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  1. StaleBread

    Realistic or Modern Milk and Honey (OOC)

    Ah, no, as cute as that'd be it's far more likely for Kylee to dish out nicknames than Abel XD. I'm actually thinking that whenever Kylee refers to Greg, she'll call him Spike or Spiky, because in my head-cannon(until I'm told otherwise) when the two first met she tried calling him Greg and he...
  2. StaleBread

    Realistic or Modern Milk and Honey (OOC)

    Oop, my bad, you asked that earlier didn't you? Vixe is a Portuguese exclamation, it'd be kinda equivalent if I said 'Jesus'. So what he said could be read as, "Jeez, I was getting worried. Where'd you go?" But that's what my notes tell me xD, I don't speak Portuguese, but that was my intention...
  3. StaleBread

    Realistic or Modern Milk and Honey (OOC)

    Good morning, and dm me! I wanna see!!
  4. StaleBread

    Realistic or Modern Milk and Honey (OOC)

    Okie, I took your advice and I think I fixed all your concerns! Thank you for the advice, though I did end up being lazy and went through a couple trials and errors figuring the divide thing out instead of using my eye's to read XD
  5. StaleBread

    Realistic or Modern Milk and Honey IC

    ...mischievously. "Or is it not that you're actually hungry, but instead you wanted to meet your fellow people? Dare I say Mr. Brood Boy wants to *gasp* make friends??" Going by the shuffle of clothes and the underbreath grumble of 'Brood Boy?' Kylee would say she hit the jackpot. She playfully...
  6. StaleBread

    Realistic or Modern Milk and Honey (OOC)

    Yes! Okay, so what I was thinking was that there'd be several different Catagories, and each Catagory would have 3-5 tests. Depending on the Catagory you'd only need to pass 1 or 2 of the tests to be considered done in that category. And once you've passed all the categories, you'd have a short...
  7. StaleBread

    Realistic or Modern Milk and Honey (OOC)

    Yee, that's actually something I was just working on! I was thinking that tests to get to Red rank would be more-so tests of knowledge, faith, morals, sense of will, and such. While test's to become Purple add in physical's, fighting technique, identification training(can you tell where you are...
  8. StaleBread

    Realistic or Modern Milk and Honey (OOC)

    Ooo, Ooo, can it be for the Quarterly Assessments(something I was working on refining on a docs, and haven't asked properly about yet, but I'm asking now I guess XD)? If it's okay, I was thinking the Quarterly Assessments is an event the cult would do 4 times a year at the end of each season...
  9. StaleBread

    Realistic or Modern Milk and Honey (OOC)

    D: Poor baby! Makes me wonder how he has so much confidence, maybe a coping mechanism, a front, super-strong willpower, or just a really unorthodox/twisted way of thinking? Or he's just really good at separating his life into chunks and good at keeping his distance from that particular parcel...
  10. StaleBread

    Realistic or Modern Milk and Honey (OOC)

    Like, if they got whatever they wanted? Abel- Strawberry milkshake without whip but with a cherry, salted oyseters w/ sourkraut, grilled sardines in lime, and chips with cowboy caviar. Kylee- Two double cheeseburgers, a bowl of cubed watermelon, and a tub of pistachio ice cream Abel's is...
  11. StaleBread

    Realistic or Modern Milk and Honey IC

    Kylee smiles as she hears Minerva take the stage. Even though she knows the routine by heart, she still listens intently to Minerva's instructions and follows them accordingly. Kylee is dedicated and thorough in her exercise, just as she is with all other facets of her faith, so once the...
  12. StaleBread

    Realistic or Modern Milk and Honey (OOC)

    -So, would you say 20/1000 is a good level to be able to join the cult without a blindfold? Or would they also have to have severe light perception problems? (Thanks for all the info, though I did know having no light perception was rare, I didn't know all those little details and the examples...
  13. StaleBread

    Realistic or Modern Milk and Honey (OOC)

    I think it could work if you had Leo be very wary of Greg since Greg entered the cult, even tho Gregs awesome, like Undead said, he's not a bloodhound. He won't be able to sense Leo's anxiety from the other side of a crowded room. And Greg finding out about Leo could be a plotpoint? Like, Greg...
  14. StaleBread

    Realistic or Modern Milk and Honey (OOC)

    Really? Dang, that's actually p' cool though! To be in See No Evil you'd def. wouldn't be allowed with corrected vision, so it might still work- how bad is your vision without glasses(if you don't mind me asking)? I envisioned it as basically just seeing a bunch of blotches of whatever colors...
  15. StaleBread

    Realistic or Modern Milk and Honey (OOC)

    This'll be my first time writing for a character like Kylee, so to get a bit more used to her personality and how I would go about writing it, I wrote what her and Abel's first interaction was like. It may not be cannon depending on where life takes us, but you guys are welcome to read it if you...
  16. StaleBread

    Realistic or Modern Milk & Honey CS

    -Ah welcome! I see you have either just joined or coming for your monthly assessment Lets start small, shall we? What's your name? we all have names you can just call me grand-dad.- "Of course, Granddad. My name is Kylee Thompson, here for my monthly assessment." She stated this with pride. -Ah...
  17. StaleBread

    Realistic or Modern Milk and Honey (OOC)

    Yes! Him! Google has failed where you have succeeded my friend :D XD, yeah, actually I think she is! Only by 2 years, but still! Maybe I'll have to make another character to even the ages out a bit lol
  18. StaleBread

    Realistic or Modern Milk and Honey (OOC)

    Plus Z is 15, right? XD
  19. StaleBread

    Realistic or Modern Milk and Honey (OOC)

    Yaaaay, tramua!! My favorite, you shouldn't have~ :D Btw, they are so pretty :O
  20. StaleBread

    Realistic or Modern Milk and Honey (OOC)

    Ooo, snazzy! He kinda reminds me of that guy from the whiskey commercials... if anyone still remembers those lol