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  1. MiiChi

    Fantasy The War of Races

    Miho nodded before shapeshifting into her wolf form. Quickly, she headed back to the battlefield in full speed, hoping and praying for every soilders good. Once she had reached the battlefield, she launched at a small group of humans that was trying to sneak into the forest. The first man died...
  2. MiiChi

    Fantasy The War of Races

    Miho carried with her two wounded soilders, taking them over to the tent that Cleopatra was in charge of. "Here are two more. I've gone through the most seriouse wounds they got, but they are still unconscious. I don't think they'll be able to return into the battle." Miho sighed and carefully...
  3. MiiChi

    Fantasy The War of Races

    "Hm, I don't know Vanessa. We should be glad as long as the battle ends up in our favor." Miho answered before grabbing a man by his head and smashed it into someone else. She jumped high up in the air trying to spot if there was any wounded soliders that needed help. She noticed a soldier...
  4. MiiChi

    Fantasy The War of Races

    Miho sprinted into battle. She quickly shifted into her moneky form when she noticed a human pointing a gun towards her. As a monkey she became faster, launching herself at the man, grabbed a hangun in his pocket and pointed it as his head and pulled the trigger. More men approached her, so...
  5. MiiChi

    Fantasy The War of Races

    Miho took a deep breath to keep her cool. She had to focus and stay calm no matter what. If not, the battle could have a drastic change, maybe in a bad way. Miho kept a good grip on her katana, remembering her brothers last words before he died, and the following of that day. Everything was...
  6. MiiChi

    Zombie Apocalypse [Inactive]

    Tasha noticed that Jackson were struggling. She pushed an zombie over before she grabbed her baseball bat and leaped into the zombies attacking Jackson, smashing some of thems heads.
  7. MiiChi

    The War of Races

    Name: Miho Ishii (Mii) Age: 22 Gender: Female Rank: Healer/Warrior. She started out as a healer, but quickly found out that is was able to both fight and help others at the battlefield. Forms:
  8. MiiChi

    Zombie Apocalypse [Inactive]

    Tasha was already in a fighting stance when Jackson had jumped up. She took a deep breath and sprinted over to another zombie that seemed to be stuck in a bush. It was a easy kill by stabbing the zombie in the head.
  9. MiiChi

    Zombie Apocalypse [Inactive]

    Tasha nodded. "Always." she whispered and got ready to launch at them.
  10. MiiChi

    Zombie Apocalypse [Inactive]

    Tasha looked at the knfie for a split second before she took it. "Okay." She said and got a good grip on it. "Thanks." she smiled slightly.
  11. MiiChi

    Zombie Apocalypse [Inactive]

    "About 11 or 12.." Tasha whispered and peeked again. "Pretty much that number." she whispered again.
  12. MiiChi

    Zombie Apocalypse [Inactive]

    Tasha nodded understanding and peeked to the side, seeing some zombies. She pulled her head back, counting on her fingers how many zombies she saw.
  13. MiiChi

    Zombie Apocalypse [Inactive]

    Tasha quickly crouched down as if reflexes. She glanced over at Jackson, trying to read his expression while at the same time listening to the growling sound. She lifted her eyebrows and shoulders, making an experssion that said, what? to attract less attention.
  14. MiiChi

    Zombie Apocalypse [Inactive]

    Tasha nodded while holding her knfie tightly in her hand. "Always."
  15. MiiChi

    Zombie Apocalypse [Inactive]

    Tasha looked around and heard something growle. "I think there is some zombies nearby."
  16. MiiChi

    Zombie Apocalypse [Inactive]

    Tasha nodded understanding. "Let's go then." she said with a smile and walked back.
  17. MiiChi

    Zombie Apocalypse [Inactive]

    "It seems like it." Tasha said and looked around. "So, shall we go back the other way to figure out whats going on?"
  18. MiiChi

    Zombie Apocalypse [Inactive]

    "I found another blood trail, but that isn't leading to anything either." Tasha said, standing by the blood trail she had found.
  19. MiiChi

    Zombie Apocalypse [Inactive]

    Tasha found some more blood in the grass, but the trail was short, and gave her no more hint of where it came from.
  20. MiiChi

    Zombie Apocalypse [Inactive]

    Tasha couldn't see anything suspicious except a rabbit, but the rabbit wasn't bleeding.