Zombie Apocalypse [Inactive]

Tasha stopped walking just for a moment to let Jackson catched up to her. When he had catched up to her she began walking again in the direction of North.
While walking, Tasha kept tracking, looking for any type of signs that might help them on their way. She noticed some blood on the ground and immediately went over to it, brushing her fingertips lightly over the blood. "It's fresh... something or someone must have been here. Someone thats alive."
Jackson looked at her, and walked over leaning down and poking it lightly and looking at it, "Its high in iron, I can smell it, its probably an animal, but we can't be too sure," he stood up, and pulled out his other knife, "I think we should go follow the path, the blood is only a few minutes old, if that,"
Tasha nodded. "Good idea. Never know if the blood leads us to something good or bad, but it's worth a shot."
Jackson nodded as well, "Even if its bad we know how to fight, so we can probably get out before something bad happens," he said. He started to follow the blood trail.
Jackson nodded, "Let's search the area for someone or something injured, or something like that," he muttered, as he went a little forward looking around, "Just yell if you need backup, I'll hear you,"
Tasha nodded with a faint smile. "I will, trust me." she said before she walked over another path to search.
Jackson looked around and couldn't find anything either, "Well this is starting to actually creep me out.." he muttered to himself.
Tasha found some more blood in the grass, but the trail was short, and gave her no more hint of where it came from.
Yukio began to wander the forest a bit more closely now. He kept sniffing the air anything that smelt bad he knew he should probably avoid. Slowly going around the trees looking for possible escape routes. He pressed on even gritting his teeth from time to time. Yukio sat down leaning against a tree trying to catch him breath a bit. "Maybe I should just head out." he asked himself.
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Jackson stood up to his full height and looked into the forest for any signs of anything, "Tasha, have you found anything?" he looked for another blood trail but couldn't find any hints of such things.
"I found another blood trail, but that isn't leading to anything either." Tasha said, standing by the blood trail she had found.
Jackson walked over and squatted down so that he could examine the blood trail, he swiped his finger across it, and rubbed the blood between his fingers, "Its not as fresh as the other blood trail, but its still quite suspicious," he thought about this for a moment before standing up quickly, "We went the wrong way, we followed the trail backwards,"
"It seems like it." Tasha said and looked around. "So, shall we go back the other way to figure out whats going on?"

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