The War of Races

Human sign-up sheet:


Age: (min of 20 max of 30)



Appearance: (Picture preferred but a description is fine too)

Battle gear:

Casual Gear:

Skills: (at least 2)

Weaknesses: (at least 3)

Strengths: (at least 3)






Shapeshifter sign-up sheet:


Age: (min of 20 max of 30)



Forms: (Only 5 please no more, and pictures would be preferred)

Appearance: (Picture preferred but a description is fine too)

Battle gear:

Casual Gear:

Skills: (at least 2)

Weaknesses: (at least 3)

Strengths: (at least 3)






Please keep the Human and shapeshifter ratio even, I don't want to end up with like 10 shapeshifters and 3 humans.
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Name: William Parker

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Rank: Thief/Merchant/Informant

Forms: Black cat and an eagle

Appearance: William has crimson red hair which is short and a little messy, usually covered in dirt or dust. His left eye is crimson red and his right eye is crystal blue. Usually he wears an eye patch over his red eye as it gives him more than enough unwanted attention. William is around 1.70 meters tall and weighs around 68 kg. (I don't use pounds and feet, but there are internet stuff to make it into the system you use :3)

Battle gear:

The difference from the picture is his eye color, but otherwise he wears this and completely black clothes that is tightly around his body, with a bow on his back and a quiver around his waist.

Casual Gear: William usually wears a black shirt stained with dirt and dust, alongside with a pair of jeans with a couple of holes in it, and black worn out sneakers.

Skills: Long-distance combat, quick reaction, fast (because of his small and agile build), stealthy (expert on sneaking up on people, pick pocketing and backstabbing) Know basic fighting with the two daggers he has sheathed on his back.

Weaknesses: Plays around with anyone, even during combat, weak when it comes to close combat, small build which limits him from doing too many things that requires a lot of strength.

Strengths: Knows almost everything about everyone, easily blends in with the crowd making himself seem harmless, can easily access information from anyone he wishes information from. He's loyal to his job and will never tell any other than his buyer the information he required and will not tell to the enemy why and who, you can trust him on that.

Likes: Witty comments, dark nights, money, his bow and arrow, causing trouble, annoying people in general, backstabbing and stealing.

Dislikes: People who cannot take a joke, over confident people and people who tries to tell him what to do/commanding him.

Personality: William is a carefree childish individual which will never say one sentence without a joke being a part of it. He has no problem with playing around with his enemies, and will gladly be your best friend if you are willing to pay him. He seems like a friendly individual and will never turn to violence unless he is left with no other choice, but beware as he has more than enough tricks up his sleeves to get away. He is well aware of the war raging out, but could not care less about it as long as it gives him money. William is always happy and cheerful, but he has a serious side to him too, only if you manage to draw it out, which is extremely difficult.

History: William is a half-breed and was taken away from his family from the age of 11. He remembers only small bits from the time before he was forced to live in the forest on his own, as neither the humans nor the shapeshifters wanted anything to do with such an impure creature. Battling for survival in the forest alone, he picked up some craftsman skills, first aid and other necessary survival skills to survive on your own in the forest, after the war began to rage out he was forced to go more into the city, and made himself several bases in both the human and shapeshifter's land. Moving into the city, he learned to steal for food and money and his fighting skills helped him gravely whenever he was caught, but his left eye was injured from an incident where someone managed to catch him and questioned him with violence. William thinks nothing off this and jokes around with his past all the time, loving to lie and play around with people's head.

Other: William leaves behind a note to all the people he have stolen from, saying it is from "The Thief with a Mouth" as he was called this by one of the people who questioned him.
Name: Itzuki Hayashi

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Rank: 2nd in Command of the Shapeshifters



This is Itzuki's 8 tailed wolf form, its fairly fast, and very powerful. This is the form he uses the most, as it is both his favorite and one of his more powerful forms.


Itzuki's tiger form is rarely used, and usually means he needs to get out of a situation pretty fast.


The Griffin form is the only one that he can fly with, and is also his most powerful form, he only uses it in emergencies, and it takes a lot of energy to change into it, rendering him unconscious when he returns to human form.


Itzuki's fastest form is the squirrel, he usually only uses it for spying for information on the humans.



Battle gear: He wears his military issue black jacket, that has his rank, and his medals of honor on it, he also wears dark green cargo pants, and a white short sleeve shirt underneath his jacket. He also wears black military issue calf high water proof steel-toe combat boots that his pants tuck into. He usually leaves the jacket open so that the shirt is visible. He has a knife sheath strapped to his arm, under his jacket. And two swords sheaths attached to his waist. He duel wields with swords, and he has a matching pair of swords that were hand crafted, and a knife he got from his mother before she died.


Both his swords look like this, and they are his main weapon. They were passed down from his father, and Grandfather. Needless to say, they've seen battle before.


This is the knife that his mother gave to him the day before she died. It is one of his most prized possessions and he only uses it if it is an absolute necessity.

Casual Gear: For casual wear, he wears a worn out black t-shirt, and a pair of slightly worn out dark grey jeans. He also wears a black hoodie with white lining that is made of fake fur. He also wears black combat boots. Along with the knife in case of emergency.

Skills: His is very good at duel wielding swords along with Horseback riding. His shifting skill is top notch, and he doesn't get exhausted easily.

Weaknesses: He is very short-tempered, and gets depressed quite easily. And he doesn't exactly have the guts to kill anyone, even if it is an enemy.

Strengths: He is very good at listening and giving advice on the situation (unless of course its Relationship advice, he can't give effective advice because well...he hasn't been in any relationships) And he adapts pretty quickly to different situations.

Likes: Reading, writing, singing (though only in private), playing violin or piano, and helping others

Dislikes: Humans in general, conflict, loud places, and annoying people

Personality: Itzuki isn't the most tolerant person in the world, and he gets annoyed fairly easily. When out of battle he spaces off a lot, and doesn't really seem like the type of guy to be second in command of anything other then maybe his imagination. He's pretty bitter to talk to and doesn't really have any type of politeness in his voice, whatsoever. When in battle however, he becomes totally focused, and is ready to take action if need be, his tone always has authority when in or out of battle, and he has a sense of urgency in the way he walks and acts.

History: Itzuki has a pretty...dark history, is the way it would be considered. When the war started around 20 years ago, Itzuki's father was called to duty, along with a few other thousand shapeshifters. At the time, Itzuki was still in diapers, and couldn't really remember anything from that point. His father made it back from the war when Itzuki was around 5, then was called back once again when he was 7, except this time, he didn't come back. He was killed by the humans in an air raid, that the army hadn't be anticipating, and while trying to save one of his allies, Itzuki's father was blown to bits, along with several other men.

Itzuki, his mother, and his little brother (who at the time was only 5) got the news. His mother, automatically broke down in tears, and from then on she never recovered. Her blankness in expression, and lack of movement only proved she wasn't going to get through it anytime soon. Being the naive 7 year old Itzuki was, he was determined to help his mother and little brother survive, and he did the best he could.

When Itzuki was around 14, he was out, hunting for his family when the humans came and raided his home, killing his mother, and taking his little brother. Itzuki came back to find his house a wreck, and all his valuables taken. That day, he vowed that he would get his brother back, and he would avenge not only his mother, but his father as well.

Other: None that I can think of 
Name: Lilliana Rivers (Lilly)

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Rank: Healer



Battle gear: For her battle gear she wears a black military style jacket, that is about mid-thigh length (as shown in the picture above) a white undershirt, and dark grey cargo pants. She carries a handmade deer-skin satchel that holds all her medical equipment. She keeps a pair of knives on her at all times, along with her bow, and arrows.

Casual Gear: When not in her battle gear she wears a simple black dress, white tights, and calf high boots.

Skills: She is good at patching up major wounds, and calming injured solders down.

Weaknesses: She doesn't show it very much, but she has a hard time dealing with blood, and she can't hurt people unless threatened.

Strengths: Calming people down, Acting fine when she really isn't, and persuading people to do things.

Likes: Helping people, peace, books, and being in charge

Dislikes: Conflict, hurting people, and being ordered around.

Personality: Lilly is the type of person that even if the person is the enemy she will try to make them at least a little happier, she hates to see people upset, or injured. When she got involved in the war it was determined that she could not fight or kill others unless in self defense, but she did have an amazing ability to help people. She can be a bit annoying with her optimism and her up beat attitude, but honestly she isn't that bad.

History: Lilly came from a well to do family, and didn't really have a lot of loss in her life...well, until she was around seventeen. She was a single child, and her mother had grown very ill, not having the know how to save her, her mother died a few weeks afterward. Her father had left them before she was born, so she turned to her older brother for help, and lived with him until she and him joined the military. Him as a solder and her as a healer.

Other: None
Name: Zayd Azaleon

Nickname: When being addressed as a king, he is "Your Majesty", "Exalted One", or "Your Royal Highness". When he is being addressed as a General, he is referred to as "Great Leader", "Supreme Commander", or "My Lord". When being talked about out of his presence, most call him the "Absolute King" for his strictness and stringent obedience policy. The humans and their military call him the "Smiling Monster" due to his calm and pleasant demeanor even as he slaughters and decimates his foes.

Age: Surprisingly, Zayd became king when he was only 13 when his father died. Now, he is 18.

Gender: Male

Human or Shapeshifter: Shapeshifter

Role: King & General of the Shapeshifters


Heavy/Strength Combat


Light/Speed & Agility Combat








This form is only used if the Shapeshifter Army is losing a crucial battle. After engaging this form, the King will have to rest for several days without transforming. No human has ever seen this form, and his closest military commanders have seen it and quiver in fear if he mentions the possiblity of using it.


This form is not to be taken lightly. It's only purpose is to completely and utterly destory the entire planet, killing all humans and shapeshifters on it. The King would rather give up his life that use this, but, if the fighting reaches a point where he sees nothing but misery in both species' future, he will use this form. No one knows of this form's existence.



He's the second man from the right.

Eye Color: Intense Blue

Hair Color: Raven

Height: 6'6"

Weight: 225 lbs.

Normal clothes: Normally, Zayd wears what he is wearing in the picture, although his attire has much more fine detailing, and the color scheme is royal purple, red, and gold.

Night clothes: At night, it's no shirt and silk boxers for Zayd.

Swimming clothes: Zayd wears a simple pair of swim trunks adorned with lightning bolts.

Battle Clothes: In battle, Zayd wears his one of his battle armors or is shifted into one of his forms.

Past: Most people have no idea about Zayd's past. All that is known is that when the Royal Family was killed, he somehow survived. There were doubts to his taking the throne, but they were quickly dispelled. He turned out to be a combat prodigy and nothing more or less than the single most powerful shapeshifter ever in terms of sheer power of transformation. Since then, he has gained the respect and trust of his subjects.

Personality: It will be revealed over the course of the RP.

Friends: Zayd considers every living shapeshifter a friend.

Family: Every single member of Zayd's family was killed by a surprise ambush on the Royal Family by the humans in the beginning of the war between them.

Other: He has a terminal illness that will kill him before he is 30. He is worried that he won't be able to live life to the fullest, fall in love, or, most importantly, find an heir. No one knows about this illness, and he is secretly grooming Itzuki to become the next king. 
Name: Xavier Mitas

Nickname: He goes by "General" or "General Mitas" when commanding his forces, but he's much more casual when simply conversing with his soldiers. He is known as a very sociable, amicable person who enjoys engaging with the common soldiers, allowing them to call him by his first name. He is very close to his daughter, who addresses him as any daughter would her father.

Age: He's 50, but don't think he can't still kick yours in a fight.

Gender: Male

Human or Shapeshifter: Human

Role: General of Humans



Eye Color: His eyes are a striking blue-grey that is recognizable to all, enemies and allies alike.

Hair Color: His hair is white and long enough to touch his broad shoulders. He also has a moustache and a goatee.

Height: He is rather tall in stature, standing at an impressive 6'4.5".

Weight: A well-built man from his years of military service, he is 200 lbs.

Battle Clothes: In general, Xavier does not fight personally in battles, unlike his Shapeshifter counterpart. He prefers to coordinate his forces in private. However, if forced, he possesses a mechanized armor on the cutting edge of human science and technology that allows him to battle on par with most shapeshifters.

Past: Not much is known of his childhood. However, once he enlisted, his meteoric rise in the ranks began. His tactical genius was recognized when he became the youngest individual ever to hold the rank of Lieutenant General. The General at the time was his mentor, but he died in a small skirmish with the shapeshifters. Over the course of the next few years, he began to find more reasons to hate the shapeshifters, culminating in his wife's death. Soon, the war had begun, and he has been the humans' leader ever since. Currently, he is outraged to find that his beloved daughter has been kidnapped. He will do anything to get her back.

Personality: This will be revealed over the course of the RP.

Friends: All of his soldiers and comrades are his friends.

Family: He has a daughter, named Roza, who was kidnapped by the shapeshifters. He is very determined to get her back as she is all he has left in terms of true, blood-related family.

Other: Despite telling people his wife died from an illness, the truth is, she died due to an infection she gained from the shapeshifters. Her death, though not the instigator of the war, is his personal, primary motivation for the annihilation of the shapeshifters.
Name: Miho Ishii (Mii)

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Rank: Healer/Warrior. She started out as a healer, but quickly found out that is was able to both fight and help others at the battlefield.



Miho's monkey form. She uses this form to get around quickly and easily. Or to steal weapons from the humans during an battle.


Miho's wolf form us rarely used. She uses it when she is in trouble to get away or if the form would fit best for a fight.


Miho's kitsune form 1 and 2. Since her brothers death, she has only been able to shapeshift the smaller Kitsune. But the smaller Kitsune is also powerfull, but not even close for how strong the big Kitsune is. The smaller Kitsune is about the size of an avarge dog (not big, but powerfull)



Battle gear: Miho wears a dark red leather tunic with a lightweight copper breastplate and leather pants with boots up to the knees along with a hooded cape.


The handle of her katana


Miho's katana that she brings with her almost everywhere. She got this from her brother when she were little, and treasures it a lot.

Casual Gear: Miho wears a light pink dress with flower pattern on, the skirt almost reaches her knees. She uses a grey knitted sweater with way to long sleeves to cover the top of her dress. Usually she doesn't wears shoes, but when she does, she wears ivory sandals.

Skills: Miho is skilled at helping soldiers with their wounds quickly. She also has a great speed during battle, giving opportunity to attack.

Weaknesses: Miho is aquaphobic, she can't swim and almost drowned in a younger age. She will freez at the spot when looking at the ocean, though looking at an small lake is fine. She doesn't take being in the darkness all alone to well. She also fears herself for losing it, making her unable to show her true strength at times.

Strengths: Miho is good at helping, she does her best to find a solution for a problem. She oftent faces her fears for the outcome of the battle and she doesn't give up that easily.

Likes: Trees, nature, the peace between animals, spirits and cooking.

Dislikes: Ocean's, darkness, being all alone, guns and war.

Personality: Miho is a sweet and caring person. She does what she can to help others, though her weakness may not always be to such great help. She is honest most of the time, unless it's something important she has to put a cover on. Miho is still a helpfull young woman, and can't simply abandon someone thats in trouble.

Miho is also oftet being controlled by her emotions. There are many times she has jumped infront of someone in danger, taken the damage herself. She also can't handle the deaths of others well and will lose control, attacking the enemy with all her might and power. But this also puts her own life in danger. May even people close to her if her powers get out of control.

History: Miho has always been looked at as an out cast when she attended school. She easily got teased, beaten and trash throwed at her. But luckly she had her older brother by her side.

Her parents died in one of the first battles after the shapeshifters being fed up by the humans. She didn't know what to do. Again she depended on her older brother to stay with her.

But all those lucky days ended when Miho attended one of her first battles. She had just learned to shapeshift to her strongest form. But her mind went out of control in that form, making her unable to control herself. In a desperate try, her brother tried to calm her down. But as he were standing there, a human shot him through his heart.

Miho were able to take down the remaining humans at the battle field, but she still blames herself for being out of control, and that she were the one to cause her brothers death. Since then she hasn't been able to use her Kitsune form in a proper way, only being able to shapeshift to a smaller version and not as strong Kitsune form.

All Miho wants now is peace so no more people has to die. She has seen how terrible the battle field is, and wants an end to it. No matter what it takes.


  • She is 5 feet tall, she is very, very small and light.
  • Miho normally got a golden orange eye color. But her eyes turn light grey when being sad, light pink when being nervouse, and dark red when being angry.
  • Miho has a deep wish that the humans and shapeshifters can have peace between them, but she has never told anyone, and never will she.
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Name: Roselie Mitas "Rosie" or "Roza"

Age: 18 years old

Gender: Female

Rank: Human general’s daughter. She has freed and helped many captured shapeshifters although this isn’t known by anyone but her maid and herself. She is kidnapped and brought to the Smiling Monster himself, the Shapeshifter King


Roza’s eyes tend to look directly into the heart of whoever she is looking at. People often compliment Roza on her eyes which are like a stormy day. She has her father’s eyes. This causes many shapeshifters to immediately hate her while humans generally respect her.

Roza’s hair matches her personality and attitude: wild, untamed, and fiery. Her mother gave her the crazy red locks. The strands are to her mid back when loose and natural but go down to brush her rear when straightened (which takes a while). The locks are often pulled into a knot at the base of her neck and secured with a clip on normal days, but on special occasions it is twisted into a braided bun or other up do.

Roza is taller than most other girls her age standing at 5’11. She often cheated a little when her mom or dad measures her by standing on her toes.

Roza is not a stick by any means. She has curves and even a little extra around the thighs. She weighs about 143 pounds.

Roza, after months of begging and pleading, was allowed to get a tattoo for her 18th birthday. On the lower right side of her back she has the quote “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle – Pluto” written in cursive. She has a dark birthmark on the back of her neck.

Casual clothes: Roza is comfortable in everything. One day she could be wearing jeans and a band t-shirt and the next be wearing a cute dress. It all depends on how she feels that day or what she has closest to her when she is rushing out of the door late. She loves to dress up (like every normal girl) and look cute when she is meeting someone.

Battle Clothes: Roza doesn’t go into battle or even close to the war because of her over protective parents. Just recently she was allowed to assist in the medic tents for wounded soldiers where she would wear black cargo pants and the button up green army medic shirt. Her hair would be up in a ponytail or bun. She had a backpack with all the medical supplies she needed in it along with a change of clothes.

Skills: Roza has been taught self defense since the threat of war was discovered so she is quite good at defending herself against most threats. She is also great as a field medic. She can deal with almost any type of injury you can throw at her.

Weaknesses: Roza has many weaknesses. Here are some of the major ones. She is terrified of storms. When there is a storm she shuts herself down mentally and physically. She is also very caring which some try to take advantage of. Lastly pain, whether her own or that of another, is a huge weakness for Roza. She can't handle large amounts of pain very well and when someone else is in pain she must help that person.

Strengths: Roza is very good at hand to hand combat due to her self defense lessons. She is efficient in field medical practice and always carries around a backpack with everything she would need to treat all kinds of wounds. She is also a great swimmer and very smart. She can talk herself out of some situations by talking the person into thinking her way.

Likes: Helping people, jokes, Dr. Pepper, swimming, horseback riding, dressing up, having her hair played with, and when people look her in the eye when taking to her.

Dislikes: Disappointing her father or anyone, Coca Cola, flies, pain, remembering her mothers death, people talking down to her, being scared, not knowing what to do, and storms.

Personality: Roza is sweet and kind, always trying to help others no matter their . She is one tough cookie to crack. She has some walls built around her to keep people from using her kind nature to benefit them. Roza is wild and fiery. It takes a lot to get her angry but when someone does that person needs to be ready for the quick fire consequences. She isn’t one to follow orders very well or be told what to do. Most of all Roza is her own person and doesn’t truly care about what others think of her.

Past: Roza was raised in a loving environment, always kept as far away from the army life. While her father served in the military her mother and she would stay off base in their home. Living with her mother was fun to Roza. Their mother and daughter relationship grew more into a best friend relationship. When her father was home during his time between tours of service, Roza would spend her time with her father. They would go fishing, watch late night movie marathons, and ate lots of junk food. Roza remembers when the shapeshifters first declared war on the humans and how her father was promoted. She was proud yet scared. What if her daddy got hurt or even killed? Her father became worried also and began teaching self defense and fighting techniques to her. Those lessons were accompanied by medical lessons. She loves to learn and so she picked up the lessons quickly. She knew, because of these lessons, that her mothers death was more than a human illness but was caused by a shapeshifter.

Other: She has a Great Pyrenees named Samuel who is a giant cuddle buddy and accompanies Roza everywhere.

Samuel -

Roza with natural curly hair-

Slightly tamed hair –
Sorry about not posting to the other role play. I've been working a lot more hours than before so when I get home all I do is crash. I promise I'll keep up on this one if you accept us again.

“A true soldier doesn’t question orders”

Name: Cyrus Blade (more commonly called Viper)

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Rank: Human soldier

Appearance: Cyrus stands at around 5’9’’ with plain black hair and an average build. His eyes, however, ruin the average look as one is amber and the other blue. Aside from that there’s nothing too spectacular about him and that’s just the way he likes it; there’s no reason he’d want to stand out.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Cyrus.jpg.520451d5bde8ee3b63115a3c5e3e8467.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20860" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Cyrus.jpg.520451d5bde8ee3b63115a3c5e3e8467.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Battle gear: Standard issue army battle attire, although it’s quite likely he’ll manage to hide an extra knife or two somewhere out of sight.

Casual Gear: Average human apparel for the most part, when on base Cyrus sticks to plain clothes so as not to attract unwanted attention. When away from base Cyrus prefers either a trench coat or hoddie, always in the dark variety if not black outright, usually accompanied by black pants and a black shirt. Always black; he doesn’t care for bright, gaudy clothes.

Skills: Cyrus is exceptionally good with knives and excels at hand to hand combat. Stealth is another one of his talents he prides himself in; although since joining the army he hasn’t had much use for this skill.

Weaknesses: Perhaps Cyrus’ biggest flaw lies in his morals which he upholds above all else. Another of his weakness lies in the terrain; for the majority of his life he knew no other soil than that of Earth. He’s also a bit self-sacrificing; if he can give his own life to save someone whose life he sees as greater than his own he will without a second thought. However he hasn’t yet been put in such a situation where that would be necessary and his lack of trust in most others keeps him from getting too close to anyone.

Strengths: Cyrus is a natural at fighting and can use almost any weapon well though he prefers some over others as he’s more adept in their use. Cyrus is also smart and it’s not unlikely that he’ll find a way to observe his enemy so he can better judge their strategy and methods and thus gain the upper hand when in combat. Cyrus is somewhat withdrawn in nature and although it may seem as if it this trait would double as a weakness Cyrus has long since learned how to work this particular aspect of himself to his advantage.

Likes: Darkness mainly. Cyrus has a slight obsession with the color black; he’s never been a fan of bright colors. He also prefers order; as to be expected he’s never been a fan of crowds. Cyrus likes to get things done and done so with accuracy. Anything else you’ll just have to figure out for yourself.

Dislikes: Well bright colors for one and noisy crowds. He’s not a big fan of idle chitchat; you’ll probably be met with a sarcastic remark if you attempt as much. Cyrus hates time being squandered particularly in times of war. However he has nothing against the shapeshifters, no personal motive to drive him; he’s simply a soldier doing his duty, nothing more.

Personality: Cyrus doesn’t talk much; it’s not that he’s shy but more so that he prefers to keep to himself. His trust is not easily earned and his friendship likewise; getting close to him is all but impossible. Cyrus has always been wary of others, though he’s never told anyone why and most likely never will. However he’s smart with a quick wit and a knack for strategy be it in battle or a game of chess. As a soldier Cyrus is most certainly one of the best; he never questions orders and believes in the humans’ cause wholeheartedly. However he does have strong morals he keeps to and when it comes down to it his morals will always surface on top even over direct orders.

History: Cyrus was born on Earth, orphaned soon after, and raised by various families but never belonging to any. On the day of his eighteenth birthday Cyrus enlisted into the army and soon found a home in the ranks. He was never interested in rising up the ranks though he showed great ability and was offered higher positions on several occasions. Instead he offered the excuse that “I’m a follower, not a leader” but in truth he just preferred the general position of a soldier where he wasn’t responsible for lives other than his own and those he fought. As a soldier Cyrus faced combat on several occasions and his skill and strategy soon earned him his nickname Viper which he grew to love even over his real name. Four years after joining the army Cyrus was transferred to Eloria where he’s been ever since.

Other: Cyrus has heterochromia, a genetic disorder which means his eyes are two colors rather than just one. He shares this oddity with his twin brother who he was separated from at age 14 and never heard from since. Oh, and just to let you know fantasy is awesome.



  • Cyrus.jpg
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Name: Hyacinth South (goes by the name South)

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Rank: Mercenary for hire

Peregrine Falcon- used for speed and any surveillance that might need to be done


Fennec fox- very small, so this form is normally used for getting into and hiding in small spaces. Also has amazing hearing.


Battle gear: generally wears dark colored loose fitting clothing, something that is fairly inconspicuous and has lots of places to hide knives and any other weapons she might need. In special cases she'll wear tight ire fitting clothing with light armor, that's only if she's taking down more than one person or her job is more dangerous than usual.

Casual Gear: A light brown jacket with a red shirt and jeans and black combat boots.

Skills: Speed, stealth, extremely good at combat in close quarters, and resourcefulness in her ability to find a weapon or a way to kill someone.

Weaknesses: Not very good at working with others and so she has no one on her side, horrible with any long range weapons. Not in total control of her sifting abilities.

Strengths: quick witted, no strong ties to other people that could hold her back, well trained in close combat and stealth.

Likes: large crowds (makes it easy to blend in), her job, night time.

Dislikes: Humans and shape shifters, not being able to finish a job, not a fan of swimming.

Personality: Clever, efficient, objective when it comes to a job. Aloof and fairly secretive, she doesn't really associate herself with many people and the ones that do know her know very little. She's a pretty self centered person, she's in it for herself and will do whatever needs to be done in order to ensure her survival. Whatever part of her that existed before she turned sixteen is buried pretty deep, if it even exists anymore.

History: When South was born her mother, knowing she was a halfbreed, tried to dispose of her. However someone found her and took her in, raising her and believing she was a human, but when South started shifting at age 13 things started to change. Her "parents" started to distance themselves and tried to get rid of her first, but neither side wanted a halfbreed and if the humans found that they had raised one things could have gotten bad for them. So they started locking her in her room, as time went on things got progressively worse. At first South was just confused, she didn't understand what was going on and she thought something was wrong with her and it was something she had done. Once she realized that they were doing this because of something she couldn't control, South started to get angry. And some time after turning 16 she just snapped, and when the opportunity presented itself, she killed both of her adoptive parents and never looked back.

This is when she took on the name of South and will not answer to any other name then that. Overtime she taught herself how to fight and kill efficiently, and since she was good at it, decided to make some money with those skills. South in neutral in the war and works for both sides.

Other: South is at least slightly insane but she will deny that fact with every fiber of her being.

Also, fantasy is awesome, am I right?
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Name: Alathail

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Rank: -

Forms: -

Apperence: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.918cc4ec2909a2054c2024d9deb1d1fe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21573" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.918cc4ec2909a2054c2024d9deb1d1fe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Battle gear: The ones in the picture+bow.

Casual Gear: White t-shirt, brown leggings and a dark blue cape if it's cold.

Skills: Stealth, hunting and close combat fighting.

Weaknesses: Very proud, scared of other shifters, scared of being betraid, so have a hard trusting people.

Strengths: Quick, cold blooded killer, brave.

Likes: Safety, people she can trust, humans.

Dislikes: Shifters, open places and cowards.

Personality: Closed, but if you get her to trust you, she opens up and shows a happy, curius and adventurous girl.

History: Her parents were both succesful and well known shifters who fighted bravely towards the humans, but Alathail can't shift. When her parents found out they felt ashamed to have a dauther that was more human than shifter, so they sent her away to the forest to survive on her own when she was 16. She have hated her parents and the whole shifter-race since then and is planning to team up with the humans to get her revenge, but has been too scared to be betraid to fullfill the plan.

Other: She never says her lastname to anyone because she doesn't want to be recognised as her parents daughter.

I'm so sorry if my English aren't perfect, it isn't my first language so...



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Name: Thea Mage

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Rank: Healer


1. Shapeshifter (person, normal form)


2. Okapi (this is a real animal!)


3. Tawny Owl


4. Least Weasel


5. Tigress


Battle gear: The form's abilities (claws, fangs, etc.), longbow with poison arrows

Casual Gear: Cloak, plain green dress

Skills: Healing, bow and arrows, fast

Weaknesses: Upper body strength, swordsmanship, fighting in general

Strengths: Medicine, remedies, stealth

Likes: Healing, helping others, running

Dislikes: War with the humans

Personality: Thea is witty and is fast on her feet. She is patient and will take her time doing something, though she makes up her mind easily and quickly the majority of the time. Self-confident and focused, she is willing to face a challenge head on and do whatever it takes to get the job done. Thea doesn't like the war and would prefer peace among the humans and shapeshifters, but she also has a deep connection to nature and can get extremely mad at humans for being so careless.

History: Thea was born as a shapeshifter and found a love for helping people at a young age. When she was 13, she studied with the old healer and began her job at 14 due to the death of her mentor. With so much experience prior, she feels she couldn't leave her career now.

Other: n/a

Ice cream is yummy.
@Reyen0804: Ready to be reviewed.

Names: Cleopatra "Cleo" O'Connors and Alex O'Connors.

Ages: 30 (Cleo) and 10 (Alex)

Genders: Female (Cleo) and male (Alex).

Rank: Healer (Cleo). Healer trainee (Alex)


Lioness: a strong offensive form.

Brown bear: A stronger offensive form.

Kangaroo: A fast moving form with some offensive capabilities.

Falcon: Form good for only flying and spying.


Almost teenage lion cub

Almost teenage brown bear

Almost teenage kangaroo

Almost teenage falcon.

*Each form is used the same as his mother's

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bf8e4b3be_animemotherandson2.jpg.94b1022f06749de50d3432728f9e799c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21712" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bf8e4b3be_animemotherandson2.jpg.94b1022f06749de50d3432728f9e799c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Battle gear: Cleo has a nurses uniform with padding to give her a little protection in battle She wields two throwing axes. Alex doesn't have any battle gear other than padding and a dagger in case he ever had to use it.

Casual Gear: Mainly the clothes in the pic (but Cleo doesn't always wear an apron). They both have other sets of casual clothes.

Skills: (at least 2)


Skilled healer and skills related to motherhood.


Fetching his mother's medical gear and a quick learner.

Weaknesses: (at least 3)


She worries about what will happen when the other shapeshifters find out about Alex's origin, so she told and repeatedly tells the same lie when the question comes up, she'll put herself in danger if she had to to protect her son, and she's an above average fighter (she's a lot better as a healer.)


He's a kid unskilled in the ways of fighting and only knows defense basics, he's overeager to join the fighting, and curious.

Strengths: (at least 3)


Even though she'd risk her own safety for Alex's, she tends to fight better in those situations, she's a kind and caring woman, and she has strong maternal instincts.


He's friendly, willing to help others, and tries to obey his mother.



Her son, making him laugh, and hanging out with him. She also likes saving lives.


His mom, discovering things and exploring.



Being too late to save a dying shapeshifter and the thought of what would happen if the others found out that her son, Alex, is a halfbreed.


Being embarrassed in public because of his mom.



A kindhearted woman who is a loving mother. She'd do anything to protect him. She also cares for the other shapeshifters in the camp, but fears what would happen if they found out her son is a halfbreed, but by looking at her you wouldn't notice her almost constant state if worry because she's very cheerful and happy, especially around Alex.


Alex is your average kid. He's a bit carefree and enjoys being in nature (what remains of it anyway). He can be a bit of a trouble maker, but he isn't mean-spirited.

History: Cleopatra was born to a shapeshifter couple. 10 years ago she decided to sneak into a human city and pass herself off as a human. She came across a drunken man and...things happened. Cleo soon discovered that she was pregnant. Knowing the child would be a halfbreed she contemplated what to do about it. She decided that she'd leave the child in the woods. Her parents passed away during her pregnancy and once the child was born she decided against her original plan. She wanted to keep him and named him Alex. Luckily he looked just like her so she passed him off as a full blooded shapeshifter and climbed that a rogue shifter her in the spring before Alex was born. She promised the king that if the rogue came back she'd fight him off if she could keep and raise her child in the camp. Up to the present Cleo's maternal instincs kicked in and she's teaching Alex how to be a healer like her.

Name: Maxwell Sergeant

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Rank: Human soldier.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/survival_gun_guy_weapons_fire_27679_1920x1200.jpg.7a2d589b2abd3476ae78da1ab03de31c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21713" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/survival_gun_guy_weapons_fire_27679_1920x1200.jpg.7a2d589b2abd3476ae78da1ab03de31c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Battle gear: Wears a police uniform (minus the badges) with a light bullet-proof vest. He has a combat knife and a pistol.

Casual Gear: Sometimes it's the suit in his appearance picture, other times its a black t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers.

Skills: Trained gun man and athletic.

Weaknesses: (at least 3)

He's an alcoholic and has been known to get drunk every now and then (not as much as he used to though), he follows his morals even if a shapeshifter is involved, and he'll bend the rules to follow his morals if he has to.

Strengths: (at least 3)

He follows his morals even when people see it as a weakness, he's a trained gunman, and is good at hand to hand combat.


Using the shooting range, training, and keeping his morals.


Knowingly breaking his morals, being questioned by other officers because they think he's drunk when he isn't, and dishonorable combat.

Personality: Maxwell is too laid back to be a no-nonsense kind of guy, but serious enough not to be lazy. He doesn't want kids, shapeshifter or otherwise, to loose their mother because he remembers the pain he felt after loosing his mother when he was around 10 years old. He tries to be a peacekeeper amongst the humans, unless he happens to be drunk at the time (then the disturbance could get worse before getting better).

History: Maxwell grew up a normal child. He lost his mother when he was almost 10. When he was 20 he had been walking the town after drinking and came across Cleopatra. He was so drunk he thought she was a normal human and things went a bit too far. He doesn't know about Alex's existance, but once he was hungover he realized that she was a shapeshifter. He hasn't seen her since then.

Other: Fantasy is awesome.



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