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  1. BuggaBoo

    Fantasy The Last Days of the Shifters

    Hi! Is ooc on discord or RPN?
  2. BuggaBoo

    Advice/Help To GMs (or others) do you notice/care if your players are reusing their characters from other RPs in your roleplay?

    These aren't great apps lol but here are reuses of a charrie i created like 2 yrs ago? Like there's 1 more instance of her but i cant find it lol. And in another RP i'mma use her as a NPC. But like I reused them as apps, they were all accepted. And whether by my fault or not, for none of these...
  3. BuggaBoo

    Other Do you show your rp stuffs to non-rpers?

    Tysm for suggestions! But my goal in getting her to do public rps is the whole running theme of this thread: negative perception of rp online forums. Like I want her to feel it's okay to rp in public. Cuz like we both had to come out so why so hard when it's just rp? Ugh frustrating. Cuz for...
  4. BuggaBoo

    Other Do you show your rp stuffs to non-rpers?

    Yeah there's that running theme again lol. Well we all still here still sharing our stories and still climbing RP-ain't-weird awareness mountain. And even my gf feelin it even tho she hasn't posted even one time. She said she feels insecure for her post to be seen publicly which is kinda the...
  5. BuggaBoo

    Fandom Belle Reve Means "Sweet Dreams // Suicide Squad RP // plot & chat

    Not when she and her new friends are flaunting their new and improved Deus Ex Machina enhanced collars! Now with 99% more handwavey BS action! 9/10 RPers recommend rage quit! Stay tuned and Get yours soon! Lol
  6. BuggaBoo

    Fandom Belle Reve Means "Sweet Dreams // Suicide Squad RP // plot & chat

    Yeah in my head she is a monster with tentacles but is rather rationale and well spoken. I hinted she is working on a new collar with Pixie (genius Markie from old/AU SS thread lol). In my head she is wanted dead by so many orgs esp ones involving welfare of superman. Veil can manipulate up to...
  7. BuggaBoo

    Fandom Belle Reve Means "Sweet Dreams // Suicide Squad RP // plot & chat

    Well i handwaved that Nouvelle couldn't see anything wrong with Azrael using her power so like it gives Azrael a chance to go around undetected. Soooo like thinkin then that makes it a powerful illusion that hides spirits from her. And Nouvelle has enhanced senses too but thinkin once the...
  8. BuggaBoo

    Other What’s made you happy recently?

    Karaoke gunna be a weekly thing! My friend hosted karaoke over the summer in their basement and it is it! We calling it 'Dankeoke' kinda like a mix of karaoke, dank memes and thank you in German cuz its the thing our friend group says now for rando reasons lol
  9. BuggaBoo

    Fandom Belle Reve Means "Sweet Dreams // Suicide Squad RP // plot & chat

    Yeah you crack a lack those knuckles. Erybody waiting on the shorty shawty showdown! Lol
  10. BuggaBoo

    Fandom Belle Reve Means "Sweet Dreams // Suicide Squad RP // plot & chat

    Shi - yeah she would have seen Pixar but is more about that classic Disney cuz Shi had a crush in Snow White growing up not me. Nouvelle - never had a childhood lol and so she into the more weird occult and supernatural movies. That and stupid rom coms lol Meh. He got no game. You want some...
  11. BuggaBoo

    Other What’s made you happy recently?

    My gfs freckles! She got sunburnt Oops but like she has the most adorable freckles now. When she smiles she look like a little kid. D'awwwwww. Like she hates it which somehow makes it even more adorable lol
  12. BuggaBoo

    Fantasy {OoC} ꜱᴏᴍᴇ ᴋɪɴᴅᴀ' ꜱᴇզᴜɪᴛᴇʀ - Your charries' lost OoC... (Yes, we always OPEN!!)

    Lol yeah it's an annoyingly '...' thing I do lol. 'To be continued...' 'This is the end. Or is it...?' But tysm yeah she a genius but like that stereotypical absent minded professor type. I find her sooooo adorkable lol. I really wanted to fool around in that rp building things and watching...
  13. BuggaBoo

    Fantasy The Fractured Lands: OOC

    K. Sooooooo like are we still waiting for the others to catch up? Cuz I should have time this weekend to toss in a post
  14. BuggaBoo

    Fandom RANGERS: A Power Rangers RP (OOC)

    K posted up for Niki. Of course she has to try to touch the glowy ghost thingie lol
  15. BuggaBoo

    Fandom RANGERS: A Power Rangers RP (CLOSED)

    'Niki' - Nikitia St. Pierre {slide=center | Secret base and super souls...} Niki watched, silently taking in the sight of the deserted landscape. A nervous mewl she let out. She had a bad feeling about all this. That and her tummy didn't feel so good too. What the actual eff in the face...
  16. BuggaBoo

    Experiences What draws you to a group RP - and what makes you stick around?

    Hi!! 1 - Organized interest checks with a SMALL blurb to showcase the setting and the GMs writing style. Lore should be small and digestible as possible and not feel like its a vanity stroke piece i'm joining. Well laid out rules and expectation fr tho i wanna know what i'm getting into. And...
  17. BuggaBoo

    Advice/Help To GMs (or others) do you notice/care if your players are reusing their characters from other RPs in your roleplay?

    Hi!! Yeah soooooo like as a GM should I really think that any rando rper is so special that they should always submit a brand spanking new, authentic, for real never before experienced charrie each time I ask some rando rper to submit an app? lol. Yeah. I'm not that special. Ya girl is soooooo...
  18. BuggaBoo

    Fandom RANGERS: A Power Rangers RP (OOC)

    the video link in your post of the bug people isnt working but like i guessing that its footage of an alien attack?
  19. BuggaBoo

    Fandom Belle Reve Means "Sweet Dreams // Suicide Squad RP // plot & chat

    Lol Wut? What did Shi do? K well Shi won't screw that up and and participate. Hard pass lol. Cuz like Shi been beat up too many times already.
  20. BuggaBoo

    Fandom Belle Reve Means "Sweet Dreams // Suicide Squad RP // plot & chat

    Im down to know! Give Shi something to feel all smart about! Like even if you give us just hints?