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1x1 Interest?


Beautiful and Sick
I am still new here, so please be patient with me while I get used to this. I do appreciate it!

But, while I am here, I did have an idea I would like to toss out, and see if someone might be interested in playing along. I was writing a book, and since I have long since given up the idea, thought it might be a fun idea to toy with as an RP. And with this, All RpN rules would apply. I can go into more depth if needed or if you have questions. Thank you!

Sara Rose Lockwood (who I would play) is in her senior year of high school. She's fond of photography and has taken many courses over the years to pursue her career as a professional. But, she also has a terribly dark secret she must keep hidden from the world or it could spell disaster for her and anyone involved.

Basically, her life has been revolving around Vampires. Yes, you can be changed by being turned by force or, in her case, you can perform a ritual that can be done by a family member only and have the Immortal blood awakened and be turned that way. So, I'm looking for a male who might be a romantic interest to Sara while in school, and possibly wouldn't mind playing a few small minor parts as a friend or something. It's weird, and maybe not everyone's style, but thought I would throw it out there to see.

BUT! Please do not let this turn you away from possibly role playing with me. If you have different ideas, I would be happy to hear them. Message me and let me know. Looking forward to hearing from someone. =^.^=
One question, is the dude a vampire too?

Either way I am interested in trying it out.

And if it doesn't turn out the way you planned there are always other ideas like you said ^^
I figured he could be either or, doesn't matter too much to me really. But, I forgot to mention, that because of Sara's parents dying before the ritual could take place, she is just a human even though she knows everything about Vampires. Hence why she has to keep it secret because if lets say, the Elders or whatever we shall call them found it, they could kill her, or something. I don't know. Haha. But if you're interested in trying this, that'd be cool!
I'm interested. I wouldn't mind playing a vampire or human. Actually, it might be fun for him to get attacked and turned, then he'll have a secret of his own.
Amatsu said:
I figured he could be either or, doesn't matter too much to me really. But, I forgot to mention, that because of Sara's parents dying before the ritual could take place, she is just a human even though she knows everything about Vampires. Hence why she has to keep it secret because if lets say, the Elders or whatever we shall call them found it, they could kill her, or something. I don't know. Haha. But if you're interested in trying this, that'd be cool!
What would the character app look like?
Yay! I'm actually rather excited there is interest in this :P

And uhmmmm, is there a place I make one, or just make a list? Hehe :unsure:
Ah! Haha. I soooo knew that.... >.> Well, then. Here we are! I'll fill one out for Sara then

Name- Sara Rose Lockwood


Height/Weight- 5'3"/170lbs

Appearance (Image optional)- Pale skin, black hair with a streak of bright blue on the left side, and dark blue eyes. She has a lip ring on the left side of her bottom lip, right eyebrow pierced, both ears pierced and gauged, and an industrial bar in her right ear. No tattoos to speak of right now

Personality(Negative and positive)- Shy, keeps to herself a lot. Not very many friends. Pours her heart into everything she does so she's a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to things she loves. Always bashing on herself and feels she is never good enough. But, she is a loyal friend to the few she has, a wonderful listener but not great on advice giving, and usually a very kind person once you get to know her.

Backstory- Sara grew up with Vampire parents, Hanna and Warren. When she was young, she accepted the path of Immortality, and her parents taught her all the history of Vampires, Werewolves, and all of those so called myths people write off as fantasy. But, too soon, her parents were killed by the Elder Council and Sara learned to raise herself alone. Using the trust fund they had left her, she enrolled in a very prestigious high school to pursue her photography career. But her secret knowledge of Vampires has been the biggest reason she keeps to herself, and hopes one day she can find someone to perform the sacred ritual and make her one of them.

(Sorry I don't have a picture of her, I am currently drawing it :P ) But, something like this would work, just a brief background and generalized description or picture on how they look, etc. ^.^
Sounds interesting. Would you be up for making this a small group RP? Or, perhaps, doing a different 1x1 version of this?

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