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Realistic or Modern Hidden Grove High (a magical slice of life) (Reboot)


Ray of Sunshine
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
know what your thinking! “Oh no! Another magic school roleplay!” Well I'm here to tell you that the magical school isn't as big a focus as the group of friends you'll play in this slice of life. Hidden Grove High is a high school in the town of Hidden Grove which is one of several hidden magical towns around the world. This one is in America. The town and school are pretty normal except for the magic. Besides the magic you will be playing normal, albeit magical (and not always human), teenagers who hang out together and have fun at places like the local smoothie shop. So essentially it's a sitcom with magic users. It's mostly formless but there will be the occasional arc. I'm counting on you guys to make the arcs as much as me. For example. If you decide that your character's boyfriend (girlfriend, androgynous friend) has broken up with them and your character is heartbroken then that could be an arc. The role play will start with a character introduction and a normal day. Remember: all of these characters are teenaged friends. If you want to do someone who is either not a friend of the other characters or an adult you must PM me.
Hey (again)
Is it alright if I apply for technically two characters? Since the main Char I wanna use It's soul-bound to another entity, can I make sheets for both?
know what your thinking! “Oh no! Another magic school roleplay!” Well I'm here to tell you that the magical school isn't as big a focus as the group of friends you'll play in this slice of life. Hidden Grove High is a high school in the town of Hidden Grove which is one of several hidden magical towns around the world. This one is in America. The town and school are pretty normal except for the magic. Besides the magic you will be playing normal, albeit magical (and not always human), teenagers who hang out together and have fun at places like the local smoothie shop. So essentially it's a sitcom with magic users. It's mostly formless but there will be the occasional arc. I'm counting on you guys to make the arcs as much as me. For example. If you decide that your character's boyfriend (girlfriend, androgynous friend) has broken up with them and your character is heartbroken then that could be an arc. The role play will start with a character introduction and a normal day. Remember: all of these characters are teenaged friends. If you want to do someone who is either not a friend of the other characters or an adult you must PM me.
I'm interested in this too lol.

I want to join this but I have school and an unfinished character for another RP why do all of the cool RPs come out right after I try to limit myself

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