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  1. Garbage.

    Active [Aslan City] I Summon Thee!

    Mad Maw The gnolls could hardly believe how chaotic things had become! It had not taken long since the teacher's departure for things to become quite estranged. Mad Maw was still perplexed by the high tech warrior that had been summoned; or rather she was baffled by the dissonance between said...
  2. Garbage.

    Active [Widersia: Gambler's Row] Heist at the Goldpot Casino

    Snare It had been quite a long time since he had been around this many bodies; A wealth of material brimming with potential. It was always so hard for him to resist, but patience offered better results. He'd be surprised if this heist went off without bloodshed; There were plenty of...
  3. Garbage.

    Active [Widersia: Gambler's Row] Heist at the Goldpot Casino

    Snare "You see right through me, though I do enjoy the dollish dressups of mortal garmentry, My soul is quite rotten isn't it? It must be through some miracle that I can stand even myself" Snare's dramatics strange as the facial expressions did not match the sarcasm he was emulating; ghoulish...
  4. Garbage.

    Active [Widersia: Gambler's Row] Heist at the Goldpot Casino

    Snare Snare had never been anywhere this glamorous in his life. He thought Rippongi was flashy, but Widersia was absolutely astounding. He agreed to join Captain Mors' crew on a whim, trusting his instincts that Zeke was the right path for him. He didn't like his chances as a monster, skulking...
  5. Garbage.

    Finished [Clockhaven] Salvage and Steam: Crafting a Legacy

    Snare Zeke's words were exactly what he wanted to hear; It seemed he had made a good choice in employment options; A true pirate? It wasn't something he felt he desired, but rather, he resonated with their ideology. True freedom, regardless of morality and perception. Snare watched him take a...
  6. Garbage.

    Active [Aslan City] I Summon Thee!

    Mad Maw The gnoll was a master of leaving expectations checked at the door; This world was not like her own, and there was no telling what it's rules consisted of. Her free spirit momentarily frozen stiff as danger and death was a reality, before the entity that had been summoned dialed down the...
  7. Garbage.

    Finished [Clockhaven] Salvage and Steam: Crafting a Legacy

    Snare There was nothing more satisfying than a hard day's work, or that was what his father would often spout. It was the first time he ever agreed with the man. The sun was still far to bright for his liking as he stepped out of the warehouse. His clothes ruined by filth, viscera, and tears...
  8. Garbage.

    Finished [Clockhaven] Salvage and Steam: Crafting a Legacy

    Snare Snare had spent many of his former years hunting the prey of man, making wire sculptures out of the very barbed wire he now brandished. He was the monster he had always believed he was, now made manifest. It was enough for inspiration to strike. The part was important to the mission, but...
  9. Garbage.

    Active [Aslan City] I Summon Thee!

    Mad Maw Mad Maw could barely contain her own excitement as Desmond revealed how wholesome he was. She had never seen something like him, but she was already enjoying his brand of autistic intellect. She knew what it was like to have speech that differs from your peers. Words will often come out...
  10. Garbage.

    Active [Aslan City] I Summon Thee!

    Mad Maw Mad Maw had been on the road for a few days now; The fair still dancing in her head like pixies and toadstools, until she snatched those imaginations out of the air and squashed them. Why did her imagination always go to The Fae? They weren't to be trusted; they were the reason she was...
  11. Garbage.

    Finished [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.

    Mad Maw Mad Maw listened to Gwen and Aiden, pouting momentarily before she beamed again; nodding toward the sample and setting more coins down. She wasn't exactly sure what the rate was, but she just put a good pile down. Regula inadvertently paying for it since this was meant to go toward her...
  12. Garbage.

    Finished [Clockhaven] Salvage and Steam: Crafting a Legacy

    Snare There was a growing hunger that welled up within his chest; A type of hunger that food nor water would nourish. A bloodlust that rippled through his body like a violent sea. It had been quite awhile since excitement struck such a deep vein. The barbed wire underneath his skin churning and...
  13. Garbage.

    Finished [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.

    Mad Maw "Your home sounds so fun Aiden, I can't believe you made it here like I did! We are going to be thicc as thieves, you and me~" Mad Maw had been listening to Aiden, and Koralia but her 'trash panda' qualities got the better of her as she couldn't help but nose through Aiden's wares...
  14. Garbage.

    Finished [Clockhaven] Salvage and Steam: Crafting a Legacy

    Snare Nigel's trophy brought curiosity and admiration for his craft to Snare's face like the cold light of day. White orbs peering with great detail at Nigel explained the unfortunate way he came upon this kill of his. The humor of it was not lost to hum, but found it more logically sound with...
  15. Garbage.

    Finished [Clockhaven] Salvage and Steam: Crafting a Legacy

    Snare Snare could hardly contain his excitement as he listened to Nigel explain his rifle; it was both familiar and completely new all at the same time. The white glint against his pale gaze fracturing like glass as he activated his ability [Barbed Physique]. The skin on his arms, up to his...
  16. Garbage.

    Finished [Clockhaven] Salvage and Steam: Crafting a Legacy

    Snare He had accepted the job without needing much of the details, but it was good to have them regardless. The techno jargon was harsh on the complexity, but it wasn't anything he could wing and nail with some persistence. A two pronged approach of salvaging and slaying sounded rather simple...
  17. Garbage.

    Finished [Clockhaven] Salvage and Steam: Crafting a Legacy

    Snare There were many participants in this game of work, and while he had been familiar with the concept. He had learned early he had a talent for slaying, and found that to be the only worthwhile profession to pursue. It was much different in the world he found himself in; There wasn't one...
  18. Garbage.

    Finished [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.

    Mad Maw Mad Maw bid farewell to the wise and willful lizard sage, Gunhilde a friend she'd hope to meet again. Her eyes sparkling for a moment before returning to Aiden and Koralia "It's a pretty wild ride I've been on in such a short amount of time, but im still kicking right? You are giant and...
  19. Garbage.

    Finished [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.

    Mad Maw Mad Maw was mid panic attack; her ears clamping down to head as nausea dropped in her stomach like a hot rock. She knew she had to get herself together, but she felt as though she were anchored to the floor. It wasn't until the 'baby lizard' plodded over to her, growing in size and...
  20. Garbage.

    Finished [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.

    Mad Maw Mad Maw found this crowd delightful already; chaos cropping up at this corner like a gnoll whorehouse. The calico furred giggle dog being nosy with both stalls as both the honey and tea smelled wonderful. She cocked her head as the resident lizard referred to her as a 'Raccoon'; She...