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  1. Broken-Angel

    Realistic or Modern Hidden Grove OOC (the smoothie shop)

    Yes. I'll make my character tonight. Been dealing with a lot of personal things. I apologise.
  2. Broken-Angel

    Realistic or Modern What's The Band Called Again? CS

    Adrian McCormick (running for drummer) Age I'm at the young age of 17. Though there might be a few who would agrue with you that I am an old soul. Be that as it may, I'm just a teenager trying to get through high school as smooth as I can. Gender Male. Sexuality I am homosexual. I...
  3. Broken-Angel

    Realistic or Modern What's the Band Called Again?

    I just figured that it would be easier that way.
  4. Broken-Angel

    Realistic or Modern What's the Band Called Again?

    Also, just an idea. Maybe we could make a discord for this too?
  5. Broken-Angel

    Realistic or Modern What's the Band Called Again?

    Sweet. I'll be home from work then.
  6. Broken-Angel

    Always lol Anyways, you two can hit me up on the PM's. I gotta get some sleep for work. I'll be...

    Always lol Anyways, you two can hit me up on the PM's. I gotta get some sleep for work. I'll be on to answer your messages while I'm at work though.
  7. Broken-Angel

    Oooh some nice juicy drama. What do you think, @Freak_Of_Nature ?

    Oooh some nice juicy drama. What do you think, @Freak_Of_Nature ?
  8. Broken-Angel

    Working my ass off. Been needing some over due Rp time.

    Working my ass off. Been needing some over due Rp time.
  9. Broken-Angel

    There's my ever trusting MxM girl!

    There's my ever trusting MxM girl!
  10. Broken-Angel

    I don't know what kind of plots to even make.

    I don't know what kind of plots to even make.
  11. Broken-Angel

    Seriously dying for a MxM group rp.

    Seriously dying for a MxM group rp.
  12. Broken-Angel

    Realistic or Modern What's the Band Called Again?

    I'll take s shot at this. Could I reserve a spot? If so, I'd like to take drummer.
  13. Broken-Angel

    Realistic or Modern Hidden Grove High (a magical slice of life) (Reboot)

    Yea sure why not. Count me in.
  14. Broken-Angel

    Yep yep

    Yep yep
  15. Broken-Angel

    You know it

    You know it
  16. Broken-Angel

    Blub blub blub

    Blub blub blub
  17. Broken-Angel

    Realistic or Modern Relic Champions

    I'll take Ignis?
  18. Broken-Angel

    Realistic or Modern Rock(mon)stars

    Pffft, well smooth.
  19. Broken-Angel

    Realistic or Modern Rock(mon)stars

    You rang?
  20. Broken-Angel

    Realistic or Modern Rock(mon)stars

    Well since drums in going to be taken, I'll take guitar. If you'll have me.