.It seems that my woefully new account does not have the privileges required to initiate a conversation. Would you mind doing it for me?
  10. Damian Prince

    Wanted: RP Partners

    At this time, I have filled my quota for 1x1. Thank you to all who viewed this thread. Hello! I've been craving some relationship-based RPs, and it struck me that a 1x1 RP would be a perfect mode for me to satisfy that need. So, here are just a few requirements. Romance is a must. I've listed...
  11. Damian Prince

    Of Wayward Princes and Mysterious Witches

    Sweat dripped from his brow, momentarily obscuring his vision. Alas, his helmet, whilst providing ample protection for his head, did not allow Prince Ezekiel Aster Mikkelson to do anything about it. Of course, had the helmet not been there, his opponent would almost certainly have prevented him...
  12. Damian Prince

    Of Wayward Princes and Mysterious Witches

    We can use this for any purpose we see fit. Since we've got a PM conversation for any plot ideas, perhaps this would serve us best as a summary of what happens in the RP, a chronicle of sorts.
  13. Damian Prince

    Of Wayward Princes and Mysterious Witches

    Name: Prince Ezekiel Aster Mikkelson Age: 18, going on 19 Appearance: Brief History: He was born as the second child, the first male heir, to the King and Queen. His mother and older sister disappeared while he was an infant, and many years of not talking of them at all has left him...
  14. Damian Prince

    Of Wayward Princes and Mysterious Witches

    The Kingdom of Aelhaven has prospered for centuries, upholding the code of honor and justice revered by brave warrios that built it. It exists as a shining beacon for the oppressed who seeks refuge, the wanderer who seeks a home, and the courageous who seeks employment. The King's wise and...
  15. Damian Prince

    A lot of Pairings Inside ( Always Looking! )

    I am interesting in Boss x Employee, Vampire x Human, and Demon Butler x Maid. If one of them strikes your fancy, please PM me.
  16. Damian Prince

    The secrets of the city

    Yes, I would.
  17. Damian Prince

    Looking for a 1x1 for MxF

    I must say that I am impressed with this thread. Many people recruiting for a 1x1 don't have any ideas on what they prefer, or if they do, they don't explicitly state them. Fo that reason, I think you would make a fine RP partner. I quite like the idea of Plot #3, the Prince x Witch variation...
  18. Damian Prince

    1x1 Interest?

    Sounds interesting. Would you be up for making this a small group RP? Or, perhaps, doing a different 1x1 version of this?
  19. Damian Prince

    The secrets of the city

    So sorry if I understood wrong, but is this full?