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Realistic or Modern What's The Band Called Again? CS


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I don't have a specific character sheet to refrain from restricting creativity, but the basics should be included:
  1. Name
  2. Age
  3. Gender
  4. Sexuality
  5. Appearance (Pic or description, includes clothing)
  6. Bio/Personal History/Musical History
Those six things should be somewhere in the sheet. I also highly suggest showing off or describing whatever equipment (i.e. Guitars or Drum Sticks) your character could be rocking.
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Adrian McCormick (running for drummer)

Age I'm at the young age of 17. Though there might be a few who would agrue with you that I am an old soul. Be that as it may, I'm just a teenager trying to get through high school as smooth as I can.
I am homosexual. I hope that that doesn't bother you. But you don't have to worry about me hitting on you. My sexuality does not define me. My music abilities is what I think defines me. So i hope that we can all work together and make some music history.
[c7dd5c5a06b33d1a8987819834ad275b--men-long-hair-long-hair-males.jpg] Bio/ Personal History/ Music History

Adrian grew up in a somewhat lavish home. He wasn’t like filthy rich but his family was pretty well off. He never had to want for anything. That being said, there was one thing that he did always want. And that was the love and attention of is parents. Being an only child, Adrian was always alone. Save for at least the maid who pretty much raised him. Rosa, was the most sweetest woman that he had ever had the pleasure to have been raised by. She alone gave him all the attention and affection that he needed. Granted it still wasn’t coming from his parents. Them both being very successful lawyers, they were never home. Rosa would let her son come over and play with Adrian from time to time. So he knew somewhat what it was like to have a friend. All Adrian was ever used to was adults from all the parties that his parents held. Adrian longed to have a normal childhood. So one day he asked his parents if he could go to school like normal kids. Naturally, they looked at him like he had grew a second head. After much thought and some input from Rosa, they gave in and figured that it would be fine since someone else would be taking care of him instead of them. Not that Adrian wasn’t used to being taken care of by others.

The first month of school was the roughest for Adrian. Him not being used to having to socialized with people his age, he kind of put some people off. His speech was very proper and he didn’t know any of the current slang or what was currently popular. So he was seen as the oddball out. Though the did get along with some of the smarter students. Being as he was homeschooled, he was naturally taught by the very best. Which that in of itself made him a bit of an outcast as well. As time went on though, more and more students began to open up to him. And before long he actually had a small circle of friends. Though he dared not to invite them over to his house, he did however spend many a night over at friend’s houses. Finally he found like a normal teenager.

A year and a half later, Adrian discovered that the school had a band. Being formerly homeschooled, he was required to learn some kind of instrument. He was taught how to play the piano, despite not having that much love for it. Having discovered music videos, Adrian wanted to learn how to play the drums. So without his parents knowledge, he would often slip away from home and take lessons from a local shop owner. There he spent hours and hours trying to perfect his abilities. So with all this skill and practice under his belt he decided that he would try out for the band that he had seen flyers for. And who knows, maybe this would prove to be a good learning experience for him and a chance for him to make more friends.

name Mackenzie Joseph Gardner
nicknames Mac (much preferred)
age 17
gender Male
sexuality Straight
band position Lead bass

hair color Dark brown, nearly black
eye color Green
build Average height and weight
distinguishing features Heavily freckled face
style Mac dresses pretty minimally, though put together. It is not uncommon for him to wear a dark beanie or a neutral baseball cap. He doesn’t show a lot of expression in his clothing and wears mostly muted colors. He think it looks more mature.
X x X x X x

musical history What words and emotions couldn't express, Mac found in music. Even young Mac was always turning up the radio dial in an attempt to drown out the yelling. He also became good at keep a beat, to keep himself entertained. On a Christmas when he was ten, Mac received his first acoustic guitar. Lessons and practicing gave him something to immerse himself in, a way to escape. It became evident very quickly that Mac was talented. In less than a year of lessons, Mac outgrew his teacher. He much preferred creating his own music as opposed to confining himself to covering the works of others. In time, Mac also went on to teach himself bass, trumpet, and keyboard.

As much as he enjoys guitar, he has found himself to prefer the bass. He believes them to be an essential, if not the most important, part of every band. Mac also thinks he would be decent at drums if he tried, but he'll leave it to someone else for now(because he's never actually seriously tried to). One advantage of divorced parents he has found is that you always get what you want for Christmas. At this point, Mac has acquired quite the collection: his old acoustic, an electric guitar, several basses, a trumpet, a pair of drumsticks, a keyboard, and a myriad of pedals and amps.
reason for joining Mac has liked the idea of a band for awhile, as a way to show off his own talents. He hopes playing with others will make him an even better musician and perhaps get him noticed. He likes the idea of fame but mostly just for himself.
band equipment

history The two factors are unrelated, but Mac's parents didn't fight nearly as much before Mac was born. Mac's older sister, Samantha, has even told him about how average--and almost boring--the family was before. Mac can't recall any memories of Samantha living at home, being that she is fifteen years his senior and was moved out for college by the time he started forming them. He can, however, remember hearing his parents yelling at each other from a very young age.While it was never directed at him or even involved him, it only grew progressively worse as he got older. Whatever could go wrong between them: did, and whatever they tried to do to fix it: didn't.

As anyone with similar experiences can tell you, it is hard to escape this kind of environment without becoming jaded. Why were they trying so hard to fix it when it seemed obvious to any witness(Mac, specifically) that they didn't really care to? He often wished they'd get divorced if not just so he could finally get some peace. On several particularly overwhelming occasions, Mac even told them so. Around the time of his twelfth birthday, Mac got his wish. Predictably, it did not simplify things as much as Mac had hoped. Now, he had two houses and neither one felt like a home. Now, he was the innocent messenger between the parents who once couldn't shut up but now refused to even talk civilly.

Despite all this, Mac has been an averagely decent student throughout his entire academic career. He has maintained friendships, some healthy and some not. Upon starting high school, Mac even ventured into the dating scene. Nearly every one of these instances in the past three years are looked back on with bitterness. The fault is debatable in some circumstances, but Mac is usually insistent that the girls are to blame. In terms of his family, Mac continues to have a distance and somewhat resentful relationship with his parents. His relationship with his sister is decent but her locational distance and their age gap makes it difficult for them to be close. Nevertheless, they do talk on the phone regularly and Mac respects her advice.
personality Musical talents come fairly easily to Mac, and he has a difficult time not feeling at least a bit superior to others. He knows what he is good at and will stand by himself confidently. This is not helped by the fact that he feels similarly about his other hobbies and interests. In no way is he outright rude to people, though it does happen on occasion. He generally tries to avoid making a bad impression, especially when it comes to individuals who may be influential in some way. However, he has a notably pretentious way about him. In conversations he is set in his opinions and can appear intimidating and almost snarky. His friendliness can come off as somewhat fake. Generally though, despite appearing unapproachable, he is (at the very least) an interesting conversationalist. He is all for a good debate every now and then. Mac can also be quite funny--if you have a taste for sarcasm and darker humor.

Given his history, Mac is rather distrustful and emotionally distant. However, annoyance is an easily expressed emotion--though, little else is usually. It takes Mac a long time to warm up to new people as he is very skeptical. He likes to have a good idea of a person before he will take them or their opinions seriously. If Mac senses anything amiss or thinks someone is against him, he is quick to dip. He has somewhat of a flaky reputation as a result. He doesn't like to be wrong, so he generally isn't.

Evident in his romantic relationships, Mac has no problem playing the blame game. He holds a lot of resentment against those he feels have wronged him. He is very doubtful of anything involving romance and has a habit of going on tangents that include "marriage is a sham" and "love isn't real/is only chemicals/etc". If an individual is deemed worthy, it is possible that Mac will display a more sensitive side. His persistence is shown in his dedication to his hobbies, and his loyalties to deserving people. And if you're really really special, your ideas might even top his own.
likes obscure movies and tv shows, writing(specifically poetry and lyrics), obscure bands, being in charge, teaching himself new things, dark humor, heavy discussions, history/politics, nighttime/early morning/any time with silence and stars
dislikes being dismissed, romance, betrayal, yelling, any type of math, the idea of the average American nuclear family and living a life that only leads to that, being woken up, the idea of going to college for something practical but boring, being called Mackenzie
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